Java org.apache.lucene.util IOUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.lucene.util IOUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.lucene.util IOUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


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voidclose(Closeable... objects)
Closes all given Closeables.
voidclose(Iterable objects)
Closes all given Closeables.
voidcloseWhileHandlingException(Closeable... objects)
Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown exceptions.
voidcloseWhileHandlingException(Iterable objects)
Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown non VirtualMachineError exceptions.
voiddeleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(Path... files)
Deletes all given files, suppressing all thrown IOExceptions.
voiddeleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(Collection files)
Deletes all given files, suppressing all thrown IOExceptions.
voiddeleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(Directory dir, Collection files)
Deletes all given files, suppressing all thrown IOExceptions.
voiddeleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(Directory dir, String... files)
voidfsync(Path fileToSync, boolean isDir)
Ensure that any writes to the given file is written to the storage device that contains it.
ReadergetDecodingReader(InputStream stream, Charset charSet)
Wrapping the given InputStream in a reader using a CharsetDecoder .
ReadergetDecodingReader(Class clazz, String resource, Charset charSet)
Opens a Reader for the given resource using a CharsetDecoder .
voidreThrow(Throwable th)
Rethrows the argument as IOException or RuntimeException if it's not null.
voidreThrowUnchecked(Throwable th)
voidrm(Path... locations)
Deletes one or more files or directories (and everything underneath it).
LinkedHashMaprm(final LinkedHashMap unremoved, Path... locations)
booleanspins(Directory dir)
If the dir is an FSDirectory or wraps one via possibly nested FilterDirectory or FileSwitchDirectory , this returns #spins(Path) for the wrapped directory, else, true.
booleanspins(Path path)
Rough Linux-only heuristics to determine whether the provided Path is backed by spinning storage.