Example usage for org.bouncycastle.crypto BasicAgreement init

List of usage examples for org.bouncycastle.crypto BasicAgreement init


In this page you can find the example usage for org.bouncycastle.crypto BasicAgreement init.


void init(CipherParameters param);

Source Link


initialise the agreement engine.


From source file:COSE.Recipient.java

private byte[] ECDH_GenerateSecret(OneKey key) throws CoseException {
    OneKey epk;//from   ww w  .j a  v  a  2 s  . c  o  m

    if (senderKey != null) {
        epk = key;
        key = senderKey;
    } else {
        CBORObject cn;
        cn = findAttribute(HeaderKeys.ECDH_SPK);
        if (cn == null) {
            cn = findAttribute(HeaderKeys.ECDH_EPK);
        if (cn == null)
            throw new CoseException("No second party EC key");
        epk = new OneKey(cn);

    if (key.get(KeyKeys.KeyType.AsCBOR()) != KeyKeys.KeyType_EC2)
        throw new CoseException("Not an EC2 Key");
    if (epk.get(KeyKeys.KeyType.AsCBOR()) != KeyKeys.KeyType_EC2)
        throw new CoseException("Not an EC2 Key");
    if (epk.get(KeyKeys.EC2_Curve.AsCBOR()) != key.get(KeyKeys.EC2_Curve.AsCBOR()))
        throw new CoseException("Curves are not the same");

    X9ECParameters p = epk.GetCurve();
    ECDomainParameters parameters = new ECDomainParameters(p.getCurve(), p.getG(), p.getN(), p.getH());

    ECPoint pubPoint;

    CBORObject y = epk.get(KeyKeys.EC2_Y.AsCBOR());
    byte[] x = epk.get(KeyKeys.EC2_X.AsCBOR()).GetByteString();
    if (y.getType() == CBORType.Boolean) {
        byte[] X = epk.get(KeyKeys.EC2_X.AsCBOR()).GetByteString();
        byte[] rgb = new byte[X.length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(X, 0, rgb, 1, X.length);
        rgb[0] = (byte) (2 + (y.AsBoolean() ? 1 : 0));
        pubPoint = p.getCurve().decodePoint(rgb);
    } else {
        pubPoint = p.getCurve().createPoint(new BigInteger(1, x), new BigInteger(1, y.GetByteString()));

    ECPublicKeyParameters pub = new ECPublicKeyParameters(pubPoint, parameters);
    ECPrivateKeyParameters priv = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(
            new BigInteger(1, key.get(KeyKeys.EC2_D.AsCBOR()).GetByteString()), parameters);
    BasicAgreement e1 = new ECDHBasicAgreement();

    BigInteger k1 = e1.calculateAgreement(pub);
    return BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray((p.getCurve().getFieldSize() + 7) / 8, k1);

From source file:dorkbox.network.connection.registration.remote.RegistrationRemoteHandlerClient.java

License:Apache License

void readClient(final Channel channel, final Registration registration, final String type,
        final MetaChannel metaChannel) {
    final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = (InetSocketAddress) channel.remoteAddress();

    //  IN: session ID + public key + ecc parameters (which are a nonce. the SERVER defines what these are)
    // OUT: remote ECDH shared payload
    if (metaChannel.aesKey == null && registration.publicKey != null) {
        // whoa! Didn't send valid public key info!
        if (invalidPublicKey(registration, type)) {
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);
        }//from   w ww. jav a 2 s. com

        // want to validate the public key used! This is similar to how SSH works, in that once we use a public key, we want to validate
        // against that ip-address::key pair, so we can better protect against MITM/spoof attacks.
        if (invalidRemoteAddress(metaChannel, registration, type, remoteAddress)) {
            // whoa! abort since something messed up! (log and recording if key changed happens inside of validate method)
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);

        // save off remote public key. This is ALWAYS the same, where the ECDH changes every time...
        metaChannel.publicKey = registration.publicKey;

        // It is OK that we generate a new ECC keypair for ECDHE every time that we connect from the client.
        // The server rotates keys every XXXX seconds, since this step is expensive (and the server is the 'trusted' endpoint).
        metaChannel.ecdhKey = CryptoECC.generateKeyPair(eccSpec, registrationWrapper.getSecureRandom());

        Registration outboundRegister = new Registration(metaChannel.sessionId);

        Output output = new Output(1024);
        EccPublicKeySerializer.write(output, (ECPublicKeyParameters) metaChannel.ecdhKey.getPublic());
        outboundRegister.payload = output.toBytes();


    //  IN: remote ECDH shared payload
    // OUT: hasMore=true if we have more registrations to do, false otherwise
    if (metaChannel.aesKey == null) {
         * Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key exchange for the AES key
         * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman_key_exchange
        byte[] ecdhPubKeyBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(registration.payload, 0, registration.payload.length);
        ECPublicKeyParameters ecdhPubKey;
        try {
            ecdhPubKey = EccPublicKeySerializer.read(new Input(ecdhPubKeyBytes));
        } catch (KryoException e) {
            logger.error("Invalid decode of ECDH public key. Aborting.");
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);

        BasicAgreement agreement = new ECDHCBasicAgreement();
        BigInteger shared = agreement.calculateAgreement(ecdhPubKey);

        // now we setup our AES key based on our shared secret! (from ECDH)
        // the shared secret is different each time a connection is made
        byte[] keySeed = shared.toByteArray();

        SHA384Digest sha384 = new SHA384Digest();
        byte[] digest = new byte[sha384.getDigestSize()];
        sha384.update(keySeed, 0, keySeed.length);
        sha384.doFinal(digest, 0);

        metaChannel.aesKey = Arrays.copyOfRange(digest, 0, 32); // 256bit keysize (32 bytes)
        metaChannel.aesIV = Arrays.copyOfRange(digest, 32, 44); // 96bit blocksize (12 bytes) required by AES-GCM

        if (invalidAES(metaChannel)) {
            // abort if something messed up!
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);

        Registration outboundRegister = new Registration(metaChannel.sessionId);

        // do we have any more registrations?
        outboundRegister.hasMore = registrationWrapper.hasMoreRegistrations();

        // wait for ack from the server before registering the next protocol

    // IN: upgrade=true if we must upgrade this connection
    if (registration.upgrade) {
        // this pipeline can now be marked to be upgraded

        // upgrade the connection to an encrypted connection
        // this pipeline encoder/decoder can now be upgraded, and the "connection" added
        upgradeEncoders(channel, metaChannel, remoteAddress);
        upgradeDecoders(channel, metaChannel);

    // IN: hasMore=true if we have more registrations to do, false otherwise
    if (registration.hasMore) {
        logger.trace("Starting another protocol registration");

    // we only get this when we are 100% done with the registration of all connection types.

    if (!registration.upgraded) {
        // setup the pipeline with the real connection
        upgradePipeline(metaChannel, remoteAddress);

        // we don't verify anything on the CLIENT. We only verify on the server.
        // we don't support registering NEW classes after the client starts.
        if (!registrationWrapper.initClassRegistration(channel, registration)) {
            // abort if something messed up!
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);


    // IN: upgraded=true this means we are ready to connect, and the server is done with it's onConnect calls
    //              we defer the messages until after our own onConnect() is called...

    // we have to wait for ALL messages to be received, this way we can prevent out-of-order oddities...
    int protocolsRemaining = metaChannel.totalProtocols.decrementAndGet();
    if (protocolsRemaining > 0) {
        logger.trace("{} done. Waiting for {} more protocols registrations to arrive...", type,

    // remove the ConnectionWrapper (that was used to upgrade the connection) and cleanup the pipeline
    // always wait until AFTER the server calls "onConnect", then we do this
    cleanupPipeline(metaChannel, new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            // this method runs after the "onConnect()" runs and only after all of the channels have be correctly updated

            // get all of the out of order messages that we missed
            List<Object> messages = new LinkedList<Object>();

            if (metaChannel.tcpChannel != null) {
                List<Object> list = getOutOfOrderMessagesAndReset(metaChannel.tcpChannel);
                if (list != null) {
                    logger.trace("Getting deferred TCP messages: {}", list.size());

            if (metaChannel.udpChannel != null) {
                List<Object> list = getOutOfOrderMessagesAndReset(metaChannel.udpChannel);
                if (list != null) {
                    logger.trace("Getting deferred UDP messages: {}", list.size());

            // now call 'onMessage' in the connection object with our messages!
            try {
                ConnectionImpl connection = (ConnectionImpl) metaChannel.connection;

                for (Object message : messages) {
                    logger.trace("    deferred onMessage({}, {})", connection.id(), message);
                    try {
                        connection.channelRead(null, message);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        logger.error("Error running deferred messages!", e);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error initialising deferred messages!", e);

From source file:dorkbox.network.connection.registration.remote.RegistrationRemoteHandlerServer.java

License:Apache License

void readServer(final ChannelHandlerContext context, final Channel channel, final Registration registration,
        final String type, final MetaChannel metaChannel) {
    final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = (InetSocketAddress) channel.remoteAddress();

    //  IN: session ID == 0 (start of new connection)
    // OUT: session ID + public key + ecc parameters (which are a nonce. the SERVER defines what these are)
    if (registration.sessionID == 0) {
        // whoa! Didn't send valid public key info!
        if (invalidPublicKey(registration, type)) {
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);
        }/*from w ww  . j av a2  s .c  o  m*/

        // want to validate the public key used! This is similar to how SSH works, in that once we use a public key, we want to validate
        // against that ip-address::key pair, so we can better protect against MITM/spoof attacks.
        if (invalidRemoteAddress(metaChannel, registration, type, remoteAddress)) {
            // whoa! abort since something messed up! (log and recording if key changed happens inside of validate method)
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);

        // save off remote public key. This is ALWAYS the same, where the ECDH changes every time...
        metaChannel.publicKey = registration.publicKey;

        // tell the client to continue it's registration process.
        Registration outboundRegister = new Registration(metaChannel.sessionId);
        outboundRegister.publicKey = registrationWrapper.getPublicKey();
        outboundRegister.eccParameters = CryptoECC


    //  IN: remote ECDH shared payload
    // OUT: server ECDH shared payload
    if (metaChannel.aesKey == null) {
         * Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key exchange for the AES key
         * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman_key_exchange

        // the ECDH key will ROTATE every 10 minutes, since generating it for EVERY connection is expensive
        // and since we are combining ECDHE+ECC public/private keys for each connection, other
        // connections cannot break someone else's connection, since they are still protected by their own private keys.
        metaChannel.ecdhKey = getEchdKeyOnRotate(registrationWrapper.getSecureRandom());

        byte[] ecdhPubKeyBytes = java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(registration.payload, 0,
        ECPublicKeyParameters ecdhPubKey;
        try {
            ecdhPubKey = EccPublicKeySerializer.read(new Input(ecdhPubKeyBytes));
        } catch (KryoException e) {
            logger.error("Invalid decode of ECDH public key. Aborting.");
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);

        BasicAgreement agreement = new ECDHCBasicAgreement();
        BigInteger shared = agreement.calculateAgreement(ecdhPubKey);

        // now we setup our AES key based on our shared secret! (from ECDH)
        // the shared secret is different each time a connection is made
        byte[] keySeed = shared.toByteArray();

        SHA384Digest sha384 = new SHA384Digest();
        byte[] digest = new byte[sha384.getDigestSize()];
        sha384.update(keySeed, 0, keySeed.length);
        sha384.doFinal(digest, 0);

        metaChannel.aesKey = Arrays.copyOfRange(digest, 0, 32); // 256bit keysize (32 bytes)
        metaChannel.aesIV = Arrays.copyOfRange(digest, 32, 44); // 96bit blocksize (12 bytes) required by AES-GCM

        if (invalidAES(metaChannel)) {
            // abort if something messed up!
            shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);

        Registration outboundRegister = new Registration(metaChannel.sessionId);

        Output output = new Output(1024);
        EccPublicKeySerializer.write(output, (ECPublicKeyParameters) metaChannel.ecdhKey.getPublic());
        outboundRegister.payload = output.toBytes();


    // NOTE: if we have more registrations, we will "bounce back" that status so the client knows what to do.
    // IN: hasMore=true if we have more registrations to do, false otherwise

    // ALWAYS upgrade the connection at this point.
    // IN: upgraded=false if we haven't upgraded to encryption yet (this will always be the case right after encryption is setup)

    if (!registration.upgraded) {
        // upgrade the connection to an encrypted connection
        registration.upgrade = true;
        upgradeDecoders(channel, metaChannel);

        // bounce back to the client so it knows we received it

        // this pipeline encoder/decoder can now be upgraded, and the "connection" added
        upgradeEncoders(channel, metaChannel, remoteAddress);

        if (!registration.hasMore) {
            // we only get this when we are 100% done with the registration of all connection types.

            // setup the pipeline with the real connection
            upgradePipeline(metaChannel, remoteAddress);


    // the client will send their class registration data. VERIFY IT IS CORRECT!
    STATE state = registrationWrapper.verifyClassRegistration(metaChannel, registration);
    if (state == STATE.ERROR) {
        // abort! There was an error
        shutdown(channel, registration.sessionID);
    } else if (state == STATE.WAIT) {
    // else, continue.

    // we only get this when we are 100% done with the registration of all connection types.
    //      the context is the LAST protocol to be registered

    // remove the ConnectionWrapper (that was used to upgrade the connection) and cleanup the pipeline
    cleanupPipeline(metaChannel, new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            // this method runs after the "onConnect()" runs and only after all of the channels have be correctly updated

            // this tells the client we are ready to connect (we just bounce back the original message over ALL protocols)
            if (metaChannel.tcpChannel != null) {
                logger.trace("Sending TCP upgraded command");
                Registration reg = new Registration(registration.sessionID);
                reg.upgraded = true;

            if (metaChannel.udpChannel != null) {
                logger.trace("Sending UDP upgraded command");
                Registration reg = new Registration(registration.sessionID);
                reg.upgraded = true;

From source file:dorkbox.util.crypto.EccTest.java

License:Apache License

public void Ecdh() throws IOException {
    // test DH key exchange
    SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();

    AsymmetricCipherKeyPair key1 = CryptoECC.generateKeyPair(CryptoECC.default_curve, secureRandom);
    AsymmetricCipherKeyPair key2 = CryptoECC.generateKeyPair(CryptoECC.default_curve, secureRandom);

    BasicAgreement e1 = new ECDHCBasicAgreement();
    BasicAgreement e2 = new ECDHCBasicAgreement();

    e2.init(key2.getPrivate());//from ww w.  jav a  2 s .  c om

    BigInteger k1 = e1.calculateAgreement(key2.getPublic());
    BigInteger k2 = e2.calculateAgreement(key1.getPublic());

    if (!k1.equals(k2)) {
        fail("ECDHC cipher test failed");

From source file:me.grapebaba.hyperledger.fabric.Crypto.java

License:Apache License

public ByteString eciesDecrypt(PrivateKey recipientPrivateKey, ByteString cipherText) {
    BCECPrivateKey bcecPrivateKey = (BCECPrivateKey) recipientPrivateKey;
    ECNamedCurveSpec ecNamedCurveSpec = (ECNamedCurveSpec) bcecPrivateKey.getParams();
    int level = SecurityLevel.from(ecNamedCurveSpec.getName()).size();

    //cipherText = ephemeralPubKeyBytes + encryptedTokBytes + macBytes
    //ephemeralPubKeyBytes = first ((384+7)/8)*2 + 1 bytes = first 97 bytes
    //hmac is sha3_384 = 48 bytes or sha3_256 = 32 bytes
    int ephemeralPubKeyLength = ((level + 7) / 8) * 2 + 1;
    int hmacLength = level >> 3;
    int cipherTextLength = cipherText.size();

    if (cipherTextLength <= ephemeralPubKeyLength + hmacLength)
        throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Illegal cipherText length: %d must be > %d", cipherTextLength,
                ephemeralPubKeyLength + hmacLength));

    ByteString ephemeralPubKey = cipherText.substring(0, ephemeralPubKeyLength);
    ByteString encryptedContent = cipherText.substring(ephemeralPubKeyLength, cipherTextLength - hmacLength);
    ByteString hmac = cipherText.substring(cipherTextLength - hmacLength);

    ECPrivateKeyParameters ecdhPrivateKeyParameters;
    try {/*from   w w  w  .  j  a va 2  s  .  co  m*/
        ecdhPrivateKeyParameters = (ECPrivateKeyParameters) (PrivateKeyFactory
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("ECIES decrypt load private key exception", e);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    ECDomainParameters ecDomainParameters = ecdhPrivateKeyParameters.getParameters();
    ECCurve ecCurve = ecDomainParameters.getCurve();
    ECPublicKeyParameters ecPublicKeyParameters = new ECPublicKeyParameters(
            ecCurve.decodePoint(ephemeralPubKey.toByteArray()), ecDomainParameters);
    BasicAgreement agree = new ECDHBasicAgreement();
    byte[] keyAgreement = agree.calculateAgreement(ecPublicKeyParameters).toByteArray();

    HKDFParameters hkdfParameters = new HKDFParameters(keyAgreement, null, null);
    HKDFBytesGenerator hkdfBytesGenerator = new HKDFBytesGenerator(digest);
    byte[] hkdfOutputBytes = new byte[AESKEY_LENGTH + HMACKEY_LENGTH];
    hkdfBytesGenerator.generateBytes(hkdfOutputBytes, 0, AESKEY_LENGTH + HMACKEY_LENGTH);
    ByteString hkdfOutput = ByteString.copyFrom(hkdfOutputBytes);
    ByteString aesKey = hkdfOutput.substring(0, AESKEY_LENGTH);
    ByteString hmacKey = hkdfOutput.substring(AESKEY_LENGTH, AESKEY_LENGTH + HMACKEY_LENGTH);
    HMac hMac = new HMac(digest);
    hMac.init(new KeyParameter(hmacKey.toByteArray()));
    hMac.update(encryptedContent.toByteArray(), 0, encryptedContent.size());
    byte[] recoveredHmac = new byte[hMac.getMacSize()];
    hMac.doFinal(recoveredHmac, 0);
    if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(hmac.toByteArray(), recoveredHmac)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("HMAC verify failed");

    CFBBlockCipher aesCipher = new CFBBlockCipher(new AESEngine(), BLOCK_BIT_SIZE);
    ByteString iv = encryptedContent.substring(0, IV_LENGTH);
    CipherParameters ivAndKey = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(aesKey.toByteArray()), iv.toByteArray());
    aesCipher.init(false, ivAndKey);
    byte[] decryptedBytes = new byte[500];
    aesCipher.decryptBlock(encryptedContent.substring(IV_LENGTH).toByteArray(), 0, decryptedBytes, 0);
    return ByteString.copyFrom(decryptedBytes);