Java org.apache.http.client.utils URIUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.http.client.utils URIUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.http.client.utils URIUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


URIcreateURI(final String scheme, final String host, final int port, final String path, final String query, final String fragment)
Constructs a URI using all the parameters.
HttpHostextractHost(final URI uri)
Extracts target host from the given URI .
URIresolve(final URI baseURI, final String reference)
Resolves a URI reference against a base URI.
URIresolve(final URI baseURI, final URI reference)
Resolves a URI reference against a base URI.
URIresolve(final URI originalURI, final HttpHost target, final List redirects)
Derives the interpreted (absolute) URI that was used to generate the last request.
URIrewriteURI(final URI uri, final HttpHost target)
A convenience method for URIUtils#rewriteURI(URI,HttpHost,boolean) that always keeps the fragment.
URIrewriteURI(final URI uri, final HttpHost target, final boolean dropFragment)
A convenience method for creating a new URI whose scheme, host and port are taken from the target host, but whose path, query and fragment are taken from the existing URI.
URIrewriteURI(final URI uri)
A convenience method that creates a new URI whose scheme, host, port, path, query are taken from the existing URI, dropping any fragment or user-information.