Example usage for org.dom4j Node getDocument

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node getDocument


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Node getDocument.


Document getDocument();

Source Link


getDocument returns the Document that this Node is part of if this node supports the parent relationship.


From source file:edu.ucsd.library.xdre.imports.RDFDAMS4ImportHandler.java

 * Update the document for DAMS ARK ID/*from   ww  w .j a  v  a  2s  . c om*/
 * @param doc
 * @param record
 * @param title
 * @throws Exception
private void updateDocument(Document doc, Node record, String field, String title, Map<String, String> props)
        throws Exception {
    // Skip if the record detached
    if (record.getDocument() == null)

    // Subject, Authority records use mads:authoritativeLabel
    Node aboutAttr = record.selectSingleNode("@rdf:about");
    String srcUri = aboutAttr.getStringValue();
    //String nName = record.getName();
    String xPath = record.getPath();
    String elemName = xPath.substring(xPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

    // MADSScheme model: MadsScheme
    if (elemName.endsWith("MADSScheme"))
        elemName = elemName.replace("MADSScheme", "Scheme");
    String modelName = (elemName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + elemName.substring(1)).replace(":", "");
    String nKey = INFO_MODEL_PREFIX + modelName + "::" + title;
    if (props != null) {
        for (Iterator<String> it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String iKey = it.next();
            nKey += "_" + iKey + "::" + props.get(iKey);
    String oid = idsMap.get(nKey);
    // Retrieve the record
    if (oid == null) {
        /*Map<String, String> props = null;
           props = copyrightProperties(record);
        oid = lookupRecord(damsClient, field, title, modelName, props);

        if (oid == null) {
            // Create the record
            oid = getNewId();
            idsMap.put(nKey, oid);
            log.info("Found new redord " + srcUri + " (" + oid + ": " + field + " -- " + title);

        } else {
            // Record found. Add linking, remove it.
            toResourceLinking(oid, record);
    } else {
        // Record added. Add linking, remove it.
        toResourceLinking(oid, record);
    updateReference(doc, srcUri, oid);

From source file:edu.ucsd.library.xdre.imports.RDFDAMS4ImportTsHandler.java

 * Update the document for DAMS ARK ID/*from  w  ww  .j  av a 2s  .  co  m*/
 * @param doc
 * @param record
 * @param title
 * @throws Exception
private void updateDocument(Document doc, Node record, String field, String title, Map<String, String> props)
        throws Exception {
    // Skip if the record detached
    if (record.getDocument() == null)

    // Subject, Authority records use mads:authoritativeLabel
    Node aboutAttr = record.selectSingleNode("@rdf:about");
    String srcUri = aboutAttr.getStringValue();
    //String nName = record.getName();
    String xPath = record.getPath();
    String elemName = xPath.substring(xPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

    String modelName = elemName;
    String nKey = INFO_MODEL_PREFIX + modelName + "::" + title;
    if (props != null) {
        for (Iterator<String> it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String iKey = it.next();
            nKey += "_" + iKey + "::" + props.get(iKey);
    String oid = idsMap.get(nKey);

    if (oid == null) {
        //Lookup records from the triplestore, matching the required properties that are null or empty.
        List<Map<String, String>> oids = lookupRecordsFromTs(field, title, "\"" + modelName + "\"", props);
        if (oids != null && oids.size() > 0) {

            String propName = null;
            String propValue = null;
            Document recDoc = null;
            Node cNode = null;
            if (props != null) {
                List<Map<String, String>> oidsCopy = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
                for (int i = 0; i < oidsCopy.size(); i++) {

                    Collection<String> propValues = props.values();
                    Map<String, String> resolution = oidsCopy.get(i);
                    String rid = resolution.values().iterator().next();
                    if (rid.startsWith("http")) {
                        if (propValues.contains(null)) {

                            recDoc = damsClient.getRecord(rid);
                            for (Iterator<String> it = props.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                                propName = it.next();
                                propValue = props.get(propName);
                                // Test for the nodes for null properties and remove it from the result
                                if (propValue == null) {
                                    int idx = propName.indexOf("/", 1);
                                    if (idx > 0)
                                        cNode = recDoc.selectSingleNode("//" + modelName + "/" + propName);
                                        cNode = recDoc.selectSingleNode("//" + modelName + "/" + propName);

                                    if (cNode != null) {
                    } else // removed internal BlankNodes from the results

            if (oids.size() > 0) {
                oid = oids.get(0).values().iterator().next();
                if (oids.size() > 1) {
                    String duids = "";
                    for (Iterator<Map<String, String>> it = oids.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                        duids += (duids.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + it.next().values().iterator().next();

                    log.warn("Duplicated records found for " + title + " (" + field + "): " + duids + ".");


        if (oid == null) {
            // Create the record
            oid = getNewId();
        } else {
            // Record found. Add to the map, link and remove it.
            toResourceLinking(oid, record);
        idsMap.put(nKey, oid);
    } else {
        // Record added. Add linking, remove it.
        toResourceLinking(oid, record);
    updateReference(doc, srcUri, oid);

From source file:edu.umd.cs.findbugs.PluginLoader.java

License:Open Source License

private void loadPluginComponents() throws PluginException {
    Document pluginDescriptor = getPluginDescriptor();
    List<Document> messageCollectionList = getMessageDocuments();
    List<Node> cloudNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/Cloud");
    for (Node cloudNode : cloudNodeList) {

        String cloudClassname = cloudNode.valueOf("@cloudClass");
        String cloudId = cloudNode.valueOf("@id");
        String usernameClassname = cloudNode.valueOf("@usernameClass");
        boolean onlineStorage = Boolean.valueOf(cloudNode.valueOf("@onlineStorage"));
        String propertiesLocation = cloudNode.valueOf("@properties");
        boolean disabled = Boolean.valueOf(cloudNode.valueOf("@disabled"))
                && !cloudId.equals(CloudFactory.DEFAULT_CLOUD);
        if (disabled) {
        }//from  w w w.  j a  v  a  2s .  co m
        boolean hidden = Boolean.valueOf(cloudNode.valueOf("@hidden"))
                && !cloudId.equals(CloudFactory.DEFAULT_CLOUD);

        Class<? extends Cloud> cloudClass = getClass(classLoader, cloudClassname, Cloud.class);

        Class<? extends NameLookup> usernameClass = getClass(classLoader, usernameClassname, NameLookup.class);
        Node cloudMessageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList,
                "/MessageCollection/Cloud[@id='" + cloudId + "']",
                "Missing Cloud description for cloud " + cloudId);
        String description = getChildText(cloudMessageNode, "Description").trim();
        String details = getChildText(cloudMessageNode, "Details").trim();
        PropertyBundle properties = new PropertyBundle();
        if (propertiesLocation != null && propertiesLocation.length() > 0) {
            URL properiesURL = classLoader.getResource(propertiesLocation);
            if (properiesURL == null) {
        List<Node> propertyNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(cloudNode, "Property");
        for (Node node : propertyNodes) {
            String key = node.valueOf("@key");
            String value = node.getText().trim();
            properties.setProperty(key, value);

        CloudPlugin cloudPlugin = new CloudPluginBuilder().setFindbugsPluginId(plugin.getPluginId())

    // Create PluginComponents
    try {
        List<Node> componentNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/PluginComponent");
        for (Node componentNode : componentNodeList) {
            String componentKindname = componentNode.valueOf("@componentKind");
            if (componentKindname == null) {
                throw new PluginException(
                        "Missing @componentKind for " + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
            String componentClassname = componentNode.valueOf("@componentClass");
            if (componentClassname == null) {
                throw new PluginException("Missing @componentClassname for " + plugin.getPluginId()
                        + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
            String componentId = componentNode.valueOf("@id");
            if (componentId == null) {
                throw new PluginException(
                        "Missing @id for " + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);

            try {
                String propertiesLocation = componentNode.valueOf("@properties");
                boolean disabled = Boolean.valueOf(componentNode.valueOf("@disabled"));

                Node filterMessageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList,
                        "/MessageCollection/PluginComponent[@id='" + componentId + "']",
                        "Missing Cloud description for PluginComponent " + componentId);
                String description = getChildText(filterMessageNode, "Description").trim();
                String details = getChildText(filterMessageNode, "Details").trim();
                PropertyBundle properties = new PropertyBundle();
                if (propertiesLocation != null && propertiesLocation.length() > 0) {
                    URL properiesURL = classLoaderForResources.getResource(propertiesLocation);
                    if (properiesURL == null) {
                        AnalysisContext.logError("Could not load properties for " + plugin.getPluginId()
                                + " component " + componentId + " from " + propertiesLocation);
                List<Node> propertyNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(componentNode, "Property");
                for (Node node : propertyNodes) {
                    String key = node.valueOf("@key");
                    String value = node.getText();
                    properties.setProperty(key, value);

                Class<?> componentKind = classLoader.loadClass(componentKindname);
                loadComponentPlugin(plugin, componentKind, componentClassname, componentId, disabled,
                        description, details, properties);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                AnalysisContext.logError("Unable to load ComponentPlugin " + componentId + " : "
                        + componentClassname + " implementing " + componentKindname, e);

        // Create FindBugsMains

        if (!FindBugs.isNoMains()) {
            List<Node> findBugsMainList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/FindBugsMain");
            for (Node main : findBugsMainList) {
                String className = main.valueOf("@class");
                if (className == null) {
                    throw new PluginException("Missing @class for FindBugsMain in plugin" + plugin.getPluginId()
                            + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
                String cmd = main.valueOf("@cmd");
                if (cmd == null) {
                    throw new PluginException("Missing @cmd for for FindBugsMain in plugin "
                            + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
                String kind = main.valueOf("@kind");
                boolean analysis = Boolean.valueOf(main.valueOf("@analysis"));
                Element mainMessageNode = (Element) findMessageNode(messageCollectionList,
                        "/MessageCollection/FindBugsMain[@cmd='" + cmd
                        // + " and @class='" + className
                                + "']/Description",
                        "Missing FindBugsMain description for cmd " + cmd);
                String description = mainMessageNode.getTextTrim();
                try {
                    Class<?> mainClass = classLoader.loadClass(className);
                    plugin.addFindBugsMain(mainClass, cmd, description, kind, analysis);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String msg = "Unable to load FindBugsMain " + cmd + " : " + className + " in plugin "
                            + plugin.getPluginId() + " loaded from " + loadedFrom;
                    PluginException e2 = new PluginException(msg, e);
                    AnalysisContext.logError(msg, e2);

        List<Node> detectorNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/Detector");
        int detectorCount = 0;
        for (Node detectorNode : detectorNodeList) {
            String className = detectorNode.valueOf("@class");
            String speed = detectorNode.valueOf("@speed");
            String disabled = detectorNode.valueOf("@disabled");
            String reports = detectorNode.valueOf("@reports");
            String requireJRE = detectorNode.valueOf("@requirejre");
            String hidden = detectorNode.valueOf("@hidden");
            if (speed == null || speed.length() == 0) {
                speed = "fast";
            // System.out.println("Found detector: class="+className+", disabled="+disabled);

            // Create DetectorFactory for the detector
            Class<?> detectorClass = null;
            if (!FindBugs.isNoAnalysis()) {
                detectorClass = classLoader.loadClass(className);

                if (!Detector.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass)
                        && !Detector2.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass)) {
                    throw new PluginException(
                            "Class " + className + " does not implement Detector or Detector2");
            DetectorFactory factory = new DetectorFactory(plugin, className, detectorClass,
                    !"true".equals(disabled), speed, reports, requireJRE);
            if (Boolean.valueOf(hidden).booleanValue()) {

            // Find Detector node in one of the messages files,
            // to get the detail HTML.
            Node node = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList,
                    "/MessageCollection/Detector[@class='" + className + "']/Details",
                    "Missing Detector description for detector " + className);

            Element details = (Element) node;
            String detailHTML = details.getText();
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            buf.append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n");
            buf.append("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Detector Description</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n");
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new PluginException("Could not instantiate detector class: " + e, e);

    // Create ordering constraints
    Node orderingConstraintsNode = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode("/FindbugsPlugin/OrderingConstraints");
    if (orderingConstraintsNode != null) {
        // Get inter-pass and intra-pass constraints
        List<Element> elements = XMLUtil.selectNodes(orderingConstraintsNode, "./SplitPass|./WithinPass");
        for (Element constraintElement : elements) {
            // Create the selectors which determine which detectors are
            // involved in the constraint
            DetectorFactorySelector earlierSelector = getConstraintSelector(constraintElement, plugin,
            DetectorFactorySelector laterSelector = getConstraintSelector(constraintElement, plugin, "Later");

            // Create the constraint
            DetectorOrderingConstraint constraint = new DetectorOrderingConstraint(earlierSelector,

            // Keep track of which constraints are single-source
            constraint.setSingleSource(earlierSelector instanceof SingleDetectorFactorySelector);

            // Add the constraint to the plugin
            if ("SplitPass".equals(constraintElement.getName())) {
            } else {

    // register global Category descriptions

    List<Node> categoryNodeListGlobal = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/BugCategory");
    for (Node categoryNode : categoryNodeListGlobal) {
        String key = categoryNode.valueOf("@category");
        if ("".equals(key)) {
            throw new PluginException("BugCategory element with missing category attribute");
        BugCategory bc = plugin.addOrCreateBugCategory(key);

        boolean hidden = Boolean.valueOf(categoryNode.valueOf("@hidden"));
        if (hidden) {

    for (Document messageCollection : messageCollectionList) {
        List<Node> categoryNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(messageCollection, "/MessageCollection/BugCategory");
        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("found " + categoryNodeList.size() + " categories in " + plugin.getPluginId());
        for (Node categoryNode : categoryNodeList) {
            String key = categoryNode.valueOf("@category");
            if ("".equals(key)) {
                throw new PluginException("BugCategory element with missing category attribute");
            BugCategory bc = plugin.addOrCreateBugCategory(key);
            String shortDesc = getChildText(categoryNode, "Description");
            try {
                String abbrev = getChildText(categoryNode, "Abbreviation");
                if (bc.getAbbrev() == null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("category " + key + " abbrev -> " + abbrev);
                } else if (DEBUG) {
                            "rejected abbrev '" + abbrev + "' for category " + key + ": " + bc.getAbbrev());
            } catch (PluginException pe) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("missing Abbreviation for category " + key + "/" + shortDesc);
                    // do nothing else -- Abbreviation is required, but handle
                    // its omission gracefully
            try {
                String details = getChildText(categoryNode, "Details");
                if (bc.getDetailText() == null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("category " + key + " details -> " + details);
                } else if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("rejected details [" + details + "] for category " + key + ": ["
                            + bc.getDetailText() + ']');
            } catch (PluginException pe) {
                // do nothing -- LongDescription is optional


    // Create BugPatterns
    List<Node> bugPatternNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/BugPattern");
    for (Node bugPatternNode : bugPatternNodeList) {
        String type = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@type");
        String abbrev = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@abbrev");
        String category = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@category");
        boolean experimental = Boolean.parseBoolean(bugPatternNode.valueOf("@experimental"));

        // Find the matching element in messages.xml (or translations)
        String query = "/MessageCollection/BugPattern[@type='" + type + "']";
        Node messageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, query,
                "messages.xml missing BugPattern element for type " + type);
        Node bugsUrlNode = messageNode.getDocument()
                .selectSingleNode("/MessageCollection/Plugin/" + (experimental ? "AllBugsUrl" : "BugsUrl"));

        String bugsUrl = bugsUrlNode == null ? null : bugsUrlNode.getText();

        String shortDesc = getChildText(messageNode, "ShortDescription");
        String longDesc = getChildText(messageNode, "LongDescription");
        String detailText = getChildText(messageNode, "Details");
        int cweid = 0;
        try {
            String cweString = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@cweid");
            if (cweString.length() > 0) {
                cweid = Integer.parseInt(cweString);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            assert true; // ignore

        BugPattern bugPattern = new BugPattern(type, abbrev, category, experimental, shortDesc, longDesc,
                detailText, bugsUrl, cweid);

        try {
            String deprecatedStr = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@deprecated");
            boolean deprecated = deprecatedStr.length() > 0 && Boolean.valueOf(deprecatedStr).booleanValue();
            if (deprecated) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            assert true; // ignore



    // Create BugCodes
    Set<String> definedBugCodes = new HashSet<String>();
    for (Document messageCollection : messageCollectionList) {
        List<Node> bugCodeNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(messageCollection, "/MessageCollection/BugCode");
        for (Node bugCodeNode : bugCodeNodeList) {
            String abbrev = bugCodeNode.valueOf("@abbrev");
            if ("".equals(abbrev)) {
                throw new PluginException("BugCode element with missing abbrev attribute");
            if (definedBugCodes.contains(abbrev)) {
            String description = bugCodeNode.getText();

            String query = "/FindbugsPlugin/BugCode[@abbrev='" + abbrev + "']";
            Node fbNode = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode(query);
            int cweid = 0;
            if (fbNode != null) {
                try {
                    cweid = Integer.parseInt(fbNode.valueOf("@cweid"));
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    assert true; // ignore
            BugCode bugCode = new BugCode(abbrev, description, cweid);


    // If an engine registrar is specified, make a note of its classname
    Node node = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode("/FindbugsPlugin/EngineRegistrar");
    if (node != null) {
        String engineClassName = node.valueOf("@class");
        if (engineClassName == null) {
            throw new PluginException("EngineRegistrar element with missing class attribute");

        try {
            Class<?> engineRegistrarClass = classLoader.loadClass(engineClassName);
            if (!IAnalysisEngineRegistrar.class.isAssignableFrom(engineRegistrarClass)) {
                throw new PluginException(
                        engineRegistrarClass + " does not implement IAnalysisEngineRegistrar");

        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new PluginException("Could not instantiate analysis engine registrar class: " + e, e);

    try {
        URL bugRankURL = getResource(BugRanker.FILENAME);

        if (bugRankURL == null) {
            // see
            // https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2816102&group_id=96405&atid=614693
            // plugin can not have bugrank.txt. In this case, an empty
            // bugranker will be created
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println("No " + BugRanker.FILENAME + " for plugin " + plugin.getPluginId());
        BugRanker ranker = new BugRanker(bugRankURL);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new PluginException("Couldn't parse \"" + BugRanker.FILENAME + "\"", e);

From source file:org.hudsonci.xpath.impl.Dom2Dom.java

License:Open Source License

 * Map a org.dom4j.Node to a org.w3c.dom.Node, including its ancestors
 * and descendents.// w w  w  . j ava2s .  c  om
 * Once mapped, originalNode will return the original Node
 * corresponding to any mapped w3c Node.
 * @see #getOriginalNode(org.w3c.dom.Node)
 * @param node to convert
 * @param trim true if whitespace is to be trimmed from any consecutive
 * sequence of Text nodes; false if whitespace retained
 * @return W3C DOM Node corresponding to node argument
 * @throws XPathException 
public org.w3c.dom.Node dom2DomX(Node node, boolean trim) throws XPathException {

    trimText = trim;

    // The first time we see a context node we create a w3c Document
    // for XPath processing. The important thing is that equals
    // works correctly.

    Document ddoc = node.getDocument();

    reverseMap = new ReverseMap();

    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder;
    try {
        builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
        throw new XPathException(ex);
    wdoc = builder.newDocument();

    createChildren(ddoc, wdoc);

    return findNode(wdoc, node);

From source file:org.hudsonci.xpath.impl.Dom2Dom.java

License:Open Source License

public org.w3c.dom.Node dom2Dom(Node node, boolean trim) throws XPathException {

    trimText = trim;//from   w  w  w. ja  v  a2 s .  c o  m

    // The first time we see a context node we create a w3c Document
    // for XPath processing. The important thing is that equals
    // works correctly.

    // This cache is probably bogus because Xerces likes to create Nodes
    // as flyweight objects on the fly. So different operations might
    // retrieve the same actual Node in two different NodeImpl objects
    // that do not compare equals.
    // It did seem to work for some simple tests and when it does work
    // it is fast, but I've worked around it in getOriginalNode.

    Document ddoc = node.getDocument();
    DocMapPair pair = cache.get(ddoc);

    if (pair == null) {

        ReverseMap map = new ReverseMap();

        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder builder;
        try {
            builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
            throw new XPathException(ex);
        org.w3c.dom.Document doc = builder.newDocument();

        map.put(doc, ddoc);
        pair = new DocMapPair(doc, map);

        cache.put(ddoc, pair);

    wdoc = pair.getLeft();
    reverseMap = pair.getRight();

    if (!wdoc.hasChildNodes())
        createChildren(ddoc, wdoc);

    return findNode(wdoc, node);

From source file:org.hudsonci.xpath.impl.Rewriter.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param node1/*w ww  .j a  va  2  s . co  m*/
 * @param node2
 * @return the node that is or contains the other
 * @throws Exception 
private Node findDominantNode(Node node1, Node node2) {
    // Fast tests
    if (node1 == node2)
        return node1;
    // Both nodes come from same document
    Document doc = node1.getDocument();
    if (node1 == doc)
        return node1;
    if (node2 == doc)
        return node2;
    // Slow tests
    if (nodeContains(node1, node2))
        return node1;
    if (nodeContains(node2, node1))
        return node2;
    return null;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.action.actions.XFormsDeleteAction.java

License:Open Source License

private static DeleteInfo doDeleteOne(IndentedLogger indentedLogger, List collectionToUpdate, int deleteIndex) {
    final NodeInfo nodeInfoToRemove = (NodeInfo) collectionToUpdate.get(deleteIndex - 1);
    final NodeInfo parentNodeInfo = nodeInfoToRemove.getParent();

    final Node nodeToRemove = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfo(nodeInfoToRemove, CANNOT_DELETE_READONLY_MESSAGE);

    final List contentToUpdate;
    final int indexInContentToUpdate;
    final Element parentElement = nodeToRemove.getParent();
    if (parentElement != null) {
        // Regular case
        if (nodeToRemove instanceof Attribute) {
            contentToUpdate = parentElement.attributes();
        } else {//  ww  w .  j a  v a 2 s  . c o  m
            contentToUpdate = parentElement.content();
        indexInContentToUpdate = contentToUpdate.indexOf(nodeToRemove);
    } else if (nodeToRemove.getDocument() != null
            && nodeToRemove == nodeToRemove.getDocument().getRootElement()) {
        // Case of root element where parent is Document
        contentToUpdate = nodeToRemove.getDocument().content();
        indexInContentToUpdate = contentToUpdate.indexOf(nodeToRemove);
    } else if (nodeToRemove instanceof Document) {
        // Case where node to remove is Document

        // "except if the node is the root document element of an instance then the delete action
        // is terminated with no effect."

        if (indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled())
            indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:delete", "ignoring attempt to delete document node");

        return null;
    } else {
        // Node to remove doesn't have a parent so we can't delete it
        // This can happen for nodes already detached, or nodes newly created with e.g. xf:element()
        return null;

    // Actually perform the deletion
    // "The node at the delete location in the Node Set Binding node-set is deleted"

    return new DeleteInfo(parentNodeInfo, nodeInfoToRemove, indexInContentToUpdate);

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.action.actions.XFormsInsertAction.java

License:Open Source License

public static List<NodeInfo> doInsert(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument,
        IndentedLogger indentedLogger, String positionAttribute, List collectionToBeUpdated,
        NodeInfo insertContextNodeInfo, List<Item> originItems, int insertionIndex, boolean doClone,
        boolean doDispatch) {

    final boolean isEmptyNodesetBinding = collectionToBeUpdated == null || collectionToBeUpdated.size() == 0;

    // "3. The origin node-set is determined."
    // "5. Each node in the origin node-set is cloned in the order it appears in the origin node-set."
    final List<Node> sourceNodes;
    final List<Node> clonedNodes;
    {//from w  w  w  . ja  va2s . c om
        final List<Node> clonedNodesTemp;
        if (originItems == null) {
            // There are no explicitly specified origin objects, use node from Node Set Binding node-set

            // "If the origin attribute is not given and the Node Set Binding node-set is empty, then the origin
            // node-set is the empty node-set. [...] The insert action is terminated with no effect if the
            // origin node-set is the empty node-set."

            if (isEmptyNodesetBinding) {
                if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                            "origin node-set from node-set binding is empty, terminating");
                return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

            // "Otherwise, if the origin attribute is not given, then the origin node-set consists of the last
            // node of the Node Set Binding node-set."
            final Node singleSourceNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfoConvert(
                    (NodeInfo) collectionToBeUpdated.get(collectionToBeUpdated.size() - 1));
            // TODO: check namespace handling might be incorrect. Should use copyElementCopyParentNamespaces() instead?
            final Node singleClonedNode = Dom4jUtils.createCopy(singleSourceNode);

            sourceNodes = Collections.singletonList(singleSourceNode);
            clonedNodesTemp = Collections.singletonList(singleClonedNode);
        } else {
            // There are explicitly specified origin objects

            // "The insert action is terminated with no effect if the origin node-set is the empty node-set."
            if (originItems.size() == 0) {
                if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                    indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "origin node-set is empty, terminating");
                return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

            // "Each node in the origin node-set is cloned in the order it appears in the origin node-set."

            sourceNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(originItems.size()); // set to max possible size
            clonedNodesTemp = new ArrayList<Node>(originItems.size());

            for (final Object currentObject : originItems) {
                if (currentObject instanceof NodeInfo) {
                    // This is the regular case covered by XForms 1.1 / XPath 1.0

                    // NOTE: Don't clone nodes if doClone == false
                    final Node sourceNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfoConvert((NodeInfo) currentObject);
                    final Node clonedNode = doClone
                            ? (sourceNode instanceof Element) ? ((Element) sourceNode).createCopy()
                                    : (Node) sourceNode.clone()
                            : sourceNode;


                } else if (currentObject instanceof AtomicValue) {
                    // This is an extension: support sequences containing atomic values

                    // Convert the result to a text node
                    final String stringValue = ((Item) currentObject).getStringValue();
                    final Text textNode = Dom4jUtils.createText(stringValue);

                    sourceNodes.add(null); // there is no source node for this cloned node, it's a source item
                } else
                    throw new IllegalStateException();

        // Remove instance data from cloned nodes and perform Document node adjustment
        for (int i = 0; i < clonedNodesTemp.size(); i++) {
            final Node clonedNodeTemp = clonedNodesTemp.get(i);

            if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Element) {
                // Element node
            } else if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Attribute) {
                // Attribute node
            } else if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Document) {
                // Document node
                final Element clonedNodeTempRootElement = clonedNodeTemp.getDocument().getRootElement();

                if (clonedNodeTempRootElement == null) {
                    // Can be null in rare cases of documents without root element
                    clonedNodesTemp.set(i, null); // we support having a null node further below, so set this to null
                } else {
                    // We can never really insert a document into anything at this point, but we assume that this means the root element
                    clonedNodesTemp.set(i, clonedNodeTempRootElement.detach());
            } else {
                // Other nodes
        clonedNodes = clonedNodesTemp;

    // "6. The target location of each cloned node or nodes is determined"
    // "7. The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they were cloned at their target location
    // depending on their node type."

    // Identify the instance that actually changes
    final XFormsInstance modifiedInstance;
    // Find actual insertion point and insert
    final NodeInfo insertLocationNodeInfo;
    final List<Node> insertedNodes;
    final String beforeAfterInto;
    if (isEmptyNodesetBinding) {
        // Insert INTO a node

        // "If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, the insert location node is the insert
        // context node."

        // "a. If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, the target location depends on the
        // node type of the cloned node. If the cloned node is an attribute, then the target location is before
        // the first attribute of the insert location node. If the cloned node is not an attribute, then the
        // target location is before the first child of the insert location node."

        modifiedInstance = (containingDocument != null)
                ? containingDocument.getInstanceForNode(insertContextNodeInfo)
                : null;
        insertLocationNodeInfo = insertContextNodeInfo;
        final Node insertLocationNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfo(insertContextNodeInfo,
        insertedNodes = doInsert(insertLocationNode, clonedNodes, modifiedInstance, doDispatch);
        beforeAfterInto = "into";

        // Normalize text nodes if needed to respect XPath 1.0 constraint
            boolean hasTextNode = false;
            for (Node clonedNode : clonedNodes) {
                hasTextNode |= clonedNode != null && clonedNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE;
            if (hasTextNode)
    } else {
        // Insert BEFORE or AFTER a node
        insertLocationNodeInfo = (NodeInfo) collectionToBeUpdated.get(insertionIndex - 1);
        final Node insertLocationNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfo(insertLocationNodeInfo,
        modifiedInstance = (containingDocument != null)
                ? containingDocument.getInstanceForNode(insertLocationNodeInfo)
                : null;

        final Document insertLocationNodeDocument = insertLocationNode.getDocument();
        if (insertLocationNodeDocument != null
                && insertLocationNodeDocument.getRootElement() == insertLocationNode) {

            // "c. if insert location node is the root element of an instance, then that instance root element
            // location is the target location. If there is more than one cloned node to insert, only the
            // first node that does not cause a conflict is considered."

            insertedNodes = doInsert(insertLocationNode.getDocument(), clonedNodes, modifiedInstance,
            beforeAfterInto = positionAttribute; // TODO: ideally normalize to "into document node"?

            // NOTE: Don't need to normalize text nodes in this case, as no new text node is inserted
        } else {
            // "d. Otherwise, the target location is immediately before or after the insert location
            // node, based on the position attribute setting or its default."

            if (insertLocationNode.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
                // Special case for "next to an attribute"

                // NOTE: In XML, attributes are unordered. dom4j handles them as a list so has order, but
                // the XForms spec shouldn't rely on attribute order. We could try to keep the order, but it
                // is harder as we have to deal with removing duplicate attributes and find a reasonable
                // insertion strategy.

                // TODO: Don't think we should even do this now in XForms 1.1
                insertedNodes = doInsert(insertLocationNode.getParent(), clonedNodes, modifiedInstance,

            } else {
                // Other node types
                final Element parentNode = insertLocationNode.getParent();
                final List<Node> siblingElements = Dom4jUtils.content(parentNode);
                final int actualIndex = siblingElements.indexOf(insertLocationNode);

                // Prepare insertion of new element
                final int actualInsertionIndex;
                if ("before".equals(positionAttribute)) {
                    actualInsertionIndex = actualIndex;
                } else {
                    // "after"
                    actualInsertionIndex = actualIndex + 1;

                // "7. The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they were cloned at their target
                // location depending on their node type."

                boolean hasTextNode = false;
                int addIndex = 0;
                insertedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(clonedNodes.size());
                for (Node clonedNode : clonedNodes) {

                    if (clonedNode != null) {// NOTE: we allow passing some null nodes so we check on null
                        if (!(clonedNode instanceof Attribute || clonedNode instanceof Namespace)) {
                            // Element, text, comment, processing instruction node
                            siblingElements.add(actualInsertionIndex + addIndex, clonedNode);
                            hasTextNode |= clonedNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE;
                        } else {
                            // We never insert attributes or namespace nodes as siblings
                            if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                                        "skipping insertion of node as sibling in element content", "type",
                                        clonedNode.getNodeTypeName(), "node",
                                        clonedNode instanceof Attribute
                                                ? Dom4jUtils.attributeToDebugString((Attribute) clonedNode)
                                                : clonedNode.toString());

                // Normalize text nodes if needed to respect XPath 1.0 constraint
                if (hasTextNode)

            beforeAfterInto = positionAttribute;

    // Whether some nodes were inserted
    final boolean didInsertNodes = insertedNodes != null && insertedNodes.size() > 0;

    // Log stuff
    if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (didInsertNodes)
            indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "inserted nodes", "count",
                    Integer.toString(insertedNodes.size()), "instance",
                    (modifiedInstance != null) ? modifiedInstance.getEffectiveId() : null);
            indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "no node inserted");

    // "XForms Actions that change the tree structure of instance data result in setting all four flags to true"
    if (didInsertNodes && modifiedInstance != null) {
        // NOTE: Can be null if document into which delete is performed is not in an instance, e.g. in a variable

    // Gather list of modified nodes
    final List<NodeInfo> insertedNodeInfos;
    if (didInsertNodes && modifiedInstance != null) {
        // Can be null if document into which delete is performed is not in an instance, e.g. in a variable
        final DocumentWrapper documentWrapper = (DocumentWrapper) modifiedInstance.documentInfo();
        insertedNodeInfos = new ArrayList<NodeInfo>(insertedNodes.size());
        for (Object insertedNode : insertedNodes)
    } else {
        insertedNodeInfos = Collections.emptyList();

    // "4. If the insert is successful, the event xforms-insert is dispatched."
    // XFormsInstance handles index and repeat items updates 
    if (doDispatch && didInsertNodes && modifiedInstance != null) {

        // Adjust insert location node and before/after/into in case the root element was replaced
        final NodeInfo adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo;
        final String adjustedBeforeAfterInto;

        final NodeInfo parent = insertedNodeInfos.get(0).getNodeKind() == org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE
                ? insertedNodeInfos.get(0).getParent()
                : null;
        if (parent != null && parent.equals(parent.getDocumentRoot())) {
            // Node was inserted under document node
            adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo = parent.getDocumentRoot();
            adjustedBeforeAfterInto = "into";
        } else {
            adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo = insertLocationNodeInfo;
            adjustedBeforeAfterInto = beforeAfterInto;

        Dispatch.dispatchEvent(new XFormsInsertEvent(modifiedInstance, insertedNodeInfos, originItems,
                adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo, adjustedBeforeAfterInto));

    return insertedNodeInfos;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.submission.XFormsModelSubmission.java

License:Open Source License

private Document reRootAndPrune(final NodeInfo currentNodeInfo, boolean resolvedRelevant,
        String resolvedAnnotate) {

    final Document documentToSubmit;
    if (currentNodeInfo instanceof VirtualNode) {
        final Node currentNode = (Node) ((VirtualNode) currentNodeInfo).getUnderlyingNode();

        // "A node from the instance data is selected, based on attributes on the submission
        // element. The indicated node and all nodes for which it is an ancestor are considered for
        // the remainder of the submit process. "
        if (currentNode instanceof Element) {
            // Create subset of document
            documentToSubmit = Dom4jUtils.createDocumentCopyParentNamespaces((Element) currentNode);
        } else {/*from  w  w w .  ja va  2s  .c  om*/
            // Use entire instance document
            documentToSubmit = Dom4jUtils.createDocumentCopyElement(currentNode.getDocument().getRootElement());

        if (resolvedRelevant) {
            // "Any node which is considered not relevant as defined in 6.1.4 is removed."
            final Node[] nodeToDetach = new Node[1];
            do {
                // NOTE: This is not very efficient, but at least we avoid NPEs that we would get by
                // detaching elements within accept(). Should implement a more efficient algorithm to
                // prune non-relevant nodes.
                nodeToDetach[0] = null;
                documentToSubmit.accept(new VisitorSupport() {

                    public final void visit(Element element) {

                    public final void visit(Attribute attribute) {

                    private void checkInstanceData(Node node) {
                        if (nodeToDetach[0] == null) {
                            // Check "relevant" MIP and remove non-relevant nodes
                            if (!InstanceData.getInheritedRelevant(node))
                                nodeToDetach[0] = node;
                if (nodeToDetach[0] != null)

            } while (nodeToDetach[0] != null);

        // Annotate with alerts if needed
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resolvedAnnotate))
            annotateWithAlerts(containingDocument, documentToSubmit, resolvedAnnotate);

        // TODO: handle includenamespaceprefixes
    } else {
        // Submitting read-only instance backed by TinyTree (no MIPs to check)
        if (currentNodeInfo.getNodeKind() == org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            documentToSubmit = TransformerUtils.tinyTreeToDom4j(currentNodeInfo);
        } else {
            documentToSubmit = TransformerUtils.tinyTreeToDom4j(currentNodeInfo.getRoot());
    return documentToSubmit;

From source file:org.withinsea.izayoi.commons.dom.DOMUtils.java

License:Mozilla Public License

public static Branch parent(Node node) {
    Branch parent = node.getParent();/*from   www . j  av  a  2  s  .c  om*/
    if (parent == null)
        parent = node.getDocument();
    return parent;