Example usage for org.apache.wicket.model PropertyModel of

List of usage examples for org.apache.wicket.model PropertyModel of


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.wicket.model PropertyModel of.


public static <Z> PropertyModel<Z> of(Object parent, String property) 

Source Link


Type-infering factory method


From source file:biz.turnonline.ecosystem.origin.frontend.myaccount.page.MyAccountBasics.java

License:Apache License

public MyAccountBasics() {
    add(new FirebaseAppInit(firebaseConfig));

    final MyAccountModel accountModel = new MyAccountModel();
    final IModel<Map<String, Country>> countriesModel = new CountriesModel();

    setModel(accountModel);/*from  w  w  w. j a  v a2s . co  m*/

    // form
    Form<Account> form = new Form<Account>("form", accountModel) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -938924956863034465L;

        protected void onSubmit() {
            Account account = getModelObject();
            send(getPage(), Broadcast.BREADTH, new AccountUpdateEvent(account));

    PropertyModel<Boolean> companyModel = new PropertyModel<>(accountModel, "company");
    form.add(new CompanyPersonSwitcher("isCompanyRadioGroup", companyModel));

    // account email fieldset
    form.add(new Label("email", new PropertyModel<>(accountModel, "email")));

    // company basic info
    final CompanyBasicInfo<Account> basicInfo = new CompanyBasicInfo<Account>("companyData", accountModel) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2992960490517951459L;

        protected DropDownChoice<LegalForm> provideLegalForm(String componentId) {
            LegalFormListModel choices = new LegalFormListModel();
            return new IndicatingAjaxDropDown<>(componentId,
                    new LegalFormCodeModel(accountModel, "legalForm", choices), choices,
                    new LegalFormRenderer());

        protected void onConfigure() {
            Account account = getModelObject();

    // company basic info panel behaviors
    basicInfo.addLegalForm(new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 6948210639258798921L;

        protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

    basicInfo.addVatId(new Behavior() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 100053137512632023L;

        public void onConfigure(Component component) {
            Account account = basicInfo.getModelObject();
            boolean visible;
            if (account == null || account.getBusiness() == null) {
                visible = true;
            } else {
                Boolean vatPayer = account.getBusiness().getVatPayer();
                visible = vatPayer == null ? Boolean.FALSE : vatPayer;


    final TextField taxId = basicInfo.getTaxId();
    final TextField vatId = basicInfo.getVatId();
    final CheckBox vatPayer = basicInfo.getVatPayer();

    basicInfo.addVatPayer(new AjaxFormSubmitBehavior(OnChangeAjaxBehavior.EVENT_NAME) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1238082494184937003L;

        protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
            Account account = (Account) basicInfo.getDefaultModelObject();
            String rawTaxIdValue = taxId.getRawInput();
            AccountBusiness business = account.getBusiness();

            if (rawTaxIdValue != null && Strings.isEmpty(business == null ? null : business.getVatId())) {
                // VAT country prefix proposal
                String country = business == null ? "" : business.getDomicile();
                country = country.toUpperCase();
                //noinspection unchecked
                vatId.getModel().setObject(country + rawTaxIdValue);

            // must be set manually as getDefaultProcessing() returns false
            vatPayer.setModelObject(!(business == null ? Boolean.FALSE : business.getVatPayer()));

            if (target != null) {

        public boolean getDefaultProcessing() {
            return false;

    // personal data panel
    PersonalDataPanel<Account> personalData = new PersonalDataPanel<Account>("personalData", accountModel) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2808922906891760016L;

        protected void onConfigure() {
            Account account = getModelObject();

    // personal address panel
    PersonalAddressPanel<Account> address = new PersonalAddressPanel<Account>("personalAddress", accountModel) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3481146248010938807L;

        protected DropDownChoice<Country> provideCountry(String componentId) {
            return new IndicatingAjaxDropDown<>(componentId,
                    new PersonalAddressCountryModel(accountModel, countriesModel), new CountryRenderer(),

        protected void onConfigure() {
            Account account = getModelObject();

    address.addCountry(new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1016447969591778948L;

        protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

    // company address panel
    CompanyAddressPanel<Account> companyAddress;
    companyAddress = new CompanyAddressPanel<Account>("companyAddress", accountModel, false, false) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6760545061622186549L;

        protected DropDownChoice<Country> provideCountry(String componentId) {
            return new IndicatingAjaxDropDown<>(componentId,
                    new CompanyDomicileModel(accountModel, countriesModel), new CountryRenderer(),

        protected void onConfigure() {
            Account account = getModelObject();

    companyAddress.addCountry(new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5476413125490349124L;

        protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

    IModel<AccountPostalAddress> postalAddressModel = new PropertyModel<>(accountModel, "postalAddress");
    IModel<Boolean> hasAddress = new PropertyModel<>(accountModel, "hasPostalAddress");
    PostalAddressPanel<AccountPostalAddress> postalAddress;
    postalAddress = new PostalAddressPanel<AccountPostalAddress>("postal-address", postalAddressModel,
            hasAddress) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -930960688138308527L;

        protected DropDownChoice<Country> provideCountry(String componentId) {
            return new IndicatingAjaxDropDown<>(componentId,
                    new PostalAddressCountryModel(accountModel, countriesModel), new CountryRenderer(),

    postalAddress.addStreet(new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4050800366443676166L;

        protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

    PropertyModel<Object> billingContactModel = PropertyModel.of(accountModel, "billingContact");
    form.add(new SimplifiedContactFieldSet<>("contact", billingContactModel));
    // save button
    form.add(new IndicatingAjaxButton("save", new I18NResourceModel("button.save"), form));

From source file:de.alpharogroup.wicket.components.i18n.dropdownchoice.panels.DoubleDropDownPanel.java

License:Apache License

 * Factory method for creating the new child {@link DropDownChoice}. This method is invoked in
 * the constructor from the derived classes and can be overridden so users can provide their own
 * version of a new child {@link DropDownChoice}.
 * @param id//from   w ww  .ja  va2  s. c o m
 *            the id
 * @param model
 *            the model
 * @return the new child {@link DropDownChoice}.
protected DropDownChoice<T> newChildChoice(final String id, final IModel<TwoDropDownChoicesBean<T>> model) {
    final IModel<T> selectedChildOptionModel = new PropertyModel<>(model, "selectedChildOption");
    final IModel<List<T>> childChoicesModel = PropertyModel.of(model, "childChoices");
    final DropDownChoice<T> cc = new LocalisedDropDownChoice<T>(id, selectedChildOptionModel, childChoicesModel,
            this.childRenderer) {
        protected void onSelectionChanged(Object newSelection) {

        protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() {
            return true;

        public void convertInput() {
            T convertedInput = getConvertedInput();
            if (convertedInput == null) {
                String[] inputArray = getInputAsArray();
                convertedInput = convertChoiceValue(inputArray);
            } else {

        protected T convertChoiceValue(String[] value) {
            return (T) (value != null && value.length > 0 && value[0] != null ? trim(value[0]) : null);
    cc.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("change") {
        /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, RuntimeException e) {
            DoubleDropDownPanel.this.onChildChoiceError(target, e);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        protected void onUpdate(final AjaxRequestTarget target) {
    return cc;

From source file:de.alpharogroup.wicket.components.i18n.dropdownchoice.panels.DoubleDropDownPanel.java

License:Apache License

 * Factory method for creating the new root {@link DropDownChoice}. This method is invoked in
 * the constructor from the derived classes and can be overridden so users can provide their own
 * version of a new root {@link DropDownChoice}.
 * @param id//from  w  ww.j a v a  2s . co m
 *            the id
 * @param model
 *            the model
 * @return the new root {@link DropDownChoice}.
protected DropDownChoice<T> newRootChoice(final String id, final IModel<TwoDropDownChoicesBean<T>> model) {
    final IModel<T> selectedRootOptionModel = PropertyModel.of(model, "selectedRootOption");
    final IModel<List<T>> rootChoicesModel = PropertyModel.of(model, "rootChoices");

    final DropDownChoice<T> rc = new LocalisedDropDownChoice<T>(id, selectedRootOptionModel, rootChoicesModel,
            this.rootRenderer) {
        protected void onSelectionChanged(Object newSelection) {

        protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() {
            return true;

        public void convertInput() {
            T convertedInput = getConvertedInput();
            if (convertedInput == null) {
                String[] inputArray = getInputAsArray();
                convertedInput = convertChoiceValue(inputArray);
            } else {

        protected T convertChoiceValue(String[] value) {
            return (T) (value != null && value.length > 0 && value[0] != null ? trim(value[0]) : null);
    rc.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("change") {
        /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, RuntimeException e) {
            DoubleDropDownPanel.this.onRootChoiceError(target, e);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        protected void onUpdate(final AjaxRequestTarget target) {
    return rc;

From source file:de.alpharogroup.wicket.data.provider.examples.datatable.DataTablePanel.java

License:Apache License

public DataTablePanel(final String id) {
    super(id);//from  ww  w.  j  a v  a2 s.  com

    final SortableFilterPersonDataProvider dataProvider = new SortableFilterPersonDataProvider(
            PersonDatabaseManager.getInstance().getPersons()) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public List<Person> getData() {
            final List<Person> persons = PersonDatabaseManager.getInstance().getPersons();
            return persons;
    dataProvider.setSort("firstname", SortOrder.ASCENDING);

    final List<IColumn<Person, String>> columns = new ArrayList<>();

    columns.add(new AbstractColumn<Person, String>(new Model<>("Actions")) {
         * The serialVersionUID
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void populateItem(final Item<ICellPopulator<Person>> cellItem, final String componentId,
                final IModel<Person> model) {
            final ActionPanel<Person> editActionPanel = new ActionPanel<Person>(componentId, model) {

                 * The serialVersionUID
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                 * {@inheritDoc}
                protected IModel<String> newActionLinkLabelModel() {
                    return ResourceModelFactory.newResourceModel("global.main.button.edit.label");

                 * {@inheritDoc}
                protected void onAction(final AjaxRequestTarget target) {


    columns.add(new PropertyColumn<Person, String>(Model.of("First name"), "firstname", "firstname"));
    columns.add(new PropertyColumn<Person, String>(Model.of("Last Name"), "lastname", "lastname") {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public String getCssClass() {
            return "last-name";
    columns.add(new PropertyColumn<Person, String>(Model.of("Date of birth"), "dateOfBirth", "dateOfBirth"));

    final DataTable<Person, String> tableWithFilterForm = new DataTable<>("tableWithFilterForm", columns,
            dataProvider, 10);

    final FilterForm<PersonFilter> filterForm = new FilterForm<>("filterForm", dataProvider);
    filterForm.add(new TextField<>("dateFrom", PropertyModel.of(dataProvider, "filterState.dateFrom")));
    filterForm.add(new TextField<>("dateTo", PropertyModel.of(dataProvider, "filterState.dateTo")));

    final FilterToolbar filterToolbar = new FilterToolbar(tableWithFilterForm, filterForm);
    tableWithFilterForm.addTopToolbar(new NavigationToolbar(tableWithFilterForm));
    tableWithFilterForm.addTopToolbar(new HeadersToolbar<>(tableWithFilterForm, dataProvider));

From source file:de.alpharogroup.wicket.data.provider.examples.datatable.DefaultDataTablePanel.java

License:Apache License

public DefaultDataTablePanel(final String id) {
    super(id);/*w  ww . ja v  a2  s.c  o m*/
    final List<Person> persons = PersonDatabaseManager.getInstance().getPersons();

    final SortableFilterPersonDataProvider dataProvider = new SortableFilterPersonDataProvider(persons) {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public List<Person> getData() {
            return PersonDatabaseManager.getInstance().getPersons();
    final List<IColumn<Person, String>> columns = new ArrayList<>();
    columns.add(new TextFilteredPropertyColumn<Person, PersonFilter, String>(Model.of("First name"),
            "firstname", "firstname"));
    columns.add(new TextFilteredPropertyColumn<Person, PersonFilter, String>(Model.of("Last Name"), "lastname",
    columns.add(new PropertyColumn<Person, String>(Model.of("Date of birth"), "dateOfBirth", "dateOfBirth"));

    final FilterForm<PersonFilter> form = new FilterForm<>("form", dataProvider);
    form.add(new TextField<>("firstname", PropertyModel.of(dataProvider, "filterState.firstname")));

    final DefaultDataTable<Person, String> dataTable = new DefaultDataTable<>("dataTable", columns,
            dataProvider, 10);
    dataTable.addTopToolbar(new FilterToolbar(dataTable, form));


From source file:net.ftlines.wicket.validation.bean.examples.basic.FileSearchPage.java

License:Apache License

public FileSearchPage() {
    add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));

    IModel<FileSearch> model = PropertyModel.of(this, "search");
    model = CompoundPropertyModel.of(model);

    Form<?> form = new ValidationForm<FileSearch>("form", model) {
        @Override/*from  ww w  . j a va 2 s. c om*/
        protected void onSubmit() {
            info("Validated successfully");

    form.add(new TextField<String>("filename"));
    form.add(new TextField<Integer>("minSize"));
    form.add(new TextField<Integer>("maxSize"));

From source file:org.apache.nutch.webui.pages.AbstractBasePage.java

License:Apache License

protected Component addInstancesMenuMenu() {
    IModel<String> instanceName = PropertyModel.of(currentInstance, "name");
    DropDownButton instancesMenu = new NavbarDropDownButton(instanceName) {

        @Override//from ww w  .  ja v  a  2s  .  c o m
        protected List<AbstractLink> newSubMenuButtons(String buttonMarkupId) {
            List<NutchInstance> instances = instanceService.getInstances();
            List<AbstractLink> subMenu = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (NutchInstance instance : instances) {
                subMenu.add(new Link<NutchInstance>(buttonMarkupId, Model.of(instance)) {
                    public void onClick() {
            return subMenu;

    return instancesMenu;

From source file:org.cyclop.web.panels.queryeditor.result.QueryResultPanel.java

License:Apache License

protected final void onInitialize() {
    cqlResultText = initClqReslutText();
    resultTable = initResultsTable();// w  w  w .ja v  a2s  .  co  m

    IModel<CqlRowMetadata> metadataModel = PropertyModel.of(queryResultModel, "rowMetadata");
    IPageableItems pagable = initTableHeader(resultTable, columnsModel, rowDataProvider, metadataModel);
    pager = createPager(pagable);

    if (showResultsTableOnInit) {

From source file:org.dcak.sample.panel.EditSampleBeanPanel.java

License:Apache License

protected void onInitialize() {
    add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback").setOutputMarkupId(true));
    Form form = new Form("form", getDefaultModel());
    form.add(new TextField("nodeId", PropertyModel.of(getDefaultModel(), "id")).setRequired(true));
    form.add(new TextField("nodeValue", PropertyModel.of(getDefaultModel(), "value")).setRequired(true));
    form.add(new AjaxSubmitLink("save", form) {
        @Override// w  ww .j av  a2 s . co  m
        protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
            super.onError(target, form);
            error("It's an error!");

        protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
            super.onSubmit(target, form);

    form.add(new AjaxLink("cancel") {
        public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget art) {
            getSampleBeanModel().setObject(new SampleBean());

From source file:org.efaps.ui.wicket.components.search.DimValuePanel.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new dim value panel./*  ww  w .ja v  a2 s .  com*/
 * @param _id the id
 * @param _model the model
public DimValuePanel(final String _id, final IModel<DimTreeNode> _model) {
    super(_id, _model);
    final WebMarkupContainer cont = new WebMarkupContainer("triStateDiv");

    if (_model.getObject().getStatus() != null) {
        cont.add(new AttributeAppender("class", _model.getObject().getStatus() ? "on" : "off", " "));


    final AjaxButton btn = new AjaxButton("triStateBtn") {
        /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected void updateAjaxAttributes(final AjaxRequestAttributes _attributes) {
            final AjaxCallListener lstnr = new AjaxCallListener();

    cont.add(new Label("label", _model.getObject().getLabel()));
    cont.add(new Label("value", String.valueOf(((DimValue) _model.getObject().getValue()).getValue())));

    cont.add(new HiddenField<Boolean>("triStateValue", PropertyModel.of(_model.getObject(), "status")) {

        /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public boolean isInputNullable() {
            return true;

        protected String getModelValue() {
            final Boolean val = (Boolean) getDefaultModelObject();
            final String ret;
            if (BooleanUtils.isFalse(val)) {
                ret = "off";
            } else if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(val)) {
                ret = "on";
            } else {
                ret = "";
            return ret;
