Example usage for org.apache.http.entity FileEntity FileEntity

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.entity FileEntity FileEntity


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.entity FileEntity FileEntity.


public FileEntity(File file, ContentType contentType) 

Source Link


From source file:com.bt.download.android.core.HttpFetcher.java

public void post(File file) throws IOException {
    HttpHost httpHost = new HttpHost(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort());
    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri);
    FileEntity fileEntity = new FileEntity(file, "binary/octet-stream");
    fileEntity.setChunked(true);//from  w w  w  . j  av  a 2s  .  com

    HttpParams params = httpPost.getParams();
    HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, timeout);
    HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, timeout);
    HttpConnectionParams.setStaleCheckingEnabled(params, true);
    HttpConnectionParams.setTcpNoDelay(params, true);
    HttpClientParams.setRedirecting(params, true);
    HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(params, false);
    HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(params, DEFAULT_USER_AGENT);

    try {

        HttpResponse response = DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT.execute(httpHost, httpPost);

        if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() < 200 || response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() >= 300)
            throw new IOException("bad status code, upload file " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IOException("Http error: " + e.getMessage());
    } finally {

From source file:com.uploader.Vimeo.java

private VimeoResponse apiRequest(String endpoint, String methodName, Map<String, String> params, File file)
        throws IOException {

    // try(CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {

    CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
    // CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
    System.out.println("Building HTTP Client");

    // try {// ww  w  .j  av a  2s  . c  om
    //     client = 
    // }   catch(Exception e) {
    //     System.out.println("Err in CloseableHttpClient");
    // }

    // System.out.println(client);

    HttpRequestBase request = null;
    String url = null;
    if (endpoint.startsWith("http")) {
        url = endpoint;
    } else {
        url = new StringBuffer(VIMEO_SERVER).append(endpoint).toString();
    if (methodName.equals(HttpGet.METHOD_NAME)) {
        request = new HttpGet(url);
    } else if (methodName.equals(HttpPost.METHOD_NAME)) {
        request = new HttpPost(url);
    } else if (methodName.equals(HttpPut.METHOD_NAME)) {
        request = new HttpPut(url);
    } else if (methodName.equals(HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME)) {
        request = new HttpDelete(url);
    } else if (methodName.equals(HttpPatch.METHOD_NAME)) {
        request = new HttpPatch(url);

    request.addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.vimeo.*+json; version=3.2");
    request.addHeader("Authorization", new StringBuffer(tokenType).append(" ").append(token).toString());

    HttpEntity entity = null;
    if (params != null) {
        ArrayList<NameValuePair> postParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        for (String key : params.keySet()) {
            postParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, params.get(key)));
        entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParameters);
    } else {
        if (file != null) {
            entity = new FileEntity(file, ContentType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA);
    if (entity != null) {
        if (request instanceof HttpPost) {
            ((HttpPost) request).setEntity(entity);
        } else if (request instanceof HttpPatch) {
            ((HttpPatch) request).setEntity(entity);
        } else if (request instanceof HttpPut) {
            ((HttpPut) request).setEntity(entity);
    CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
    String responseAsString = null;
    int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    if (methodName.equals(HttpPut.METHOD_NAME) || methodName.equals(HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME)) {
        JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
        for (Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) {
            try {
                out.put(header.getName(), header.getValue());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Err in out.put");
        responseAsString = out.toString();
    } else if (statusCode != 204) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        responseAsString = out.toString("UTF-8");
    JSONObject json = null;
    try {
        json = new JSONObject(responseAsString);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        json = new JSONObject();
    VimeoResponse vimeoResponse = new VimeoResponse(json, statusCode);

    return vimeoResponse;

    // }   catch(IOException e)  {
    //     System.out.println("Error Building HTTP Client");
    // }

From source file:org.xwiki.android.rest.HttpConnector.java

 * Perform HTTP Put method with the raw data file
 * //from  w  w w  . j  av  a2s  .  co m
 * @param Uri URL of XWiki RESTful API
 * @param filePath path of the file name which to be sent over the HTTP connection
 * @return status of the HTTP Put method execution
public String putRaw(String Uri, String filePath) {

    HttpPut request = new HttpPut();

    try {
        requestUri = new URI(Uri);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {


    Log.d("Request URL", Uri);

    try {

        File file = new File(filePath);
        FileEntity fe = new FileEntity(file, "/");

        // request.setHeader("Content-Type","application/xml;charset=UTF-8");

        response = client.execute(request);
        Log.d("Response status", response.getStatusLine().toString());
        return response.getStatusLine().toString();

    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return "error";

From source file:com.cellbots.httpserver.HttpCommandServer.java

public void handle(final HttpServerConnection conn, final HttpContext context)
        throws HttpException, IOException {
    HttpRequest request = conn.receiveRequestHeader();
    HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1), HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");

    String method = request.getRequestLine().getMethod().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
    if (!method.equals("GET") && !method.equals("HEAD") && !method.equals("POST") && !method.equals("PUT")) {
        throw new MethodNotSupportedException(method + " method not supported");
    }/*from  ww  w  .j  a  va  2  s  . c o  m*/

    // Get the requested target. This is the string after the domain name in
    // the URL. If the full URL was http://mydomain.com/test.html, target
    // will be /test.html.
    String target = request.getRequestLine().getUri();
    //Log.w(TAG, "*** Request target: " + target);

    // Gets the requested resource name. For example, if the full URL was
    // http://mydomain.com/test.html?x=1&y=2, resource name will be
    // test.html
    final String resName = getResourceNameFromTarget(target);
    UrlParams params = new UrlParams(target);
    //Log.w(TAG, "*** Request LINE: " + request.getRequestLine().toString());
    //Log.w(TAG, "*** Request resource: " + resName);
    if (method.equals("POST") || method.equals("PUT")) {
        byte[] entityContent = null;
        // Gets the content if the request has an entity.
        if (request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) {
            conn.receiveRequestEntity((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) request);
            HttpEntity entity = ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) request).getEntity();
            if (entity != null) {
                entityContent = EntityUtils.toByteArray(entity);
        if (serverListener != null) {
            serverListener.onRequest(resName, params.keys, params.values, entityContent);
    } else if (dataMap.containsKey(resName)) { // The requested resource is
                                               // a byte array
        response.setHeader("Content-Type", dataMap.get(resName).contentType);
        response.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(dataMap.get(resName).resource));
    } else { // Resource is a file recognized by the app
        String fileName = resourceMap.containsKey(resName) ? resourceMap.get(resName).resource : resName;
        String contentType = resourceMap.containsKey(resName) ? resourceMap.get(resName).contentType
                : "text/html";
        Log.d(TAG, "*** mapped resource: " + fileName);
        Log.d(TAG, "*** checking for file: " + rootDir + (rootDir.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + fileName);
        final File file = new File(rootDir + (rootDir.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + fileName);
        if (file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()) {
            FileEntity body = new FileEntity(file, URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileName));
            response.setHeader("Content-Type", URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileName));
        } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
            EntityTemplate body = new EntityTemplate(new ContentProducer() {
                public void writeTo(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
                    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outstream, "UTF-8");
                    ArrayList<String> fileList = getDirListing(file);
                    String resp = "{ \"list\": [";
                    for (String fl : fileList) {
                        resp += "\"" + fl + "\",";
                    resp = resp.substring(0, resp.length() - 1);
                    resp += "]}";
        } else if (resourceMap.containsKey(resName)) {
            EntityTemplate body = new EntityTemplate(new ContentProducer() {
                public void writeTo(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
                    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outstream, "UTF-8");
        } else {
            response.setEntity(new StringEntity("Not Found"));

From source file:org.apache.tuscany.sca.binding.atom.MediaCollectionTestCase.java

public void testMediaEntryPutNotFound() throws Exception {
    // Pseudo Code (see APP (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5023#section-9.6)
    // Testing of entry update
    String receiptName = "Value Autoglass Bill";
    String fileName = "target/test-classes/ReceiptValue.jpg";
    File input = new File(fileName);
    boolean exists = input.exists();
    Assert.assertTrue(exists);//from   w  ww .j  a  va  2  s  . co  m

    // Prepare HTTP put request
    // PUT /edit/the_beach.png HTTP/1.1
    // Host: media.example.org
    // Content-Type: image/png
    // Content-Length: nnn
    // ...binary data...
    HttpPut put = new HttpPut(providerURI + "/" + mediaId + "-bogus"); // Does not exist.
    put.addHeader("Content-Type", "image/jpg");
    put.addHeader("Title", "Title " + receiptName + "");
    put.addHeader("Slug", "Slug " + receiptName + "");
    put.setEntity(new FileEntity(input, "image/jpg"));

    // Get HTTP client
    HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClientFactory().createHttpClient();
    try {
        // Execute request
        HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(put);
        int result = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        // Pseudo Code (see APP (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5023#section-9.6)
        // Display status code
        // System.out.println("Response status code: " + result + ", status text=" + put.getStatusText() );
        Assert.assertEquals(404, result);
        // Display response. Should be empty for put.
        // System.out.println("Response body: ");
        // System.out.println(put.getResponseBodyAsString()); // Warning: BodyAsString recommends BodyAsStream
    } finally {
        // Release current connection to the connection pool once you are done
        // put.releaseConnection();

From source file:com.buffalokiwi.api.API.java

 * Perform a put-based request to some endpoint
 * @param url URL//  w  w  w. ja v  a 2s .c om
 * @param file file to send 
 * @param headers additional headers 
 * @return response 
 * @throws APIException 
public IAPIResponse put(final String url, final PostFile file, Map<String, String> headers)
        throws APIException {
    final FileEntity entity = new FileEntity(file.getFile(), file.getContentType());
    if (file.hasContentEncoding())

    //..Create the new put request
    final HttpPut put = (HttpPut) createRequest(HttpMethod.PUT, url, headers);

    //..Set the put payload

    APILog.trace(LOG, entity.toString());

    //..Execute the request
    return executeRequest(put);


From source file:me.code4fun.roboq.Request.java

private HttpEntity createBody(Object o) {
    Object o1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).content : o;
    String c1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).contentType : null;

    if (o1 instanceof byte[]) {
        ByteArrayEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity((byte[]) o1) {
            @Override/*from ww w .j  a v a  2  s.c o  m*/
            public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
        entity.setContentType(c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE);
        return entity;
    } else if (o1 instanceof InputStream) {
        Long len = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).length : null;
        if (len == null)
            throw new RoboqException("Missing length in body for upload InputStream");

        InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity((InputStream) o1, len) {
            public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
        entity.setContentType(c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE);
        return entity;
    } else if (o1 instanceof File) {
        File f = (File) o1;
        return new FileEntity(f, c1 != null ? c1 : getFileContentType(f)) {
            public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
    } else {
        String s = o2s(o1, "");
        String encoding = selectValue(fieldsEncoding, prepared != null ? prepared.fieldsEncoding : null,
        try {
            StringEntity entity;
            entity = new StringEntity(s, encoding) {
                public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {
            entity.setContentType(c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE);
            return entity;
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RoboqException("Illegal encoding for request body", e);