Java org.bouncycastle.openpgp PGPSignatureGenerator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.bouncycastle.openpgp PGPSignatureGenerator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.bouncycastle.openpgp PGPSignatureGenerator.

The text is from its open source code.


PGPSignatureGenerator(PGPContentSignerBuilder contentSignerBuilder)
Create a signature generator built on the passed in contentSignerBuilder.


Return a signature object containing the current signature state.
PGPSignaturegenerateCertification(PGPPublicKey pubKey)
Generate a certification, such as a revocation, for the passed in key.
PGPSignaturegenerateCertification(String id, PGPPublicKey pubKey)
Generate a certification for the passed in id and key.
PGPSignaturegenerateCertification(PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVector userAttributes, PGPPublicKey pubKey)
Generate a certification for the passed in userAttributes
PGPSignaturegenerateCertification(PGPPublicKey masterKey, PGPPublicKey pubKey)
Generate a certification for the passed in key against the passed in master key.
PGPOnePassSignaturegenerateOnePassVersion(boolean isNested)
Return the one pass header associated with the current signature.
voidinit(int signatureType, PGPPrivateKey key)
Initialise the generator for signing.
voidinitSign(int signatureType, PGPPrivateKey key)
Initialise the generator for signing.
voidsetHashedSubpackets(PGPSignatureSubpacketVector hashedPcks)
voidsetUnhashedSubpackets(PGPSignatureSubpacketVector unhashedPcks)
voidupdate(byte b)
voidupdate(byte[] b)
voidupdate(byte[] b, int off, int len)