Java Main fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java Main fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for Main.

The text is from its open source code.



intbareMain(String[] args, boolean useSystemExit, List fails, List errors, List warnings, List infos)
Convenience method to run ajc and collect String lists of messages.
call this to stop after the next iteration of incremental compile
StringrenderExceptionForUser(Throwable thrown)
voidrun(String[] args, IMessageHolder holder)
Run without using System.exit(..), putting all messages in holder:
  • ERROR: compiler error
  • WARNING: compiler warning
  • FAIL: command error (bad arguments, exception thrown)
This handles incremental behavior:
  • If args include "-incremental", repeat for every input char until 'q' is entered.
voidrunMain(String[] args, boolean useSystemExit)
Run without throwing exceptions but optionally using System.exit(..).
voidsetCommand(ICommand command)
voidsetCompletionRunner(Runnable runner)
Install a Runnable to be invoked synchronously after each compile completes.
voidsetHolder(IMessageHolder holder)
Set holder to be passed all messages.