Example usage for org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater RefreshingView subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater RefreshingView subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater RefreshingView subclass-usage.


From source file com.github.ilmoeuro.hackmikkeli2016.ui.HmRefreshingView.java

public class HmRefreshingView<T> extends RefreshingView<T> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0l;

    public interface Populator<T> extends Serializable {
        void populateItem(Item<T> item);

From source file com.visural.stereotyped.ui.components.SecureRefreshingView.java

 * @author Visural
public abstract class SecureRefreshingView<T> extends RefreshingView<T>
        implements ISecureRenderInstance, ISecureEnableInstance {

From source file de.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno.support.DefaultRefreshingView.java

public abstract class DefaultRefreshingView<T extends Serializable> extends RefreshingView<T> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4301501168097494558L;

    public DefaultRefreshingView(String aId) {

From source file fi.ilmoeuro.membertrack.ui.MtRefreshingView.java

public class MtRefreshingView<T> extends RefreshingView<@NonNull T> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0l;

    public interface Populator<T> extends Serializable {
        void populateItem(Item<@NonNull T> item);

From source file info.jtrac.wicket.ReadOnlyRefreshingView.java

 * usage requires only passing a list dynamically by overriding
public abstract class ReadOnlyRefreshingView<T> extends RefreshingView {

    protected final SimpleAttributeModifier CLASS_ALT = new SimpleAttributeModifier("class", "alt");

From source file net.databinder.components.hib.IterableEntityView.java

 * Similar to a PropertyListView, but works with any Iterable collection composed of
 * persisted entities. This is particularly useful for the common Hibernate set mapping, whose 
 * contents would otherwise need to be placed in a new List after loading. Contained items
 * must be Hibernate entities; a Hibernate exeception will be thrown otherwise. 
 * @author Nathan Hamblen

From source file org.cyclop.web.components.iterablegrid.AbstractPageableView.java

 * An abstract repeater view that provides paging functionality to its
 * subclasses.
 * <p>
 * The view is populated by overriding the
 * <code>getItemModels(int offset, int count)</code> method and providing an

From source file org.sakaiproject.sitestats.tool.wicket.components.paging.infinite.AbstractInfinitePagingView.java

 * Abstract base class for the view used by SakaiInfinitePagingDataTable
 * @author plukasew
 * @param <T>
public abstract class AbstractInfinitePagingView<T> extends RefreshingView<T> {