Java org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list ListView fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list ListView fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list ListView.

The text is from its open source code.


org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListView has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



MarkupContaineradd(final Component... children)
Adds the child component(s) to this container.
Triggers #onConfigure() to be invoked on this component if it has not already during this request.
Componentget(String path)
Get a child component by looking it up with the given path.
Gets the backing model object.
Gets a model object as a string.
Gets the list of items in the listView.
Gets model object
Gets any parent container, or null if there is none.
Gets whether this component and any children are visible.
Gives an iterator that allow you to iterate through the children of this markup container in the order the children were added.
Called to indicate that the model content for this component has been changed
Removes all children from this container.
MarkupContainersetDefaultModel(final IModel model)
ComponentsetDefaultModelObject(final Object object)
Sets the backing model object.
ListViewsetList(List list)
Sets the model as the provided list and removes all children, so that the next render will be using the contents of the model.
voidsetModel(IModel> model)
Sets model
voidsetModelObject(List object)
Sets model object
ComponentsetOutputMarkupId(final boolean output)
Sets whether or not component will output id attribute into the markup.
ComponentsetOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(final boolean outputTag)
Render a placeholder tag when the component is not visible.
ComponentsetRenderBodyOnly(final boolean renderTag)
If false the component's tag will be printed as well as its body (which is default).
ListViewsetReuseItems(boolean reuseItems)
If true re-rendering the list view is more efficient if the windows doesn't get changed at all or if it gets scrolled (compared to paging).
ListViewsetViewSize(final int size)
Define the maximum number of items to render.
ComponentsetVisibilityAllowed(boolean allowed)
Sets whether or not this component is allowed to be visible.
ComponentsetVisible(final boolean visible)
Sets whether this component and any children are visible.
Get the number of children in this container.
RvisitChildren(final IVisitor visitor)
Traverses all child components in this container, calling the visitor's visit method at each one.