Example usage for org.apache.http.entity InputStreamEntity InputStreamEntity

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.entity InputStreamEntity InputStreamEntity


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.entity InputStreamEntity InputStreamEntity.


public InputStreamEntity(InputStream inputStream, ContentType contentType) 

Source Link


From source file:com.emc.esu.api.rest.EsuRestApiApache.java

private HttpResponse restPut(URL url, Map<String, String> headers, InputStream in, long contentLength)
        throws URISyntaxException, ClientProtocolException, IOException {
    HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url.toURI());

    setHeaders(put, headers);/*from  w  w w  . j a  va  2 s . co m*/

    if (in != null) {
        put.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(in, contentLength));
    } else {
        put.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(new byte[0]));

    return httpClient.execute(put);

From source file:com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesClient.java

 *  //from   w  ww  .jav  a2  s . c o  m
 * @param container
 * @param data
 * @param contentType
 *             MIME
 * @param name
 * @param metadata
 * @param callback
 *             NULL
 * @throws IOException
 *              IO
 * @throws HttpException
 *              Http
 * @throws FilesExcepiton
public String storeStreamedObject(String container, InputStream data, String contentType, String name,
        Map<String, String> metadata) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException {
    if (this.isLoggedin()) {
        String objName = name;
        if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName)) {
            HttpPut method = new HttpPut(
                    storageURL + "/" + sanitizeForURI(container) + "/" + sanitizeForURI(objName));
            method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
            method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
            InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity(data, -1);
            for (String key : metadata.keySet()) {
                // logger.warn("Key:" + key + ":" +
                // sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
                method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));

            try {
                FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));

                if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) {
                    return response.getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG).getValue();
                } else {
                    throw new FilesException("Unexpected result", response.getResponseHeaders(),
            } finally {
        } else {
            if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
                throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
            } else {
                throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
    } else {
        throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);

From source file:API.amazon.mws.feeds.service.MarketplaceWebServiceClient.java

private <T, U> T invoke(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, String> parameters, U request)
        throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {

    String actionName = parameters.get("Action");
    T response = null;/*from  ww w  .  j a  v a2 s .  com*/
    String responseBodyString = null;
    ResponseHeaderMetadata responseHeaderMetadata = null;
    Method responseHeaderMetadataSetter = null;

    HttpPost method = null;

    try {

        responseHeaderMetadataSetter = clazz.getMethod("setResponseHeaderMetadata",

        if (!config.isSetServiceURL()) {
            throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
                    "Missing serviceUrl configuration value. You may obtain a list of valid MWS URLs by consulting the MWS Developer's Guide, or reviewing the sample code published along side this library.",
                    -1, "InvalidServiceUrl", "Sender", null, null, null) {
        // SubmitFeed will be the only MWS API function that will stream requests to the server.
        if (request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest) {

            // For SubmitFeed, HTTP body is reserved for the Feed Content and the function parameters 
            // are contained within the HTTP header
            SubmitFeedRequest sfr = (SubmitFeedRequest) request;

            method = new HttpPost(config.getServiceURL() + "?" + getSubmitFeedUrlParameters(parameters));

            method.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(sfr.getFeedContent(), -1));

            String contentMD5 = sfr.getContentMD5();

            if (contentMD5 != null) {
                method.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-MD5", contentMD5));

            /* Set content type and encoding - encoding and charset are ignored right now because
             * octet-stream is the only supported transport of MWS feeds. */
            method.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type", sfr.getContentType().toString()));

        } else {
            method = new HttpPost(config.getServiceURL());
            log.debug("Adding required parameters...");
            addRequiredParametersToRequest(method, parameters);

            /* Set content type and encoding */
            log.debug("Setting content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset="
                    + DEFAULT_ENCODING.toLowerCase());
            method.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type",
                    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + DEFAULT_ENCODING.toLowerCase()));

            log.debug("Done adding additional required parameters. Parameters now: " + parameters);

        for (Header head : defaultHeaders) {

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(t);

    int status = -1;

    log.debug("Invoking" + actionName + " request. Current parameters: " + parameters);
    try {
        boolean shouldRetry = true;
        int retries = 0;
        do {
            log.debug("Sending Request to host:  " + config.getServiceURL());

            try {

                /* Submit request */
                HttpResponse postResponse;
                postResponse = httpClient.execute(method, httpContext);
                status = postResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

                responseHeaderMetadata = getResponseHeaderMetadata(postResponse);

                // GetFeedSubmissionResult and GetReport will be the only MWS API functions that will stream
                // server responses.
                boolean isStreamingResponse = (request instanceof GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest
                        || request instanceof GetReportRequest);

                if (!isStreamingResponse) {
                    // SubmitFeed
                    responseBodyString = getResponsBodyAsString(postResponse.getEntity().getContent());
                    assert (responseBodyString != null);

                /* Successful response. Attempting to unmarshal into the <Action>Response type */
                if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && responseBodyString != null) {
                    shouldRetry = false;
                    log.debug("Received Response. Status: " + status + ". " + "Response Body: "
                            + responseBodyString);

                    log.debug("Attempting to unmarshal into the " + actionName + "Response type...");
                    response = clazz.cast(getUnmarshaller()
                            .unmarshal(new StreamSource(new StringReader(responseBodyString))));
                    responseHeaderMetadataSetter.invoke(response, responseHeaderMetadata);

                    log.debug("Unmarshalled response into " + actionName + "Response type.");

                } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && isStreamingResponse) {

                    Method outputStreamGetter = null;
                    for (Method m : request.getClass().getMethods()) {
                        if (m.getName().matches("get.+OutputStream$")) {
                            outputStreamGetter = m;

                    OutputStream originalOs = (OutputStream) outputStreamGetter.invoke(request, new Object[0]);

                    MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
                    DigestOutputStream os = new DigestOutputStream(originalOs, messageDigest);

                    // Streaming-response-as-unnamed-body responses from MWS
                    // must carry the generated unique request id as a HTTP
                    // header (x-amz-request-id) as it cannot be passed in a
                    // wrapper to the XML response.
                    String requestIdFromHeader = null;
                        requestIdFromHeader = getFirstHeader(postResponse, "x-amz-request-id").getValue();

                        // Avoid use of the JDK-1.6-only isEmpty() call.
                        if (requestIdFromHeader == null || requestIdFromHeader.length() == 0) {
                            throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
                                    "no request id returned in the x-amz-request-id HTTP header "
                                            + "for a streaming response call - please contact Amazon");

                    String returnedContentMD5 = null;

                    returnedContentMD5 = getFirstHeader(postResponse, "Content-MD5").getValue();

                    copyResponseToOutputStream(postResponse.getEntity().getContent(), os);

                    // Streaming-response-as-unnamed-body responses from MWS
                    // must also carry a Content-MD5 header and it must
                    // match the calculated MD5 for the body.
                    String calculatedContentMD5 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(messageDigest.digest()),
                    if (!calculatedContentMD5.equals(returnedContentMD5)) {
                        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
                                "Content-MD5 HTTP header transmitted by MWS (" + returnedContentMD5 + ") "
                                        + "does not match the calculated MD5 (" + calculatedContentMD5 + ") "
                                        + "in request id " + requestIdFromHeader + " - please contact Amazon");

                    response = clazz.newInstance();
                    responseHeaderMetadataSetter.invoke(response, responseHeaderMetadata);
                    if (clazz == GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse.class) {
                        GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse r = (GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse) response;
                                new GetFeedSubmissionResultResult(returnedContentMD5));
                        r.setResponseMetadata(new ResponseMetadata(requestIdFromHeader));
                    } else if (clazz == GetReportResponse.class) {
                        GetReportResponse r = (GetReportResponse) response;
                        r.setGetReportResult(new GetReportResult(returnedContentMD5));
                        r.setResponseMetadata(new ResponseMetadata(requestIdFromHeader));
                    } else {
                        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException("unexpected streaming-response class "
                                + clazz.getName() + " - please contact Amazon");

                    shouldRetry = false;
                    log.debug("Received streaming response.");

                } else { /* Unsucessful response. Attempting to unmarshall into ErrorResponse  type */

                    if (isStreamingResponse) {
                        // Response body contains error message.
                        responseBodyString = getResponsBodyAsString(postResponse.getEntity().getContent());

                    log.debug("Received Response. Status: " + status + ".");

                    if (status == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR && !(request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest)
                            && pauseIfRetryNeeded(++retries)) {
                        shouldRetry = true;
                    } else {
                        log.debug("Attempting to unmarshal into the ErrorResponse type...");
                        ErrorResponse errorResponse = (ErrorResponse) getUnmarshaller()
                                .unmarshal(new StreamSource(new StringReader(responseBodyString)));

                        log.debug("Unmarshalled response into the ErrorResponse type.");

                        API.amazon.mws.feeds.model.Error error = errorResponse.getError().get(0);

                        if (status == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
                                && !(error.getCode().equals("RequestThrottled"))
                                && !(request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest) && pauseIfRetryNeeded(++retries)) {
                            shouldRetry = true;
                        } else {
                            shouldRetry = false;
                            throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException((((request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest)
                                    && (error.getType().equals("Receiver"))) ? error.getMessage()
                                            + " [Cannot retry SubmitFeed request: must reset InputStream to retry.]"
                                            : error.getMessage()),
                                    status, error.getCode(), error.getType(), errorResponse.getRequestId(),
                                    errorResponse.toXML(), responseHeaderMetadata);
            } catch (JAXBException je) {
                /* Response cannot be unmarshalled neither as <Action>Response or ErrorResponse types.
                Checking for other possible errors. */

                log.debug("Caught JAXBException", je);
                log.debug("Response cannot be unmarshalled neither as " + actionName
                        + "Response or ErrorResponse types." + "Checking for other possible errors.");

                MarketplaceWebServiceException awse = processErrors(responseBodyString, status,

                throw awse;

            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                log.error("Caught IOException exception", ioe);
                throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException("Internal Error", ioe);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Caught Exception", e);
                throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(e);
            } finally {
        } while (shouldRetry);

    } catch (MarketplaceWebServiceException se) {
        log.error("Caught MarketplaceWebServiceException", se);
        throw se;

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        log.error("Caught Exception", t);
        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(t);
    return response;

From source file:com.amazonaws.mws.MarketplaceWebServiceClient.java

private <T, U> T invoke(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, String> parameters, U request)
        throws MarketplaceWebServiceException {

    String actionName = parameters.get("Action");
    T response = null;/*from   w w w .  ja v a  2 s  . co  m*/
    String responseBodyString = null;
    ResponseHeaderMetadata responseHeaderMetadata = null;
    Method responseHeaderMetadataSetter = null;

    HttpPost method = null;

    try {

        responseHeaderMetadataSetter = clazz.getMethod("setResponseHeaderMetadata",

        if (!config.isSetServiceURL()) {
            throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
                    "Missing serviceUrl configuration value. You may obtain a list of valid MWS URLs by consulting the MWS Developer's Guide, or reviewing the sample code published along side this library.",
                    -1, "InvalidServiceUrl", "Sender", null, null, null) {
        // SubmitFeed will be the only MWS API function that will stream requests to the server.
        if (request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest) {

            // For SubmitFeed, HTTP body is reserved for the Feed Content and the function parameters 
            // are contained within the HTTP header
            SubmitFeedRequest sfr = (SubmitFeedRequest) request;

            method = new HttpPost(config.getServiceURL() + "?" + getSubmitFeedUrlParameters(parameters));

            method.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(sfr.getFeedContent(), -1));

            /* Set content type and encoding - encoding and charset are ignored right now because
             * octet-stream is the only supported transport of MWS feeds. */
            method.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type", sfr.getContentType().toString()));

        } else {
            method = new HttpPost(config.getServiceURL());
            log.debug("Adding required parameters...");
            addRequiredParametersToRequest(method, parameters);

            /* Set content type and encoding */
            log.debug("Setting content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset="
                    + DEFAULT_ENCODING.toLowerCase());
            method.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type",
                    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + DEFAULT_ENCODING.toLowerCase()));

            log.debug("Done adding additional required parameters. Parameters now: " + parameters);

        for (Header head : defaultHeaders) {

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(t);

    int status = -1;

    log.debug("Invoking" + actionName + " request. Current parameters: " + parameters);
    try {
        boolean shouldRetry = true;
        int retries = 0;
        do {
            log.debug("Sending Request to host:  " + config.getServiceURL());

            try {

                /* Submit request */
                HttpResponse postResponse;
                postResponse = httpClient.execute(method, httpContext);
                status = postResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

                responseHeaderMetadata = getResponseHeaderMetadata(postResponse);

                // GetFeedSubmissionResult and GetReport will be the only MWS API functions that will stream
                // server responses.
                boolean isStreamingResponse = (request instanceof GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest
                        || request instanceof GetReportRequest);

                if (!isStreamingResponse) {
                    // SubmitFeed
                    responseBodyString = getResponsBodyAsString(postResponse.getEntity().getContent());
                    assert (responseBodyString != null);

                /* Successful response. Attempting to unmarshal into the <Action>Response type */
                if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && responseBodyString != null) {
                    shouldRetry = false;
                    log.debug("Received Response. Status: " + status + ". " + "Response Body: "
                            + responseBodyString);

                    log.debug("Attempting to unmarshal into the " + actionName + "Response type...");
                    response = clazz.cast(getUnmarshaller()
                            .unmarshal(new StreamSource(new StringReader(responseBodyString))));
                    responseHeaderMetadataSetter.invoke(response, responseHeaderMetadata);

                    log.debug("Unmarshalled response into " + actionName + "Response type.");

                } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && isStreamingResponse) {

                    Method outputStreamGetter = null;
                    for (Method m : request.getClass().getMethods()) {
                        if (m.getName().matches("get.+OutputStream$")) {
                            outputStreamGetter = m;

                    OutputStream originalOs = (OutputStream) outputStreamGetter.invoke(request, new Object[0]);

                    MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
                    DigestOutputStream os = new DigestOutputStream(originalOs, messageDigest);

                    // Streaming-response-as-unnamed-body responses from MWS
                    // must carry the generated unique request id as a HTTP
                    // header (x-amz-request-id) as it cannot be passed in a
                    // wrapper to the XML response.
                    String requestIdFromHeader = null;
                        requestIdFromHeader = getFirstHeader(postResponse, "x-amz-request-id").getValue();

                        // Avoid use of the JDK-1.6-only isEmpty() call.
                        if (requestIdFromHeader == null || requestIdFromHeader.length() == 0) {
                            throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
                                    "no request id returned in the x-amz-request-id HTTP header "
                                            + "for a streaming response call - please contact Amazon");

                    String returnedContentMD5 = null;

                    returnedContentMD5 = getFirstHeader(postResponse, "Content-MD5").getValue();

                    copyResponseToOutputStream(postResponse.getEntity().getContent(), os);

                    // Streaming-response-as-unnamed-body responses from MWS
                    // must also carry a Content-MD5 header and it must
                    // match the calculated MD5 for the body.
                    String calculatedContentMD5 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(messageDigest.digest()),
                    if (!calculatedContentMD5.equals(returnedContentMD5)) {
                        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(
                                "Content-MD5 HTTP header transmitted by MWS (" + returnedContentMD5 + ") "
                                        + "does not match the calculated MD5 (" + calculatedContentMD5 + ") "
                                        + "in request id " + requestIdFromHeader + " - please contact Amazon");

                    response = clazz.newInstance();
                    responseHeaderMetadataSetter.invoke(response, responseHeaderMetadata);
                    if (clazz == GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse.class) {
                        GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse r = (GetFeedSubmissionResultResponse) response;
                                new GetFeedSubmissionResultResult(returnedContentMD5));
                        r.setResponseMetadata(new ResponseMetadata(requestIdFromHeader));
                    } else if (clazz == GetReportResponse.class) {
                        GetReportResponse r = (GetReportResponse) response;
                        r.setGetReportResult(new GetReportResult(returnedContentMD5));
                        r.setResponseMetadata(new ResponseMetadata(requestIdFromHeader));
                    } else {
                        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException("unexpected streaming-response class "
                                + clazz.getName() + " - please contact Amazon");

                    shouldRetry = false;
                    log.debug("Received streaming response.");

                } else { /* Unsucessful response. Attempting to unmarshall into ErrorResponse  type */

                    if (isStreamingResponse) {
                        // Response body contains error message.
                        responseBodyString = getResponsBodyAsString(postResponse.getEntity().getContent());

                    log.debug("Received Response. Status: " + status + ".");

                    if (status == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR && !(request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest)
                            && pauseIfRetryNeeded(++retries)) {
                        shouldRetry = true;
                    } else {
                        log.debug("Attempting to unmarshal into the ErrorResponse type...");
                        ErrorResponse errorResponse = (ErrorResponse) getUnmarshaller()
                                .unmarshal(new StreamSource(new StringReader(responseBodyString)));

                        log.debug("Unmarshalled response into the ErrorResponse type.");

                        com.amazonaws.mws.model.Error error = errorResponse.getError().get(0);

                        if (status == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
                                && !(error.getCode().equals("RequestThrottled"))
                                && !(request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest) && pauseIfRetryNeeded(++retries)) {
                            shouldRetry = true;
                        } else {
                            shouldRetry = false;
                            throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException((((request instanceof SubmitFeedRequest)
                                    && (error.getType().equals("Receiver"))) ? error.getMessage()
                                            + " [Cannot retry SubmitFeed request: must reset InputStream to retry.]"
                                            : error.getMessage()),
                                    status, error.getCode(), error.getType(), errorResponse.getRequestId(),
                                    errorResponse.toXML(), responseHeaderMetadata);
            } catch (JAXBException je) {
                /* Response cannot be unmarshalled neither as <Action>Response or ErrorResponse types.
                Checking for other possible errors. */

                log.debug("Caught JAXBException", je);
                log.debug("Response cannot be unmarshalled neither as " + actionName
                        + "Response or ErrorResponse types." + "Checking for other possible errors.");

                MarketplaceWebServiceException awse = processErrors(responseBodyString, status,

                throw awse;

            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                log.error("Caught IOException exception", ioe);
                if (config.isSetProxyHost() && config.isSetProxyPort()
                        && ioe instanceof javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException) {
                    String error = "\n*****\n* Perhaps you are attempting to use https protocol to communicate with the proxy that does not support it.\n* If so either enable https on the proxy, or configure the client to use http communications with the proxy.\n* See  MarketplaceWebServiceClientConfig.setProxyProtocol for details.\n*****";
                throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException("Internal Error", ioe);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Caught Exception", e);
                throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(e);
            } finally {
        } while (shouldRetry);

    } catch (MarketplaceWebServiceException se) {
        log.error("Caught MarketplaceWebServiceException", se);
        throw se;

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        log.error("Caught Exception", t);
        throw new MarketplaceWebServiceException(t);
    return response;

From source file:org.dasein.cloud.openstack.nova.os.AbstractMethod.java

protected @Nullable String postStream(@Nonnull String authToken, @Nonnull String endpoint,
        @Nonnull String resource, @Nonnull String md5Hash, @Nonnull InputStream stream)
        throws CloudException, InternalException {
    Logger std = NovaOpenStack.getLogger(NovaOpenStack.class, "std");
    Logger wire = NovaOpenStack.getLogger(NovaOpenStack.class, "wire");

    if (std.isTraceEnabled()) {
        std.trace("enter - " + AbstractMethod.class.getName() + ".postStream(" + authToken + "," + endpoint
                + "," + resource + "," + md5Hash + ",INPUTSTREAM)");
    }//from ww w.j  a va 2  s .com
    if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                + endpoint + resource);
    HttpClient client = null;
    try {
        client = getClient();
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(endpoint + resource);

        post.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
        post.addHeader("X-Auth-Token", authToken);

        if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
            for (Header header : post.getAllHeaders()) {
                wire.debug(header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue());
        post.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(stream, -1));
        wire.debug(" ---- BINARY DATA ---- ");

        HttpResponse response;

        try {
            APITrace.trace(provider, "POST " + toAPIResource(resource));
            response = client.execute(post);
            if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                for (Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) {
                    wire.debug(header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            std.error("I/O error from server communications: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new InternalException(e);
        int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        std.debug("HTTP STATUS: " + code);

        String responseHash = null;

        for (Header h : post.getAllHeaders()) {
            if (h.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ETag")) {
                responseHash = h.getValue();
        if (responseHash != null && md5Hash != null && !responseHash.equals(md5Hash)) {
            throw new CloudException("MD5 hash values do not match, probably data corruption");
        if (code != HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED && code != HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
            std.error("postStream(): Expected ACCEPTED or NO CONTENT for POST request, got " + code);
            String data = null;

            try {
                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

                if (entity != null) {
                    data = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
                    if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                std.error("Failed to read response error due to a cloud I/O error: " + e.getMessage());
                throw new CloudException(e);
            NovaException.ExceptionItems items = NovaException.parseException(code, data);

            if (items == null) {
                items = new NovaException.ExceptionItems();
                items.code = 404;
                items.type = CloudErrorType.COMMUNICATION;
                items.message = "itemNotFound";
                items.details = "No such object: " + resource;
            std.error("postString(): [" + code + " : " + items.message + "] " + items.details);
            throw new NovaException(items);
        } else {
            if (code == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) {
                String data = null;

                try {
                    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

                    if (entity != null) {
                        data = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
                        if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    std.error("Failed to read response due to a cloud I/O error: " + e.getMessage());
                    throw new CloudException(e);
                if (data != null && !data.trim().equals("")) {
                    return data;
            return null;
    } finally {
        if (client != null) {
        if (std.isTraceEnabled()) {
            std.trace("exit - " + NovaOpenStack.class.getName() + ".postStream()");
        if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    + endpoint + resource);

From source file:com.infinities.skyport.openstack.nova.os.SkyportNovaMethod.java

protected @Nullable String postStream(@Nonnull String authToken, @Nonnull String endpoint,
        @Nonnull String resource, @Nonnull String md5Hash, @Nonnull InputStream stream)
        throws CloudException, InternalException {
    Logger std = NovaOpenStack.getLogger(NovaOpenStack.class, "std");
    Logger wire = NovaOpenStack.getLogger(NovaOpenStack.class, "wire");

    if (std.isTraceEnabled()) {
        std.trace("enter - " + AbstractMethod.class.getName() + ".postStream(" + authToken + "," + endpoint
                + "," + resource + "," + md5Hash + ",INPUTSTREAM)");
    }//from   w  ww  .  j a  va  2s  .c om
    if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                + endpoint + resource);
    HttpClient client = null;
    try {
        client = getClient();
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(endpoint + resource);

        post.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
        post.addHeader("X-Auth-Token", authToken);

        if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
            for (Header header : post.getAllHeaders()) {
                wire.debug(header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue());
        post.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(stream, -1));
        wire.debug(" ---- BINARY DATA ---- ");

        HttpResponse response;

        try {
            APITrace.trace(provider, "POST " + toAPIResource(resource));
            response = client.execute(post);
            if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                for (Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) {
                    wire.debug(header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            std.error("I/O error from server communications: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new InternalException(e);
        int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        std.debug("HTTP STATUS: " + code);

        String responseHash = null;

        for (Header h : post.getAllHeaders()) {
            if (h.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ETag")) {
                responseHash = h.getValue();
        if (responseHash != null && md5Hash != null && !responseHash.equals(md5Hash)) {
            throw new CloudException("MD5 hash values do not match, probably data corruption");
        if (code != HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED && code != HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
            std.error("postStream(): Expected ACCEPTED or NO CONTENT for POST request, got " + code);
            String data = null;

            try {
                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

                if (entity != null) {
                    data = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
                    if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                std.error("Failed to read response error due to a cloud I/O error: " + e.getMessage());
                throw new CloudException(e);
            NovaException.ExceptionItems items = NovaException.parseException(code, data);

            if (items == null) {
                items = new NovaException.ExceptionItems();
                items.code = 404;
                items.type = CloudErrorType.COMMUNICATION;
                items.message = "itemNotFound";
                items.details = "No such object: " + resource;
            std.error("postString(): [" + code + " : " + items.message + "] " + items.details);
            throw new NovaException(items);
        } else {
            if (code == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) {
                String data = null;

                try {
                    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

                    if (entity != null) {
                        data = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
                        if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    std.error("Failed to read response due to a cloud I/O error: " + e.getMessage());
                    throw new CloudException(e);
                if (data != null && !data.trim().equals("")) {
                    return data;
            return null;
    } finally {
        if (client != null) {
        if (std.isTraceEnabled()) {
            std.trace("exit - " + NovaOpenStack.class.getName() + ".postStream()");
        if (wire.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    + endpoint + resource);

From source file:com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI.java

 * Creates a request to upload an {@link InputStream} to a Dropbox file.
 * You can then {@code upload()} or {@code abort()} this request. This is
 * the advanced version, which you should only use if you really need the
 * flexibility of uploading using an {@link InputStream}.
 * @param path the full Dropbox path where to put the file, including
 *         directories and filename.// w w  w .  java 2 s  . c o m
 * @param is the {@link InputStream} from which to upload.
 * @param length the amount of bytes to read from the {@link InputStream}.
 * @param overwrite whether to overwrite the file if it already exists. If
 *         true, any existing file will always be overwritten. If false,
 *         files will be overwritten only if the {@code parentRev} matches
 *         the current rev on the server.  Otherwise, there is a conflict,
 *         which is resolved by the behavior specified by autorename.
 * @param parentRev the rev of the file at which the user started editing
 *         it (obtained from a metadata call), or null if this is a new
 *         upload. If null, or if it does not match the latest rev on the
 *         server, a copy of the file will be created and you'll receive
 *         the new metadata upon executing the request.
 * @param autoRename If False, conflicts produce a DropboxServerException.
 *          If True, a conflicted copy of the file will be created and you
 *          will get the new file's metadata {@link Entry}.
 * @param listener an optional {@link ProgressListener} to receive upload
 *         progress updates, or null.
 * @return an {@link UploadRequest}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code newFilename} is null or
 *         empty.
 * @throws DropboxUnlinkedException if you have not set an access token
 *         pair on the session, or if the user has revoked access.
 * @throws DropboxFileSizeException if the file is bigger than the
 *         maximum allowed by the API. See
 *         {@code DropboxAPI.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}.
 * @throws DropboxException for any other unknown errors. This is also a
 *         superclass of all other Dropbox exceptions, so you may want to
 *         only catch this exception which signals that some kind of error
 *         occurred.
private UploadRequest putFileRequest(String path, InputStream is, long length, boolean overwrite,
        String parentRev, boolean autoRename, ProgressListener listener) throws DropboxException {
    if (path == null || path.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("path is null or empty.");


    if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
        path = "/" + path;

    String target = "/files_put/" + session.getAccessType() + path;

    if (parentRev == null) {
        parentRev = "";

    String[] params = new String[] { "overwrite", String.valueOf(overwrite), "parent_rev", parentRev,
            "autorename", String.valueOf(autoRename), "locale", session.getLocale().toString() };

    String url = RESTUtility.buildURL(session.getContentServer(), VERSION, target, params);

    HttpPut req = new HttpPut(url);

    InputStreamEntity isEntity = new InputStreamEntity(is, length);

    HttpEntity entity = isEntity;

    if (listener != null) {
        entity = new ProgressHttpEntity(entity, listener);


    return new BasicUploadRequest(req, session);


From source file:net.www_eee.portal.channels.ProxyChannel.java

 * Construct the {@link HttpUriRequest} that will be used to {@linkplain #doProxyRequest(Page.Request, Channel.Mode)
 * proxy} content while fulfilling the specified <code>pageRequest</code>. This method will
 * {@linkplain #getProxiedFileURL(Page.Request, Channel.Mode, boolean) calculate} the proxied file URL,
 * {@linkplain #createProxyRequestObject(Page.Request, Channel.Mode, URL) create} the appropriate type of request
 * object, set it's {@linkplain HttpUriRequest#setHeader(String, String) headers}, and, if this channel is
 * {@linkplain net.www_eee.portal.Page.Request#isMaximized(Channel) maximized}, set any
 * {@linkplain HttpEntityEnclosingRequest#setEntity(HttpEntity) entity} that was
 * {@linkplain net.www_eee.portal.Page.Request#getEntity() provided} by the <code>pageRequest</code>.
 * /*  www  . ja va 2  s . c o  m*/
 * @param pageRequest The {@link net.www_eee.portal.Page.Request Request} currently being processed.
 * @param mode The {@link net.www_eee.portal.Channel.Mode Mode} of the request.
 * @param proxyClient The {@link #createProxyClient(Page.Request) HttpClient} performing the proxy request.
 * @return The proxy {@link HttpUriRequest} object.
 * @throws WWWEEEPortal.Exception If a problem occurred while determining the result.
 * @throws WebApplicationException If a problem occurred while determining the result.
 * @see #doProxyRequest(Page.Request, Channel.Mode)
protected HttpRequestBase createProxyRequest(final Page.Request pageRequest, final Mode mode,
        final CloseableHttpClient proxyClient) throws WWWEEEPortal.Exception, WebApplicationException {
    final URL proxiedFileURL = getProxiedFileURL(pageRequest, mode, true);

    final Object[] context = new Object[] { mode, proxiedFileURL };
    HttpRequestBase proxyRequest = PROXY_REQUEST_HOOK.value(plugins, context, pageRequest);
    if (proxyRequest == null) {

        proxyRequest = createProxyRequestObject(pageRequest, mode, proxiedFileURL);

        final String userAgent = getProxyRequestUserAgentHeader(pageRequest, mode, proxyClient, proxiedFileURL,
        if (userAgent != null)
            proxyRequest.setHeader("User-Agent", userAgent);
        final String acceptLanguage = getProxyRequestAcceptLanguageHeader(pageRequest, mode, proxyClient,
                proxiedFileURL, proxyRequest);
        if (acceptLanguage != null)
            proxyRequest.setHeader("Accept-Language", acceptLanguage);
        final String accept = getProxyRequestAcceptHeader(pageRequest, mode, proxyClient, proxiedFileURL,
        if (accept != null)
            proxyRequest.setHeader("Accept", accept);
        final String authorization = getProxyRequestAuthorizationHeader(pageRequest, mode, proxyClient,
                proxiedFileURL, proxyRequest);
        if (authorization != null)
            proxyRequest.setHeader("Authorization", authorization);

        if (Mode.RESOURCE.equals(mode)) {
            final Optional<String> ifMatch = RESTUtil.getFirstHeaderValue(pageRequest.getHttpHeaders(),
                    "If-Match", Function.identity());
            if (ifMatch.isPresent())
                proxyRequest.setHeader("If-Match", ifMatch.get());
            final Optional<String> ifModifiedSince = RESTUtil.getFirstHeaderValue(pageRequest.getHttpHeaders(),
                    "If-Modified-Since", Function.identity());
            if (ifModifiedSince.isPresent())
                proxyRequest.setHeader("If-Modified-Since", ifModifiedSince.get());
            final Optional<String> ifNoneMatch = RESTUtil.getFirstHeaderValue(pageRequest.getHttpHeaders(),
                    "If-None-Match", Function.identity());
            if (ifNoneMatch.isPresent())
                proxyRequest.setHeader("If-None-Match", ifNoneMatch.get());
            final Optional<String> ifUnmodifiedSince = RESTUtil.getFirstHeaderValue(
                    pageRequest.getHttpHeaders(), "If-Unmodified-Since", Function.identity());
            if (ifUnmodifiedSince.isPresent())
                proxyRequest.setHeader("If-Unmodified-Since", ifUnmodifiedSince.get());

        if (!isCacheControlClientDirectivesDisabled(pageRequest)) {
            final Optional<CacheControl> cacheControl = RESTUtil
                    .getFirstHeaderValue(pageRequest.getHttpHeaders(), "Cache-Control", CacheControl::valueOf);
            if (cacheControl.isPresent())
                proxyRequest.setHeader("Cache-Control", cacheControl.get().toString());

        if (pageRequest.isMaximized(this)) {

            final MediaType contentType = pageRequest.getHttpHeaders().getMediaType();
            if (contentType != null)
                proxyRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType.toString());

            final DataSource entity = pageRequest.getEntity();
            if ((entity != null) && (proxyRequest instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest)) {
                try {
                    final Optional<String> contentLengthString = RESTUtil.getFirstHeaderValue(
                            pageRequest.getHttpHeaders(), "Content-Length", Function.identity());
                    final HttpEntity httpEntity = new InputStreamEntity(entity.getInputStream(),
                            (contentLengthString.isPresent()) ? Long.parseLong(contentLengthString.get()) : -1);
                    ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) proxyRequest).setEntity(httpEntity);
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    throw new WebApplicationException(nfe, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw new WWWEEEPortal.OperationalException(ioe);

        } // if (pageRequest.isMaximized(this))

    } // if (proxyRequest == null)
    proxyRequest = PROXY_REQUEST_HOOK
            .requireFilteredResult(PROXY_REQUEST_HOOK.filter(plugins, context, pageRequest, proxyRequest));
    return proxyRequest;