Example usage for org.apache.http.impl.client DefaultRedirectStrategy DefaultRedirectStrategy

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.impl.client DefaultRedirectStrategy DefaultRedirectStrategy


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.impl.client DefaultRedirectStrategy DefaultRedirectStrategy.


public DefaultRedirectStrategy() 

Source Link


From source file:org.cloudfoundry.identity.client.UaaContextFactory.java

public static ClientHttpRequestFactory getNoValidatingClientHttpRequestFactory(boolean followRedirects) {
    ClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory;
    SSLContext sslContext;/*www.j  a  v  a2 s.  c  o  m*/
    try {
        sslContext = new SSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustSelfSignedStrategy()).build();
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (KeyManagementException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setSslcontext(sslContext)
            .setRedirectStrategy(followRedirects ? new DefaultRedirectStrategy() : new RedirectStrategy() {
                public boolean isRedirected(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, HttpContext context)
                        throws ProtocolException {
                    return false;

                public HttpUriRequest getRedirect(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response,
                        HttpContext context) throws ProtocolException {
                    return null;

    requestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient);
    return requestFactory;

From source file:lucee.runtime.tag.Http41.java

private void _doEndTag(Struct cfhttp) throws PageException, IOException {
    HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClients.custom();

    // redirect//from  w  ww. j a v  a 2 s. com
    if (redirect)
        builder.setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy());

    // cookies
    BasicCookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();

    ConfigWeb cw = pageContext.getConfig();
    HttpRequestBase req = null;
    HttpContext httpContext = null;
    //HttpRequestBase req = init(pageContext.getConfig(),this,client,params,url,port);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(charset, true))
            charset = ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset().name();
            charset = charset.trim();

        // check if has fileUploads   
        boolean doUploadFile = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.params.size(); i++) {
            if ((this.params.get(i)).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) {
                doUploadFile = true;

        // parse url (also query string)
        int len = this.params.size();
        StringBuilder sbQS = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i);
            String type = param.getType();
            // URL
            if (type.equals("url")) {
                if (sbQS.length() > 0)
                sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? HttpImpl.urlenc(param.getName(), charset) : param.getName());
                sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? HttpImpl.urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset)
                        : param.getValueAsString());
        String host = null;
        HttpHost httpHost;
        try {
            URL _url = HTTPUtil.toURL(url, port, encoded);
            httpHost = new HttpHost(_url.getHost(), _url.getPort());
            host = _url.getHost();
            url = _url.toExternalForm();
            if (sbQS.length() > 0) {
                // no existing QS
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(_url.getQuery())) {
                    url += "?" + sbQS;
                } else {
                    url += "&" + sbQS;
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            throw Caster.toPageException(mue);

        // select best matching method (get,post, post multpart (file))

        boolean isBinary = false;
        boolean doMultiPart = doUploadFile || this.multiPart;
        HttpPost post = null;
        HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eem = null;

        if (this.method == METHOD_GET) {
            req = new HttpGet(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_HEAD) {
            req = new HttpHead(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_DELETE) {
            isBinary = true;
            req = new HttpDelete(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_PUT) {
            isBinary = true;
            HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url);
            req = put;
            eem = put;

        } else if (this.method == METHOD_TRACE) {
            isBinary = true;
            req = new HttpTrace(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_OPTIONS) {
            isBinary = true;
            req = new HttpOptions(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_PATCH) {
            isBinary = true;
            eem = HTTPPatchFactory.getHTTPPatch(url);
            req = (HttpRequestBase) eem;
        } else {
            isBinary = true;
            post = new HttpPost(url);
            req = post;
            eem = post;

        boolean hasForm = false;
        boolean hasBody = false;
        boolean hasContentType = false;
        // Set http params
        ArrayList<FormBodyPart> parts = new ArrayList<FormBodyPart>();

        StringBuilder acceptEncoding = new StringBuilder();
        java.util.List<NameValuePair> postParam = post != null ? new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() : null;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i);
            String type = param.getType();

            // URL
            if (type.equals("url")) {
                //listQS.add(new BasicNameValuePair(translateEncoding(param.getName(), http.charset),translateEncoding(param.getValueAsString(), http.charset)));
            // Form
            else if (type.equals("formfield") || type.equals("form")) {
                hasForm = true;
                if (this.method == METHOD_GET)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "httpparam with type formfield can only be used when the method attribute of the parent http tag is set to post");
                if (post != null) {
                    if (doMultiPart) {
                        parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(),
                                new StringBody(param.getValueAsString(), CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset))));
                    } else {
                        postParam.add(new BasicNameValuePair(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString()));
                //else if(multi!=null)multi.addParameter(param.getName(),param.getValueAsString());
            // CGI
            else if (type.equals("cgi")) {
                if (param.getEncoded())
                    req.addHeader(HttpImpl.urlenc(param.getName(), charset),
                            HttpImpl.urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset));
                    req.addHeader(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString());
            // Header
            else if (type.startsWith("head")) {
                if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("content-type"))
                    hasContentType = true;

                if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length")) {
                } else if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Accept-Encoding")) {
                    acceptEncoding.append(", ");
                } else
                    req.addHeader(param.getName(), HttpImpl.headerValue(param.getValueAsString()));
            // Cookie
            else if (type.equals("cookie")) {
                HTTPEngineImpl.addCookie(cookieStore, host, param.getName(), param.getValueAsString(), "/",
            // File
            else if (type.equals("file")) {
                hasForm = true;
                if (this.method == METHOD_GET)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal post");
                String strCT = HttpImpl.getContentType(param);
                ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(strCT, null);

                String mt = "text/xml";
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
                    mt = ct.getMimeType();

                String cs = charset;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
                    cs = ct.getCharset();

                if (doMultiPart) {
                    try {
                        Resource res = param.getFile();
                        parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(),
                                new ResourceBody(res, mt, res.getName(), cs)));
                        //parts.add(new ResourcePart(param.getName(),new ResourcePartSource(param.getFile()),getContentType(param),_charset));
                    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new ApplicationException("can't upload file, path is invalid", e.getMessage());
            // XML
            else if (type.equals("xml")) {
                ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null);

                String mt = "text/xml";
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
                    mt = ct.getMimeType();

                String cs = charset;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
                    cs = ct.getCharset();

                hasBody = true;
                hasContentType = true;
                req.addHeader("Content-type", mt + "; charset=" + cs);
                if (eem == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("type xml is only supported for type post and put");
                HTTPEngineImpl.setBody(eem, param.getValueAsString(), mt, cs);
            // Body
            else if (type.equals("body")) {
                ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null);

                String mt = null;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
                    mt = ct.getMimeType();

                String cs = charset;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
                    cs = ct.getCharset();

                hasBody = true;
                if (eem == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("type body is only supported for type post and put");
                HTTPEngineImpl.setBody(eem, param.getValue(), mt, cs);

            } else {
                throw new ApplicationException("invalid type [" + type + "]");


        // post params
        if (postParam != null && postParam.size() > 0)
            post.setEntity(new org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParam, charset));

        if (compression) {
        } else {
            req.setHeader("TE", "deflate;q=0");
        req.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", acceptEncoding.toString());

        // multipart
        if (doMultiPart && eem != null) {
            hasContentType = true;
            boolean doIt = true;
            if (!this.multiPart && parts.size() == 1) {
                ContentBody body = parts.get(0).getBody();
                if (body instanceof StringBody) {
                    StringBody sb = (StringBody) body;
                    try {
                        org.apache.http.entity.ContentType ct = org.apache.http.entity.ContentType
                                .create(sb.getMimeType(), sb.getCharset());
                        String str = IOUtil.toString(sb.getReader());
                        StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(str, ct);

                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw Caster.toPageException(e);
                    doIt = false;
            if (doIt) {
                MultipartEntity mpe = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.STRICT);
                Iterator<FormBodyPart> it = parts.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    FormBodyPart part = it.next();
                    mpe.addPart(part.getName(), part.getBody());
            //eem.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntityFlex(parts.toArray(new Part[parts.size()]), eem.getParams(),http.multiPartType));

        if (hasBody && hasForm)
            throw new ApplicationException("mixing httpparam  type file/formfield and body/XML is not allowed");

        if (!hasContentType) {
            if (isBinary) {
                if (hasBody)
                    req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
                    req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + charset);
            } else {
                if (hasBody)
                    req.addHeader("Content-type", "text/html; charset=" + charset);

        // set User Agent
        if (!HttpImpl.hasHeaderIgnoreCase(req, "User-Agent"))
            req.setHeader("User-Agent", this.useragent);

        // set timeout
        if (this.timeout > 0L) {
            builder.setConnectionTimeToLive(this.timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

        // set Username and Password
        if (this.username != null) {
            if (this.password == null)
                this.password = "";
            if (AUTH_TYPE_NTLM == this.authType) {
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.workStation, true))
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "attribute workstation is required when authentication type is [NTLM]");
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.domain, true))
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "attribute domain is required when authentication type is [NTLM]");
                HTTPEngineImpl.setNTCredentials(builder, this.username, this.password, this.workStation,
            } else
                httpContext = HTTPEngineImpl.setCredentials(builder, httpHost, this.username, this.password,

        // set Proxy
        ProxyData proxy = null;
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.proxyserver)) {
            proxy = ProxyDataImpl.getInstance(this.proxyserver, this.proxyport, this.proxyuser,
        if (pageContext.getConfig().isProxyEnableFor(host)) {
            proxy = pageContext.getConfig().getProxyData();
        HTTPEngineImpl.setProxy(builder, req, proxy);


    CloseableHttpClient client = null;
    try {
        if (httpContext == null)
            httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();

        /////////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
        client = builder.build();
        Executor41 e = new Executor41(this, client, httpContext, req, redirect);
        HTTPResponse4Impl rsp = null;
        if (timeout < 0) {
            try {
                rsp = e.execute(httpContext);

            catch (Throwable t) {
                if (!throwonerror) {
                    setUnknownHost(cfhttp, t);
                throw toPageException(t);

        } else {
            try {
                synchronized (this) {//print.err(timeout);
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                throw Caster.toPageException(ie);
            if (e.t != null) {
                if (!throwonerror) {
                    setUnknownHost(cfhttp, e.t);
                throw toPageException(e.t);

            rsp = e.response;

            if (!e.done) {
                if (throwonerror)
                    throw new HTTPException("408 Request Time-out", "a timeout occurred in tag http", 408,
                            "Time-out", rsp.getURL());
                //throw new ApplicationException("timeout");   

        /////////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
        Charset responseCharset = CharsetUtil.toCharset(rsp.getCharset());
        // Write Response Scope
        //String rawHeader=httpMethod.getStatusLine().toString();
        String mimetype = null;
        String contentEncoding = null;

        // status code
        cfhttp.set(STATUSCODE, ((rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText()).trim()));
        cfhttp.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(rsp.getStatusCode()));
        cfhttp.set(STATUS_TEXT, (rsp.getStatusText()));
        cfhttp.set(HTTP_VERSION, (rsp.getProtocolVersion()));

        lucee.commons.net.http.Header[] headers = rsp.getAllHeaders();
        StringBuffer raw = new StringBuffer(rsp.getStatusLine() + " ");
        Struct responseHeader = new StructImpl();
        Struct cookie;
        Array setCookie = new ArrayImpl();
        Query cookies = new QueryImpl(
                new String[] { "name", "value", "path", "domain", "expires", "secure", "httpOnly" }, 0,

        for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
            lucee.commons.net.http.Header header = headers[i];

            raw.append(header.toString() + " ");
            if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) {
                parseCookie(cookies, header.getValue());
            } else {
                Object value = responseHeader.get(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), null);
                if (value == null)
                    responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), header.getValue());
                else {
                    Array arr = null;
                    if (value instanceof Array) {
                        arr = (Array) value;
                    } else {
                        arr = new ArrayImpl();
                        responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), arr);

            // Content-Type
            if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")) {
                mimetype = header.getValue();
                if (mimetype == null)
                    mimetype = NO_MIMETYPE;

            // Content-Encoding
            if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Encoding")) {
                contentEncoding = header.getValue();

        cfhttp.set(RESPONSEHEADER, responseHeader);
        cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._cookies, cookies);
        responseHeader.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(rsp.getStatusCode()));
        responseHeader.set(EXPLANATION, (rsp.getStatusText()));
        if (setCookie.size() > 0)
            responseHeader.set(SET_COOKIE, setCookie);

        // is text 
        boolean isText = mimetype == null || mimetype == NO_MIMETYPE || HTTPUtil.isTextMimeType(mimetype);

        // is multipart 
        boolean isMultipart = MultiPartResponseUtils.isMultipart(mimetype);

        cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._text, Caster.toBoolean(isText));

        // mimetype charset
        //boolean responseProvideCharset=false;
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(mimetype, true)) {
            if (isText) {
                String[] types = HTTPUtil.splitMimeTypeAndCharset(mimetype, null);
                if (types[0] != null)
                    cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, types[0]);
                if (types[1] != null)
                    cfhttp.set(CHARSET, types[1]);

            } else
                cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, mimetype);
        } else
            cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, NO_MIMETYPE);

        // File
        Resource file = null;

        if (strFile != null && strPath != null) {
            file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath).getRealResource(strFile);
        } else if (strFile != null) {
            file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strFile);
        } else if (strPath != null) {
            file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath);
            //Resource dir = file.getParentResource();
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
                file = file.getRealResource(req.getURI().getPath());// TODO was getName() ->http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/apidocs/org/apache/commons/httpclient/URI.html#getName()

        if (file != null)

        // filecontent
        InputStream is = null;
        if (isText && getAsBinary != GET_AS_BINARY_YES) {
            String str;
            try {

                // read content
                if (method != METHOD_HEAD) {
                    is = rsp.getContentAsStream();
                    if (is != null && HttpImpl.isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding))
                        is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is)
                                : new GZIPInputStream(is);
                try {
                    try {
                        str = is == null ? "" : IOUtil.toString(is, responseCharset);
                    } catch (EOFException eof) {
                        if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream) {
                            str = IOUtil.toString(is = ((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData(),
                        } else
                            throw eof;
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                    str = IOUtil.toString(is, (Charset) null);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw Caster.toPageException(ioe);
            } finally {

            if (str == null)
                str = "";
            if (resolveurl) {
                str = new URLResolver().transform(str, e.response.getTargetURL(), false);
            cfhttp.set(FILE_CONTENT, str);
            try {
                if (file != null) {
                    IOUtil.write(file, str, ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset(), false);
            } catch (IOException e1) {

            if (name != null) {
                Query qry = CSVParser.toQuery(str, delimiter, textqualifier, columns, firstrowasheaders);
                pageContext.setVariable(name, qry);
        // Binary
        else {
            byte[] barr = null;
            if (HttpImpl.isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding)) {
                if (method != METHOD_HEAD) {
                    is = rsp.getContentAsStream();
                    is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is) : new GZIPInputStream(is);

                try {
                    try {
                        barr = is == null ? new byte[0] : IOUtil.toBytes(is);
                    } catch (EOFException eof) {
                        if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream)
                            barr = IOUtil.toBytes(((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData());
                            throw eof;
                } catch (IOException t) {
                    throw Caster.toPageException(t);
                } finally {
            } else {
                try {
                    if (method != METHOD_HEAD)
                        barr = rsp.getContentAsByteArray();
                        barr = new byte[0];
                } catch (IOException t) {
                    throw Caster.toPageException(t);
            //IF Multipart response get file content and parse parts
            if (barr != null) {
                if (isMultipart) {
                    cfhttp.set(FILE_CONTENT, MultiPartResponseUtils.getParts(barr, mimetype));
                } else {
                    cfhttp.set(FILE_CONTENT, barr);
            } else
                cfhttp.set(FILE_CONTENT, "");

            if (file != null) {
                try {
                    if (barr != null)
                        IOUtil.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(barr), file, true);
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw Caster.toPageException(ioe);

        // header      
        cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._header, raw.toString());
        if (!HttpImpl.isStatusOK(rsp.getStatusCode())) {
            String msg = rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText();
            cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, msg);
            if (throwonerror) {
                throw new HTTPException(msg, null, rsp.getStatusCode(), rsp.getStatusText(), rsp.getURL());
    } finally {
        if (client != null)


From source file:org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.livelink.LivelinkConnector.java

protected void getSession() throws ManifoldCFException, ServiceInterruption {
    getSessionParameters();/*from   ww w. j a  va2  s .c om*/
    if (hasConnected == false) {
        int socketTimeout = 900000;
        int connectionTimeout = 300000;

        // Set up connection manager
        connectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();

        CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();

        // Set up ingest ssl if indicated
        SSLConnectionSocketFactory myFactory = null;
        if (ingestKeystoreManager != null) {
            myFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(
                    new InterruptibleSocketFactory(ingestKeystoreManager.getSecureSocketFactory(),
                    new BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier());

        // Set up authentication to use
        if (ingestNtlmDomain != null) {
                    new NTCredentials(ingestNtlmUsername, ingestNtlmPassword, currentHost, ingestNtlmDomain));

        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(connectionManager)
                .setRequestExecutor(new HttpRequestExecutor(socketTimeout))
                .setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy());

        if (myFactory != null)

        httpClient = builder.build();

        // System.out.println("Connection server object = "+llServer.toString());

        // Establish the actual connection
        int sanityRetryCount = FAILURE_RETRY_COUNT;
        while (true) {
            GetSessionThread t = new GetSessionThread();
            try {
                hasConnected = true;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: " + e.getMessage(), e,
            } catch (RuntimeException e2) {
                sanityRetryCount = handleLivelinkRuntimeException(e2, sanityRetryCount, true);
    expirationTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + expirationInterval;

From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.http.HttpSenderBase.java

public void configure() throws ConfigurationException {

    if (!getMethodType().equals("POST")) {
        if (!isParamsInUrl()) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    getLogPrefix() + "paramsInUrl can only be set to false for methodType POST");
        }//from   w  w  w  .  java 2s  .co m
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getInputMessageParam())) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    getLogPrefix() + "inputMessageParam can only be set for methodType POST");

     * TODO find out if this really breaks proxy authentication or not.
    //      httpClientBuilder.disableAuthCaching();

    Builder requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom();

    if (paramList != null) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getUrlParam())) {
            urlParameter = paramList.findParameter(getUrlParam());
    if (getMaxConnections() <= 0) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(getLogPrefix() + "maxConnections is set to [" + getMaxConnections()
                + "], which is not enough for adequate operation");
    try {
        if (urlParameter == null) {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(getUrl())) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        getLogPrefix() + "url must be specified, either as attribute, or as parameter");
            staticUri = getURI(getUrl());

        URL certificateUrl = null;
        URL truststoreUrl = null;

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getCertificate())) {
            certificateUrl = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(getClassLoader(), getCertificate());
            if (certificateUrl == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        getLogPrefix() + "cannot find URL for certificate resource [" + getCertificate() + "]");
            log.info(getLogPrefix() + "resolved certificate-URL to [" + certificateUrl.toString() + "]");
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getTruststore())) {
            truststoreUrl = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(getClassLoader(), getTruststore());
            if (truststoreUrl == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        getLogPrefix() + "cannot find URL for truststore resource [" + getTruststore() + "]");
            log.info(getLogPrefix() + "resolved truststore-URL to [" + truststoreUrl.toString() + "]");

        HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = new DefaultHostnameVerifier();
        if (!isVerifyHostname())
            hostnameVerifier = new NoopHostnameVerifier();

        // Add javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.getDefault() SSLSocketFactory if non has been set.
        // See: http://httpcomponents.10934.n7.nabble.com/Upgrading-commons-httpclient-3-x-to-HttpClient4-x-td19333.html
        // The first time this method is called, the security property "ssl.SocketFactory.provider" is examined. 
        // If it is non-null, a class by that name is loaded and instantiated. If that is successful and the 
        // object is an instance of SSLSocketFactory, it is made the default SSL socket factory.
        // Otherwise, this method returns SSLContext.getDefault().getSocketFactory(). If that call fails, an inoperative factory is returned.
        javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory socketfactory = (javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory) javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
        sslSocketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(socketfactory, hostnameVerifier);

        if (certificateUrl != null || truststoreUrl != null || isAllowSelfSignedCertificates()) {
            try {
                CredentialFactory certificateCf = new CredentialFactory(getCertificateAuthAlias(), null,
                CredentialFactory truststoreCf = new CredentialFactory(getTruststoreAuthAlias(), null,

                SSLContext sslContext = AuthSSLConnectionSocket.createSSLContext(certificateUrl,
                        certificateCf.getPassword(), getKeystoreType(), getKeyManagerAlgorithm(), truststoreUrl,
                        truststoreCf.getPassword(), getTruststoreType(), getTrustManagerAlgorithm(),
                        isAllowSelfSignedCertificates(), isVerifyHostname(),
                        isIgnoreCertificateExpiredException(), getProtocol());

                sslSocketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, hostnameVerifier);
                log.debug(getLogPrefix() + "created custom SSLConnectionSocketFactory");

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(getLogPrefix() + "cannot create or initialize SocketFactory",

        // This method will be overwritten by the connectionManager when connectionPooling is enabled!
        // Can still be null when no default or an invalid system sslSocketFactory has been defined
        if (sslSocketFactory != null)

        credentials = new CredentialFactory(getAuthAlias(), getUserName(), getPassword());
        CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(credentials.getUsername())) {
            String uname;
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getAuthDomain())) {
                uname = getAuthDomain() + "\\" + credentials.getUsername();
            } else {
                uname = credentials.getUsername();

            credentialsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT),
                    new UsernamePasswordCredentials(uname, credentials.getPassword()));

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getProxyHost())) {
            HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(getProxyHost(), getProxyPort());
            AuthScope scope = new AuthScope(proxy, getProxyRealm(), AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME);

            CredentialFactory pcf = new CredentialFactory(getProxyAuthAlias(), getProxyUserName(),

            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pcf.getUsername())) {
                Credentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(pcf.getUsername(), pcf.getPassword());
                credentialsProvider.setCredentials(scope, credentials);
            log.trace("setting credentialProvider [" + credentialsProvider.toString() + "]");

            if (prefillProxyAuthCache()) {

                AuthCache authCache = httpClientContext.getAuthCache();
                if (authCache == null)
                    authCache = new BasicAuthCache();

                authCache.put(proxy, new BasicScheme());


    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(getLogPrefix() + "cannot interpret uri [" + getUrl() + "]");

    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getStyleSheetName())) {
        try {
            URL stylesheetURL = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(getClassLoader(), getStyleSheetName());
            if (stylesheetURL == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        getLogPrefix() + "cannot find stylesheet [" + getStyleSheetName() + "]");
            transformerPool = TransformerPool.getInstance(stylesheetURL);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(getLogPrefix() + "cannot retrieve [" + getStyleSheetName() + "]",
        } catch (TransformerConfigurationException te) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    getLogPrefix() + "got error creating transformer from file [" + getStyleSheetName() + "]",


    // The redirect strategy used to only redirect GET, DELETE and HEAD.
    httpClientBuilder.setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy() {
        protected boolean isRedirectable(String method) {
            return isFollowRedirects();

From source file:lucee.runtime.tag.Http.java

private void _doEndTag() throws PageException, IOException {

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    HttpClientBuilder builder = HTTPEngine4Impl.getHttpClientBuilder();
    ssl(builder);/*from www .  j  av a 2  s  . c om*/

    // redirect
    if (redirect)
        builder.setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy());

    // cookies
    BasicCookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();

    ConfigWeb cw = pageContext.getConfig();
    HttpRequestBase req = null;
    HttpContext httpContext = null;

    CacheHandler cacheHandler = null;
    String cacheId = null;

    // HttpRequestBase req = init(pageContext.getConfig(),this,client,params,url,port);
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(charset, true))
            charset = ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset().name();
            charset = charset.trim();

        // check if has fileUploads
        boolean doUploadFile = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.params.size(); i++) {
            if ((this.params.get(i)).getType() == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FILE) {
                doUploadFile = true;

        // parse url (also query string)
        int len = this.params.size();
        StringBuilder sbQS = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i);
            int type = param.getType();
            // URL
            if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_URL) {
                if (sbQS.length() > 0)
                sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? urlenc(param.getName(), charset) : param.getName());
                sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset)
                        : param.getValueAsString());

        String host = null;
        HttpHost httpHost;
        try {
            URL _url = HTTPUtil.toURL(url, port, encoded);
            httpHost = new HttpHost(_url.getHost(), _url.getPort());
            host = _url.getHost();
            url = _url.toExternalForm();
            if (sbQS.length() > 0) {
                // no existing QS
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(_url.getQuery())) {
                    url += "?" + sbQS;
                } else {
                    url += "&" + sbQS;
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            throw Caster.toPageException(mue);

        // cache
        if (cachedWithin != null) {

            cacheId = createCacheId();

            cacheHandler = pageContext.getConfig().getCacheHandlerCollection(Config.CACHE_TYPE_HTTP, null)
                    .getInstanceMatchingObject(cachedWithin, null);

            if (cacheHandler instanceof CacheHandlerPro) {

                CacheItem cacheItem = ((CacheHandlerPro) cacheHandler).get(pageContext, cacheId, cachedWithin);

                if (cacheItem instanceof HTTPCacheItem) {
                    pageContext.setVariable(result, ((HTTPCacheItem) cacheItem).getData());
            } else if (cacheHandler != null) { // TODO this else block can be removed when all cache handlers implement CacheHandlerPro

                CacheItem cacheItem = cacheHandler.get(pageContext, cacheId);

                if (cacheItem instanceof HTTPCacheItem) {
                    pageContext.setVariable(result, ((HTTPCacheItem) cacheItem).getData());

        // cache not found, process and cache result if needed

        // select best matching method (get,post, post multpart (file))

        boolean isBinary = false;
        boolean doMultiPart = doUploadFile || this.multiPart;

        HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eeReqPost = null;
        HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eeReq = null;

        if (this.method == METHOD_GET) {
            req = new HttpGetWithBody(url);
            eeReq = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) req;
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_HEAD) {
            req = new HttpHead(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_DELETE) {
            isBinary = true;
            req = new HttpDeleteWithBody(url);
            eeReq = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) req;
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_PUT) {
            isBinary = true;
            HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url);
            eeReqPost = put;
            req = put;
            eeReq = put;
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_TRACE) {
            isBinary = true;
            req = new HttpTrace(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_OPTIONS) {
            isBinary = true;
            req = new HttpOptions(url);
        } else if (this.method == METHOD_PATCH) {
            isBinary = true;
            eeReq = HTTPPatchFactory.getHTTPPatch(url);
            req = (HttpRequestBase) eeReq;
        } else {
            isBinary = true;
            eeReqPost = new HttpPost(url);
            req = (HttpPost) eeReqPost;
            eeReq = eeReqPost;

        boolean hasForm = false;
        boolean hasBody = false;
        boolean hasContentType = false;
        // Set http params
        ArrayList<FormBodyPart> parts = new ArrayList<FormBodyPart>();

        StringBuilder acceptEncoding = new StringBuilder();
        java.util.List<NameValuePair> postParam = eeReqPost != null ? new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() : null;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i);
            int type = param.getType();

            // URL
            if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_URL) {
                // listQS.add(new BasicNameValuePair(translateEncoding(param.getName(), http.charset),translateEncoding(param.getValueAsString(),
                // http.charset)));
            // Form
            else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FORM) {
                hasForm = true;
                if (this.method == METHOD_GET)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "httpparam with type formfield can only be used when the method attribute of the parent http tag is set to post");
                if (eeReqPost != null) {
                    if (doMultiPart) {
                        parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(),
                                new StringBody(param.getValueAsString(), CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset))));
                    } else {
                        postParam.add(new BasicNameValuePair(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString()));
                // else if(multi!=null)multi.addParameter(param.getName(),param.getValueAsString());
            // CGI
            else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_CGI) {
                if (param.getEncoded())
                    req.addHeader(urlenc(param.getName(), charset), urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset));
                    req.addHeader(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString());
            // Header
            else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_HEADER) {
                if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("content-type"))
                    hasContentType = true;

                if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length")) {
                } else if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Accept-Encoding")) {
                    acceptEncoding.append(", ");
                } else
                    req.addHeader(param.getName(), headerValue(param.getValueAsString()));
            // Cookie
            else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_COOKIE) {
                HTTPEngine4Impl.addCookie(cookieStore, host, param.getName(), param.getValueAsString(), "/",
            // File
            else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FILE) {
                hasForm = true;
                if (this.method == METHOD_GET)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal post");
                // if(param.getFile()==null) throw new ApplicationException("httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal
                // post");
                String strCT = getContentType(param);
                ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(strCT, null);

                String mt = "text/xml";
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
                    mt = ct.getMimeType();

                String cs = charset;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
                    cs = ct.getCharset();

                if (doMultiPart) {
                    try {
                        Resource res = param.getFile();
                        parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(),
                                new ResourceBody(res, mt, res.getName(), cs)));
                        // parts.add(new ResourcePart(param.getName(),new ResourcePartSource(param.getFile()),getContentType(param),_charset));
                    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new ApplicationException("can't upload file, path is invalid", e.getMessage());
            // XML
            else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_XML) {
                ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null);

                String mt = "text/xml";
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
                    mt = ct.getMimeType();

                String cs = charset;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
                    cs = ct.getCharset();

                hasBody = true;
                hasContentType = true;
                req.addHeader("Content-type", mt + "; charset=" + cs);
                if (eeReq == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "type xml is only supported for methods get, delete, post, and put");
                HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eeReq, param.getValueAsString(), mt, cs);
            // Body
            else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_BODY) {
                ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null);

                String mt = null;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true))
                    mt = ct.getMimeType();

                String cs = charset;
                if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true))
                    cs = ct.getCharset();

                hasBody = true;
                if (eeReq == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "type body is only supported for methods get, delete, post, and put");
                HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eeReq, param.getValue(), mt, cs);

            } else {
                throw new ApplicationException("invalid type [" + type + "]");


        // post params
        if (postParam != null && postParam.size() > 0)
            eeReqPost.setEntity(new org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParam, charset));

        if (compression) {
        } else {
            req.setHeader("TE", "deflate;q=0");
        req.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", acceptEncoding.toString());

        // multipart
        if (doMultiPart && eeReq != null) {
            hasContentType = true;
            boolean doIt = true;
            if (!this.multiPart && parts.size() == 1) {
                ContentBody body = parts.get(0).getBody();
                if (body instanceof StringBody) {
                    StringBody sb = (StringBody) body;
                    try {
                        org.apache.http.entity.ContentType ct = org.apache.http.entity.ContentType
                                .create(sb.getMimeType(), sb.getCharset());
                        String str = IOUtil.toString(sb.getReader());
                        StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(str, ct);

                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw Caster.toPageException(e);
                    doIt = false;

            if (doIt) {

                MultipartEntityBuilder mpeBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setStrictMode();

                // enabling the line below will append charset=... to the Content-Type header
                // if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(charset, true))
                // mpeBuilder.setCharset(CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset));

                Iterator<FormBodyPart> it = parts.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    FormBodyPart part = it.next();

            // eem.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntityFlex(parts.toArray(new Part[parts.size()]), eem.getParams(),http.multiPartType));

        if (hasBody && hasForm)
            throw new ApplicationException("mixing httpparam  type file/formfield and body/XML is not allowed");

        if (!hasContentType) {
            if (isBinary) {
                if (hasBody)
                    req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
                    req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + charset);
            } else {
                if (hasBody)
                    req.addHeader("Content-type", "text/html; charset=" + charset);

        // set User Agent
        if (!hasHeaderIgnoreCase(req, "User-Agent"))
            req.setHeader("User-Agent", this.useragent);

        // set timeout
        setTimeout(builder, checkRemainingTimeout());

        // set Username and Password
        if (this.username != null) {
            if (this.password == null)
                this.password = "";
            if (AUTH_TYPE_NTLM == this.authType) {
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.workStation, true))
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "attribute workstation is required when authentication type is [NTLM]");
                if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.domain, true))
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                            "attribute domain is required when authentication type is [NTLM]");

                HTTPEngine4Impl.setNTCredentials(builder, this.username, this.password, this.workStation,
            } else
                httpContext = HTTPEngine4Impl.setCredentials(builder, httpHost, this.username, this.password,

        // set Proxy
        ProxyData proxy = null;
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.proxyserver)) {
            proxy = ProxyDataImpl.getInstance(this.proxyserver, this.proxyport, this.proxyuser,
        if (pageContext.getConfig().isProxyEnableFor(host)) {
            proxy = pageContext.getConfig().getProxyData();
        HTTPEngine4Impl.setProxy(builder, req, proxy);


    CloseableHttpClient client = null;
    try {
        if (httpContext == null)
            httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();

        Struct cfhttp = new StructImpl();
        cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, "");
        pageContext.setVariable(result, cfhttp);

        /////////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
        client = builder.build();
        Executor4 e = new Executor4(pageContext, this, client, httpContext, req, redirect);
        HTTPResponse4Impl rsp = null;

        if (timeout == null || timeout.getMillis() <= 0) {
            try {
                rsp = e.execute(httpContext);

            catch (Throwable t) {
                if (!throwonerror) {
                    if (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException)
                        setUnknownHost(cfhttp, t);
                throw toPageException(t, rsp);

        } else {
            try {
                synchronized (this) {// print.err(timeout);
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                throw Caster.toPageException(ie);
            if (e.t != null) {
                if (!throwonerror) {
                    setUnknownHost(cfhttp, e.t);
                throw toPageException(e.t, rsp);

            rsp = e.response;

            if (!e.done) {
                if (throwonerror)
                    throw new HTTPException("408 Request Time-out", "a timeout occurred in tag http", 408,
                            "Time-out", rsp == null ? null : rsp.getURL());
                // throw new ApplicationException("timeout");

        /////////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
        Charset responseCharset = CharsetUtil.toCharset(rsp.getCharset());
        int statCode = 0;
        // Write Response Scope
        // String rawHeader=httpMethod.getStatusLine().toString();
        String mimetype = null;
        String contentEncoding = null;

        // status code
        cfhttp.set(STATUSCODE, ((rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText()).trim()));
        cfhttp.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(statCode = rsp.getStatusCode()));
        cfhttp.set(STATUS_TEXT, (rsp.getStatusText()));
        cfhttp.set(HTTP_VERSION, (rsp.getProtocolVersion()));

        // responseHeader
        lucee.commons.net.http.Header[] headers = rsp.getAllHeaders();
        StringBuffer raw = new StringBuffer(rsp.getStatusLine() + " ");
        Struct responseHeader = new StructImpl();
        Struct cookie;
        Array setCookie = new ArrayImpl();
        Query cookies = new QueryImpl(
                new String[] { "name", "value", "path", "domain", "expires", "secure", "httpOnly" }, 0,

        for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
            lucee.commons.net.http.Header header = headers[i];
            // print.ln(header);

            raw.append(header.toString() + " ");
            if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) {
                parseCookie(cookies, header.getValue());
            } else {
                // print.ln(header.getName()+"-"+header.getValue());
                Object value = responseHeader.get(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), null);
                if (value == null)
                    responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), header.getValue());
                else {
                    Array arr = null;
                    if (value instanceof Array) {
                        arr = (Array) value;
                    } else {
                        arr = new ArrayImpl();
                        responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), arr);

            // Content-Type
            if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")) {
                mimetype = header.getValue();
                if (mimetype == null)
                    mimetype = NO_MIMETYPE;

            // Content-Encoding
            if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Encoding")) {
                contentEncoding = header.getValue();

        cfhttp.set(RESPONSEHEADER, responseHeader);
        cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._cookies, cookies);
        responseHeader.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(statCode = rsp.getStatusCode()));
        responseHeader.set(EXPLANATION, (rsp.getStatusText()));
        if (setCookie.size() > 0)
            responseHeader.set(SET_COOKIE, setCookie);

        // is text
        boolean isText = mimetype == null || mimetype == NO_MIMETYPE || HTTPUtil.isTextMimeType(mimetype);

        // is multipart
        boolean isMultipart = MultiPartResponseUtils.isMultipart(mimetype);

        cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._text, Caster.toBoolean(isText));

        // mimetype charset
        // boolean responseProvideCharset=false;
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(mimetype, true)) {
            if (isText) {
                String[] types = HTTPUtil.splitMimeTypeAndCharset(mimetype, null);
                if (types[0] != null)
                    cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, types[0]);
                if (types[1] != null)
                    cfhttp.set(CHARSET, types[1]);

            } else
                cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, mimetype);
        } else
            cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, NO_MIMETYPE);

        // File
        Resource file = null;

        if (strFile != null && strPath != null) {
            file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath).getRealResource(strFile);
        } else if (strFile != null) {
            file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strFile);
        } else if (strPath != null) {
            file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath);
            // Resource dir = file.getParentResource();
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
                file = file.getRealResource(req.getURI().getPath());// TODO was getName()
                // ->http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/apidocs/org/apache/commons/httpclient/URI.html#getName()

        if (file != null)

        // filecontent
        InputStream is = null;
        if (isText && getAsBinary != GET_AS_BINARY_YES) {
            String str;
            try {

                // read content
                if (method != METHOD_HEAD) {
                    is = rsp.getContentAsStream();
                    if (is != null && isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding))
                        is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is)
                                : new GZIPInputStream(is);
                try {
                    try {
                        str = is == null ? ""
                                : IOUtil.toString(is, responseCharset, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis());
                    } catch (EOFException eof) {
                        if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream) {
                            str = IOUtil.toString(is = ((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData(),
                                    responseCharset, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis());
                        } else
                            throw eof;
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                    str = IOUtil.toString(is, (Charset) null, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis());
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw Caster.toPageException(ioe);
            } finally {

            if (str == null)
                str = "";
            if (resolveurl) {
                // if(e.redirectURL!=null)url=e.redirectURL.toExternalForm();
                str = new URLResolver().transform(str, e.response.getTargetURL(), false);
            cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, str);
            try {
                if (file != null) {
                    IOUtil.write(file, str, ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset(), false);
            } catch (IOException e1) {

            if (name != null) {
                Query qry = CSVParser.toQuery(str, delimiter, textqualifier, columns, firstrowasheaders);
                pageContext.setVariable(name, qry);
        // Binary
        else {
            byte[] barr = null;
            if (isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding)) {
                if (method != METHOD_HEAD) {
                    is = rsp.getContentAsStream();
                    is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is) : new GZIPInputStream(is);

                try {
                    try {
                        barr = is == null ? new byte[0] : IOUtil.toBytes(is);
                    } catch (EOFException eof) {
                        if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream)
                            barr = IOUtil.toBytes(((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData());
                            throw eof;
                } catch (IOException t) {
                    throw Caster.toPageException(t);
                } finally {
            } else {
                try {
                    if (method != METHOD_HEAD)
                        barr = rsp.getContentAsByteArray();
                        barr = new byte[0];
                } catch (IOException t) {
                    throw Caster.toPageException(t);
            // IF Multipart response get file content and parse parts
            if (barr != null) {
                if (isMultipart) {
                    cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, MultiPartResponseUtils.getParts(barr, mimetype));
                } else {
                    cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, barr);
            } else
                cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, "");

            if (file != null) {
                try {
                    if (barr != null)
                        IOUtil.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(barr), file, true);
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw Caster.toPageException(ioe);

        // header
        cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._header, raw.toString());
        if (!isStatusOK(rsp.getStatusCode())) {
            String msg = rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText();
            cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, msg);
            if (throwonerror) {
                throw new HTTPException(msg, null, rsp.getStatusCode(), rsp.getStatusText(), rsp.getURL());

        // TODO: check if we can use statCode instead of rsp.getStatusCode() everywhere and cleanup the code
        if (cacheHandler != null && rsp.getStatusCode() == 200) {
            // add to cache
            cacheHandler.set(pageContext, cacheId, cachedWithin,
                    new HTTPCacheItem(cfhttp, url, System.nanoTime() - start));
    } finally {
        if (client != null)

From source file:org.apache.manifoldcf.authorities.authorities.sharepoint.SharePointAuthority.java

protected void getSharePointSession() throws ManifoldCFException {
    if (proxy == null) {
        // Set up server URL
        try {/*from   www .  j a  v  a 2 s . c  om*/
            if (serverPortString == null || serverPortString.length() == 0) {
                if (serverProtocol.equals("https"))
                    this.serverPort = 443;
                    this.serverPort = 80;
            } else
                this.serverPort = Integer.parseInt(serverPortString);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(), e);

        int proxyPort = 8080;
        if (proxyPortString != null && proxyPortString.length() > 0) {
            try {
                proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(proxyPortString);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(), e);

        serverUrl = serverProtocol + "://" + serverName;
        if (serverProtocol.equals("https")) {
            if (serverPort != 443)
                serverUrl += ":" + Integer.toString(serverPort);
        } else {
            if (serverPort != 80)
                serverUrl += ":" + Integer.toString(serverPort);

        fileBaseUrl = serverUrl + encodedServerLocation;

        int connectionTimeout = 60000;
        int socketTimeout = 900000;

        // Set up ssl if indicated

        connectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();

        CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();

        SSLConnectionSocketFactory myFactory = null;
        if (keystoreData != null) {
            keystoreManager = KeystoreManagerFactory.make("", keystoreData);
            myFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(keystoreManager.getSecureSocketFactory(),
                    new BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier());

        if (strippedUserName != null) {
            credentialsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(serverName, serverPort),
                    new NTCredentials(strippedUserName, password, currentHost, ntlmDomain));

        RequestConfig.Builder requestBuilder = RequestConfig.custom().setCircularRedirectsAllowed(true)

        // If there's a proxy, set that too.
        if (proxyHost != null && proxyHost.length() > 0) {

            // Configure proxy authentication
            if (proxyUsername != null && proxyUsername.length() > 0) {
                if (proxyPassword == null)
                    proxyPassword = "";
                if (proxyDomain == null)
                    proxyDomain = "";

                credentialsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(proxyHost, proxyPort),
                        new NTCredentials(proxyUsername, proxyPassword, currentHost, proxyDomain));

            HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort);


        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(connectionManager)
        if (myFactory != null)
        builder.setRequestExecutor(new HttpRequestExecutor(socketTimeout))
                .setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy());
        httpClient = builder.build();

        proxy = new SPSProxyHelper(serverUrl, encodedServerLocation, serverLocation, serverUserName, password,
                org.apache.manifoldcf.connectorcommon.common.CommonsHTTPSender.class, "client-config.wsdd",
                httpClient, isClaimSpace);

    sharepointSessionTimeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + SharePointExpirationInterval;

From source file:org.apache.manifoldcf.scriptengine.ScriptParser.java

public HttpClient getHttpClient() {
    synchronized (httpClientLock) {
        if (httpClient == null) {
            int socketTimeout = 900000;
            int connectionTimeout = 300000;

            connectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();

            CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();

            RequestConfig.Builder requestBuilder = RequestConfig.custom().setCircularRedirectsAllowed(true)

            httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(connectionManager).setMaxConnTotal(1)
                    .setRequestExecutor(new HttpRequestExecutor(socketTimeout))
                    .setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy()).build();

        }//from   ww  w  .j  a  va2  s.  c om
    return httpClient;

From source file:org.imsglobal.lti.toolProvider.ResourceLink.java

 * Performs an HTTP POST request.//from   w w  w  .  j  a v  a2 s.  c o  m
 * @param url     URL to send request to
 * @param params  map of parameter values to be passed
 * @param header  values to include in the request header
 * @return response returned from request, null if an error occurred
private String doPostRequest(String url, List<NameValuePair> params, Map<String, String> header,
        StringEntity entity) {

    String fileContent = null;
    RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(TIMEOUT)
    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultRequestConfig(requestConfig)
            .setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy()).build();
    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
    try {
        if (header != null) {
            for (String name : header.keySet()) {
                params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(name, header.get(name)));
        httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params));
        HttpResponse hr = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
        if (hr.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() < 400) {
            BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(hr.getEntity().getContent()));

            StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
            String line = "";
            while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
            fileContent = result.toString();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        fileContent = null;

    return fileContent;


From source file:org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.java

 * @since 4.1/* w  ww.ja v a2  s.co m*/
public synchronized final RedirectStrategy getRedirectStrategy() {
    if (redirectStrategy == null) {
        redirectStrategy = new DefaultRedirectStrategy();
    return redirectStrategy;

From source file:org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.AbstractHttpAsyncClient.java

public synchronized final RedirectStrategy getRedirectStrategy() {
    if (this.redirectStrategy == null) {
        this.redirectStrategy = new DefaultRedirectStrategy();
    }// w w w .  java2s .c o m
    return this.redirectStrategy;