Example usage for org.apache.http.client CredentialsProvider interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.client CredentialsProvider interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.client CredentialsProvider interface-usage.


From source file com.nesscomputing.tinyhttp.HttpFetcherCredentialsProvider.java

public class HttpFetcherCredentialsProvider implements CredentialsProvider {
    private final String login;
    private final String pw;

    public HttpFetcherCredentialsProvider(final String login, final String pw) {
        this.login = login;

From source file org.odk.collect.android.utilities.AgingCredentialsProvider.java

 * Wrapper to a basic credentials provider that will clear the provider
 * after 'expiryInterval' milliseconds of inactivity.  Use the WebUtils
 * methods to manipulate the credentials in the local context.  You should
 * first check that the credentials exist (which will reset the expiration
 * date), then set them if they are missing.

From source file com.microsoft.azure.keyvault.authentication.BearerCredentialsProvider.java

 * A {@link CredentialsProvider} that provide "bearer" credentials.
 * <p>
 * The typical way of using this class is registering to an http client builder
 * by calling
 * {@link HttpClientBuilder#setDefaultCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider)}:

From source file com.nesscomputing.httpclient.factory.httpclient4.InternalCredentialsProvider.java

 * An Apache Httpclient credentials provider that uses the internal structures of the tc-httpclient to provide
 * credentials.
public class InternalCredentialsProvider implements CredentialsProvider {

From source file com.mooregreatsoftware.gitprocess.lib.CredentialHelperCredentialsProvider.java

 * Provides support for https://git-scm.com/docs/git-credential and https://git-scm.com/docs/gitcredentials
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * Currently only git-credential-osxkeychain is tested

From source file org.jasig.schedassist.impl.caldav.DefaultCredentialsProviderImpl.java

 * This {@link CredentialsProvider} implementation will return the 
 * supplied-at-construction-time {@link Credentials} if and only if
 * the request matches the configured {@link AuthScope}.
 * @author Nicholas Blair

From source file com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.filters.WsdlRequestCredentialsProvider.java

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.NTLMScheme;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.RFC2617Scheme;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest;

From source file org.eclipse.aether.transport.http.DemuxCredentialsProvider.java

 * Credentials provider that helps to isolate server from proxy credentials. Apache HttpClient uses a single provider
 * for both server and proxy auth, using the auth scope (host, port, etc.) to select the proper credentials. With regard
 * to redirects, we use an auth scope for server credentials that's not specific enough to not be mistaken for proxy
 * auth. This provider helps to maintain the proper isolation.

From source file com.machinepublishers.jbrowserdriver.ProxyAuth.java

class ProxyAuth implements CredentialsProvider {
    private static final ProxyAuth instance = new ProxyAuth();
    private static final Map<String, Credentials> proxies = new HashMap<String, Credentials>();
    private static final Object lock = new Object();

    private ProxyAuth() {

From source file org.jasig.portlet.calendar.adapter.exchange.ExchangeWsCredentialsProvider.java

public class ExchangeWsCredentialsProvider implements CredentialsProvider {

    protected static final String EXCHANGE_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTE = "exchangeCredentials";

    public void clear() {