Java org.apache.shiro.authc SimpleAccount fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.shiro.authc SimpleAccount fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.shiro.authc SimpleAccount.

The text is from its open source code.


org.apache.shiro.authc.SimpleAccount has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


SimpleAccount(Object principal, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt, String realmName)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified realm with the given principals, hashedCredentials and credentials salt used when hashing the credentials.
SimpleAccount(PrincipalCollection principals, Object credentials, Set roleNames, Set permissions)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance from the given principals and credentials, with the the assigned roles and permissions.
SimpleAccount(Object principal, Object credentials, String realmName)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified realm with the given principals and credentials.
SimpleAccount(Collection principals, Object credentials, String realmName)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified realm with the given principals and credentials.
SimpleAccount(PrincipalCollection principals, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified principals and credentials.
SimpleAccount(PrincipalCollection principals, Object credentials, Set roles)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified principals and credentials, with the assigned roles.
Default no-argument constructor.
SimpleAccount(Object principal, Object credentials, String realmName, Set roleNames, Set permissions)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified realm with the given principal and credentials, with the the assigned roles and permissions.
SimpleAccount(Collection principals, Object credentials, String realmName, Set roleNames, Set permissions)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified realm with the given principals and credentials, with the the assigned roles and permissions.
SimpleAccount(PrincipalCollection principals, Object credentials)
Constructs a SimpleAccount instance for the specified principals and credentials.


voidaddObjectPermission(Permission permission)
Assigns an object-based permission directly to this Account (not any of its realms).
voidaddRole(String role)
Adds a role to this Account's set of assigned roles.
voidaddRole(Collection roles)
Adds one or more roles to this Account's set of assigned roles.
voidaddStringPermission(String permission)
Assigns a String-based permission directly to this Account (not to any of its realms).
voidaddStringPermissions(Collection permissions)
Assigns one or more string-based permissions directly to this Account (not to any of its realms).
Simply returns this.authcInfo.getCredentials.
Returns the salt used to hash this Account's credentials (eg for password hashing), or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.
Returns all object-based permissions assigned directly to this Account (not any of its realms).
Returns the principals, aka the identifying attributes (username, user id, first name, last name, etc) of this Account.
Returns this.authzInfo.getRoles();
Returns whether or not the Account's credentials are expired.
Returns true if this Account is locked and thus cannot be used to login, false otherwise.
voidsetCredentials(Object credentials)
Sets this Account's credentials that verify one or more of the Account's #getPrincipals() principals , such as a password or private key.
voidsetCredentialsExpired(boolean credentialsExpired)
Sets whether or not the Account's credentials are expired.
voidsetCredentialsSalt(ByteSource salt)
Sets the salt to use to hash this Account's credentials (eg for password hashing), or null if no salt is used or credentials are not hashed at all.
voidsetLocked(boolean locked)
Sets whether or not the account is locked and can be used to login.
voidsetPrincipals(PrincipalCollection principals)
Sets the principals, aka the identifying attributes (username, user id, first name, last name, etc) of this Account.