Example usage for org.apache.http.params CoreConnectionPNames CONNECTION_TIMEOUT

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.params CoreConnectionPNames CONNECTION_TIMEOUT


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.params CoreConnectionPNames CONNECTION_TIMEOUT.



To view the source code for org.apache.http.params CoreConnectionPNames CONNECTION_TIMEOUT.

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From source file:com.google.wireless.speed.speedometer.measurements.PingTask.java

 * Use the HTTP Head method to emulate ping. The measurement from this method can be 
 * substantially (2x) greater than the first two methods and inaccurate. This is because, 
 * depending on the implementing of the destination web server, either a quick HTTP
 * response is replied or some actual heavy lifting will be done in preparing the response
 * *//*from  w  w  w .  j ava 2 s  .c o m*/
private MeasurementResult executeHttpPingTask() throws MeasurementError {
    long pingStartTime = 0;
    long pingEndTime = 0;
    ArrayList<Double> rrts = new ArrayList<Double>();
    PingDesc pingTask = (PingDesc) this.measurementDesc;
    String errorMsg = "";
    MeasurementResult result = null;

    try {
        long totalPingDelay = 0;

        HttpClient client = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance(Util.prepareUserAgent(this.parent));
        HttpHead headMethod = new HttpHead("http://" + targetIp);
        headMethod.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Connection", "close"));
        headMethod.setParams(new BasicHttpParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 1000));

        int timeOut = (int) (1000 * (double) pingTask.pingTimeoutSec / Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT);
        HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(headMethod.getParams(), timeOut);

        for (int i = 0; i < Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT; i++) {
            pingStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            HttpResponse response = client.execute(headMethod);
            pingEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            rrts.add((double) (pingEndTime - pingStartTime));
            this.progress = 100 * i / Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT;
        Log.i(SpeedometerApp.TAG, "HTTP get ping succeeds");
        double packetLoss = 1 - ((double) rrts.size() / (double) Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT);
        result = constructResult(rrts, packetLoss, Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        Log.e(SpeedometerApp.TAG, e.getMessage());
        errorMsg += e.getMessage() + "\n";
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e(SpeedometerApp.TAG, e.getMessage());
        errorMsg += e.getMessage() + "\n";
    if (result != null) {
        return result;
    } else {
        Log.i(SpeedometerApp.TAG, "HTTP get ping fails");
        throw new MeasurementError(errorMsg);

From source file:com.mobiperf.speedometer.measurements.PingTask.java

 * Use the HTTP Head method to emulate ping. The measurement from this method can be substantially
 * (2x) greater than the first two methods and inaccurate. This is because, depending on the
 * implementing of the destination web server, either a quick HTTP response is replied or some
 * actual heavy lifting will be done in preparing the response
 * *///from w w  w.j  ava  2  s.c o m
private MeasurementResult executeHttpPingTask() throws MeasurementError {
    long pingStartTime = 0;
    long pingEndTime = 0;
    ArrayList<Double> rrts = new ArrayList<Double>();
    PingDesc pingTask = (PingDesc) this.measurementDesc;
    String errorMsg = "";
    MeasurementResult result = null;

    try {
        long totalPingDelay = 0;

        HttpClient client = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance(Util.prepareUserAgent(this.parent));
        HttpHead headMethod;

        headMethod = new HttpHead("http://" + targetIp);

        headMethod.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Connection", "close"));
        headMethod.setParams(new BasicHttpParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 1000));

        int timeOut = (int) (1000 * (double) pingTask.pingTimeoutSec / Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT);
        HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(headMethod.getParams(), timeOut);

        for (int i = 0; i < Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT; i++) {
            pingStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            HttpResponse response = client.execute(headMethod);
            pingEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            rrts.add((double) (pingEndTime - pingStartTime));
            this.progress = 100 * i / Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT;
        Logger.i("HTTP get ping succeeds");
        double packetLoss = 1 - ((double) rrts.size() / (double) Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT);
        result = constructResult(rrts, packetLoss, Config.PING_COUNT_PER_MEASUREMENT);
        // close the client to avoid memory leak
        ((AndroidHttpClient) client).close();
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        errorMsg += e.getMessage() + "\n";
    } catch (IOException e) {
        errorMsg += e.getMessage() + "\n";
    if (result != null) {
        return result;
    } else {
        Logger.i("HTTP get ping fails");
        throw new MeasurementError(errorMsg);

From source file:org.ellis.yun.search.test.httpclient.HttpClientTest.java

@Test/*from w  w w .j a  va  2s .  c om*/
public void testSSLConnection() throws Exception {
    Scheme http = new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80);
    SSLSocketFactory ssf = new SSLSocketFactory(SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"));
    Scheme https = new Scheme("https", ssf, 443);
    SchemeRegistry sr = new SchemeRegistry();

    TrustManager easyTrustManager = new X509TrustManager() {

        public void checkClientTrusted(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1) {

        public void checkServerTrusted(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1) {

        public java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
            return null;

    SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    sslcontext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { easyTrustManager }, null);
    SSLSocketFactory sf = new SSLSocketFactory(sslcontext);
    SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket) sf.createSocket();
    socket.setEnabledCipherSuites(new String[] { "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5" });
    HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
    params.setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 1000);
    sf.connectSocket(socket, "", 443, null, -1, params);

From source file:org.dasein.cloud.tier3.APIHandler.java

private @Nonnull HttpClient getClient(URI uri) throws InternalException, CloudException {
    ProviderContext ctx = provider.getContext();

    if (ctx == null) {
        throw new NoContextException();
    }/*from   w w w .  j  a  v  a2 s. c o m*/

    boolean ssl = uri.getScheme().startsWith("https");

    HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();

    HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
    // noinspection deprecation
    HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, Consts.UTF_8.toString());
    HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(params, "Dasein Cloud");
    params.setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 10000);
    params.setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, 300000);

    Properties p = ctx.getCustomProperties();

    if (p != null) {
        String proxyHost = p.getProperty("proxyHost");
        String proxyPort = p.getProperty("proxyPort");

        if (proxyHost != null) {
            int port = 0;

            if (proxyPort != null && proxyPort.length() > 0) {
                port = Integer.parseInt(proxyPort);
                    new HttpHost(proxyHost, port, ssl ? "https" : "http"));

    return new DefaultHttpClient();

From source file:com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.JsonRpcHttpAsyncClient.java

private void initialize() {
    if (initialized.getAndSet(true)) {
        return;/*w  ww. java 2  s. co m*/

    // HTTP parameters for the client
    final HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
            Integer.getInteger("com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.async.socket.timeout", 30000));
            Integer.getInteger("com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.async.connect.timeout", 30000));
            Integer.getInteger("com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.async.socket.buffer", 8 * 1024));
            Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.async.tcp.nodelay", "true")));
    params.setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT, "jsonrpc4j/1.0");

    // Create client-side I/O reactor
    final ConnectingIOReactor ioReactor;
    try {
        IOReactorConfig config = new IOReactorConfig();
        config.setIoThreadCount(Integer.getInteger("com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.async.reactor.threads", 1));
        ioReactor = new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(config);
    } catch (IOReactorException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Exception initializing asynchronous Apache HTTP Client", e);

    // Create a default SSLSetupHandler that accepts any certificate
    if (sslContext == null) {
        try {
            sslContext = SSLContext.getDefault();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // Create HTTP connection pool
    BasicNIOConnFactory nioConnFactory = new BasicNIOConnFactory(sslContext, null, params);
    pool = new BasicNIOConnPool(ioReactor, nioConnFactory, params);
    // Limit total number of connections to 500 by default
    pool.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(Integer.getInteger("com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.async.max.inflight.route", 500));
    pool.setMaxTotal(Integer.getInteger("com.googlecode.jsonrpc4j.async.max.inflight.total", 500));

    // Run the I/O reactor in a separate thread
    Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                // Create client-side HTTP protocol handler
                HttpAsyncRequestExecutor protocolHandler = new HttpAsyncRequestExecutor();
                // Create client-side I/O event dispatch
                IOEventDispatch ioEventDispatch = new DefaultHttpClientIODispatch(protocolHandler, sslContext,
                // Ready to go!
            } catch (InterruptedIOException ex) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("I/O error: " + e.getMessage());

    }, "jsonrpc4j HTTP IOReactor");
    // Start the client thread

    // Create HTTP protocol processing chain
    HttpProcessor httpproc = new ImmutableHttpProcessor(new HttpRequestInterceptor[] {
            // Use standard client-side protocol interceptors
            new RequestContent(), new RequestTargetHost(), new RequestConnControl(), new RequestUserAgent(),
            new RequestExpectContinue() });

    // Create HTTP requester
    requester = new HttpAsyncRequester(httpproc, new DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy(), params);

From source file:com.sangupta.jerry.http.WebRequest.java

* Specify the connection time out to the given value.
* @param timeout/*from  w w  w.java2  s  .co m*/
*            the timeout value
* @return this very {@link WebRequest}
public WebRequest connectTimeout(int timeout) {
    return config(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, timeout);

From source file:com.drive.student.xutils.HttpUtils.java

 * HttpClient??get?./*  www .j  a  v  a2 s .c o m*/
public HttpResponse sendHttpGet(String urlpath, boolean isGzip) {
    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    try {
        HttpGet request = new HttpGet(urlpath);
        if (isGzip) {
            request.addHeader("accept-encoding", "gzip");
                HttpUtils.DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT); // 
        httpclient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, HttpUtils.DEFAULT_SO_TIMEOUT); // ?
        return httpclient.execute(request, httpContext);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;

From source file:org.dasein.cloud.skeleton.RESTMethod.java

private @Nonnull HttpClient getClient(URI uri) throws InternalException, CloudException {
    ProviderContext ctx = provider.getContext();

    if (ctx == null) {
        throw new NoContextException();
    }// www. j av  a  2s.c o  m

    boolean ssl = uri.getScheme().startsWith("https");

    HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();

    HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
    //noinspection deprecation
    HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, HTTP.UTF_8);
    HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(params, "Dasein Cloud");
    params.setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 10000);
    params.setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, 300000);

    Properties p = ctx.getCustomProperties();

    if (p != null) {
        String proxyHost = p.getProperty("proxyHost");
        String proxyPort = p.getProperty("proxyPort");

        if (proxyHost != null) {
            int port = 0;

            if (proxyPort != null && proxyPort.length() > 0) {
                port = Integer.parseInt(proxyPort);
                    new HttpHost(proxyHost, port, ssl ? "https" : "http"));
    return new DefaultHttpClient(params);

From source file:com.drive.student.xutils.HttpUtils.java

 * HttpClient??get?./*  w  w  w  .j a  v a  2  s  . com*/
public HttpResponse sendHttpGet(String url, Map params, boolean isGzip) {
    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
            HttpUtils.DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT); // 
    httpclient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, HttpUtils.DEFAULT_SO_TIMEOUT); // ?

    /* HTTPGet */
    String paramStr = "";
    if (params != null) {
        for (Object o : params.entrySet()) {
            Entry entry = (Entry) o;
            Object key = entry.getKey();
            Object val = entry.getValue();
            paramStr += paramStr = "&" + key + "=" + val;
    if (!paramStr.equals("")) {
        paramStr = paramStr.replaceFirst("&", "?");
        url += paramStr;
    HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url);
    if (isGzip) {
        request.addHeader("accept-encoding", "gzip");
    try {
        /* ??? */
        HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request, httpContext);
        /* ??200 ok */
        if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            return response;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;