Example usage for org.dom4j Attribute getNamespaceURI

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Attribute getNamespaceURI


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Attribute getNamespaceURI.


String getNamespaceURI();

Source Link


Returns the URI mapped to the namespace of this element if one exists otherwise an empty String is returned.


From source file:net.sf.saxon.dom4j.NodeWrapper.java

License:Mozilla Public License

* Get the value of a given attribute of this node
* @param fingerprint The fingerprint of the attribute name
* @return the attribute value if it exists or null if not
*///from  w  ww.j  a v a 2  s . com

public String getAttributeValue(int fingerprint) {
    if (nodeKind == Type.ELEMENT) {
        Iterator list = ((Element) node).attributes().iterator();
        NamePool pool = docWrapper.getNamePool();
        while (list.hasNext()) {
            Attribute att = (Attribute) list.next();
            int nameCode = pool.allocate(att.getNamespacePrefix(), att.getNamespaceURI(), att.getName());
            if (fingerprint == (nameCode & 0xfffff)) {
                return att.getValue();
    return null;

From source file:net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.NodeWrapper.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 * Get the string value of a given attribute of this node
 * @param uri   the namespace URI of the attribute name. Supply the empty string for an attribute
 *              that is in no namespace//from  w ww.  j  ava2s. c  o  m
 * @param local the local part of the attribute name.
 * @return the attribute value if it exists, or null if it does not exist. Always returns null
 *         if this node is not an element.
 * @since 9.4
public String getAttributeValue(/*@NotNull*/ String uri, /*@NotNull*/ String local) {
    if (nodeKind == Type.ELEMENT) {
        for (Object o : ((Element) node).attributes()) {
            Attribute att = (Attribute) o;
            if (att.getName().equals(local) && att.getNamespaceURI().equals(uri)) {
                return att.getValue();
    return null;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.XFormsModelSchemaValidator.java

License:Open Source License

private boolean validateElement(final Element element, final Acceptor acceptor, final IDConstraintChecker icc,
        final boolean isReportErrors) {

    boolean isElementValid = true;

    // Create StartTagInfo
    final StartTagInfo startTagInfo;
    {/*from  ww w .  ja  v  a2 s  .  c o  m*/
        final String uri = element.getNamespaceURI();
        final String name = element.getName();
        final String qName = element.getQualifiedName();
        final List attributesList = element.attributes();
        final AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl();

        for (Object anAttributesList : attributesList) {
            final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) anAttributesList;
            final String attributeURI = attribute.getNamespaceURI();
            final String attributeName = attribute.getName();
            final String attributeQName = attribute.getQualifiedName();
            final String attributeValue = attribute.getValue();
            attributes.addAttribute(attributeURI, attributeName, attributeQName, null, attributeValue);
        startTagInfo = new StartTagInfo(uri, name, qName, attributes, validationContext);

    final StringRef stringRef = new StringRef();

    // Get child acceptor
    final Acceptor childAcceptor;
        Acceptor tempChildAcceptor = acceptor.createChildAcceptor(startTagInfo, null);
        if (tempChildAcceptor == null) {
            if (isReportErrors) {
                tempChildAcceptor = acceptor.createChildAcceptor(startTagInfo, stringRef);
                addSchemaError(element, stringRef.str);
                isElementValid = false;
            } else {
                return false;
        childAcceptor = tempChildAcceptor;

    // Handle id errors
    if (icc != null && isReportErrors) {
        icc.onNextAcceptorReady(startTagInfo, childAcceptor, element);
        isElementValid &= handleIDErrors(icc);

    // Validate children
    final DatatypeRef datatypeRef = new DatatypeRef();
    final boolean childrenValid = validateChildren(element, childAcceptor, startTagInfo, icc, datatypeRef,
    if (!childrenValid) {
        if (isReportErrors)
            isElementValid = false;
            return false;

    // TODO: MSV doesn't allow getting the type if validity check fails. However, we would like to obtain datatype validity in XForms.
    if (!childAcceptor.isAcceptState(null)) {
        if (isReportErrors) {
            addSchemaError(element, stringRef.str);
            isElementValid = false;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        // Attempt to set datatype name
        setDataType(datatypeRef, element);

    // Handle id errors
    if (icc != null && isReportErrors) {
        icc.endElement(element, datatypeRef.types);
        isElementValid &= handleIDErrors(icc);

    // Get back to parent acceptor
    if (!acceptor.stepForward(childAcceptor, null)) {
        if (isReportErrors) {
            acceptor.stepForward(childAcceptor, stringRef);
            addSchemaError(element, stringRef.str);
            isElementValid = false;
        } else {
            return false;

    if (isReportErrors) {
        // Element may be invalid or not
        return isElementValid;
    } else {
        // This element is valid
        return true;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.XFormsModelSchemaValidator.java

License:Open Source License

 * Validate an element following the XML Schema "lax" mode.
 * @param element   element to validate//www.  j a  v a2s.  c  o  m
private boolean validateElementLax(final Element element) {

    final String elementURI;
    final String elementName;

    // NOTE: We do some special processing for xsi:type to find if there is a type declared for it. If not, we do
    // lax processing. However, it is not clear whether we should apply lax processing in this case or not. Maybe if
    // an xsi:type is specified and not found, the element should just be invalid.
    // TODO: should pass true?
    final QName xsiType = Dom4jUtils.extractAttributeValueQName(element, XMLConstants.XSI_TYPE_QNAME, false);
    if (xsiType != null) {
        // Honor xsi:type
        elementURI = xsiType.getNamespaceURI();
        elementName = xsiType.getName();
    } else {
        // Use element name
        elementURI = element.getNamespaceURI();
        elementName = element.getName();

    boolean isValid = true;
        // Find expression for element type
        final Expression expression;
            // Find schema for type namespace
            final XMLSchemaSchema schema = ((XMLSchemaGrammar) schemaGrammar).getByNamespace(elementURI);
            if (schema != null) {
                // Try to find the expression in the schema
                final ElementDeclExp elementDeclExp = schema.elementDecls.get(elementName);
                if (elementDeclExp != null) {
                    // Found element type
                    expression = elementDeclExp;
                } else if (xsiType != null) {
                    // Try also complex type
                    expression = schema.complexTypes.get(elementName);
                } else {
                    // No type found
                    expression = null;
            } else {
                // No schema so no expression
                expression = null;

        if (expression != null) {
            // Found type for element, so validate element
            final Acceptor acceptor = documentDeclaration.createAcceptor();
            isValid &= validateElement(element, acceptor, null, true);
        } else {
            // Element does not have type, so try to validate attributes and children elements

            // Attributes
            if (false) {
                // TODO: find out way of validating an attribute only
                // TODO: should we also look at schema.attributeGroups?
                final List attributesList = element.attributes();
                for (final Iterator iterator = attributesList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    final Attribute attribute = (Attribute) iterator.next();
                    final String attributeURI = attribute.getNamespaceURI();
                    final String attributeName = attribute.getName();
                    //                        final String attributeQName = attribute.getQualifiedName();
                    //                        final String attributeValue = attribute.getValue();

                    // Find expression for element type
                    final Expression attributeExpression;
                        // Find schema for type namespace
                        final XMLSchemaSchema schema = ((XMLSchemaGrammar) schemaGrammar)
                        if (schema != null) {
                            attributeExpression = schema.attributeDecls.get(attributeName);
                        } else {
                            attributeExpression = null;
                    if (attributeExpression != null) {
                        //                            final ExpressionAcceptor expressionAcceptor = new SimpleAcceptor(documentDeclaration, attributeExpression, null, null);
                        //                            // Validate attribute value
                        //                            final StringRef errorStringRef = new StringRef();
                        //                            final DatatypeRef datatypeRef = new DatatypeRef();
                        //                            if (!expressionAcceptor.onAttribute2(attributeURI, attributeName, attributeQName, attributeValue, validationContext, errorStringRef, datatypeRef)) {
                        //                                if (errorStringRef.str == null) // not sure if this can happen
                        //                                    errorStringRef.str = "Error validating attribute";
                        //                                addSchemaError(attribute, errorStringRef.str);
                        //                            }

                        //                            if (!expressionAcceptor.onText2(attributeValue, validationContext, errorStringRef, datatypeRef)) {
                        //                                if (errorStringRef.str == null) // not sure if this can happen
                        //                                    errorStringRef.str = "Error validating attribute";
                        //                                addSchemaError(attribute, errorStringRef.str);
                        //                            }
                        //                            // Check final acceptor state
                        //                            if (!expressionAcceptor.isAcceptState(errorStringRef)) {
                        //                                if (errorStringRef.str == null) // not sure if this can happen
                        //                                    errorStringRef.str = "Error validating attribute";
                        //                                addSchemaError(attribute, errorStringRef.str);
                        //                            }

            // Validate children elements
            for (final Iterator iterator = element.elementIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                final Element childElement = (Element) iterator.next();
                isValid &= validateElementLax(childElement);
    return isValid;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xml.XMLUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Convert dom4j attributes to SAX attributes.
 * @param element   dom4j Element// w  w  w.  j  a v  a2  s  .c o m
 * @return          SAX Attributes
public static AttributesImpl getSAXAttributes(Element element) {
    final AttributesImpl result = new AttributesImpl();
    for (Iterator i = element.attributeIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        final org.dom4j.Attribute attribute = (org.dom4j.Attribute) i.next();

        result.addAttribute(attribute.getNamespaceURI(), attribute.getName(), attribute.getQualifiedName(),
                XMLReceiverHelper.CDATA, attribute.getValue());
    return result;