Java org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509 X509Name fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509 X509Name fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509 X509Name.

The text is from its open source code.


country code - StringType(SIZE(2))
organization - StringType(SIZE(1..64))
organizational unit name - StringType(SIZE(1..64))
common name - StringType(SIZE(1..64))
device serial number name - StringType(SIZE(1..64))
locality name - StringType(SIZE(1..64))
state, or province name - StringType(SIZE(1..64))
dnQualifier - DirectoryString(SIZE(1..64)
RFC 3039 DateOfBirth - GeneralizedTime - YYYYMMDD000000Z
Email address (RSA PKCS#9 extension) - IA5String.
email address in Verisign certificates
LDAP User id.
default look up table translating OID values into their common symbols following the convention in RFC 2253 with a few extras
look up table translating common symbols into their OIDS.
look up table translating OID values into their common symbols


X509Name(ASN1Sequence seq)
Constructor from ASN1Sequence the principal will be a list of constructed sets, each containing an (OID, String) pair.
X509Name(Hashtable attributes)
constructor from a table of attributes.
X509Name(String dirName)
Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU, ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes.
X509Name(Vector ordering, Hashtable attributes)
Constructor from a table of attributes with ordering.
X509Name(Vector oids, Vector values)
Takes two vectors one of the oids and the other of the values.
X509Name(String dirName, X509NameEntryConverter converter)
Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU, ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes with each string value being converted to its associated ASN.1 type using the passed in converter.
X509Name(boolean reverse, String dirName)
Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU, ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes.
X509Name(Vector ordering, Hashtable attributes, X509NameEntryConverter converter)
Constructor from a table of attributes with ordering.
X509Name(Vector oids, Vector values, X509NameEntryConverter converter)
Takes two vectors one of the oids and the other of the values.
X509Name(boolean reverse, String dirName, X509NameEntryConverter converter)
Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU, ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes with each string value being converted to its associated ASN.1 type using the passed in converter.
X509Name(boolean reverse, Hashtable lookUp, String dirName)
Takes an X509 dir name as a string of the format "C=AU, ST=Victoria", or some such, converting it into an ordered set of name attributes.


booleanequals(Object obj)
test for equality - note: case is ignored.
booleanequals(Object obj, boolean inOrder)
X509NamegetInstance(Object obj)
X509NamegetInstance(ASN1TaggedObject obj, boolean explicit)
Return a X509Name based on the passed in tagged object.
return a vector of the oids in the name, in the order they were found.
return a vector of the values found in the name, in the order they were found.
VectorgetValues(ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid)
return a vector of the values found in the name, in the order they were found, with the DN label corresponding to passed in oid.
StringtoString(boolean reverse, Hashtable oidSymbols)
convert the structure to a string - if reverse is true the oids and values are listed out starting with the last element in the sequence (ala RFC 2253), otherwise the string will begin with the first element of the structure.