Example usage for org.apache.http.client.methods HttpUriRequest getClass

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.client.methods HttpUriRequest getClass


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.client.methods HttpUriRequest getClass.


public final native Class<?> getClass();

Source Link


Returns the runtime class of this Object .


From source file:tech.sirwellington.alchemy.http.VerbAssertions.java

private static void assertRequestWith(HttpVerb verb, Class<? extends HttpUriRequest> type) throws Exception {
    HttpClient mockClient = mock(HttpClient.class);

    URI uri = createFakeUri();/*from   ww  w .  j  a  va2s .  co m*/

    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.Builder.newInstance().usingUrl(uri.toURL()).build();

    verb.execute(mockClient, request);

    ArgumentCaptor<HttpUriRequest> captor = forClass(HttpUriRequest.class);


    HttpUriRequest requestMade = captor.getValue();

    assertThat(requestMade, notNullValue());
    assertThat(requestMade.getURI(), is(uri));
    assertThat(requestMade.getClass(), sameInstance(type));

From source file:org.fcrepo.apix.jena.impl.LdpContainerRegistryTest.java

@Test//  w w w.  ja v  a 2 s.c o  m
public void createWithInitialContentTest() throws Exception {
    final URI containerURI = URI.create("test:Container");





    verify(client, times(1)).execute(requestCaptor.capture(), isA(ResponseHandler.class));

    final HttpUriRequest request = requestCaptor.getValue();

    assertEquals(HttpPut.class, request.getClass());
    assertEquals(containerURI, request.getURI());

    final byte[] content = IOUtils.toByteArray(((HttpPut) request).getEntity().getContent());
    assertTrue(content.length > 0);


From source file:org.myrobotlab.service.HttpClient.java

public HttpData processResponse(HttpUriRequest request, HashMap<String, String> fields) throws IOException {
    HttpData data = new HttpData(request.getURI().toString());
    if (fields == null) {

        fields = formFields;/*from w  w  w. j  a v a2 s . co m*/

    if (request.getClass().equals(HttpPost.class) && formFields.size() > 0) {
        List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(fields.size());
        for (String nvPairKey : fields.keySet()) {
            nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(nvPairKey, fields.get(nvPairKey)));
            ((HttpPost) request).setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
    HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
    StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
    data.responseCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();
    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    Header header = entity.getContentType();
    if (header != null) {
        data.contentType = header.getValue().toString();

    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    data.data = baos.toByteArray();

    // publishing
    invoke("publishHttpData", data);
    if (data.data != null) {
        invoke("publishHttpResponse", new String(data.data));

    return data;

From source file:com.socialize.test.unit.SocializeRequestFactoryTest.java

@UsesMocks({ SocializeObjectFactory.class, JSONObject.class, SocializeSession.class })
public void testPutRequestCreate() throws Exception {

    SocializeObjectFactory<SocializeObject> factory = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeObjectFactory.class);
    SocializeSession session = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeSession.class);

    SocializeObject object = new SocializeObject();
    final String jsonData = "foobar";
    final String endpoint = "foobar/";

    /**/* w  w w .j a  v a2  s . c om*/
     * The toString() method can't be mocked by EasyMock (no idea why!) so
     * we can't use a mock for the JSON object. We'll have to do it
     * manually.
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject() {
        public String toString() {
            return jsonData;


    OAuthRequestSigner signer = new OAuthRequestSigner() {

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request,
                OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            assertEquals(request.getURI().toString(), endpoint);
            return request;

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request)
                throws SocializeException {
            return sign(session, request, null);

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String accessToken,
                String accessTokenSecret, R request, OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            return null;

    SocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject> reqFactory = new DefaultSocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject>(
            signer, factory);


    HttpUriRequest req = reqFactory.getPutRequest(session, endpoint, object);

    assertTrue((Boolean) getNextResult());

    HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase post = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) req;

    HttpEntity entity = post.getEntity();


    assertTrue(entity instanceof UrlEncodedFormEntity);

    List<NameValuePair> parsed = URLEncodedUtils.parse(entity);

    assertEquals(1, parsed.size());

    NameValuePair nvp = parsed.get(0);

    assertEquals("payload", nvp.getName());
    assertEquals(jsonData, nvp.getValue());


From source file:com.socialize.test.unit.SocializeRequestFactoryTest.java

@UsesMocks({ SocializeObjectFactory.class, JSONObject.class, SocializeSession.class })
public void testPostRequestCreate() throws Exception {

    SocializeObjectFactory<SocializeObject> factory = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeObjectFactory.class);
    SocializeSession session = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeSession.class);

    SocializeObject object = new SocializeObject();
    final String jsonData = "{ 'entity': 'http://www.example.com/interesting-story/', 'text': 'this was a great story' }";
    final String endpoint = "foobar/";

    /**/*from  w w  w.j  a va 2  s  .  c  om*/
     * The toString() method can't be mocked by EasyMock (no idea why!) so
     * we can't use a mock for the JSON object. We'll have to do it
     * manually.
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject() {
        public String toString() {
            return jsonData;


    OAuthRequestSigner signer = new OAuthRequestSigner() {

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request,
                OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            assertEquals(request.getURI().toString(), endpoint);
            return request;

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request)
                throws SocializeException {
            return sign(session, request, null);

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String accessToken,
                String accessTokenSecret, R request, OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            return null;

    SocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject> reqFactory = new DefaultSocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject>(
            signer, factory);


    HttpUriRequest req = reqFactory.getPostRequest(session, endpoint, object);

    assertTrue((Boolean) getNextResult());

    HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase post = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) req;

    HttpEntity entity = post.getEntity();


    assertTrue(entity instanceof UrlEncodedFormEntity);

    List<NameValuePair> parsed = URLEncodedUtils.parse(entity);

    assertEquals(1, parsed.size());

    NameValuePair nvp = parsed.get(0);

    assertEquals("payload", nvp.getName());
    assertEquals(jsonData, nvp.getValue());


From source file:com.socialize.test.unit.SocializeRequestFactoryTest.java

@UsesMocks({ SocializeObjectFactory.class, SocializeSession.class })
public void testPutRequestCreateCollection() throws Exception {

    SocializeObjectFactory<SocializeObject> factory = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeObjectFactory.class);
    SocializeSession session = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeSession.class);

    SocializeObject object0 = new SocializeObject();
    SocializeObject object1 = new SocializeObject();
    final String jsonData = "foo";
    final String endpoint = "foobar/";

    /**// w ww  . j a v  a 2s .  c o  m
     * The toString() method can't be mocked by EasyMock (no idea why!) so
     * we can't use a mock for the JSON object. We'll have to do it
     * manually.
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray() {
        public String toString() {
            return jsonData;

    Collection<SocializeObject> objects = new ArrayList<SocializeObject>(1);


    OAuthRequestSigner signer = new OAuthRequestSigner() {

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request,
                OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            assertEquals(request.getURI().toString(), endpoint);
            return request;

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request)
                throws SocializeException {
            return sign(session, request, null);

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String accessToken,
                String accessTokenSecret, R request, OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            return null;

    SocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject> reqFactory = new DefaultSocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject>(
            signer, factory);

    HttpUriRequest req = reqFactory.getPutRequest(session, endpoint, objects);

    assertTrue((Boolean) getNextResult());

    HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase post = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) req;

    HttpEntity entity = post.getEntity();


    assertTrue(entity instanceof UrlEncodedFormEntity);

    List<NameValuePair> parsed = URLEncodedUtils.parse(entity);

    assertEquals(1, parsed.size());

    NameValuePair nvp = parsed.get(0);

    assertEquals("payload", nvp.getName());
    assertEquals(jsonData, nvp.getValue());


From source file:com.socialize.test.unit.SocializeRequestFactoryTest.java

@UsesMocks({ SocializeObjectFactory.class, SocializeSession.class })
public void testPostRequestCreateCollection() throws Exception {

    SocializeObjectFactory<SocializeObject> factory = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeObjectFactory.class);
    SocializeSession session = AndroidMock.createMock(SocializeSession.class);

    SocializeObject object0 = new SocializeObject();
    SocializeObject object1 = new SocializeObject();
    final String jsonData = "foo";
    final String endpoint = "foobar/";

    /**//from ww  w  . ja v a 2 s .co m
     * The toString() method can't be mocked by EasyMock (no idea why!) so
     * we can't use a mock for the JSON object. We'll have to do it
     * manually.
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray() {
        public String toString() {
            return jsonData;

    Collection<SocializeObject> objects = new ArrayList<SocializeObject>(1);


    OAuthRequestSigner signer = new OAuthRequestSigner() {

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request,
                OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            assertEquals(request.getURI().toString(), endpoint);
            return request;

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(SocializeSession session, R request)
                throws SocializeException {
            return sign(session, request, null);

        public <R extends HttpUriRequest> R sign(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String accessToken,
                String accessTokenSecret, R request, OAuthSignListener listener) throws SocializeException {
            return null;

    SocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject> reqFactory = new DefaultSocializeRequestFactory<SocializeObject>(
            signer, factory);

    HttpUriRequest req = reqFactory.getPostRequest(session, endpoint, objects);

    assertTrue((Boolean) getNextResult());

    HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase post = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) req;

    HttpEntity entity = post.getEntity();


    assertTrue(entity instanceof UrlEncodedFormEntity);

    List<NameValuePair> parsed = URLEncodedUtils.parse(entity);

    assertEquals(1, parsed.size());

    NameValuePair nvp = parsed.get(0);

    assertEquals("payload", nvp.getName());
    assertEquals(jsonData, nvp.getValue());


From source file:org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientSingleHostTests.java

 * Verifies the content of the {@link HttpRequest} that's internally created and passed through to the http client
 *///from www .j  a  v a  2s  .c o m
public void testInternalHttpRequest() throws Exception {
    ArgumentCaptor<HttpAsyncRequestProducer> requestArgumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor
    int times = 0;
    for (String httpMethod : getHttpMethods()) {
        HttpUriRequest expectedRequest = performRandomRequest(httpMethod);
        verify(httpClient, times(++times)).<HttpResponse>execute(requestArgumentCaptor.capture(),
                any(HttpAsyncResponseConsumer.class), any(HttpClientContext.class), any(FutureCallback.class));
        HttpUriRequest actualRequest = (HttpUriRequest) requestArgumentCaptor.getValue().generateRequest();
        assertEquals(expectedRequest.getURI(), actualRequest.getURI());
        assertEquals(expectedRequest.getClass(), actualRequest.getClass());
        assertArrayEquals(expectedRequest.getAllHeaders(), actualRequest.getAllHeaders());
        if (expectedRequest instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) {
            HttpEntity expectedEntity = ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) expectedRequest).getEntity();
            if (expectedEntity != null) {
                HttpEntity actualEntity = ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) actualRequest).getEntity();
                assertEquals(EntityUtils.toString(expectedEntity), EntityUtils.toString(actualEntity));

From source file:org.opencastproject.loadtest.engage.util.TrustedHttpClient.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from w  ww.ja va 2 s  . c o m
 * @see org.opencastproject.loadtest.engage.util.remotetest.util.security.api.TrustedHttpClient#execute(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest)
public HttpResponse execute(HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest) {
    // Add the request header to elicit a digest auth response
    httpUriRequest.addHeader(REQUESTED_AUTH_HEADER, DIGEST_AUTH);

    if ("GET".equalsIgnoreCase(httpUriRequest.getMethod())
            || "HEAD".equalsIgnoreCase(httpUriRequest.getMethod())) {
        // Set the user/pass
        UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass);
        httpClient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, creds);

        // Run the request (the http client handles the multiple back-and-forth requests)
        try {
            return httpClient.execute(httpUriRequest);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new TrustedHttpClientException(e);

    // HttpClient doesn't handle the request dynamics for other verbs (especially when sending a streamed multipart
    // request), so we need to handle the details of the digest auth back-and-forth manually
    HttpRequestBase digestRequest;
    try {
        digestRequest = (HttpRequestBase) httpUriRequest.getClass().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Can not create a new " + httpUriRequest.getClass().getName());
    digestRequest.addHeader(REQUESTED_AUTH_HEADER, DIGEST_AUTH);
    String[] realmAndNonce = getRealmAndNonce(digestRequest);

    if (realmAndNonce != null) {
        // Set the user/pass
        UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass);

        // Set up the digest authentication with the required values
        DigestScheme digestAuth = new DigestScheme();
        digestAuth.overrideParamter("realm", realmAndNonce[0]);
        digestAuth.overrideParamter("nonce", realmAndNonce[1]);

        // Add the authentication header
        try {
            httpUriRequest.addHeader(digestAuth.authenticate(creds, httpUriRequest));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // close the http connection(s)
            throw new TrustedHttpClientException(e);
    try {
        return httpClient.execute(httpUriRequest);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // close the http connection(s)
        throw new TrustedHttpClientException(e);

From source file:org.opencastproject.kernel.security.TrustedHttpClientImpl.java

 * Handles the necessary handshake for digest authenticaion in the case where it isn't a GET operation.
 * //from   ww w.  j av  a  2 s  . com
 * @param httpUriRequest
 *          The request location to get the digest authentication for.
 * @param httpClient
 *          The client to send the request through.
 * @throws TrustedHttpClientException
 *           Thrown if the client cannot be shutdown.
private void manuallyHandleDigestAuthentication(HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest, HttpClient httpClient)
        throws TrustedHttpClientException {
    HttpRequestBase digestRequest;
    try {
        digestRequest = (HttpRequestBase) httpUriRequest.getClass().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Can not create a new " + httpUriRequest.getClass().getName());
    digestRequest.setHeader(REQUESTED_AUTH_HEADER, DIGEST_AUTH);
    String[] realmAndNonce = getRealmAndNonce(digestRequest);

    if (realmAndNonce != null) {
        // Set the user/pass
        UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass);

        // Set up the digest authentication with the required values
        DigestScheme digestAuth = new DigestScheme();
        digestAuth.overrideParamter("realm", realmAndNonce[0]);
        digestAuth.overrideParamter("nonce", realmAndNonce[1]);

        // Add the authentication header
        try {
            httpUriRequest.setHeader(digestAuth.authenticate(creds, httpUriRequest));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // close the http connection(s)
            throw new TrustedHttpClientException(e);