Example usage for org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic InstructionList getInstructionPositions

List of usage examples for org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic InstructionList getInstructionPositions


In this page you can find the example usage for org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic InstructionList getInstructionPositions.


public int[] getInstructionPositions() 

Source Link


Get positions (offsets) of all instructions in the list.


From source file:br.jabuti.probe.desktop.DefaultProbeInsert.java

License:Open Source License

private JavaClass doDefaultInstrument(JavaClass java_class, String className)
        throws InvalidInstructionException, InvalidStackArgument {

    ClassGen cg = new ClassGen(java_class);
    ConstantPoolGen cp = cg.getConstantPool();

    Method[] methods = cg.getMethods();

    // System.out.println( "Instrumenting class: " + className +
    // " cfg option: " + typeOfCFG );

    for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
        try {//w  w  w.  j a  v  a  2s  .c  om
            MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(methods[i], cg.getClassName(), cp);

            // System.out.println( "\tCurrent method: " + mg.getName() );

            // does not instrument static initializations or abstract methods
            if ((methods[i].getName().equals("<clinit>")) || (methods[i].isAbstract())) {

            InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList();
            InstructionHandle[] ihVec = il.getInstructionHandles();
            int[] ihOffset = il.getInstructionPositions();

            ASMInstrumenter gi = new ASMInstrumenter(mg, cg, cp);

            int nextLocal = mg.getMaxLocals() + 1;
            CFG gfc = new CFG(mg, cg);

            // gfc.releaseInstructionGraph(); // free some memory

            HashSet jahFoi = new HashSet(); // controla quas nos jah foram instrumentados

            // insert probes at the end of each node in a constructor
            if (methods[i].getName().equals("<init>")) {
                CFGNode superNode = null;

                // acha a chamada ao super
                for (int m = 0; m < gfc.size(); m++) {
                    CFGNode ey = (CFGNode) gfc.elementAt(m);

                    if (ey instanceof CFGSuperNode) {
                        superNode = ey;

                // acha os nos que veem antes da chamada ao super
                // System.out.println( "Instrumentando classe: " + cg.getClassName() );
                // System.out.println( gfc );
                gfc.findIDFT(false, superNode);
                InstructionHandle ih = InstructionList.findHandle(ihVec, ihOffset, ihOffset.length,

                gi.insertAfter(ih, "aload_0 " + // empilha o objeto
                        " ldc \"" + className + "\"" + // empilha o nome da classe
                        " ldc " + i + // empilha o numero do metodo
                        " lconst_0 " + // empilha aninhamento que para construtor
                                       // eh sempre 0
                        " ldc " + // empilha o numero do no
                        "\"" + superNode.getNumber() + "\" " + "invokestatic " + getProbeClass()
                        + " probe \"(Ljava/lang/Object;" + "Ljava/lang/String;IJLjava/lang/Object;)V\"");


                // coloca a instrumentacao em cada no
                for (int m = 0; m < gfc.size(); m++) {
                    CFGNode ey = (CFGNode) gfc.elementAt(m);

                    // if marked means it is befor the super
                    if (ey.getMark()) {

                    ih = InstructionList.findHandle(ihVec, ihOffset, ihOffset.length, ey.getStart());
                    // System.out.println("No: " + ey);
                    // System.out.println("Inicio do noh: " + ih);
                    // System.out.println("Inicio do noh: " + ey.getStart());
                    if (!jahFoi.contains(ih)) {
                        gi.insertBefore(ih, "aload_0 " + // empilha o objeto
                                " ldc \"" + className + "\"" + // empilha o nome da classe
                                " ldc " + i + // empilha o numero do metodo
                                " lconst_0 " + // empilha aninhamento que para construtor
                                               // eh sempre 0
                                " ldc " + // empilha o numero do no
                                "\"" + ey.getNumber() + "\" " + "invokestatic " + getProbeClass()
                                + " probe \"(Ljava/lang/Object;"
                                + "Ljava/lang/String;IJLjava/lang/Object;)V\"");
            } else { // in this case the method is an ordinary method
                String probStat = null, method = null;

                if (mg.isStatic()) {
                    probStat = "";
                    method = "";
                } else {
                    probStat = "aload_0";
                    method = "Ljava/lang/Object;";
                for (int m = 0; m < gfc.size(); m++) {
                    CFGNode gn = (CFGNode) gfc.elementAt(m);

                    InstructionHandle ih = InstructionList.findHandle(ihVec, ihOffset, ihOffset.length,

                    if (gfc.isEntryNode(gn)) {
                        String s = "invokestatic " + getProbeClass() + " getNest \"()J\"" + " lstore "
                                + nextLocal;
                        gi.addBefore(ih, s);

                    String s = probStat + " ldc \"" + className + "\"" + // empilha o nome da classe
                            " ldc " + i + // empilha o numero do metodo
                            " lload " + nextLocal + // empilha nivel de aninhamento
                            " ldc " + // empilha o numero do no
                            "\"" + gn.getNumber() + "\" " + "invokestatic " + getProbeClass() + " probe \"("
                            + method + "Ljava/lang/String;IJLjava/lang/Object;)V\"";

                    if (!jahFoi.contains(ih)) {
                        gi.insertBefore(ih, s);
                int stackSize = mg.getMaxStack();
                // Tentativa de contornar os erros do BCEL que n<E3>o altera corretamente o
                // tamanho da pilha
                if (stackSize < 6) {
                    mg.setMaxStack(stackSize + 6);
            methods[i] = mg.getMethod();
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            System.err.println("Parser error " + e.getMessage());
    int newIndex = cp.addUtf8(JABUTI_DEFAULT_INSTR_ATTRIBUTE);
    Attribute atr = new Unknown(newIndex, JABUTI_DEFAULT_INSTR_ATTRIBUTE.length(),
            JABUTI_DEFAULT_INSTR_ATTRIBUTE.getBytes(), cp.getConstantPool());
    return (cg.getJavaClass());

From source file:br.jabuti.util.InstructCtrl.java

License:Open Source License

/** Given a MethodGen object and an integer representing an offset,
* finds the InstructionHandle corresponding to that offset
* @param mg The MethodGen where to search the instruction
* @param offset The offset of the instruction
*///ww w .  ja v  a  2s  . com
static public InstructionHandle findInstruction(MethodGen mg, int offset) {
    InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList();

    int[] v = il.getInstructionPositions();

    return InstructionList.findHandle(il.getInstructionHandles(), v, v.length, offset);