Example usage for org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.repeater.data.table.filter IFilterStateLocator interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.repeater.data.table.filter IFilterStateLocator interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.repeater.data.table.filter IFilterStateLocator interface-usage.


From source file com.googlecode.wicketwebbeans.databinder.DataFilter.java

 * A Databinder/Hibernate filtering component suitable for adding to a BeanTablePanel in conjunction
 * with a DatabinderProvider. The bean field that can be searched is specified in the constructor
 * A typical use case might be:
 * DataSorter sorter = new DataSorter(metaData.getParameter("orderBy"));

From source file com.swordlord.gozer.dataprovider.GozerSortableFilterableDataProvider.java

 * {@link GozerSortableDataProvider} with filter support.<br>
 * The currently used filter state implementation is {@link FilterState}.
public class GozerSortableFilterableDataProvider extends GozerSortableDataProvider implements IFilterStateLocator {

From source file com.zh.snmp.snmpweb.model.EntityDataProvider.java

 * @author sonrisa
public abstract class EntityDataProvider<T extends BaseEntity> extends SortableDataProvider<T>
        implements IFilterStateLocator {

From source file de.alpharogroup.wicket.data.provider.AbstractSortableFilterDataProvider.java

 * The Class {@link AbstractSortableFilterDataProvider} is an abstract generic implementation for
 * the ISortableDataProvider and the IFilterStateLocator interface.
 * @author Asterios Raptis
 * @param <T>

From source file de.alpharogroup.wicket.data.provider.AbstractSortFilterDataProvider.java

 * The Class {@link AbstractSortFilterDataProvider}.
 * @param <T>
 *            the generic type
 * @param <S>

From source file net.databinder.models.hib.CriteriaColumnFilter.java

 * <h1>CriteriaColumnFilter</h1>
 * <i>Copyright (C) 2008 The Scripps Research Institute</i>
 * <p>An implementor of CriteriaBuilder and IFilterStateLocator to wire up a HibernateProvider based DataTable with a FilterToolbar<p>
 * <pre>

From source file net.databinder.models.hib.CriteriaFilterAndSort.java

 * An OrderingCriteriaBuilder implementation that can be wired to a FilterToolbar
 * String properties are searched via an iLike. Number properties can specify >, >=, < or <=
 * Example usage (from baseball player example);

From source file nl.mpi.lamus.web.management.SortableWorkspaceDataProvider.java

 * Data provider to be used by the management table listing workspaces.
 * @author guisil
public class SortableWorkspaceDataProvider extends SortableDataProvider<Workspace, String>
        implements IFilterStateLocator<WorkspaceFilter> {

From source file org.bindgen.wicket.phonebook.web.ContactsDataProvider.java

 * note: it is important that the dao passed to the data provider be a proxy
 * from wicket-contrib-spring when used in non-testing environment. this is
 * because the dataprovider might get serialized for versioning or for
 * replication among the cluster and that would mean that the dao will also be
 * serialized. this is usually undesirable because the dao might have references

From source file org.devgateway.toolkit.forms.wicket.providers.SortableJpaRepositoryDataProvider.java

 * @author mpostelnicu
 *         Smart generic {@link SortableDataProvider} that binds to
 *         {@link BaseJpaRepository}