Java org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption AccessPermission fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption AccessPermission fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption AccessPermission.

The text is from its open source code.


Create a new access permission object.
AccessPermission(byte[] b)
Create a new access permission object from a byte array.
AccessPermission(int permissions)
Creates a new access permission object from a single integer.


This will tell if the user can insert/rotate/delete pages.
This will tell if the user can extract text and images from the PDF document.
This will tell if the user can extract text and images from the PDF document for accessibility purposes.
This will tell if the user can fill in interactive form fields (including signature fields) even if #canModifyAnnotations() canModifyAnnotations() returns false.
This will tell if the user can modify contents of the document.
This will tell if the user can add or modify text annotations and fill in interactive forms fields and, if #canModify() canModify() returns true, create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields).
This will tell if the user can print.
This will tell if the user can print the document in a degraded format.
This will tell if the access permission corresponds to owner access permission (no restriction).
This will tell if the object has been set as read only.
voidsetCanAssembleDocument(boolean allowAssembly)
Set if the user can insert/rotate/delete pages.
voidsetCanExtractContent(boolean allowExtraction)
Set if the user can extract content from the document.
voidsetCanExtractForAccessibility(boolean allowExtraction)
Set if the user can extract content from the document for accessibility purposes.
voidsetCanFillInForm(boolean allowFillingInForm)
Set if the user can fill in interactive form fields (including signature fields) even if #canModifyAnnotations() canModifyAnnotations() returns false.
voidsetCanModify(boolean allowModifications)
Set if the user can modify the document.
voidsetCanModifyAnnotations(boolean allowAnnotationModification)
Set if the user can add or modify text annotations and fill in interactive forms fields and, if #canModify() canModify() returns true, create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields).
voidsetCanPrint(boolean allowPrinting)
Set if the user can print.
voidsetCanPrintDegraded(boolean canPrintDegraded)
Set if the user can print the document in a degraded format.