Example usage for org.apache.http.conn.routing HttpRouteDirector LAYER_PROTOCOL

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.conn.routing HttpRouteDirector LAYER_PROTOCOL


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.conn.routing HttpRouteDirector LAYER_PROTOCOL.



To view the source code for org.apache.http.conn.routing HttpRouteDirector LAYER_PROTOCOL.

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Step: layer protocol (over tunnel).


From source file:com.grendelscan.commons.http.apache_overrides.client.CustomClientRequestDirector.java

 * Establishes the target route./*from  w  w w . ja v a2 s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param route
 *            the route to establish
 * @param context
 *            the context for the request execution
 * @throws HttpException
 *             in case of a problem
 * @throws IOException
 *             in case of an IO problem
private void establishRoute(HttpRoute route, HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {

    HttpRouteDirector rowdy = new BasicRouteDirector();
    int step;
    do {
        HttpRoute fact = managedConn.getRoute();
        step = rowdy.nextStep(route, fact);

        switch (step) {

        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_TARGET:
        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_PROXY:
            managedConn.open(route, context, params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_TARGET: {
            boolean secure = createTunnelToTarget(route, context);
            LOGGER.debug("Tunnel to target created.");
            managedConn.tunnelTarget(secure, params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_PROXY: {
            throw new NotImplementedException("Proxy chaining not supported");

        case HttpRouteDirector.LAYER_PROTOCOL:
            managedConn.layerProtocol(context, params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.UNREACHABLE:
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unable to establish route." + "\nplanned = " + route + "\ncurrent = " + fact);

        case HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE:
            // do nothing

            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown step indicator " + step + " from RouteDirector.");
        } // switch

    } while (step > HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE);


From source file:org.robolectric.shadows.httpclient.DefaultRequestDirector.java

 * Establishes the target route.//from   w w w  .  j  av a 2 s. co  m
 * @param route     the route to establish
 * @param context   the context for the request execution
 * @throws HttpException    in case of a problem
 * @throws IOException      in case of an IO problem
protected void establishRoute(HttpRoute route, HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {

    HttpRouteDirector rowdy = new BasicRouteDirector();
    int step;
    do {
        HttpRoute fact = managedConn.getRoute();
        step = rowdy.nextStep(route, fact);

        switch (step) {

        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_TARGET:
        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_PROXY:
            managedConn.open(route, context, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_TARGET: {
            boolean secure = createTunnelToTarget(route, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to target created.");
            managedConn.tunnelTarget(secure, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_PROXY: {
            // The most simple example for this case is a proxy chain
            // of two proxies, where P1 must be tunnelled to P2.
            // route: Source -> P1 -> P2 -> Target (3 hops)
            // fact:  Source -> P1 -> Target       (2 hops)
            final int hop = fact.getHopCount() - 1; // the hop to establish
            boolean secure = createTunnelToProxy(route, hop, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to proxy created.");
            managedConn.tunnelProxy(route.getHopTarget(hop), secure, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.LAYER_PROTOCOL:
            managedConn.layerProtocol(context, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.UNREACHABLE:
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unable to establish route." + "\nplanned = " + route + "\ncurrent = " + fact);

        case HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE:
            // do nothing

            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown step indicator " + step + " from RouteDirector.");
        } // switch

    } while (step > HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE);


From source file:org.vietspider.net.apache.DefaultRequestDirector.java

 * Establishes the target route./*w ww  . j a v a  2s  .c  om*/
 * @param route     the route to establish
 * @param context   the context for the request execution
 * @throws HttpException    in case of a problem
 * @throws IOException      in case of an IO problem
protected void establishRoute(HttpRoute route, HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {

    HttpRouteDirector rowdy = new BasicRouteDirector();
    int step;
    do {
        HttpRoute fact = managedConn.getRoute();
        step = rowdy.nextStep(route, fact);

        switch (step) {

        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_TARGET:
        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_PROXY:
            managedConn.open(route, context, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_TARGET: {
            boolean secure = createTunnelToTarget(route, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to target created.");
            managedConn.tunnelTarget(secure, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_PROXY: {
            // The most simple example for this case is a proxy chain
            // of two proxies, where P1 must be tunnelled to P2.
            // route: Source -> P1 -> P2 -> Target (3 hops)
            // fact:  Source -> P1 -> Target       (2 hops)
            final int hop = fact.getHopCount() - 1; // the hop to establish
            boolean secure = createTunnelToProxy(route, hop, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to proxy created.");
            managedConn.tunnelProxy(route.getHopTarget(hop), secure, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.LAYER_PROTOCOL:
            managedConn.layerProtocol(context, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.UNREACHABLE:
            throw new HttpException(
                    "Unable to establish route: " + "planned = " + route + "; current = " + fact);
        case HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE:
            // do nothing
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown step indicator " + step + " from RouteDirector.");

    } while (step > HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE);


From source file:org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.java

 * Establishes the target route./*w  w w  .  j a v a2  s  .c  o m*/
 * @param route     the route to establish
 * @param context   the context for the request execution
 * @throws HttpException    in case of a problem
 * @throws IOException      in case of an IO problem
protected void establishRoute(final HttpRoute route, final HttpContext context)
        throws HttpException, IOException {

    final HttpRouteDirector rowdy = new BasicRouteDirector();
    int step;
    do {
        final HttpRoute fact = managedConn.getRoute();
        step = rowdy.nextStep(route, fact);

        switch (step) {

        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_TARGET:
        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_PROXY:
            managedConn.open(route, context, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_TARGET: {
            final boolean secure = createTunnelToTarget(route, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to target created.");
            managedConn.tunnelTarget(secure, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_PROXY: {
            // The most simple example for this case is a proxy chain
            // of two proxies, where P1 must be tunnelled to P2.
            // route: Source -> P1 -> P2 -> Target (3 hops)
            // fact:  Source -> P1 -> Target       (2 hops)
            final int hop = fact.getHopCount() - 1; // the hop to establish
            final boolean secure = createTunnelToProxy(route, hop, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to proxy created.");
            managedConn.tunnelProxy(route.getHopTarget(hop), secure, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.LAYER_PROTOCOL:
            managedConn.layerProtocol(context, this.params);

        case HttpRouteDirector.UNREACHABLE:
            throw new HttpException(
                    "Unable to establish route: " + "planned = " + route + "; current = " + fact);
        case HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE:
            // do nothing
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown step indicator " + step + " from RouteDirector.");

    } while (step > HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE);


From source file:org.apache.http.impl.execchain.MainClientExec.java

 * Establishes the target route./*from   w  ww.j a  v  a  2  s  .com*/
void establishRoute(final AuthState proxyAuthState, final HttpClientConnection managedConn,
        final HttpRoute route, final HttpRequest request, final HttpClientContext context)
        throws HttpException, IOException {
    final RequestConfig config = context.getRequestConfig();
    final int timeout = config.getConnectTimeout();
    final RouteTracker tracker = new RouteTracker(route);
    int step;
    do {
        final HttpRoute fact = tracker.toRoute();
        step = this.routeDirector.nextStep(route, fact);

        switch (step) {

        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_TARGET:
            this.connManager.connect(managedConn, route, timeout > 0 ? timeout : 0, context);
        case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_PROXY:
            this.connManager.connect(managedConn, route, timeout > 0 ? timeout : 0, context);
            final HttpHost proxy = route.getProxyHost();
            tracker.connectProxy(proxy, false);
        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_TARGET: {
            final boolean secure = createTunnelToTarget(proxyAuthState, managedConn, route, request, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to target created.");

        case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_PROXY: {
            // The most simple example for this case is a proxy chain
            // of two proxies, where P1 must be tunnelled to P2.
            // route: Source -> P1 -> P2 -> Target (3 hops)
            // fact:  Source -> P1 -> Target       (2 hops)
            final int hop = fact.getHopCount() - 1; // the hop to establish
            final boolean secure = createTunnelToProxy(route, hop, context);
            this.log.debug("Tunnel to proxy created.");
            tracker.tunnelProxy(route.getHopTarget(hop), secure);

        case HttpRouteDirector.LAYER_PROTOCOL:
            this.connManager.upgrade(managedConn, route, context);

        case HttpRouteDirector.UNREACHABLE:
            throw new HttpException(
                    "Unable to establish route: " + "planned = " + route + "; current = " + fact);
        case HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE:
            this.connManager.routeComplete(managedConn, route, context);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown step indicator " + step + " from RouteDirector.");

    } while (step > HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE);

From source file:org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.DefaultAsyncRequestDirector.java

public synchronized HttpRequest generateRequest() throws IOException, HttpException {
    final HttpRoute route = this.mainRequest.getRoute();
    if (!this.routeEstablished) {
        int step;
        do {/*from   w ww .ja va  2  s .  c  o m*/
            final HttpRoute fact = this.managedConn.getRoute();
            step = this.routeDirector.nextStep(route, fact);
            switch (step) {
            case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_TARGET:
            case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_PROXY:
            case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_TARGET:
                if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    this.log.debug("[exchange: " + this.id + "] Tunnel required");
                final HttpRequest connect = createConnectRequest(route);
                this.currentRequest = wrapRequest(connect);
            case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_PROXY:
                throw new HttpException("Proxy chains are not supported");
            case HttpRouteDirector.LAYER_PROTOCOL:
                managedConn.layerProtocol(this.localContext, this.params);
            case HttpRouteDirector.UNREACHABLE:
                throw new HttpException(
                        "Unable to establish route: " + "planned = " + route + "; current = " + fact);
            case HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE:
                this.routeEstablished = true;
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown step indicator " + step + " from RouteDirector.");
        } while (step > HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE && this.currentRequest == null);

    HttpHost target = (HttpHost) this.params.getParameter(ClientPNames.VIRTUAL_HOST);
    if (target == null) {
        target = route.getTargetHost();
    final HttpHost proxy = route.getProxyHost();
    this.localContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST, target);
    this.localContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_PROXY_HOST, proxy);
    this.localContext.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, this.managedConn);
    this.localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.ROUTE, route);

    if (this.currentRequest == null) {
        this.currentRequest = this.mainRequest.getRequest();

        final String userinfo = this.currentRequest.getURI().getUserInfo();
        if (userinfo != null) {
            this.targetAuthState.update(new BasicScheme(), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userinfo));

        // Re-write request URI if needed
        rewriteRequestURI(this.currentRequest, route);
    // Reset headers on the request wrapper

    if (this.currentRequest.getExecCount() > 1 && !this.requestProducer.isRepeatable()
            && this.requestContentProduced) {
        throw new NonRepeatableRequestException(
                "Cannot retry request " + "with a non-repeatable request entity.");
    if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        this.log.debug("[exchange: " + this.id + "] Attempt " + this.execCount + " to execute request");
    return this.currentRequest;

From source file:org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.MainClientExec.java

public HttpRequest generateRequest(final InternalState state, final AbstractClientExchangeHandler<?> handler)
        throws IOException, HttpException {

    final HttpRoute route = handler.getRoute();

    handler.verifytRoute();//  ww w .j  a va2s .  co m

    if (!handler.isRouteEstablished()) {
        int step;
        loop: do {
            final HttpRoute fact = handler.getActualRoute();
            step = this.routeDirector.nextStep(route, fact);
            switch (step) {
            case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_TARGET:
            case HttpRouteDirector.CONNECT_PROXY:
            case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_TARGET:
                if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    this.log.debug("[exchange: " + state.getId() + "] Tunnel required");
                final HttpRequest connect = createConnectRequest(route, state);
                break loop;
            case HttpRouteDirector.TUNNEL_PROXY:
                throw new HttpException("Proxy chains are not supported");
            case HttpRouteDirector.LAYER_PROTOCOL:
            case HttpRouteDirector.UNREACHABLE:
                throw new HttpException(
                        "Unable to establish route: " + "planned = " + route + "; current = " + fact);
            case HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE:
                this.log.debug("Connection route established");
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown step indicator " + step + " from RouteDirector.");
        } while (step > HttpRouteDirector.COMPLETE);

    final HttpClientContext localContext = state.getLocalContext();
    HttpRequestWrapper currentRequest = handler.getCurrentRequest();
    if (currentRequest == null) {
        currentRequest = state.getMainRequest();

    if (handler.isRouteEstablished()) {
        if (state.getExecCount() > 1) {
            final HttpAsyncRequestProducer requestProducer = state.getRequestProducer();
            if (!requestProducer.isRepeatable() && state.isRequestContentProduced()) {
                throw new NonRepeatableRequestException(
                        "Cannot retry request " + "with a non-repeatable request entity.");
        if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            this.log.debug("[exchange: " + state.getId() + "] Attempt " + state.getExecCount()
                    + " to execute request");

        if (!currentRequest.containsHeader(AUTH.WWW_AUTH_RESP)) {
            final AuthState targetAuthState = localContext.getTargetAuthState();
            if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.log.debug("Target auth state: " + targetAuthState.getState());
            this.authenticator.generateAuthResponse(currentRequest, targetAuthState, localContext);
        if (!currentRequest.containsHeader(AUTH.PROXY_AUTH_RESP) && !route.isTunnelled()) {
            final AuthState proxyAuthState = localContext.getProxyAuthState();
            if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.log.debug("Proxy auth state: " + proxyAuthState.getState());
            this.authenticator.generateAuthResponse(currentRequest, proxyAuthState, localContext);
    } else {
        if (!currentRequest.containsHeader(AUTH.PROXY_AUTH_RESP)) {
            final AuthState proxyAuthState = localContext.getProxyAuthState();
            if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.log.debug("Proxy auth state: " + proxyAuthState.getState());
            this.authenticator.generateAuthResponse(currentRequest, proxyAuthState, localContext);

    final NHttpClientConnection managedConn = handler.getConnection();
    localContext.setAttribute(HttpCoreContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, managedConn);
    final RequestConfig config = localContext.getRequestConfig();
    if (config.getSocketTimeout() > 0) {
    return currentRequest;