Example usage for org.apache.http.pool PoolStats getPending

List of usage examples for org.apache.http.pool PoolStats getPending


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.http.pool PoolStats getPending.


public int getPending() 

Source Link


From source file:com.joyent.manta.http.PoolStatsMBean.java

 * Utility method that pulls an attribute's value from the statistics object.
 * @param attribute attribute to pull//  ww  w .  j a  v  a 2 s.  co m
 * @param stats status object to query
 * @return result as integer or null if no mapping exists
private static Integer getAttributeFromPoolStats(final String attribute, final PoolStats stats) {
    switch (attribute) {
    case "leased":
        return stats.getLeased();
    case "pending":
        return stats.getPending();
    case "available":
        return stats.getAvailable();
    case "max":
        return stats.getMax();
        return null;

From source file:com.yahoo.sql4d.sql4ddriver.DruidNodeAccessor.java

public static Map<String, Integer> getConnectionPoolStats() {
    Map<String, Integer> stats = new HashMap<>();
    PoolStats poolStats = pool.getTotalStats();
    stats.put("availableConnections", poolStats.getAvailable());
    stats.put("maxConnections", poolStats.getMax());
    stats.put("leasedConnections", poolStats.getLeased());
    stats.put("pendingConnections", poolStats.getPending());
    stats.put("defaultMaxPerRoute", pool.getDefaultMaxPerRoute());
    return stats;

From source file:PerformanceQueues_p.java

public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post,
        final serverSwitch env) {
    // return variable that accumulates replacements
    final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
    final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
    File defaultSettingsFile = new File(sb.getAppPath(), "defaults/yacy.init");

    /* Acquire a transaction token for the next POST form submission */
    prop.put(TransactionManager.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_PARAM, TransactionManager.getTransactionToken(header));

    // get segment
    Segment indexSegment = sb.index;

    if (post != null) {
        /* Check the transaction is valid : validation apply then for every uses of this post parameter */
        TransactionManager.checkPostTransaction(header, post);

        if (post.containsKey("resetObserver")) {
            /* The the reset state button is pushed, we only perform this action and do not save other form field values at the same time */
        } else {/*from   ww w . j a  v  a 2 s.com*/
            if (post.containsKey("defaultFile")) {
                // TODO check file-path!
                final File value = new File(sb.getAppPath(), post.get("defaultFile", "defaults/yacy.init"));
                // check if value is readable file
                if (value.exists() && value.isFile() && value.canRead()) {
                    defaultSettingsFile = value;
            if (post.containsKey("Xmx")) {
                int xmx = post.getInt("Xmx", 600); // default maximum heap size
                if (OS.isWin32)
                    xmx = Math.min(2000, xmx);
                int xms = xmx; //Math.min(xmx, Math.max(90, xmx / 10));
                sb.setConfig("javastart_Xmx", "Xmx" + xmx + "m");
                sb.setConfig("javastart_Xms", "Xms" + xms + "m");
                prop.put("setStartupCommit", "1");

                /* Acquire a transaction token for the restart operation */
                prop.put("setStartupCommit_" + TransactionManager.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_PARAM,
                        TransactionManager.getTransactionToken(header, "/Steering.html"));
            if (post.containsKey("diskFree")) {
                sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_MIN_STEADYSTATE, post.getLong("diskFree",
            if (post.containsKey("diskFreeHardlimit")) {
                sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_MIN_UNDERSHOT, post.getLong(
                        "diskFreeHardlimit", SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_MIN_UNDERSHOT_DEFAULT));

                /* This is a checkbox in Performance_p.html : when not checked the value is not in post parameters, 
                 * so we take only in account when the relate diskFreeHardlimit is set */
            if (post.containsKey("diskUsed")) {
                sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_MAX_STEADYSTATE, post.getLong("diskUsed",
            if (post.containsKey("diskUsedHardlimit")) {
                sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_MAX_OVERSHOT, post.getLong(
                        "diskUsedHardlimit", SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_MAX_OVERSHOT_DEFAULT));

                /* This is a checkbox in Performance_p.html : when not checked the value is not in post parameters, 
                 * so we take only in account when the related diskFreeHardlimit is set */
            if (post.containsKey("memoryAcceptDHT")) {
                sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.MEMORY_ACCEPTDHT, post.getInt("memoryAcceptDHT", 50));
    final Map<String, String> defaultSettings = ((post == null) || (!(post.containsKey("submitdefault"))))
            ? null
            : FileUtils.loadMap(defaultSettingsFile);
    Iterator<String> threads = sb.threadNames();
    String threadName;
    BusyThread thread;

    final boolean xml = header.getPathInfo().endsWith(".xml");

    // calculate totals
    long blocktime_total = 0, sleeptime_total = 0, exectime_total = 0;
    while (threads.hasNext()) {
        threadName = threads.next();
        thread = sb.getThread(threadName);
        blocktime_total += thread.getBlockTime();
        sleeptime_total += thread.getSleepTime();
        exectime_total += thread.getExecTime();
    if (blocktime_total == 0)
        blocktime_total = 1;
    if (sleeptime_total == 0)
        sleeptime_total = 1;
    if (exectime_total == 0)
        exectime_total = 1;

    // set templates for latest news from the threads
    long blocktime, sleeptime, exectime;
    long idlesleep, busysleep, memuse, memprereq;
    double loadprereq;
    int queuesize;
    threads = sb.threadNames();
    int c = 0;
    long idleCycles, busyCycles, memshortageCycles, highCPUCycles;
    // set profile?
    final boolean setProfile = (post != null && post.containsKey("submitdefault"));
    final boolean setDelay = (post != null) && (post.containsKey("submitdelay"));
    // save used settings file to config
    if (setProfile && post != null) {
        sb.setConfig("performanceSpeed", post.getInt("profileSpeed", 100));

    IndexCell<WordReference> rwi = indexSegment.termIndex();
    while (threads.hasNext()) {
        threadName = threads.next();
        thread = sb.getThread(threadName);

        // set values to templates
        prop.put("table_" + c + "_threadname", threadName);

        prop.putHTML("table_" + c + "_hasurl_shortdescr", thread.getShortDescription());
        if (thread.getMonitorURL() == null) {
            prop.put("table_" + c + "_hasurl", "0");
        } else {
            prop.put("table_" + c + "_hasurl", "1");
            prop.put("table_" + c + "_hasurl_url", thread.getMonitorURL());
        prop.putHTML("table_" + c + "_longdescr", thread.getLongDescription());
        queuesize = thread.getJobCount();
        prop.put("table_" + c + "_queuesize",
                (queuesize == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? "unlimited" : Formatter.number(queuesize, !xml));

        blocktime = thread.getBlockTime();
        sleeptime = thread.getSleepTime();
        exectime = thread.getExecTime();
        memuse = thread.getMemoryUse();
        idleCycles = thread.getIdleCycles();
        busyCycles = thread.getBusyCycles();
        memshortageCycles = thread.getOutOfMemoryCycles();
        highCPUCycles = thread.getHighCPUCycles();
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_blocktime", blocktime / 1000);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_blockpercent", 100 * blocktime / blocktime_total);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeptime", sleeptime / 1000);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeppercent", 100 * sleeptime / sleeptime_total);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_exectime", exectime / 1000);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_execpercent", 100 * exectime / exectime_total);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_totalcycles", idleCycles + busyCycles + memshortageCycles + highCPUCycles);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_idlecycles", idleCycles);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_busycycles", busyCycles);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_memscycles", memshortageCycles);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_highcpucycles", highCPUCycles);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeppercycle",
                ((idleCycles + busyCycles) == 0) ? -1 : sleeptime / (idleCycles + busyCycles));
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_execpercycle", (busyCycles == 0) ? -1 : exectime / busyCycles);
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_memusepercycle", (busyCycles == 0) ? -1 : memuse / busyCycles / 1024);

        // load with old values
        idlesleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_idlesleep", 1000);
        busysleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_busysleep", 100);
        memprereq = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_memprereq", 0);
        loadprereq = sb.getConfigFloat(threadName + "_loadprereq", 9);
        if (setDelay && post != null) {
            // load with new values
            idlesleep = post.getLong(threadName + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
            busysleep = post.getLong(threadName + "_busysleep", busysleep);
            memprereq = post.getLong(threadName + "_memprereq", memprereq) * 1024l;
            if (memprereq == 0)
                memprereq = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_memprereq", 0);
            loadprereq = post.getDouble(threadName + "_loadprereq", loadprereq);
            if (loadprereq == 0)
                loadprereq = sb.getConfigFloat(threadName + "_loadprereq", 9);

            // check values to prevent short-cut loops
            if (idlesleep < 1000)
                idlesleep = 1000;

            sb.setThreadPerformance(threadName, idlesleep, busysleep, memprereq, loadprereq);
            idlesleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
            busysleep = sb.getConfigLong(threadName + "_busysleep", busysleep);
        if (setProfile) {
            // load with new values
            idlesleep = Long
                    .parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_idlesleep"), String.valueOf(idlesleep)));
            busysleep = Long
                    .parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_busysleep"), String.valueOf(busysleep)));
            memprereq = Long
                    .parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_memprereq"), String.valueOf(memprereq)));
            loadprereq = Double.parseDouble(
                    d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_loadprereq"), String.valueOf(loadprereq)));
            // check values to prevent short-cut loops
            if (idlesleep < 1000)
                idlesleep = 1000;
            //if (threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL) && (busysleep < 50)) busysleep = 50;
            sb.setThreadPerformance(threadName, idlesleep, busysleep, memprereq, loadprereq);
        prop.put("table_" + c + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
        prop.put("table_" + c + "_busysleep", busysleep);
        prop.put("table_" + c + "_memprereq", memprereq / 1024);
        prop.put("table_" + c + "_loadprereq", loadprereq);
        // disallow setting of memprereq for indexer to prevent db from throwing OOMs
        // prop.put("table_" + c + "_disabled", /*(threadName.endsWith("_indexing")) ? 1 :*/ "0");
        prop.put("table_" + c + "_recommendation", threadName.endsWith("_indexing") ? "1" : "0");
        prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_recommendation_value",
                rwi == null ? 0 : threadName.endsWith("_indexing") ? (rwi.minMem() / 1024) : 0);
    prop.put("table", c);

    c = 0;
    final int[] speedValues = { 200, 150, 100, 50, 25, 10 };
    final int usedspeed = sb.getConfigInt("performanceSpeed", 100);
    for (final int speed : speedValues) {
        prop.put("speed_" + c + "_value", speed);
        prop.put("speed_" + c + "_label", speed + " %");
        prop.put("speed_" + c + "_used", (speed == usedspeed) ? "1" : "0");
    prop.put("speed", c);

    if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("cacheSizeSubmit"))) {
        final int wordCacheMaxCount = post.getInt("wordCacheMaxCount", 20000);
        sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, Integer.toString(wordCacheMaxCount));
        if (rwi != null)

    /* Setting remote searches max loads */
    if (post != null) {
        if (post.containsKey("setRemoteSearchLoads")) {
            float loadValue = post.getFloat("remoteSearchRWIMaxLoad",
            sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_MAXLOAD_RWI, loadValue);

            loadValue = post.getFloat("remoteSearchSolrMaxLoad",
            sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_MAXLOAD_SOLR, loadValue);
        } else if (post.containsKey("defaultRemoteSearchLoads")) {

    if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("poolConfig"))) {

         * configuring the crawler pool
        // get the current crawler pool configuration
        int maxBusy = post.getInt("Crawler Pool_maxActive", 8);

        // storing the new values into configfile
        sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLER_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX, maxBusy);

         * configuring the robots.txt loading pool
        // get the current crawler pool configuration
        maxBusy = post.getInt("Robots.txt Pool_maxActive",

        // storing the new values into configfile
        sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.ROBOTS_TXT_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX, maxBusy);

         * configuring the http pool
        try {
            maxBusy = post.getInt("httpd Session Pool_maxActive", 8);
        } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
            maxBusy = 8;


        // storing the new values into configfile
        sb.setConfig("httpdMaxBusySessions", maxBusy);


    if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("connectionPoolConfig"))) {

        /* Configure the general outgoing HTTP connection pool */
        int maxTotal = post.getInt(SwitchboardConstants.HTTP_OUTGOING_POOL_GENERAL_MAX_TOTAL,
        if (maxTotal > 0) {
            sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HTTP_OUTGOING_POOL_GENERAL_MAX_TOTAL, maxTotal);
            HTTPClient.initPoolMaxConnections(HTTPClient.CONNECTION_MANAGER, maxTotal);

        /* Configure the remote Solr outgoing HTTP connection pool */
        maxTotal = post.getInt(SwitchboardConstants.HTTP_OUTGOING_POOL_REMOTE_SOLR_MAX_TOTAL,
        if (maxTotal > 0) {
            sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HTTP_OUTGOING_POOL_REMOTE_SOLR_MAX_TOTAL, maxTotal);
            RemoteInstance.initPoolMaxConnections(RemoteInstance.CONNECTION_MANAGER, maxTotal);

    if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("onlineCautionSubmit"))) {
                Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseProxy", 30000)));
                Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseLocalsearch", 30000)));
                Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseRemotesearch", 30000)));

    // table cache settings
    prop.putNum("wordCacheSize", indexSegment.RWIBufferCount());
    prop.putNum("wordCacheSizeKBytes", rwi == null ? 0 : rwi.getBufferSizeBytes() / 1024L);
    prop.putNum("maxURLinCache", rwi == null ? 0 : rwi.getBufferMaxReferences());
    prop.putNum("maxAgeOfCache", rwi == null ? 0 : rwi.getBufferMaxAge() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
    prop.putNum("minAgeOfCache", rwi == null ? 0 : rwi.getBufferMinAge() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
    prop.putNum("maxWaitingWordFlush", sb.getConfigLong("maxWaitingWordFlush", 180));
    prop.put("wordCacheMaxCount", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, 20000));
    prop.put("crawlPauseProxy", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.PROXY_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
            sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.LOCALSEACH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
            sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
    prop.putNum("crawlPauseProxyCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - sb.proxyLastAccess) / 1000);
    prop.putNum("crawlPauseLocalsearchCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - sb.localSearchLastAccess) / 1000);
            (System.currentTimeMillis() - sb.remoteSearchLastAccess) / 1000);

    // table thread pool settings
    prop.put("pool_0_name", "Crawler Pool");
    prop.put("pool_0_maxActive", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLER_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX, 0));
    prop.put("pool_0_numActive", sb.crawlQueues.activeWorkerEntries().size());

    prop.put("pool_1_name", "Robots.txt Pool");
    prop.put("pool_1_maxActive", sb.getConfigInt(SwitchboardConstants.ROBOTS_TXT_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX,
    prop.put("pool_1_numActive", sb.crawlQueues.activeWorkerEntries().size());

    prop.put("pool_2_name", "httpd Session Pool");
    prop.put("pool_2_maxActive", ConnectionInfo.getServerMaxcount());
    prop.put("pool_2_numActive", ConnectionInfo.getServerCount());

    prop.put("pool", "3");

    /* Connection pools settings */
    /* Connection pools stats */
    PoolStats stats = HTTPClient.CONNECTION_MANAGER.getTotalStats();
    prop.put("pool.general.leased", stats.getLeased());
    prop.put("pool.general.available", stats.getAvailable());
    prop.put("pool.general.pending", stats.getPending());

    stats = RemoteInstance.CONNECTION_MANAGER.getTotalStats();
    prop.put("pool.remoteSolr.leased", stats.getLeased());
    prop.put("pool.remoteSolr.available", stats.getAvailable());
    prop.put("pool.remoteSolr.pending", stats.getPending());

    /* Remote searches max loads settings */
    prop.put("remoteSearchRWIMaxLoad", sb.getConfigFloat(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_MAXLOAD_RWI,
    prop.put("remoteSearchSolrMaxLoad", sb.getConfigFloat(SwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_MAXLOAD_SOLR,

    // parse initialization memory settings
    final String Xmx = sb.getConfig("javastart_Xmx", "Xmx600m").substring(3);
    prop.put("Xmx", Xmx.substring(0, Xmx.length() - 1));
    final String Xms = sb.getConfig("javastart_Xms", "Xms600m").substring(3);
    prop.put("Xms", Xms.substring(0, Xms.length() - 1));

    final long diskFree = sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_MIN_STEADYSTATE, 3000L);
    final long diskFreeHardlimit = sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_MIN_UNDERSHOT,
    final long memoryAcceptDHT = sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.MEMORY_ACCEPTDHT, 50L);
    final boolean observerTrigger = !MemoryControl.properState();
    prop.put("diskFree", diskFree);
    prop.put("diskFreeHardlimit", diskFreeHardlimit);
    prop.put("diskFreeAutoregulate", sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_AUTOREGULATE,
            SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_AUTOREGULATE_DEFAULT) ? 1 : 0);
    prop.put("diskUsed", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_MAX_STEADYSTATE,
    prop.put("diskUsedHardlimit", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_MAX_OVERSHOT,
    prop.put("diskUsedAutoregulate", sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_AUTOREGULATE,
            SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_AUTOREGULATE_DEFAULT) ? 1 : 0);
    prop.put("memoryAcceptDHT", memoryAcceptDHT);
    if (observerTrigger)
        prop.put("observerTrigger", "1");

    // return rewrite values for templates
    return prop;

From source file:org.openrepose.core.services.httpclient.impl.HttpConnectionPoolServiceImpl.java

public HttpClientResponse getClient(String clientId) throws HttpClientNotFoundException {

    if (poolMap.isEmpty()) {
        defaultClientId = DEFAULT_POOL_ID;
        HttpClient httpClient = clientGenerator(DEFAULT_POOL);
        poolMap.put(defaultClientId, httpClient);
    }/*from   w w w  . j  av a 2 s.c o  m*/

    if (clientId != null && !clientId.isEmpty() && !isAvailable(clientId)) {
        HttpClient httpClient = clientGenerator(DEFAULT_POOL);
        poolMap.put(clientId, httpClient);

    final HttpClient requestedClient;

    if (clientId == null || clientId.isEmpty()) {
        requestedClient = poolMap.get(defaultClientId);
    } else {
        if (isAvailable(clientId)) {
            requestedClient = poolMap.get(clientId);
        } else {
            throw new HttpClientNotFoundException("Pool " + clientId + "not available");

    String clientInstanceId = requestedClient.getParams().getParameter(CLIENT_INSTANCE_ID).toString();
    String userId = httpClientUserManager.addUser(clientInstanceId);

    PoolStats poolStats = ((PoolingClientConnectionManager) requestedClient.getConnectionManager())
    LOG.trace("Client requested, pool currently leased: {}, available: {}, pending: {}, max: {}",
            poolStats.getLeased(), poolStats.getAvailable(), poolStats.getPending(), poolStats.getMax());

    return new HttpClientResponseImpl(requestedClient, clientId, clientInstanceId, userId);

From source file:com.amazonaws.client.service.AmazonHttpClient.java

 * Captures the connection pool metrics.
 *///w w w.  j a  va 2s  .c  o m
private void captureConnectionPoolMetrics(ClientConnectionManager connectionManager,
        AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics) {
    if (awsRequestMetrics.isEnabled() && connectionManager instanceof ConnPoolControl) {
        ConnPoolControl<?> control = (ConnPoolControl<?>) connectionManager;
        PoolStats stats = control.getTotalStats();
        awsRequestMetrics.withCounter(HttpClientPoolAvailableCount, stats.getAvailable())
                .withCounter(HttpClientPoolLeasedCount, stats.getLeased())
                .withCounter(HttpClientPoolPendingCount, stats.getPending());

From source file:com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.java

 * Captures the connection pool metrics.
 */// ww w .j  a va2s.co m
private void captureConnectionPoolMetrics(ClientConnectionManager connectionManager,
        AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics) {
    if (awsRequestMetrics.isEnabled() && connectionManager instanceof ConnPoolControl) {
        ConnPoolControl<?> control = (ConnPoolControl<?>) connectionManager;
        PoolStats stats = control.getTotalStats();
        awsRequestMetrics.setCounter(AWSRequestMetrics.Field.HttpClientPoolLeasedCount, stats.getLeased());
        awsRequestMetrics.setCounter(AWSRequestMetrics.Field.HttpClientPoolPendingCount, stats.getPending());