Example usage for org.apache.http.conn.ssl SSLSocketFactory ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.conn.ssl SSLSocketFactory ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.conn.ssl SSLSocketFactory ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.



To view the source code for org.apache.http.conn.ssl SSLSocketFactory ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.

Click Source Link


From source file:com.liferay.portal.search.solr.http.SSLSocketFactoryBuilderImpl.java

public SSLSocketFactory build() throws Exception {
    KeyStore keyStore = _keyStoreLoader.load(_keyStoreType, _keyStorePath, _keyStorePassword);

    if (keyStore == null) {
        if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            _log.debug("Use system defaults because there is no custom key store");
        }//w w  w.j a  va2  s .c  o  m

        return SSLSocketFactory.getSystemSocketFactory();

    KeyStore trustKeyStore = null;

    TrustStrategy trustStrategy = null;

    if (_verifyServerCertificate) {
        trustKeyStore = _keyStoreLoader.load(_trustStoreType, _trustStorePath, _trustStorePassword);

        if (trustKeyStore == null) {
            if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                _log.debug("Use system defaults because there is no custom " + "trust store");

            return SSLSocketFactory.getSystemSocketFactory();
    } else {
        trustStrategy = new TrustSelfSignedStrategy();

    X509HostnameVerifier x509HostnameVerifier = SSLSocketFactory.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER;

    if (!_verifyServerHostname) {
        x509HostnameVerifier = SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER;

    try {
        return new SSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory.TLS, keyStore, String.valueOf(_keyStorePassword),
                trustKeyStore, null, trustStrategy, x509HostnameVerifier);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    "Use system defaults because the custom SSL socket " + "factory was not able to initialize",

        return SSLSocketFactory.getSystemSocketFactory();

From source file:com.seajas.search.codex.social.connection.TrustingClientHttpRequestFactory.java

public TrustingClientHttpRequestFactory()
        throws UnrecoverableKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, KeyManagementException {
    super();/*www .j a va2s.c  o m*/

            .register(new Scheme("https", 443, new SSLSocketFactory(new TrustStrategy() {
                public boolean isTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType)
                        throws CertificateException {
                    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                        logger.trace(format("Trusting certificate chain with %d certificates and auth type %s",
                                chain != null ? chain.length : 0, authType));

                    return true;
            }, SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER)));

From source file:com.cloudhopper.httpclient.util.HttpSender.java

static public Response postXml(String url, String username, String password, String requestXml)
        throws Exception {
    ////from ww  w .  j a  v a2 s .c  o m
    // trust any SSL connection
    TrustManager easyTrustManager = new X509TrustManager() {
        public void checkClientTrusted(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1)
                throws CertificateException {
            // allow all

        public void checkServerTrusted(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1)
                throws CertificateException {
            // allow all

        public java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
            return null;

    Scheme http = new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80);
    SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    sslcontext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { easyTrustManager }, null);
    SSLSocketFactory sf = new SSLSocketFactory(sslcontext);
    Scheme https = new Scheme("https", sf, 443);

    //SchemeRegistry sr = new SchemeRegistry();

    // create and initialize scheme registry
    //SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
    //schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));

    // create an HttpClient with the ThreadSafeClientConnManager.
    // This connection manager must be used if more than one thread will
    // be using the HttpClient.
    //ThreadSafeClientConnManager cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(schemeRegistry);

    DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();


    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);

    StringEntity postEntity = new StringEntity(requestXml, "ISO-8859-1");
    postEntity.setContentType("text/xml; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"");
    post.addHeader("SOAPAction", "\"\"");

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(new AuthScope(null, AuthScope.ANY_PORT),
            new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password));

    BasicHttpContext localcontext = new BasicHttpContext();

    // Generate BASIC scheme object and stick it to the local
    // execution context
    BasicScheme basicAuth = new BasicScheme();
    localcontext.setAttribute("preemptive-auth", basicAuth);

    // Add as the first request interceptor
    client.addRequestInterceptor(new PreemptiveAuth(), 0);

    HttpResponse httpResponse = client.execute(post, localcontext);
    HttpEntity responseEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();

    Response rsp = new Response();

    // set the status line and reason
    rsp.statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    rsp.statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase();

    // get an input stream
    rsp.body = EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity);

    // When HttpClient instance is no longer needed,
    // shut down the connection manager to ensure
    // immediate deallocation of all system resources

    return rsp;

From source file:com.allstate.client.ssl.SSLUtils.java

public static SSLSocketFactory getMergedSocketFactory(Security securityOne, Security securityTwo)
        throws GeneralSecurityException {
    X509KeyManager keyManagerOne = getKeyManager(securityOne.getKeyStore(), securityOne.getKeyStorePassword());
    X509KeyManager keyManagerTwo = getKeyManager(securityTwo.getKeyStore(), securityTwo.getKeyStorePassword());

    X509TrustManager trustManager = getMultiTrustManager(getTrustManager(securityOne.getTrustStore()),

    SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance(securityOne.getSslContextProtocol());
    boolean strictHostVerification = securityOne.isStrictHostVerification()
            && securityTwo.isStrictHostVerification();

    context.init(new KeyManager[] { keyManagerOne, keyManagerTwo }, new TrustManager[] { trustManager },
            new SecureRandom());
    X509HostnameVerifier verifier = strictHostVerification ? SSLSocketFactory.STRICT_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER
            : SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER;
    return new SSLSocketFactory(context, verifier);

From source file:org.owasp.goatdroid.herdfinancial.requestresponse.CustomSSLSocketFactory.java

public static HttpClient getNewHttpClient() {
    try {//from  ww w .  jav a 2 s  .  co  m
        KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
        trustStore.load(null, null);
        SSLSocketFactory sf = new CustomSSLSocketFactory(trustStore);
        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
        SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
        registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        registry.register(new Scheme("https", sf, 443));

        ClientConnectionManager ccm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, registry);

        return new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return new DefaultHttpClient();

From source file:es.uja.photofirma.android.DoConnection.java

 * //from w ww .  j  ava 2 s. co m
 * @return DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params)
public HttpClient getNewHttpClient() {
    try {
        KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
        trustStore.load(null, null);

        SSLSocketFactory sf = new MySSLSocketFactory(trustStore);

        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
        HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
        HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, HTTP.UTF_8);

        //aado timeout
        HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, 6000); //timeout en establecer conexion
        HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, 10000); //timeout en recibir respuesta

        SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
        registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        registry.register(new Scheme("https", sf, 443));

        ClientConnectionManager ccm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, registry);

        return new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        return new DefaultHttpClient();

From source file:com.betfair.testing.utils.cougar.manager.HttpPageManager.java

public int getPage(HttpPageBean bean) {

    // Get bean properties
    String requestedProtocol = bean.getProtocol();
    String requestedHost = bean.getHost();
    int requestedPort = bean.getPort();
    String requestedLink = bean.getLink();
    String username = bean.getAuthusername();
    String password = bean.getAuthpassword();

    final SSLSocketFactory sf = new SSLSocketFactory(createEasySSLContext(),
    Scheme https = new Scheme("https", 9999, sf);

    // Set up httpClient to use given auth details and protocol
    DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(new AuthScope("localhost", AuthScope.ANY_PORT),
            new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password));

    int status = -1;

    InputStream inputStream = null;
    // Make the request
    try {/*from   www .  j  a  v a2s  .c o  m*/
        final HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(
                URIUtils.createURI(requestedProtocol, requestedHost, requestedPort, requestedLink, null, null));
        final HttpResponse httpResponse = client.execute(httpget);
        inputStream = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent();
        status = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {

            byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) httpResponse.getEntity().getContentLength()];
            int read;
            int count = 0;
            while ((read = inputStream.read()) != -1) {
                buffer[count] = (byte) read;
            bean.setPageText(new String(buffer, "UTF-8"));
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        return -1;
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        return -1;
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // ignore

    return status;

From source file:com.cttapp.bby.mytlc.layer8apps.ConnectionManager.java

 *   PURPOSE: Creates a new instance of client
 *   ARGUMENTS: null/*from  w  w w  .  j  ava  2 s.c o m*/
 *   RETURNS: ConnectionManager
 *   AUTHOR: Devin Collins <agent14709@gmail.com>
private ConnectionManager() {
    try {
        SSLSocketFactory factory = new SimpleSSLSocketFactory(null);

        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
        HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
        HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, HTTP.UTF_8);
        HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(params, "MyTLC-Sync");

        SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
        registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        registry.register(new Scheme("https", factory, 443));

        ClientConnectionManager ccm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, registry);

        // Create a new connection for our client
        client = new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        client = new DefaultHttpClient();

From source file:com.appfirst.communication.AFHttpClient.java

public DefaultHttpClient getAFHttpClient() {
    try {//from  w  w w  .  j  a va2 s .  c o  m
        KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
        try {
            trustStore.load(null, null);
        } catch (CertificateException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        SSLSocketFactory sf = new AFSSLSocketFactory(trustStore);

        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
        HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
        HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, HTTP.UTF_8);

        SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
        registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        registry.register(new Scheme("https", sf, 443));
        ClientConnectionManager ccm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, registry);
        return new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
        Log.e(TAG, nsae.getMessage());
        return new DefaultHttpClient();
    } catch (KeyManagementException kme) {
        Log.e(TAG, kme.getMessage());
        return new DefaultHttpClient();
    } catch (KeyStoreException kse) {
        Log.e(TAG, kse.getMessage());
        return new DefaultHttpClient();
    } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException uke) {
        Log.e(TAG, uke.getMessage());
        return new DefaultHttpClient();

From source file:com.openmeap.util.SSLUtils.java

static public HttpClient getRelaxedSSLVerificationHttpClient() {
    try {/*from ww w . j  a va2 s . c o m*/
        KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
        trustStore.load(null, null);

        SSLSocketFactory sf = new MySSLSocketFactory(trustStore);

        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
        HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
        HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, FormConstants.CHAR_ENC_DEFAULT);

        SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
        registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        registry.register(new Scheme("https", sf, 443));

        ClientConnectionManager ccm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, registry);

        return new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return new DefaultHttpClient();