Example usage for org.apache.http.impl.conn DefaultRoutePlanner subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.impl.conn DefaultRoutePlanner subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.impl.conn DefaultRoutePlanner subclass-usage.


From source file org.keycloak.connections.httpclient.ProxyMappingsAwareRoutePlanner.java

 * A {@link DefaultRoutePlanner} that determines the proxy to use for a given target hostname by consulting
 * the given {@link ProxyMappings}.
 * @author <a href="mailto:thomas.darimont@gmail.com">Thomas Darimont</a>
 * @see ProxyMappings

From source file com.ksc.http.apache.SdkProxyRoutePlanner.java

 * SdkProxyRoutePlanner delegates a Proxy Route Planner from the settings instead of the
 * system properties. It will use the proxy created from proxyHost and proxyPort and
 * filter the hosts who matches nonProxyHosts pattern.
 * @see ApacheHttpClientFactory#create(com.ksc.http.settings.HttpClientSettings)

From source file org.sonatype.nexus.httpclient.internal.NexusHttpRoutePlanner.java

 * An {@link HttpRoutePlanner} that uses different proxies / url scheme (http/https) and bypasses proxy for specific
 * hosts (non proxy hosts).
 * @since 2.6

From source file org.sonatype.nexus.httpclient.NexusHttpRoutePlanner.java

 * An {@link HttpRoutePlanner} that uses different proxies / url scheme (http/https) and bypasses proxy for specific
 * hosts (non proxy hosts).
 * @since 2.6

From source file org.sonatype.nexus.apachehttpclient.NexusHttpRoutePlanner.java

 * An {@link HttpRoutePlanner} that uses different proxies / url scheme (http/https) and bypasses proxy for specific
 * hosts (non proxy hosts).
 * @since 2.6