Java org.apache.poi.hssf.record ExtendedFormatRecord fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.poi.hssf.record ExtendedFormatRecord fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.poi.hssf.record ExtendedFormatRecord.

The text is from its open source code.




Constructor ExtendedFormatRecord


get for diagonal borders?
get the diagonal border line style?
Not sure what this is for (maybe fill lines?) 1 = down, 2 = up, 3 = both, 0 for none..
get the index to the Format record (which FORMAT to use 0-based)
get whether or not to use the border in this XF instead of the parent XF.
voidsetAdtlDiag(short diag)
set for diagonal borders?
voidsetAdtlDiagLineStyle(short diag)
set the diagonal border line style?
voidsetAdtlPaletteOptions(short options)
set the additional palette options bitmask (see individual bitsetter methods that reference this method)
voidsetAlignmentOptions(short options)
set the alignment options bitmask.
voidsetBorderOptions(short options)
set the border options bitmask (see the corresponding bitsetter methods that reference back to this one)
voidsetBottomBorderPaletteIdx(short border)
set the palette index for the bottom border
voidsetCellOptions(short options)
sets the options bitmask - you can also use corresponding option bit setters (see other methods that reference this one)
voidsetDiag(short diag)
Not sure what this is for (maybe fill lines?) 1 = down, 2 = up, 3 = both, 0 for none..
voidsetFillPaletteOptions(short options)
set the fill palette options bitmask (see bitfields for additional palette options)
voidsetFontIndex(short index)
set the index to the FONT record (which font to use 0 based)
voidsetFormatIndex(short index)
set the index to the Format record (which FORMAT to use 0-based)
voidsetIndentionOptions(short options)
set the indent options bitmask (see corresponding bitmask setters that reference this field)
voidsetIndentNotParentBorder(boolean border)
set whether or not to use the border in this XF instead of the parent XF.
voidsetLeftBorderPaletteIdx(short border)
set the palette index for the left border color
voidsetPaletteOptions(short options)
set the palette options bitmask (see the individual bitsetter methods that reference this one)
voidsetRightBorderPaletteIdx(short border)
set the palette index for the right border color
voidsetTopBorderPaletteIdx(short border)
set the palette index for the top border