Example usage for org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp PKIBody TYPE_REVOCATION_REP

List of usage examples for org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp PKIBody TYPE_REVOCATION_REP


In this page you can find the example usage for org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp PKIBody TYPE_REVOCATION_REP.



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From source file:org.cryptable.pki.communication.PKICMPMessagesTest.java

License:Open Source License

private byte[] createRevocationRespons1(byte[] senderNonce, byte[] transactionId)
        throws CRLException, CMPException, CertificateEncodingException, OperatorCreationException,
        PKICMPMessageException, IOException {

    RevRepContentBuilder revRepContentBuilder = new RevRepContentBuilder();
    revRepContentBuilder.add(new PKIStatusInfo(PKIStatus.granted),
            new CertId(new GeneralName(JcaX500NameUtil.getIssuer(pki.getRevokedCert())),
    revRepContentBuilder.addCrl(new JcaX509CRLHolder(pki.getX509CRL()).toASN1Structure());

    PKIBody pkiBody = new PKIBody(PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP, revRepContentBuilder.build());

    return createProtectedPKIMessage(senderNonce, transactionId, pkiBody);


From source file:org.ejbca.ui.cmpclient.commands.RevocationRequestCommand.java

License:Open Source License

public CommandResult handleCMPResponse(byte[] response, ParameterContainer parameters) throws Exception {
    PKIMessage respObject = null;// w  ww. j av a2 s  .co m
    ASN1InputStream asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(response));
    try {
        respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(asn1InputStream.readObject());
    } finally {
    if (respObject == null) {
        log.error("Cannot construct response object");
        return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE;

    PKIBody body = respObject.getBody();
    int tag = body.getType();
    if (tag == PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP) {
        log.info("Revocation response was recieved");
        RevRepContent n = (RevRepContent) body.getContent();
        PKIStatusInfo info = n.getStatus()[0];
        if (info.getStatus().intValue() == 0) {
            log.info("Revocation request have succeeded");
            return CommandResult.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            log.error("Revocation request failed with status (See PKIStatusInfo.java): "
                    + info.getStatus().intValue());
    } else if (tag == PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR) {
        log.error("Error response was recieved");
        ErrorMsgContent c = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent();
        PKIStatusInfo info = c.getPKIStatusInfo();
        log.error("Error message: " + info.getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString());
    } else {
        log.error("Recieved response with body type(See PKIBody.java): " + tag);
    return CommandResult.FUNCTIONAL_FAILURE;

From source file:org.xipki.ca.client.impl.X509CmpRequestor.java

License:Open Source License

private RevokeCertResultType parse(final PKIResponse response,
        final List<? extends IssuerSerialEntryType> reqEntries)
        throws CmpRequestorException, PKIErrorException {
    checkProtection(response);//from   w w w . j  av a  2  s  .  c o m

    PKIBody respBody = response.getPkiMessage().getBody();
    int bodyType = respBody.getType();

    if (PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR == bodyType) {
        ErrorMsgContent content = (ErrorMsgContent) respBody.getContent();
        throw new PKIErrorException(content.getPKIStatusInfo());
    } else if (PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP != bodyType) {
        throw new CmpRequestorException("unknown PKI body type " + bodyType + " instead the exceptected ["
                + PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP + ", " + PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR + "]");

    RevRepContent content = (RevRepContent) respBody.getContent();
    PKIStatusInfo[] statuses = content.getStatus();
    if (statuses == null || statuses.length != reqEntries.size()) {
        throw new CmpRequestorException("incorrect number of status entries in response '" + statuses.length
                + "' instead the exceptected '" + reqEntries.size() + "'");

    CertId[] revCerts = content.getRevCerts();

    RevokeCertResultType result = new RevokeCertResultType();
    for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) {
        PKIStatusInfo statusInfo = statuses[i];
        int status = statusInfo.getStatus().intValue();
        IssuerSerialEntryType re = reqEntries.get(i);

        if (status != PKIStatus.GRANTED && status != PKIStatus.GRANTED_WITH_MODS) {
            PKIFreeText text = statusInfo.getStatusString();
            String statusString = text == null ? null : text.getStringAt(0).getString();

            ResultEntryType resultEntry = new ErrorResultEntryType(re.getId(), status,
                    statusInfo.getFailInfo().intValue(), statusString);

        CertId certId = null;
        if (revCerts != null) {
            for (CertId _certId : revCerts) {
                if (re.getIssuer().equals(_certId.getIssuer().getName())
                        && re.getSerialNumber().equals(_certId.getSerialNumber().getValue())) {
                    certId = _certId;

        if (certId == null) {
            LOG.warn("certId is not present in response for (issuer='{}', serialNumber={})",
                    X509Util.getRFC4519Name(re.getIssuer()), re.getSerialNumber());
            certId = new CertId(new GeneralName(re.getIssuer()), re.getSerialNumber());

        ResultEntryType resultEntry = new RevokeCertResultEntryType(re.getId(), certId);

    return result;

From source file:org.xipki.ca.server.impl.X509CACmpResponder.java

License:Open Source License

private PKIBody revokeOrUnrevokeOrRemoveCertificates(final RevReqContent rr, final AuditEvent auditEvent,
        final Permission permission) {
    RevDetails[] revContent = rr.toRevDetailsArray();

    RevRepContentBuilder repContentBuilder = new RevRepContentBuilder();

    final int n = revContent.length;
    // test the reques
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        RevDetails revDetails = revContent[i];

        CertTemplate certDetails = revDetails.getCertDetails();
        X500Name issuer = certDetails.getIssuer();
        ASN1Integer serialNumber = certDetails.getSerialNumber();

        try {/*from   w  ww  .j a  v  a  2 s  .  c  o  m*/
            X500Name caSubject = getCA().getCAInfo().getCertificate().getSubjectAsX500Name();

            if (issuer == null) {
                return createErrorMsgPKIBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "issuer is not present");
            } else if (issuer.equals(caSubject) == false) {
                return createErrorMsgPKIBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "issuer not targets at the CA");
            } else if (serialNumber == null) {
                return createErrorMsgPKIBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "serialNumber is not present");
            } else if (certDetails.getSigningAlg() != null || certDetails.getValidity() != null
                    || certDetails.getSubject() != null || certDetails.getPublicKey() != null
                    || certDetails.getIssuerUID() != null || certDetails.getSubjectUID() != null
                    || certDetails.getExtensions() != null) {
                return createErrorMsgPKIBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "only version, issuer and serialNumber in RevDetails.certDetails are allowed, "
                                + "but more is specified");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return createErrorMsgPKIBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badRequest,
                    "the request is not invalid");

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        AuditChildEvent childAuditEvent = null;
        if (auditEvent != null) {
            childAuditEvent = new AuditChildEvent();

        RevDetails revDetails = revContent[i];

        CertTemplate certDetails = revDetails.getCertDetails();
        ASN1Integer serialNumber = certDetails.getSerialNumber();
        // serialNumber is not null due to the check in the previous for-block.

        X500Name caSubject = getCA().getCAInfo().getCertificate().getSubjectAsX500Name();
        BigInteger snBigInt = serialNumber.getPositiveValue();
        CertId certId = new CertId(new GeneralName(caSubject), serialNumber);

        if (childAuditEvent != null) {
            AuditEventData eventData = new AuditEventData("serialNumber", snBigInt.toString());

        PKIStatusInfo status;

        try {
            Object returnedObj = null;
            X509CA ca = getCA();
            if (Permission.UNREVOKE_CERT == permission) {
                // unrevoke
                returnedObj = ca.unrevokeCertificate(snBigInt);
            } else if (Permission.REMOVE_CERT == permission) {
                // remove
                returnedObj = ca.removeCertificate(snBigInt);
            } else {
                // revoke
                Date invalidityDate = null;
                CRLReason reason = null;

                Extensions crlDetails = revDetails.getCrlEntryDetails();
                if (crlDetails != null) {
                    ASN1ObjectIdentifier extId = Extension.reasonCode;
                    ASN1Encodable extValue = crlDetails.getExtensionParsedValue(extId);
                    if (extValue != null) {
                        int reasonCode = ((ASN1Enumerated) extValue).getValue().intValue();
                        reason = CRLReason.forReasonCode(reasonCode);

                    extId = Extension.invalidityDate;
                    extValue = crlDetails.getExtensionParsedValue(extId);
                    if (extValue != null) {
                        try {
                            invalidityDate = ((ASN1GeneralizedTime) extValue).getDate();
                        } catch (ParseException e) {
                            throw new OperationException(ErrorCode.INVALID_EXTENSION,
                                    "invalid extension " + extId.getId());
                } // end if(crlDetails)

                if (reason == null) {
                    reason = CRLReason.UNSPECIFIED;

                if (childAuditEvent != null) {
                    childAuditEvent.addEventData(new AuditEventData("reason", reason.getDescription()));
                    if (invalidityDate != null) {
                        String value;
                        synchronized (dateFormat) {
                            value = dateFormat.format(invalidityDate);
                        childAuditEvent.addEventData(new AuditEventData("invalidityDate", value));

                returnedObj = ca.revokeCertificate(snBigInt, reason, invalidityDate);
            } // end if(permission)

            if (returnedObj == null) {
                throw new OperationException(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_CERT, "cert not exists");

            status = new PKIStatusInfo(PKIStatus.granted);
            if (childAuditEvent != null) {
        } catch (OperationException e) {
            ErrorCode code = e.getErrorCode();
            LOG.warn("{} certificate, OperationException: code={}, message={}",
                    new Object[] { permission.name(), code.name(), e.getErrorMessage() });

            String auditMessage;

            int failureInfo;
            switch (code) {
            case BAD_REQUEST:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.badRequest;
                auditMessage = "BAD_REQUEST";
            case CERT_REVOKED:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.certRevoked;
                auditMessage = "CERT_REVOKED";
            case CERT_UNREVOKED:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.notAuthorized;
                auditMessage = "CERT_UNREVOKED";
            case DATABASE_FAILURE:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure;
                auditMessage = "DATABASE_FAILURE";
            case INVALID_EXTENSION:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.unacceptedExtension;
                auditMessage = "INVALID_EXTENSION";
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.notAuthorized;
                auditMessage = "INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION";
            case NOT_PERMITTED:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.notAuthorized;
                auditMessage = "NOT_PERMITTED";
            case SYSTEM_FAILURE:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure;
                auditMessage = "System_Failure";
            case SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail;
                auditMessage = "System_Unavailable";
            case UNKNOWN_CERT:
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.badCertId;
                auditMessage = "UNKNOWN_CERT";
                failureInfo = PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure;
                auditMessage = "InternalErrorCode " + e.getErrorCode();
            } // end switch(code)

            if (childAuditEvent != null) {
                childAuditEvent.addEventData(new AuditEventData("message", auditMessage));

            String errorMessage;
            switch (code) {
            case DATABASE_FAILURE:
            case SYSTEM_FAILURE:
                errorMessage = code.name();
                errorMessage = code.name() + ": " + e.getErrorMessage();
            } // end switch(code)

            status = generateCmpRejectionStatus(failureInfo, errorMessage);
        } // end try

        repContentBuilder.add(status, certId);
    } // end for

    return new PKIBody(PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP, repContentBuilder.build());

From source file:org.xipki.pki.ca.client.impl.X509CmpRequestor.java

License:Open Source License

private RevokeCertResultType parse(final PkiResponse response,
        final List<? extends IssuerSerialEntry> reqEntries) throws CmpRequestorException, PkiErrorException {
    ParamUtil.requireNonNull("response", response);

    checkProtection(response);//from w w  w .  ja  v  a2s.  c  o  m

    PKIBody respBody = response.getPkiMessage().getBody();
    int bodyType = respBody.getType();

    if (PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR == bodyType) {
        ErrorMsgContent content = ErrorMsgContent.getInstance(respBody.getContent());
        throw new PkiErrorException(content.getPKIStatusInfo());
    } else if (PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP != bodyType) {
        throw new CmpRequestorException(String.format("unknown PKI body type %s instead the expected [%s, %s]",
                bodyType, PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP, PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR));

    RevRepContent content = RevRepContent.getInstance(respBody.getContent());
    PKIStatusInfo[] statuses = content.getStatus();
    if (statuses == null || statuses.length != reqEntries.size()) {
        int statusesLen = 0;
        if (statuses != null) {
            statusesLen = statuses.length;

        throw new CmpRequestorException(
                String.format("incorrect number of status entries in response '%s' instead the expected '%s'",
                        statusesLen, reqEntries.size()));

    CertId[] revCerts = content.getRevCerts();

    RevokeCertResultType result = new RevokeCertResultType();
    for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) {
        PKIStatusInfo statusInfo = statuses[i];
        int status = statusInfo.getStatus().intValue();
        IssuerSerialEntry re = reqEntries.get(i);

        if (status != PKIStatus.GRANTED && status != PKIStatus.GRANTED_WITH_MODS) {
            PKIFreeText text = statusInfo.getStatusString();
            String statusString = (text == null) ? null : text.getStringAt(0).getString();

            ResultEntry resultEntry = new ErrorResultEntry(re.getId(), status,
                    statusInfo.getFailInfo().intValue(), statusString);

        CertId certId = null;
        if (revCerts != null) {
            for (CertId entry : revCerts) {
                if (re.getIssuer().equals(entry.getIssuer().getName())
                        && re.getSerialNumber().equals(entry.getSerialNumber().getValue())) {
                    certId = entry;

        if (certId == null) {
            LOG.warn("certId is not present in response for (issuer='{}', serialNumber={})",
                    X509Util.getRfc4519Name(re.getIssuer()), LogUtil.formatCsn(re.getSerialNumber()));
            certId = new CertId(new GeneralName(re.getIssuer()), re.getSerialNumber());

        ResultEntry resultEntry = new RevokeCertResultEntry(re.getId(), certId);

    return result;

From source file:org.xipki.pki.ca.server.impl.cmp.X509CaCmpResponder.java

License:Open Source License

private PKIBody unRevokeRemoveCertificates(final PKIMessage request, final RevReqContent rr,
        final Permission permission, final CmpControl cmpControl, final String msgId) {
    RevDetails[] revContent = rr.toRevDetailsArray();

    RevRepContentBuilder repContentBuilder = new RevRepContentBuilder();
    final int n = revContent.length;
    // test the request
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        RevDetails revDetails = revContent[i];

        CertTemplate certDetails = revDetails.getCertDetails();
        X500Name issuer = certDetails.getIssuer();
        ASN1Integer serialNumber = certDetails.getSerialNumber();

        try {/*  w  w w . j a  v a2  s.  c  o m*/
            X500Name caSubject = getCa().getCaInfo().getCertificate().getSubjectAsX500Name();

            if (issuer == null) {
                return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "issuer is not present");

            if (!issuer.equals(caSubject)) {
                return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "issuer does not target at the CA");

            if (serialNumber == null) {
                return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "serialNumber is not present");

            if (certDetails.getSigningAlg() != null || certDetails.getValidity() != null
                    || certDetails.getSubject() != null || certDetails.getPublicKey() != null
                    || certDetails.getIssuerUID() != null || certDetails.getSubjectUID() != null) {
                return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                        "only version, issuer and serialNumber in RevDetails.certDetails are "
                                + "allowed, but more is specified");

            if (certDetails.getExtensions() == null) {
                if (cmpControl.isRrAkiRequired()) {
                    return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                            "issuer's AKI not present");
            } else {
                Extensions exts = certDetails.getExtensions();
                ASN1ObjectIdentifier[] oids = exts.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
                if (oids != null) {
                    for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid : oids) {
                        if (!Extension.authorityKeyIdentifier.equals(oid)) {
                            return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                                    "unknown critical extension " + oid.getId());

                Extension ext = exts.getExtension(Extension.authorityKeyIdentifier);
                if (ext == null) {
                    return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                            "issuer's AKI not present");
                } else {
                    AuthorityKeyIdentifier aki = AuthorityKeyIdentifier.getInstance(ext.getParsedValue());

                    if (aki.getKeyIdentifier() == null) {
                        return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                                "issuer's AKI not present");

                    boolean issuerMatched = true;

                    byte[] caSki = getCa().getCaInfo().getCertificate().getSubjectKeyIdentifier();
                    if (Arrays.equals(caSki, aki.getKeyIdentifier())) {
                        issuerMatched = false;

                    if (issuerMatched && aki.getAuthorityCertSerialNumber() != null) {
                        BigInteger caSerial = getCa().getCaInfo().getSerialNumber();
                        if (!caSerial.equals(aki.getAuthorityCertSerialNumber())) {
                            issuerMatched = false;

                    if (issuerMatched && aki.getAuthorityCertIssuer() != null) {
                        GeneralName[] names = aki.getAuthorityCertIssuer().getNames();
                        for (GeneralName name : names) {
                            if (name.getTagNo() != GeneralName.directoryName) {
                                issuerMatched = false;

                            if (!caSubject.equals(name.getName())) {
                                issuerMatched = false;

                    if (!issuerMatched) {
                        return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badCertTemplate,
                                "issuer does not target at the CA");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badRequest,
                    "the request is not invalid");
    } // end for

    byte[] encodedRequest = null;
    if (getCa().getCaInfo().isSaveRequest()) {
        try {
            encodedRequest = request.getEncoded();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            LOG.warn("could not encode request");

    Long reqDbId = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        RevDetails revDetails = revContent[i];

        CertTemplate certDetails = revDetails.getCertDetails();
        ASN1Integer serialNumber = certDetails.getSerialNumber();
        // serialNumber is not null due to the check in the previous for-block.

        X500Name caSubject = getCa().getCaInfo().getCertificate().getSubjectAsX500Name();
        BigInteger snBigInt = serialNumber.getPositiveValue();
        CertId certId = new CertId(new GeneralName(caSubject), serialNumber);

        PKIStatusInfo status;

        try {
            Object returnedObj = null;
            Long certDbId = null;
            X509Ca ca = getCa();
            if (Permission.UNREVOKE_CERT == permission) {
                // unrevoke
                returnedObj = ca.unrevokeCertificate(snBigInt, msgId);
                if (returnedObj != null) {
                    certDbId = ((X509CertWithDbId) returnedObj).getCertId();
            } else if (Permission.REMOVE_CERT == permission) {
                // remove
                returnedObj = ca.removeCertificate(snBigInt, msgId);
            } else {
                // revoke
                Date invalidityDate = null;
                CrlReason reason = null;

                Extensions crlDetails = revDetails.getCrlEntryDetails();
                if (crlDetails != null) {
                    ASN1ObjectIdentifier extId = Extension.reasonCode;
                    ASN1Encodable extValue = crlDetails.getExtensionParsedValue(extId);
                    if (extValue != null) {
                        int reasonCode = ASN1Enumerated.getInstance(extValue).getValue().intValue();
                        reason = CrlReason.forReasonCode(reasonCode);

                    extId = Extension.invalidityDate;
                    extValue = crlDetails.getExtensionParsedValue(extId);
                    if (extValue != null) {
                        try {
                            invalidityDate = ASN1GeneralizedTime.getInstance(extValue).getDate();
                        } catch (ParseException ex) {
                            throw new OperationException(ErrorCode.INVALID_EXTENSION,
                                    "invalid extension " + extId.getId());
                } // end if (crlDetails)

                if (reason == null) {
                    reason = CrlReason.UNSPECIFIED;

                returnedObj = ca.revokeCertificate(snBigInt, reason, invalidityDate, msgId);
                if (returnedObj != null) {
                    certDbId = ((X509CertWithRevocationInfo) returnedObj).getCert().getCertId();
            } // end if (permission)

            if (returnedObj == null) {
                throw new OperationException(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_CERT, "cert not exists");

            if (certDbId != null && ca.getCaInfo().isSaveRequest()) {
                if (reqDbId == null) {
                    reqDbId = ca.addRequest(encodedRequest);
                ca.addRequestCert(reqDbId, certDbId);
            status = new PKIStatusInfo(PKIStatus.granted);
        } catch (OperationException ex) {
            ErrorCode code = ex.getErrorCode();
            LOG.warn("{} certificate, OperationException: code={}, message={}", permission.name(), code.name(),
            String errorMessage;
            switch (code) {
            case DATABASE_FAILURE:
            case SYSTEM_FAILURE:
                errorMessage = code.name();
                errorMessage = code.name() + ": " + ex.getErrorMessage();
            } // end switch code

            int failureInfo = getPKiFailureInfo(ex);
            status = generateRejectionStatus(failureInfo, errorMessage);
        } // end try

        repContentBuilder.add(status, certId);
    } // end for

    return new PKIBody(PKIBody.TYPE_REVOCATION_REP, repContentBuilder.build());