Example usage for org.apache.http.client.methods HttpUriRequest getURI

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.client.methods HttpUriRequest getURI


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.client.methods HttpUriRequest getURI.


URI getURI();

Source Link


Returns the URI this request uses, such as <code>http://example.org/path/to/file</code>.


From source file:org.datacleaner.util.http.CASMonitorHttpClientTest.java

private static void doRequest(CASMonitorHttpClient client, HttpUriRequest req) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("REQUESTING: " + req.getURI());

    final HttpResponse response = client.execute(req);

    final StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
    System.out.println("\tStatus: " + statusLine.getStatusCode() + " - " + statusLine.getReasonPhrase());

    final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    final InputStream in = entity.getContent();

    final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
    String line = reader.readLine();
    while (line != null) {
        System.out.println("\t" + line);
        line = reader.readLine();//from w  ww . j a  v  a2  s  .  c  o  m

From source file:com.microsoft.windowsazure.core.pipeline.apache.HttpServiceRequestContext.java

private static URI tryGetFullURI(HttpRequest request) {
    if (!(request instanceof HttpUriRequest)) {
        return null;
    }//from w w  w  . j a  v  a 2 s  . c o  m
    HttpUriRequest uriRequest = (HttpUriRequest) request;
    URI uri = uriRequest.getURI();
    return isFullURI(uri) ? uri : null;

From source file:tech.sirwellington.alchemy.http.VerbAssertions.java

private static void assertRequestWith(HttpVerb verb, Class<? extends HttpUriRequest> type) throws Exception {
    HttpClient mockClient = mock(HttpClient.class);

    URI uri = createFakeUri();/*from w  ww .  j  a v  a2  s .c om*/

    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.Builder.newInstance().usingUrl(uri.toURL()).build();

    verb.execute(mockClient, request);

    ArgumentCaptor<HttpUriRequest> captor = forClass(HttpUriRequest.class);


    HttpUriRequest requestMade = captor.getValue();

    assertThat(requestMade, notNullValue());
    assertThat(requestMade.getURI(), is(uri));
    assertThat(requestMade.getClass(), sameInstance(type));

From source file:org.yamj.core.tools.web.PoolingHttpClient.java

private static HttpHost determineTarget(HttpUriRequest request) throws ClientProtocolException {
    HttpHost target = null;//from  w  w w.ja v  a 2 s .  c o  m
    URI requestURI = request.getURI();
    if (requestURI.isAbsolute()) {
        target = URIUtils.extractHost(requestURI);
        if (target == null) {
            throw new ClientProtocolException("URI does not specify a valid host name: " + requestURI);
    return target;

From source file:com.helger.httpclient.HttpDebugger.java

 * Call before an invocation/*  w ww . jav  a2  s.  co  m*/
 * @param aRequest
 *        The request to be executed. May not be <code>null</code>.
 * @param aHttpContext
 *        The special HTTP content for this call. May be <code>null</code>.
public static void beforeRequest(@Nonnull final HttpUriRequest aRequest,
        @Nullable final HttpContext aHttpContext) {
    if (isEnabled())
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
            LOGGER.info("Before HTTP call: " + aRequest.getMethod() + " " + aRequest.getURI()
                    + (aHttpContext != null ? " (with special HTTP context)" : ""));

From source file:org.soyatec.windowsazure.internal.MessageCanonicalizer.java

 * Create a canonicalized string with the httpRequest and resourceUriComponents. 
 * // ww w. j  a v a 2 s.co m
 * @param request
 *          The HttpWebRequest object.
 * @param uriComponents
 *          Components of the Uri extracted out of the request.
 * @return A canonicalized string of the HTTP request.
public static String canonicalizeHttpRequest(HttpRequest request, ResourceUriComponents uriComponents) {
    if (!(request instanceof HttpUriRequest)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request should be a URI http request");
    HttpUriRequest rq = (HttpUriRequest) request;
    return canonicalizeHttpRequest(rq.getURI(), uriComponents, rq.getMethod(),
            HttpUtilities.parseRequestContentType(rq), Utilities.emptyString(),

From source file:org.apache.gobblin.HttpTestUtils.java

public static void assertEqual(RequestBuilder actual, RequestBuilder expect) throws IOException {
    // Check entity
    HttpEntity actualEntity = actual.getEntity();
    HttpEntity expectedEntity = expect.getEntity();
    if (actualEntity == null) {
        Assert.assertTrue(expectedEntity == null);
    } else {/*  w  w  w  .j  av a2s. c  o m*/
        Assert.assertEquals(actualEntity.getContentLength(), expectedEntity.getContentLength());
        String actualContent = IOUtils.toString(actualEntity.getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        String expectedContent = IOUtils.toString(expectedEntity.getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        Assert.assertEquals(actualContent, expectedContent);

    // Check request
    HttpUriRequest actualRequest = actual.build();
    HttpUriRequest expectedRequest = expect.build();
    Assert.assertEquals(actualRequest.getMethod(), expectedRequest.getMethod());
    Assert.assertEquals(actualRequest.getURI().toString(), expectedRequest.getURI().toString());

    Header[] actualHeaders = actualRequest.getAllHeaders();
    Header[] expectedHeaders = expectedRequest.getAllHeaders();
    Assert.assertEquals(actualHeaders.length, expectedHeaders.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < actualHeaders.length; i++) {
        Assert.assertEquals(actualHeaders[i].toString(), expectedHeaders[i].toString());

From source file:com.netflix.spinnaker.orca.pipeline.util.HttpClientUtils.java

private static CloseableHttpClient httpClientWithServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy() {
    HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder = HttpClients.custom()
            .setServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy(new ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy() {
                @Override//  ww  w.  ja  v a 2  s .  com
                public boolean retryRequest(HttpResponse response, int executionCount, HttpContext context) {
                    int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                    HttpUriRequest currentReq = (HttpUriRequest) context
                    LOGGER.info("Response code {} for {}", statusCode, currentReq.getURI());

                    if (statusCode >= HttpStatus.SC_OK && statusCode <= 299) {
                        return false;

                    boolean shouldRetry = (statusCode == 429
                            || RETRYABLE_500_HTTP_STATUS_CODES.contains(statusCode))
                            && executionCount <= MAX_RETRIES;
                    if (!shouldRetry) {
                        throw new RetryRequestException(String.format("Not retrying %s. Count %d, Max %d",
                                currentReq.getURI(), executionCount, MAX_RETRIES));

                    LOGGER.error("Retrying request on response status {}. Count {} Max is {}", statusCode,
                            executionCount, MAX_RETRIES);
                    return true;

                public long getRetryInterval() {
                    return RETRY_INTERVAL;

    httpClientBuilder.setRetryHandler((exception, executionCount, context) -> {
        HttpUriRequest currentReq = (HttpUriRequest) context.getAttribute(HttpCoreContext.HTTP_REQUEST);
        Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(RETRY_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        LOGGER.info("Encountered network error. Retrying request {},  Count {} Max is {}", currentReq.getURI(),
                executionCount, MAX_RETRIES);
        return executionCount <= MAX_RETRIES;


    return httpClientBuilder.build();

From source file:com.vaushell.superpipes.tools.HTTPhelper.java

 * Return all redirected URLs.//from   www  . j a va 2 s  .com
 * @param builder Http client builder
 * @param source Source URI
 * @return a list of redirected URLs
 * @throws IOException
public static List<URI> getRedirected(final HttpClientBuilder builder, final URI source) throws IOException {
    if (builder == null || source == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    final List<URI> uris = new ArrayList<>();

    builder.setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy() {

        public HttpUriRequest getRedirect(final HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse response,
                final HttpContext context) throws ProtocolException {
            final HttpUriRequest r = super.getRedirect(request, response, context);


            return r;


    try (final CloseableHttpClient client = builder.build()) {
        final HttpGet get = new HttpGet(source);



    return uris;

From source file:com.tfm.utad.sqoopdata.SqoopVerticaDB.java

private static void sendDataToCartoDB(List<CoordinateCartoDB> result) {

    String url = "http://jab-utad.cartodb.com/api/v2/sql?q=";
    String api = "&api_key=00ffbd3278c07285554983d9713bc08c18d461b3";
    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpResponse response;/*from w  w w  .  j  ava  2  s  .c  om*/
    try {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                "INSERT INTO tfm_utad_wearables (_offset, userstr, created_date, activity, latitude, longitude, userid) VALUES ");
        for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
            CoordinateCartoDB coordinateCartoDB = result.get(i);
            String date = coordinateCartoDB.getCreated_date().replace(' ', 'T');
            String insert;
            if (i < result.size() - 1) {
                insert = "(" + coordinateCartoDB.getOffset() + ",'" + coordinateCartoDB.getUserstr() + "','"
                        + date + "','" + coordinateCartoDB.getActivity() + "',"
                        + String.valueOf(coordinateCartoDB.getLatitude()) + ","
                        + String.valueOf(coordinateCartoDB.getLongitude()) + "," + coordinateCartoDB.getUserid()
                        + "),";
            } else {
                insert = "(" + coordinateCartoDB.getOffset() + ",'" + coordinateCartoDB.getUserstr() + "','"
                        + date + "','" + coordinateCartoDB.getActivity() + "',"
                        + String.valueOf(coordinateCartoDB.getLatitude()) + ","
                        + String.valueOf(coordinateCartoDB.getLongitude()) + "," + coordinateCartoDB.getUserid()
                        + ")";
        String encode = URLEncoder.encode(sb.toString(), HTTP.UTF_8).replaceAll("\\+", "%20")
                .replaceAll("\\%21", "!").replaceAll("\\%27", "'").replaceAll("\\%28", "(")
                .replaceAll("\\%29", ")").replaceAll("\\%2C", ",").replaceAll("\\%3A", ":")
                .replaceAll("\\%27", "'").replaceAll("\\%7E", "~");
        URI uri = new URI(url + encode + api);
        HttpUriRequest request = new HttpGet(uri);
        LOG.info("Request sending to CartoDB...:" + request.getURI().toString());
        response = httpclient.execute(request);
        LOG.info("Response code:" + response.getStatusLine());
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
        LOG.error("UnsupportedEncodingException:" + ex.toString());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        LOG.error("IOException:" + ex.toString());
    } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        LOG.error("URISyntaxException:" + ex.toString());