Java org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming SXSSFWorkbook fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming SXSSFWorkbook fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming SXSSFWorkbook.

The text is from its open source code.


Specifies how many rows can be accessed at most via SXSSFSheet#getRow .


SXSSFWorkbook(XSSFWorkbook workbook)

Construct a workbook from a template.

There are three use-cases to use SXSSFWorkbook(XSSFWorkbook) :
  1. Append new sheets to existing workbooks.
SXSSFWorkbook(int rowAccessWindowSize)
Construct an empty workbook and specify the window for row access.
Construct a new workbook with default row window size
SXSSFWorkbook(XSSFWorkbook workbook, int rowAccessWindowSize)
Constructs an workbook from an existing workbook.
SXSSFWorkbook(XSSFWorkbook workbook, int rowAccessWindowSize, boolean compressTmpFiles, boolean useSharedStringsTable)
Constructs an workbook from an existing workbook.
SXSSFWorkbook(XSSFWorkbook workbook, int rowAccessWindowSize, boolean compressTmpFiles)
Constructs an workbook from an existing workbook.


Closes the underlying XSSFWorkbook and OPCPackage on which this Workbook is based, if any.
Create a new Cell style and add it to the workbook's style table
Returns the instance of DataFormat for this workbook.
Create a new Font and add it to the workbook's font table
Sreate an Sheet for this Workbook, adds it to the sheets and returns the high level representation.
SXSSFSheetcreateSheet(String sheetname)
Create an Sheet for this Workbook, adds it to the sheets and returns the high level representation.
Dispose of temporary files backing this workbook on disk.
Gets all pictures from the Workbook.
CellStylegetCellStyleAt(int idx)
Get the cell style object at the given index
Returns an object that handles instantiating concrete classes of the various instances one needs for HSSF, XSSF and SXSSF.
Get the number of spreadsheets in the workbook
SXSSFSheetgetSheet(String name)
Get sheet with the given name
SXSSFSheetgetSheetAt(int index)
Get the Sheet object at the given index.
StringgetSheetName(int sheet)
Set the sheet name
voidsetCompressTempFiles(boolean compress)
Set whether temp files should be compressed.
voidsetSheetName(int sheet, String name)
Set the sheet name.
voidsetSheetOrder(String sheetname, int pos)
Sets the order of appearance for a given sheet.
voidwrite(OutputStream stream)
Write out this workbook to an OutputStream.