Java org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel XWPFParagraph fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel XWPFParagraph fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel XWPFParagraph.

The text is from its open source code.


org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFParagraph has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



Appends a new run to this paragraph
Returns the paragraph alignment which shall be applied to text in this paragraph.
Specifies the border which shall be displayed between each paragraph in a set of paragraphs which have the same set of paragraph border settings.
Specifies the border which shall be displayed below a set of paragraphs which have the same set of paragraph border settings.
Specifies the border which shall be displayed on the left side of the page around the specified paragraph.
Specifies the border which shall be displayed on the right side of the page around the specified paragraph.
Specifies the border which shall be displayed above a set of paragraphs which have the same set of paragraph border settings.
returns the type of the BodyElement Paragraph
Returns the footnote text of the paragraph
Specifies the additional indentation which shall be applied to the first line of the parent paragraph.
Specifies the indentation which shall be removed from the first line of the parent paragraph, by moving the indentation on the first line back towards the beginning of the direction of text flow.
Specifies the indentation which shall be placed between the left text margin for this paragraph and the left edge of that paragraph's content in a left to right paragraph, and the right text margin and the right edge of that paragraph's text in a right to left paragraph

If this attribute is omitted, its value shall be assumed to be zero.

Specifies the indentation which shall be placed between the right text margin for this paragraph and the right edge of that paragraph's content in a left to right paragraph, and the right text margin and the right edge of that paragraph's text in a right to left paragraph

If this attribute is omitted, its value shall be assumed to be zero.

Return literal runs and sdt/content control objects.
Returns numbering format for this paragraph, eg bullet or lowerLetter.
If style exist for this paragraph NumId of the paragraph will be returned.
Returns Ilvl of the numeric style for this paragraph.
Returns the text of the paragraph, but not of any objects in the paragraph
returns the partType of the bodyPart which owns the bodyElement
Specifies the spacing that should be added after the last line in this paragraph in the document in absolute units.
Specifies the spacing that should be added after the last line in this paragraph in the document in absolute units.
Specifies the spacing that should be added above the first line in this paragraph in the document in absolute units.
Specifies the spacing that should be added before the first line in this paragraph in the document in line units.
Specifies how the spacing between lines is calculated as stored in the line attribute.
Return styleID of the paragraph if style exist for this paragraph if not, null will be returned
Return the textual content of the paragraph, including text from pictures and sdt elements in it.
Returns the text vertical alignment which shall be applied to text in this paragraph.
XWPFRuninsertNewRun(int pos)
insert a new Run in RunArray
booleanremoveRun(int pos)
removes a Run at the position pos in the paragraph
TextSegmentsearchText(String searched, PositionInParagraph startPos)
this methods parse the paragraph and search for the string searched.
voidsetAlignment(ParagraphAlignment align)
Specifies the paragraph alignment which shall be applied to text in this paragraph.
voidsetBorderBetween(Borders border)
Specifies the border which shall be displayed between each paragraph in a set of paragraphs which have the same set of paragraph border settings.
voidsetBorderBottom(Borders border)
Specifies the border which shall be displayed below a set of paragraphs which have the same set of paragraph border settings.
voidsetBorderLeft(Borders border)
Specifies the border which shall be displayed on the left side of the page around the specified paragraph.
voidsetBorderRight(Borders border)
Specifies the border which shall be displayed on the right side of the page around the specified paragraph.
voidsetBorderTop(Borders border)
Specifies the border which shall be displayed above a set of paragraphs which have the same set of paragraph border settings.
voidsetIndentationFirstLine(int indentation)
Specifies the additional indentation which shall be applied to the first line of the parent paragraph.
voidsetIndentationLeft(int indentation)
Specifies the indentation which shall be placed between the left text margin for this paragraph and the left edge of that paragraph's content in a left to right paragraph, and the right text margin and the right edge of that paragraph's text in a right to left paragraph

If this attribute is omitted, its value shall be assumed to be zero.

voidsetNumID(BigInteger numPos)
setNumID of Paragraph
voidsetPageBreak(boolean pageBreak)
Specifies that when rendering this document in a paginated view, the contents of this paragraph are rendered on the start of a new page in the document.
voidsetSpacingAfter(int spaces)
Specifies the spacing that should be added after the last line in this paragraph in the document in absolute units.
voidsetSpacingBefore(int spaces)
Specifies the spacing that should be added above the first line in this paragraph in the document in absolute units.
voidsetSpacingLineRule(LineSpacingRule rule)
Specifies how the spacing between lines is calculated as stored in the line attribute.
voidsetStyle(String styleId)
Set the style ID for the paragraph
voidsetVerticalAlignment(TextAlignment valign)
Specifies the text vertical alignment which shall be applied to text in this paragraph.
voidsetWordWrap(boolean wrap)
voidsetWordWrapped(boolean wrap)
This element specifies whether a consumer shall break Latin text which exceeds the text extents of a line by breaking the word across two lines (breaking on the character level) or by moving the word to the following line (breaking on the word level).