Java org.dom4j DocumentHelper fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.dom4j DocumentHelper fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.dom4j DocumentHelper.

The text is from its open source code.


AttributecreateAttribute(Element owner, QName qname, String value)
AttributecreateAttribute(Element owner, String name, String value)
CDATAcreateCDATA(String text)
CommentcreateComment(String text)
DocumentcreateDocument(Element rootElement)
ElementcreateElement(QName qname)
ElementcreateElement(String name)
EntitycreateEntity(String name, String text)
NamespacecreateNamespace(String prefix, String uri)
PatterncreatePattern(String xpathPattern)

createPattern parses the given XPath expression to create an XSLT style Pattern instance which can then be used in an XSLT processing model.

ProcessingInstructioncreateProcessingInstruction(String pi, String d)
ProcessingInstructioncreateProcessingInstruction(String pi, Map data)
QNamecreateQName(String localName, Namespace namespace)
QNamecreateQName(String localName)
TextcreateText(String text)
XPathcreateXPath(String xpathExpression)

createXPath parses an XPath expression and creates a new XPath XPath instance using the singleton DocumentFactory .

ElementmakeElement(Branch source, String path)


a helper method which navigates from the given Document or Element node to some Element using the path expression, creating any necessary elements along the way.
DocumentparseText(String text)

parseText parses the given text as an XML document and returns the newly created Document.

ListselectNodes(String xpathFilterExpression, List nodes)

selectNodes performs the given XPath expression on the List of Node instances appending all the results together into a single list.

ListselectNodes(String xpathFilterExpression, Node node)

selectNodes performs the given XPath expression on the List of Node instances appending all the results together into a single list.

voidsort(List list, String expression, boolean distinct)

sort sorts the given List of Nodes using an XPath expression as a java.util.Comparator and optionally removing duplicates.

voidsort(List list, String xpathExpression)

sort sorts the given List of Nodes using an XPath expression as a java.util.Comparator .