Example usage for org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509 X509ObjectIdentifiers id_SHA1

List of usage examples for org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509 X509ObjectIdentifiers id_SHA1


In this page you can find the example usage for org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509 X509ObjectIdentifiers id_SHA1.


ASN1ObjectIdentifier id_SHA1

To view the source code for org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509 X509ObjectIdentifiers id_SHA1.

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id-SHA1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {iso(1) identified-organization(3) oiw(14) secsig(3) algorithms(2) 26 }



From source file:ch.bfh.unicert.certimport.CertificateIssuer.java

License:GNU General Public License

public Certificate createClientCertificate(IdentityData id, String keyStorePath, PublicKey pk, int validity,
        String applicationIdentifier, String[] roles, String uniBoardWsdlURL, String uniBoardServiceURL,
        String section) throws CertificateCreationException {

    X509Certificate caCert;/*from   www  .  j ava 2s  .  c o m*/
    RSAPrivateCrtKey privKey;
    try {
        caCert = this.readIssuerCertificate(this.issuerId);
        privKey = this.readPrivateKey(this.issuerId, this.privKeyPass);
    } catch (KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnrecoverableKeyException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        throw new CertificateCreationException("230 Could not create client certificate. Key error");

    RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters cipherParams = this.createIssuerCipherParams(privKey);

    X509Certificate clientCert;

    Hashtable extension = new Hashtable();

    extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(ExtensionOID.APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER.getOID()),
            new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(applicationIdentifier)));

    String completeRole = "";
    for (String role : roles) {
        completeRole += role + ", ";
    completeRole = completeRole.substring(0, completeRole.length() - 2);
    extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(ExtensionOID.ROLE.getOID()),
            new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(completeRole)));

    extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(ExtensionOID.IDENTITY_PROVIDER.getOID()),
            new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(id.getIdentityProvider())));

    Map<String, String> extensionMap = new HashMap();
    if (id.getOtherValues() != null) {
        for (Entry<ExtensionOID, String> entry : id.getOtherValues().entrySet()) {
            extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(entry.getKey().getOID()),
                    new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(entry.getValue())));
            extensionMap.put(entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue());

    try {

        String x509NameString = "";
        x509NameString += "CN=" + id.getCommonName();

        if (id.getSurname() != null && !id.getSurname().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", SURNAME=" + id.getSurname();
        if (id.getGivenName() != null && !id.getGivenName().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", GIVENNAME=" + id.getGivenName();
        if (id.getUniqueIdentifier() != null && !id.getUniqueIdentifier().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", UID=" + id.getUniqueIdentifier();
        if (id.getOrganisation() != null && !id.getOrganisation().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", O=" + id.getOrganisation();
        if (id.getOrganisationUnit() != null && !id.getOrganisationUnit().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", OU=" + id.getOrganisationUnit();
        if (id.getCountryName() != null && !id.getCountryName().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", C=" + id.getCountryName();
        if (id.getState() != null && !id.getState().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", ST=" + id.getState();
        if (id.getLocality() != null && !id.getLocality().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", L=" + id.getLocality();

        X509Name x509Name = new X509Name(x509NameString);

        V3TBSCertificateGenerator certGen = new V3TBSCertificateGenerator();
        certGen.setSerialNumber(new DERInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())));
        certGen.setExtensions(new X509Extensions(extension));
        DERObjectIdentifier sigOID = new DERObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5");
        AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(sigOID, new DERNull());
        certGen.setSubjectPublicKeyInfo(new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(
                (ASN1Sequence) new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(pk.getEncoded())).readObject()));
        certGen.setStartDate(new Time(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
        certGen.setEndDate(new Time(getExpiryDate(validity).getTime()));
        TBSCertificateStructure tbsCert = certGen.generateTBSCertificate();

        //Sign certificate
        SHA1Digest digester = new SHA1Digest();
        AsymmetricBlockCipher rsa = new PKCS1Encoding(new RSAEngine());
        ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DEROutputStream dOut = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
        byte[] signature;
        byte[] certBlock = bOut.toByteArray();
        // first create digest
        digester.update(certBlock, 0, certBlock.length);
        byte[] hash = new byte[digester.getDigestSize()];
        digester.doFinal(hash, 0);
        // then sign it
        rsa.init(true, cipherParams);
        DigestInfo dInfo = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1, null), hash);
        byte[] digest = dInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encodable.DER);
        signature = rsa.processBlock(digest, 0, digest.length);

        ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        v.add(new DERBitString(signature));

        // Create CRT data structure
        clientCert = new X509CertificateObject(new X509CertificateStructure(new DERSequence(v)));
    } catch (IOException | InvalidCipherTextException | CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException
            | InvalidKeyException | NoSuchProviderException | SignatureException e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create client certificate: {0}", new Object[] { e.getMessage() });
        throw new CertificateCreationException("230 Could not create client certificate");

    Certificate cert = new Certificate(clientCert, id.getCommonName(), id.getUniqueIdentifier(),
            id.getOrganisation(), id.getOrganisationUnit(), id.getCountryName(), id.getState(),
            id.getLocality(), id.getSurname(), id.getGivenName(), applicationIdentifier, roles,
            id.getIdentityProvider(), extensionMap);

    //post message on UniBoard if corresponding JNDI parameter is defined
    postOnUniBoard(cert, uniBoardWsdlURL, uniBoardServiceURL, section, (RSAPublicKey) caCert.getPublicKey(),

    return cert;


From source file:ch.bfh.unicert.issuer.CertificateIssuerBean.java

License:GNU General Public License

 * Actually creates the requestor certificate.
 * @param id requestor identity data/*  w ww . j  a  v  a2 s  .co  m*/
 * @param caCert certificate of the certification authority
 * @param cipherParams issuer private key parameters used for signing
 * @param pk public key of the requestor to certify
 * @param expiry the expiry date
 * @param applicationIdentifier the application identifier for which te certificate is issued
 * @param role role for which the certificate is issued
 * @return the certificate object containing the X509 certificate
 * @throws CertificateCreationException if an error occurs
private Certificate createClientCertificate(IdentityData id, X509Certificate caCert,
        CipherParameters cipherParams, PublicKey pk, Calendar expiry, String applicationIdentifier,
        String[] roles) throws CertificateCreationException {

    X509Certificate clientCert;

    Hashtable extension = new Hashtable();

    extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(ExtensionOID.APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER.getOID()),
            new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(applicationIdentifier)));

    String completeRole = "";
    for (String role : roles) {
        completeRole += role + ", ";
    completeRole = completeRole.substring(0, completeRole.length() - 2);
    extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(ExtensionOID.ROLE.getOID()),
            new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(completeRole)));

    extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(ExtensionOID.IDENTITY_PROVIDER.getOID()),
            new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(id.getIdentityProvider())));

    Map<String, String> extensionMap = new HashMap();
    if (id.getOtherValues() != null) {
        for (Entry<ExtensionOID, String> entry : id.getOtherValues().entrySet()) {
            extension.put(new DERObjectIdentifier(entry.getKey().getOID()),
                    new X509Extension(DERBoolean.FALSE, CertificateHelper.stringToDER(entry.getValue())));
            extensionMap.put(entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue());

    try {

        String x509NameString = "";
        x509NameString += "CN=" + id.getCommonName();

        if (id.getSurname() != null && !id.getSurname().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", SURNAME=" + id.getSurname();
        if (id.getGivenName() != null && !id.getGivenName().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", GIVENNAME=" + id.getGivenName();
        if (id.getUniqueIdentifier() != null && !id.getUniqueIdentifier().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", UID=" + id.getUniqueIdentifier();
        if (id.getOrganisation() != null && !id.getOrganisation().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", O=" + id.getOrganisation();
        if (id.getOrganisationUnit() != null && !id.getOrganisationUnit().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", OU=" + id.getOrganisationUnit();
        if (id.getCountryName() != null && !id.getCountryName().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", C=" + id.getCountryName();
        if (id.getState() != null && !id.getState().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", ST=" + id.getState();
        if (id.getLocality() != null && !id.getLocality().equals("")) {
            x509NameString += ", L=" + id.getLocality();

        X509Name x509Name = new X509Name(x509NameString);

        V3TBSCertificateGenerator certGen = new V3TBSCertificateGenerator();
        certGen.setSerialNumber(new DERInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())));
        certGen.setExtensions(new X509Extensions(extension));
        DERObjectIdentifier sigOID = new DERObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.5");
        AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(sigOID, new DERNull());
        certGen.setSubjectPublicKeyInfo(new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(
                (ASN1Sequence) new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(pk.getEncoded())).readObject()));
        certGen.setStartDate(new Time(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())));
        certGen.setEndDate(new Time(expiry.getTime()));
        TBSCertificateStructure tbsCert = certGen.generateTBSCertificate();

        //Sign certificate
        SHA1Digest digester = new SHA1Digest();
        AsymmetricBlockCipher rsa = new PKCS1Encoding(new RSAEngine());
        ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DEROutputStream dOut = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
        byte[] signature;
        byte[] certBlock = bOut.toByteArray();
        // first create digest
        digester.update(certBlock, 0, certBlock.length);
        byte[] hash = new byte[digester.getDigestSize()];
        digester.doFinal(hash, 0);
        // then sign it
        rsa.init(true, cipherParams);
        DigestInfo dInfo = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1, null), hash);
        byte[] digest = dInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encodable.DER);
        signature = rsa.processBlock(digest, 0, digest.length);

        ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        v.add(new DERBitString(signature));

        // Create CRT data structure
        clientCert = new X509CertificateObject(new X509CertificateStructure(new DERSequence(v)));
    } catch (IOException | CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException
            | NoSuchProviderException | InvalidCipherTextException | SignatureException e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create client certificate: {0}", new Object[] { e.getMessage() });
        throw new CertificateCreationException("230 Could not create client certificate");

    return new Certificate(clientCert, id.getCommonName(), id.getUniqueIdentifier(), id.getOrganisation(),
            id.getOrganisationUnit(), id.getCountryName(), id.getState(), id.getLocality(), id.getSurname(),
            id.getGivenName(), applicationIdentifier, roles, id.getIdentityProvider(), extensionMap);


From source file:com.itextpdf.text.pdf.TSAClientBouncyCastle.java

License:Open Source License

 * Get timestamp token - Bouncy Castle request encoding / decoding layer
 *//*  ww  w. j a v a  2 s  . c  o  m*/
protected byte[] getTimeStampToken(byte[] imprint) throws Exception {
    byte[] respBytes = null;
    try {
        // Setup the time stamp request
        TimeStampRequestGenerator tsqGenerator = new TimeStampRequestGenerator();
        // tsqGenerator.setReqPolicy("");
        BigInteger nonce = BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        TimeStampRequest request = tsqGenerator.generate(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1.getId(), imprint, nonce);
        byte[] requestBytes = request.getEncoded();

        // Call the communications layer
        respBytes = getTSAResponse(requestBytes);

        // Handle the TSA response
        TimeStampResponse response = new TimeStampResponse(respBytes);

        // validate communication level attributes (RFC 3161 PKIStatus)
        PKIFailureInfo failure = response.getFailInfo();
        int value = (failure == null) ? 0 : failure.intValue();
        if (value != 0) {
            // @todo: Translate value of 15 error codes defined by PKIFailureInfo to string
            throw new Exception(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.tsa.1.response.code.2", tsaURL,
        // @todo: validate the time stap certificate chain (if we want
        //        assure we do not sign using an invalid timestamp).

        // extract just the time stamp token (removes communication status info)
        TimeStampToken tsToken = response.getTimeStampToken();
        if (tsToken == null) {
            throw new Exception(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(
                    "tsa.1.failed.to.return.time.stamp.token.2", tsaURL, response.getStatusString()));
        TimeStampTokenInfo info = tsToken.getTimeStampInfo(); // to view details
        byte[] encoded = tsToken.getEncoded();
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Update our token size estimate for the next call (padded to be safe)
        this.tokSzEstimate = encoded.length + 32;
        return encoded;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new Exception(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("failed.to.get.tsa.response.from.1", tsaURL),

From source file:com.spilowagie.text.pdf.TSAClientBouncyCastle.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 * Get timestamp token - Bouncy Castle request encoding / decoding layer
 *//*from  www. j  av  a 2  s.co  m*/
protected byte[] getTimeStampToken(byte[] imprint) throws Exception {
    byte[] respBytes = null;
    try {
        // Setup the time stamp request
        TimeStampRequestGenerator tsqGenerator = new TimeStampRequestGenerator();
        // tsqGenerator.setReqPolicy("");
        BigInteger nonce = BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        TimeStampRequest request = tsqGenerator.generate(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1.getId(), imprint, nonce);
        byte[] requestBytes = request.getEncoded();

        // Call the communications layer
        respBytes = getTSAResponse(requestBytes);

        // Handle the TSA response
        TimeStampResponse response = new TimeStampResponse(respBytes);

        // validate communication level attributes (RFC 3161 PKIStatus)
        PKIFailureInfo failure = response.getFailInfo();
        int value = (failure == null) ? 0 : failure.intValue();
        if (value != 0) {
            // @todo: Translate value of 15 error codes defined by PKIFailureInfo to string
            throw new Exception("Invalid TSA '" + tsaURL + "' response, code " + value);
        // @todo: validate the time stap certificate chain (if we want
        //        assure we do not sign using an invalid timestamp).

        // extract just the time stamp token (removes communication status info)
        TimeStampToken tsToken = response.getTimeStampToken();
        if (tsToken == null) {
            throw new Exception(
                    "TSA '" + tsaURL + "' failed to return time stamp token: " + response.getStatusString());
        TimeStampTokenInfo info = tsToken.getTimeStampInfo(); // to view details
        byte[] encoded = tsToken.getEncoded();
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Update our token size estimate for the next call (padded to be safe)
        this.tokSzEstimate = encoded.length + 32;
        return encoded;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new Exception("Failed to get TSA response from '" + tsaURL + "'", t);

From source file:es.gob.afirma.signers.tsp.pkcs7.CMSTimestamper.java

License:Open Source License

/** Obtiene directamente el <i>token</i> de sello de tiempo seg&uacute;n RFC3161.
 * @param imprint Huella digital de los datos sobre los que se quiere obtener el sello de tiempo
 * @param hashAlgorithm Algoritmo de huella digital usado para calcular la huella indicada en <code>imprint</code>.
 * @param time Tiempo de solicitud del sello.
 * @return <i>Token</i> de sello de tiempo seg&uacute;n RFC3161.
 * @throws AOException Si se produce un error en el protocolo TSA o en ASN.1.
 * @throws IOException Si hay errores en la comunicaci&oacute;n o en la lectura de datos con la TSA. */
public byte[] getTimeStampToken(final byte[] imprint, final String hashAlgorithm, final Calendar time)
        throws AOException, IOException {

    final TimeStampRequest request = this.tsqGenerator.generate(
            new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(hashAlgorithm != null ? AOAlgorithmID.getOID(hashAlgorithm)
                    : X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1.getId()),
            imprint, BigInteger.valueOf(time != null ? time.getTimeInMillis() : System.currentTimeMillis()));

    final byte[] requestBytes = request.getEncoded();

    final byte[] rawResponse = getTSAResponse(requestBytes);
    final TimeStampResponse response;
    try {// ww w. j  a  va 2  s.  com
        response = new TimeStampResponse(rawResponse);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new AOException("Error obteniendo la respuesta de la TSA: " + e, e); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Validamos los atributos de la respuesta (RFC 3161 PKIStatus)
    try {
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new AOException("Error validando la respuesta de la TSA: " + e, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
    final PKIFailureInfo failure = response.getFailInfo();
    final int value = failure == null ? 0 : failure.intValue();
    if (value != 0) {
        throw new AOException("Respuesta invalida de la TSA ('" + this.tsaURL + "') con el codigo " + value); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

    // Extraemos el token de sello de tiempo (quitando la informacion de estado de las comunicaciones)
    final TimeStampToken tsToken = response.getTimeStampToken();
    if (tsToken == null) {
        throw new AOException("La respuesta de la TSA ('" + this.tsaURL + "') no es un sello de tiempo valido: " //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
                + new String(rawResponse));

    return tsToken.getEncoded();

From source file:eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.signature.cades.CAdESProfileC.java

License:Open Source License

 * Create a reference to a X509Certificate
 * /*  w  w  w. j  av a2 s . co  m*/
 * @param cert
 * @return
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws CertificateEncodingException
private OtherCertID makeOtherCertID(X509Certificate cert)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateEncodingException {
    MessageDigest sha1digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1.getId(),
            new BouncyCastleProvider());
    byte[] d = sha1digest.digest(cert.getEncoded());
    LOG.info(new DEROctetString(d).getDERObject().toString());
    OtherHash hash = new OtherHash(sha1digest.digest(cert.getEncoded()));
    OtherCertID othercertid = new OtherCertID(new DERSequence(hash.getDERObject()));
    return othercertid;

From source file:eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.signature.cades.CAdESProfileC.java

License:Open Source License

 * Create a reference to a X509CRL/*from www.j av  a2  s  .  co m*/
 * @param crl
 * @return
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws CRLException
private CrlValidatedID makeCrlValidatedID(X509CRL crl) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, CRLException {
    MessageDigest sha1digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1.getId(),
            new BouncyCastleProvider());
    OtherHash hash = new OtherHash(sha1digest.digest(crl.getEncoded()));
    BigInteger crlnumber;
    CrlIdentifier crlid;
    if (crl.getExtensionValue("") != null) {
        crlnumber = new DERInteger(crl.getExtensionValue("")).getPositiveValue();
        crlid = new CrlIdentifier(new X500Name(crl.getIssuerX500Principal().getName()),
                new DERUTCTime(crl.getThisUpdate()), crlnumber);
    } else {
        crlid = new CrlIdentifier(new X500Name(crl.getIssuerX500Principal().getName()),
                new DERUTCTime(crl.getThisUpdate()));

    CrlValidatedID crlvid = new CrlValidatedID(hash, crlid);

    return crlvid;

From source file:eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.signature.cades.CAdESProfileC.java

License:Open Source License

 * Create a reference on a OCSPResp//from  ww  w .  j  a  v a2  s . c  om
 * @param ocspResp
 * @return
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws OCSPException
 * @throws IOException
private OcspResponsesID makeOcspResponsesID(BasicOCSPResp ocspResp)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, OCSPException, IOException {
     * We hash the complete response, this is not clear in the TS but the issue was addressed here:
     * http://lists.iaik.tugraz.at/pipermail/jce-general/2007-January/005914.html
    MessageDigest sha1digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1.getId(),
            new BouncyCastleProvider());

    byte[] digestValue = sha1digest.digest(ocspResp.getEncoded());
    OtherHash hash = new OtherHash(digestValue);

    OcspResponsesID ocsprespid = new OcspResponsesID(new OcspIdentifier(
            ocspResp.getResponderId().toASN1Object(), new DERGeneralizedTime(ocspResp.getProducedAt())), hash);

    LOG.info("Incorporate OcspResponseId[hash=" + Hex.encodeHexString(digestValue) + ",producedAt="
            + ocspResp.getProducedAt());

    return ocsprespid;

From source file:eu.europa.ejusticeportal.dss.applet.model.token.CertificateDisplayUtils.java


 * Calculate a digest of the signing certificate. This is used to get a unique id for it.
 * //from  w w w  .  j av a 2s  .c om
 * @param cert the certificate to digest
 * @return the digest (SHA1, encoded as hex)
public static String digest(X509Certificate cert) {
    String digest = null;
    try {
        MessageDigest sha1digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1.getId(),
                new BouncyCastleProvider());
        digest = Hex.encodeHexString(sha1digest.digest(cert.getEncoded()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ExceptionUtils.throwException(new UnexpectedException(e), LOG);
    return digest;

From source file:org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.dsig.services.TSPTimeStampService.java

License:Apache License

 * Maps the digest algorithm to corresponding OID value.
 *//*from  w  w w.ja va2 s  .  co  m*/
public ASN1ObjectIdentifier mapDigestAlgoToOID(HashAlgorithm digestAlgo) {
    switch (digestAlgo) {
    case sha1:
        return X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1;
    case sha256:
        return NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha256;
    case sha384:
        return NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha384;
    case sha512:
        return NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha512;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported digest algo: " + digestAlgo);