Example usage for org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp CertificateID equals

List of usage examples for org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp CertificateID equals


In this page you can find the example usage for org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp CertificateID equals.


public boolean equals(Object o) 

Source Link


From source file:be.fedict.trust.ocsp.OcspTrustLinker.java

License:Open Source License

public TrustLinkerResult hasTrustLink(X509Certificate childCertificate, X509Certificate certificate,
        Date validationDate, RevocationData revocationData, AlgorithmPolicy algorithmPolicy)
        throws TrustLinkerResultException, Exception {
    URI ocspUri = getOcspUri(childCertificate);
    if (null == ocspUri) {
        return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;
    }/*from  ww w.j a v a  2 s .c  o m*/
    LOG.debug("OCSP URI: " + ocspUri);

    OCSPResp ocspResp = this.ocspRepository.findOcspResponse(ocspUri, childCertificate, certificate,
    if (null == ocspResp) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP response not found");
        return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;

    int ocspRespStatus = ocspResp.getStatus();
    if (OCSPResponseStatus.SUCCESSFUL != ocspRespStatus) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP response status: " + ocspRespStatus);
        return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;

    Object responseObject = ocspResp.getResponseObject();
    BasicOCSPResp basicOCSPResp = (BasicOCSPResp) responseObject;

    X509CertificateHolder[] responseCertificates = basicOCSPResp.getCerts();
    for (X509CertificateHolder responseCertificate : responseCertificates) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP response cert: " + responseCertificate.getSubject());
        LOG.debug("OCSP response cert issuer: " + responseCertificate.getIssuer());

    algorithmPolicy.checkSignatureAlgorithm(basicOCSPResp.getSignatureAlgOID().getId(), validationDate);

    if (0 == responseCertificates.length) {
         * This means that the OCSP response has been signed by the issuing
         * CA itself.
        ContentVerifierProvider contentVerifierProvider = new JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder()
        boolean verificationResult = basicOCSPResp.isSignatureValid(contentVerifierProvider);
        if (false == verificationResult) {
            LOG.debug("OCSP response signature invalid");
            return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;
    } else {
         * We're dealing with a dedicated authorized OCSP Responder
         * certificate, or of course with a CA that issues the OCSP
         * Responses itself.

        X509CertificateHolder ocspResponderCertificate = responseCertificates[0];
        ContentVerifierProvider contentVerifierProvider = new JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder()

        boolean verificationResult = basicOCSPResp.isSignatureValid(contentVerifierProvider);
        if (false == verificationResult) {
            LOG.debug("OCSP Responser response signature invalid");
            return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;
        if (false == Arrays.equals(certificate.getEncoded(), ocspResponderCertificate.getEncoded())) {
            // check certificate signature algorithm
                    ocspResponderCertificate.getSignatureAlgorithm().getAlgorithm().getId(), validationDate);

            X509Certificate issuingCaCertificate;
            if (responseCertificates.length < 2) {
                // so the OCSP certificate chain only contains a single
                // entry
                LOG.debug("OCSP responder complete certificate chain missing");
                 * Here we assume that the OCSP Responder is directly signed
                 * by the CA.
                issuingCaCertificate = certificate;
            } else {
                CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
                issuingCaCertificate = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory
                        .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(responseCertificates[1].getEncoded()));
                 * Is next check really required?
                if (false == certificate.equals(issuingCaCertificate)) {
                    LOG.debug("OCSP responder certificate not issued by CA");
                    return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;
            // check certificate signature
            algorithmPolicy.checkSignatureAlgorithm(issuingCaCertificate.getSigAlgOID(), validationDate);

            PublicKeyTrustLinker publicKeyTrustLinker = new PublicKeyTrustLinker();
            CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
            X509Certificate x509OcspResponderCertificate = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory
                    .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(ocspResponderCertificate.getEncoded()));
            LOG.debug("OCSP Responder public key fingerprint: "
                    + DigestUtils.sha1Hex(x509OcspResponderCertificate.getPublicKey().getEncoded()));
            publicKeyTrustLinker.hasTrustLink(x509OcspResponderCertificate, issuingCaCertificate,
                    validationDate, revocationData, algorithmPolicy);
            if (null == x509OcspResponderCertificate
                    .getExtensionValue(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nocheck.getId())) {
                LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate should have id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck");
                 * TODO: perform CRL validation on the OCSP Responder
                 * certificate. On the other hand, do we really want to
                 * check the checker?
                return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;
            List<String> extendedKeyUsage = x509OcspResponderCertificate.getExtendedKeyUsage();
            if (null == extendedKeyUsage) {
                LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate has no extended key usage extension");
                return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;
            if (false == extendedKeyUsage.contains(KeyPurposeId.id_kp_OCSPSigning.getId())) {
                LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate should have a OCSPSigning extended key usage");
                return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;
        } else {
            LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate equals the CA certificate");
            // and the CA certificate is already trusted at this point

    DigestCalculatorProvider digCalcProv = new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder()
    CertificateID certificateId = new CertificateID(digCalcProv.get(CertificateID.HASH_SHA1),
            new JcaX509CertificateHolder(certificate), childCertificate.getSerialNumber());

    SingleResp[] singleResps = basicOCSPResp.getResponses();
    for (SingleResp singleResp : singleResps) {
        CertificateID responseCertificateId = singleResp.getCertID();
        if (false == certificateId.equals(responseCertificateId)) {
        DateTime thisUpdate = new DateTime(singleResp.getThisUpdate());
        DateTime nextUpdate;
        if (null != singleResp.getNextUpdate()) {
            nextUpdate = new DateTime(singleResp.getNextUpdate());
        } else {
            LOG.debug("no OCSP nextUpdate");
            nextUpdate = thisUpdate;
        LOG.debug("OCSP thisUpdate: " + thisUpdate);
        LOG.debug("(OCSP) nextUpdate: " + nextUpdate);
        DateTime beginValidity = thisUpdate.minus(this.freshnessInterval);
        DateTime endValidity = nextUpdate.plus(this.freshnessInterval);
        DateTime validationDateTime = new DateTime(validationDate);
        if (validationDateTime.isBefore(beginValidity)) {
            LOG.warn("OCSP response not yet valid");
        if (validationDateTime.isAfter(endValidity)) {
            LOG.warn("OCSP response expired");
        if (null == singleResp.getCertStatus()) {
            LOG.debug("OCSP OK for: " + childCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
            addRevocationData(revocationData, ocspResp, ocspUri);
            return TrustLinkerResult.TRUSTED;
        } else {
            LOG.debug("OCSP certificate status: " + singleResp.getCertStatus().getClass().getName());
            if (singleResp.getCertStatus() instanceof RevokedStatus) {
                LOG.debug("OCSP status revoked");
            addRevocationData(revocationData, ocspResp, ocspUri);
            throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.INVALID_REVOCATION_STATUS,
                    "certificate revoked by OCSP");

    LOG.debug("no matching OCSP response entry");
    return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;

From source file:com.itextpdf.signatures.PdfPKCS7.java

License:Open Source License

 * Checks if OCSP revocation refers to the document signing certificate.
 * @return true if it checks, false otherwise
 *///from www . j  a  v  a  2 s .c  o m
public boolean isRevocationValid() {
    if (basicResp == null)
        return false;
    if (signCerts.size() < 2)
        return false;
    try {
        X509Certificate[] cs = (X509Certificate[]) getSignCertificateChain();
        SingleResp sr = basicResp.getResponses()[0];
        CertificateID cid = sr.getCertID();
        X509Certificate sigcer = getSigningCertificate();
        X509Certificate isscer = cs[1];
        CertificateID tis = SignUtils.generateCertificateId(isscer, sigcer.getSerialNumber(),
        return tis.equals(cid);
    } catch (Exception ignored) {
    return false;

From source file:com.itextpdf.text.pdf.security.PdfPKCS7.java

License:Open Source License

 * Checks if OCSP revocation refers to the document signing certificate.
 * @return true if it checks, false otherwise
 * @since   2.1.6/*  w  w  w. j  av a  2  s.c o m*/
public boolean isRevocationValid() {
    if (basicResp == null)
        return false;
    if (signCerts.size() < 2)
        return false;
    try {
        X509Certificate[] cs = (X509Certificate[]) getSignCertificateChain();
        SingleResp sr = basicResp.getResponses()[0];
        CertificateID cid = sr.getCertID();
        DigestCalculator digestalg = new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().build()
                .get(new AlgorithmIdentifier(cid.getHashAlgOID(), DERNull.INSTANCE));
        X509Certificate sigcer = getSigningCertificate();
        X509Certificate isscer = cs[1];
        CertificateID tis = new CertificateID(digestalg, new JcaX509CertificateHolder(isscer),
        return tis.equals(cid);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return false;

From source file:ee.ria.xroad.common.cert.CertHelper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Finds the OCSP response from a list of OCSP responses
 * for a given certificate.//ww  w  . j a  v  a  2 s. c  o m
 * @param cert the certificate
 * @param issuer the issuer of the certificate
 * @param ocspResponses list of OCSP responses
 * @return the OCSP response or null if not found
 * @throws Exception if an error occurs
public static OCSPResp getOcspResponseForCert(X509Certificate cert, X509Certificate issuer,
        List<OCSPResp> ocspResponses) throws Exception {
    CertificateID certId = CryptoUtils.createCertId(cert, issuer);
    for (OCSPResp resp : ocspResponses) {
        BasicOCSPResp basicResp = (BasicOCSPResp) resp.getResponseObject();
        SingleResp singleResp = basicResp.getResponses()[0];
        if (certId.equals(singleResp.getCertID())) {
            return resp;

    return null;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.net.OCSPChecker.java

License:Open Source License

public void check(Certificate cert, Collection<String> unresolvedCritExts) throws CertPathValidatorException {
    Log.debug("OCSPChecker: check called");
    InputStream in = null;/*from ww  w  .  ja  v a2  s . co m*/
    OutputStream out = null;
    try {
        // Examine OCSP properties
        X509Certificate responderCert = null;
        boolean haveResponderCert = true; //defaults to issuers cert
        X500Principal responderSubjectName = null;
        boolean haveIssuerCert = false;

        // If we set the subject name, we need to find the certificate
        if (ocspServerSubject != null) {
            haveResponderCert = false;
            responderSubjectName = new X500Principal(ocspServerSubject);

        X509Certificate issuerCert = null;
        X509Certificate currCert = (X509Certificate) cert;

        // Set the issuer certificate if we were passed a chain
        if (certIndex != 0) {
            issuerCert = (X509Certificate) (certs[certIndex]);
            haveIssuerCert = true;

            if (haveResponderCert) {
                responderCert = certs[certIndex];

        if (!haveIssuerCert || !haveResponderCert) {

            if (!haveResponderCert) {
                Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Looking for responder's certificate");
            if (!haveIssuerCert) {
                Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Looking for issuer's certificate");

            // Extract the anchor certs
            Iterator anchors = pkixParams.getTrustAnchors().iterator();
            if (!anchors.hasNext()) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException("Must specify at least one trust anchor");

            X500Principal certIssuerName = currCert.getIssuerX500Principal();
            while (anchors.hasNext() && (!haveIssuerCert || !haveResponderCert)) {

                TrustAnchor anchor = (TrustAnchor) anchors.next();
                X509Certificate anchorCert = anchor.getTrustedCert();
                X500Principal anchorSubjectName = anchorCert.getSubjectX500Principal();

                // Check if this anchor cert is the issuer cert
                if (!haveIssuerCert && certIssuerName.equals(anchorSubjectName)) {

                    issuerCert = anchorCert;
                    haveIssuerCert = true;

                    //If we have not set the responderCert at this point, set it to the issuer
                    if (haveResponderCert && responderCert == null) {
                        responderCert = anchorCert;
                        Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Responder's certificate = issuer certificate");

                // Check if this anchor cert is the responder cert
                if (!haveResponderCert) {
                    if (responderSubjectName != null && responderSubjectName.equals(anchorSubjectName)) {

                        responderCert = anchorCert;
                        haveResponderCert = true;

            if (issuerCert == null) {
                //No trust anchor was found matching the issuer
                throw new CertPathValidatorException("No trusted certificate for " + currCert.getIssuerDN());

            // Check cert stores if responder cert has not yet been found
            if (!haveResponderCert) {
                Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Searching cert stores for responder's certificate");

                if (responderSubjectName != null) {
                    X509CertSelector filter = new X509CertSelector();

                    List<CertStore> certStores = pkixParams.getCertStores();
                    for (CertStore certStore : certStores) {
                        Iterator i = certStore.getCertificates(filter).iterator();
                        if (i.hasNext()) {
                            responderCert = (X509Certificate) i.next();
                            haveResponderCert = true;

        // Could not find the responder cert
        if (!haveResponderCert) {
            throw new CertPathValidatorException("Cannot find the responder's certificate.");

        // Construct an OCSP Request
        OCSPReqBuilder gen = new OCSPReqBuilder();

        CertificateID certID = new CertificateID(
                new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().setProvider("BC").build().get(CertificateID.HASH_SHA1),
                new X509CertificateHolder(issuerCert.getEncoded()), currCert.getSerialNumber());
        OCSPReq ocspRequest = gen.build();

        URL url;
        if (ocspServerUrl != null) {
            try {
                url = new URL(ocspServerUrl);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException(e);
        } else {
            throw new CertPathValidatorException("Must set OCSP Server URL");
        HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        Log.debug("OCSPChecker: connecting to OCSP service at: " + url);

        con.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/ocsp-request");
        con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/ocsp-response");
        byte[] bytes = ocspRequest.getEncoded();

        con.setRequestProperty("Content-length", String.valueOf(bytes.length));
        out = con.getOutputStream();

        // Check the response
        if (con.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Received HTTP error: " + con.getResponseCode() + " - "
                    + con.getResponseMessage());
        in = con.getInputStream();
        OCSPResp ocspResponse = new OCSPResp(in);
        BigInteger serialNumber = currCert.getSerialNumber();
        BasicOCSPResp brep = (BasicOCSPResp) ocspResponse.getResponseObject();
        try {
            if (!brep.isSignatureValid(new JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder().setProvider("BC")
                    .build(responderCert.getPublicKey()))) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException("OCSP response is not verified");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CertPathValidatorException("OCSP response could not be verified (" + e.getMessage() + ")",
                    null, cp, certIndex);
        SingleResp[] singleResp = brep.getResponses();
        boolean foundResponse = false;
        for (SingleResp resp : singleResp) {
            CertificateID respCertID = resp.getCertID();
            if (respCertID.equals(certID)) {
                Object status = resp.getCertStatus();
                if (status == CertificateStatus.GOOD) {
                    Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Status of certificate (with serial number "
                            + serialNumber.toString() + ") is: good");
                    foundResponse = true;
                } else if (status instanceof org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.RevokedStatus) {
                    Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Status of certificate (with serial number "
                            + serialNumber.toString() + ") is: revoked");
                    throw new CertPathValidatorException("Certificate has been revoked", null, cp, certIndex);
                } else if (status instanceof org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.UnknownStatus) {
                    Log.debug("OCSPChecker: Status of certificate (with serial number "
                            + serialNumber.toString() + ") is: unknown");
                    throw new CertPathValidatorException("Certificate's revocation status is unknown", null, cp,
                } else {
                    Log.debug("Status of certificate (with serial number " + serialNumber.toString()
                            + ") is: not recognized");
                    throw new CertPathValidatorException("Unknown OCSP response for certificate", null, cp,

        // Check that response applies to the cert that was supplied
        if (!foundResponse) {
            throw new CertPathValidatorException("No certificates in the OCSP response match the "
                    + "certificate supplied in the OCSP request.");
    } catch (CertPathValidatorException cpve) {
        throw cpve;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException(e);
    } finally {
        if (in != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException(ioe);
        if (out != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new CertPathValidatorException(ioe);

From source file:org.jruby.ext.openssl.OCSPBasicResponse.java

License:Common Public License

private CertificateID checkCertIds(List<SingleResp> singleResponses) {
    ArrayList<SingleResp> ary = new ArrayList<SingleResp>(singleResponses);
    CertificateID cid = ary.remove(0).getCertID();

    for (SingleResp singleResp : ary) {
        if (!cid.equals(singleResp.getCertID()))
            return null;
    }/* ww w .  j a v  a2s .c  o  m*/

    return cid;

From source file:org.xdi.oxauth.cert.validation.OCSPCertificateVerifier.java

License:MIT License

public ValidationStatus validate(X509Certificate certificate, List<X509Certificate> issuers,
        Date validationDate) {/*from w  ww  .  jav  a  2s . c  o m*/
    X509Certificate issuer = issuers.get(0);
    ValidationStatus status = new ValidationStatus(certificate, issuer, validationDate,
            ValidatorSourceType.OCSP, CertificateValidity.UNKNOWN);

    try {
        Principal subjectX500Principal = certificate.getSubjectX500Principal();

        String ocspUrl = getOCSPUrl(certificate);
        if (ocspUrl == null) {
            log.error("OCSP URL for '" + subjectX500Principal + "' is empty");
            return status;

        log.debug("OCSP URL for '" + subjectX500Principal + "' is '" + ocspUrl + "'");

        DigestCalculator digestCalculator = new JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().build()
        CertificateID certificateId = new CertificateID(digestCalculator,
                new JcaX509CertificateHolder(certificate), certificate.getSerialNumber());

        // Generate OCSP request
        OCSPReq ocspReq = generateOCSPRequest(certificateId);

        // Get OCSP response from server
        OCSPResp ocspResp = requestOCSPResponse(ocspUrl, ocspReq);
        if (ocspResp.getStatus() != OCSPRespBuilder.SUCCESSFUL) {
            log.error("OCSP response is invalid!");
            return status;

        boolean foundResponse = false;
        BasicOCSPResp basicOCSPResp = (BasicOCSPResp) ocspResp.getResponseObject();
        SingleResp[] singleResps = basicOCSPResp.getResponses();
        for (SingleResp singleResp : singleResps) {
            CertificateID responseCertificateId = singleResp.getCertID();
            if (!certificateId.equals(responseCertificateId)) {

            foundResponse = true;

            log.debug("OCSP validationDate: " + validationDate);
            log.debug("OCSP thisUpdate: " + singleResp.getThisUpdate());
            log.debug("OCSP nextUpdate: " + singleResp.getNextUpdate());


            Object certStatus = singleResp.getCertStatus();
            if (certStatus == CertificateStatus.GOOD) {
                log.debug("OCSP status is valid for '" + certificate.getSubjectX500Principal() + "'");
            } else {
                if (singleResp.getCertStatus() instanceof RevokedStatus) {
                    log.warn("OCSP status is revoked for: " + subjectX500Principal);
                    if (validationDate
                            .before(((RevokedStatus) singleResp.getCertStatus()).getRevocationTime())) {
                        log.warn("OCSP revocation time after the validation date, the certificate '"
                                + subjectX500Principal + "' was valid at " + validationDate);
                    } else {
                        Date revocationDate = ((RevokedStatus) singleResp.getCertStatus()).getRevocationTime();
                        log.info("OCSP for certificate '" + subjectX500Principal + "' is revoked since "
                                + revocationDate);

        if (!foundResponse) {
            log.error("There is no matching OCSP response entries");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("OCSP exception: ", ex);

    return status;