Example usage for org.dom4j QName equals

List of usage examples for org.dom4j QName equals


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j QName equals.


public boolean equals(Object object) 

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From source file:com.zimbra.cs.dav.caldav.Filter.java

License:Open Source License

protected void parse(Element elem) {
    for (Object o : elem.elements()) {
        if (o instanceof Element) {
            Element e = (Element) o;
            QName name = e.getQName();
            if (canHaveCompFilter() && name.equals(DavElements.E_COMP_FILTER))
                mComps.add(new CompFilter(e));
            else if (canHavePropFilter() && name.equals(DavElements.E_PROP_FILTER))
                mProps.add(new PropFilter(e));
            else if (canHaveParamFilter() && name.equals(DavElements.E_PARAM_FILTER))
                mParams.add(new ParamFilter(e));
            else if (name.equals(DavElements.E_TEXT_MATCH))
                mTextMatches.add(new TextMatch(e));
            else if (name.equals(DavElements.E_TIME_RANGE))
                mTimeRange = new TimeRange(e);
            else if (name.equals(DavElements.E_IS_NOT_DEFINED))
                mIsNotDefinedSet = true;
            else//from  www  .j a  va2s.  co  m
                ZimbraLog.dav.info("unrecognized filter " + name.getNamespaceURI() + ":" + name.getName());

From source file:com.zimbra.cs.dav.carddav.Filter.java

License:Open Source License

protected void parse(Element elem) {
    for (Object o : elem.elements()) {
        if (o instanceof Element) {
            Element e = (Element) o;
            QName name = e.getQName();
            if (canHavePropFilter() && name.equals(DavElements.CardDav.E_PROP_FILTER))
                mProps.add(new PropFilter(e));
            else if (canHaveParamFilter() && name.equals(DavElements.CardDav.E_PARAM_FILTER))
                mParams.add(new ParamFilter(e, this));
            else if (name.equals(DavElements.CardDav.E_TEXT_MATCH))
                mTextMatch = new TextMatch(e, this);
            else if (name.equals(DavElements.CardDav.E_IS_NOT_DEFINED))
                mIsNotDefinedSet = true;
            else/*  ww w.j a  va2s. c om*/
                ZimbraLog.dav.info("unrecognized filter " + name.getNamespaceURI() + ":" + name.getName());

From source file:com.zimbra.cs.dav.resource.MailItemResource.java

License:Open Source License

public void patchProperties(DavContext ctxt, java.util.Collection<Element> set,
        java.util.Collection<QName> remove) throws DavException, IOException {
    List<QName> reqProps = new ArrayList<QName>();
    for (QName n : remove) {
        mDeadProps.remove(n);//w  w  w  .  j  a  v  a 2  s.c  om
    for (Element e : set) {
        QName name = e.getQName();
        if (name.equals(DavElements.E_DISPLAYNAME)
                && (type == MailItem.Type.FOLDER || type == MailItem.Type.MOUNTPOINT)) {
            // rename folder
            try {
                String val = e.getText();
                String uri = getUri();
                Mailbox mbox = getMailbox(ctxt);
                mbox.rename(ctxt.getOperationContext(), mId, type, val, mFolderId);
                setProperty(DavElements.P_DISPLAYNAME, val);
                UrlNamespace.addToRenamedResource(getOwner(), uri, this);
                UrlNamespace.addToRenamedResource(getOwner(), uri.substring(0, uri.length() - 1), this);
            } catch (ServiceException se) {
                        new DavException(se.getMessage(), DavProtocol.STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCY));
        } else if (name.equals(DavElements.E_CALENDAR_COLOR)
                && (type == MailItem.Type.FOLDER || type == MailItem.Type.MOUNTPOINT)) {
            // change color
            String colorStr = e.getText();
            Color color = new Color(colorStr.substring(0, 7));
            byte col = (byte) COLOR_LIST.indexOf(colorStr);
            if (col >= 0)
            try {
                Mailbox mbox = getMailbox(ctxt);
                mbox.setColor(ctxt.getOperationContext(), new int[] { mId }, type, color);
            } catch (ServiceException se) {
                        new DavException(se.getMessage(), DavProtocol.STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCY));
        } else if (name.equals(DavElements.E_SUPPORTED_CALENDAR_COMPONENT_SET)) {
            // change default view
            List<Element> elements = e.elements(DavElements.E_COMP);
            boolean isTodo = false;
            boolean isEvent = false;
            for (Element element : elements) {
                Attribute attr = element.attribute(DavElements.P_NAME);
                if (attr != null && CalComponent.VTODO.name().equals(attr.getValue())) {
                    isTodo = true;
                } else if (attr != null && CalComponent.VEVENT.name().equals(attr.getValue())) {
                    isEvent = true;
            if (isEvent ^ isTodo) { // we support a calendar collection of type event or todo, not both or none.
                Type type = (isEvent) ? Type.APPOINTMENT : Type.TASK;
                try {
                    Mailbox mbox = getMailbox(ctxt);
                    mbox.setFolderDefaultView(ctxt.getOperationContext(), mId, type);
                    // Update the view for this collection. This collection may get cached if display name is modified.
                    // See UrlNamespace.addToRenamedResource()
                    if (this instanceof Collection) {
                        ((Collection) this).view = type;
                } catch (ServiceException se) {
                            new DavException(se.getMessage(), DavProtocol.STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCY));
            } else {
                ctxt.getResponseProp().addPropError(name, new DavException.CannotModifyProtectedProperty(name));
        mDeadProps.put(name, e);
    String configVal = "";
    if (mDeadProps.size() > 0) {
        org.dom4j.Document doc = org.dom4j.DocumentHelper.createDocument();
        Element top = doc.addElement(CONFIG_KEY);
        for (Map.Entry<QName, Element> entry : mDeadProps.entrySet())

        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createCompactFormat();
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(out, format);
        configVal = new String(out.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");

        if (configVal.length() > PROP_LENGTH_LIMIT)
            for (Map.Entry<QName, Element> entry : mDeadProps.entrySet())
                        new DavException("prop length exceeded", DavProtocol.STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE));
    Mailbox mbox = null;
    try {
        mbox = getMailbox(ctxt);
        Metadata data = mbox.getConfig(ctxt.getOperationContext(), CONFIG_KEY);
        if (data == null) {
            data = new Metadata();
        data.put(Integer.toString(mId), configVal);
        mbox.setConfig(ctxt.getOperationContext(), CONFIG_KEY, data);
    } catch (ServiceException se) {
        for (QName qname : reqProps)
                    new DavException(se.getMessage(), HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN));
    } finally {
        if (mbox != null)

From source file:com.zimbra.cs.dav.service.method.AclReports.java

License:Open Source License

private ArrayList<DavResource> getMatchingPrincipals(DavContext ctxt, QName prop, String match,
        GalSearchType type) throws DavException, ServiceException {
    Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
    ArrayList<DavResource> ret = new ArrayList<DavResource>();
    Account authAccount = ctxt.getAuthAccount();
    if (prop.equals(DavElements.E_DISPLAYNAME)) {
        if (!authAccount.isFeatureGalEnabled() || !authAccount.isFeatureGalAutoCompleteEnabled())
            return ret;
        SearchGalResult result = prov.searchGal(prov.getDomain(authAccount), match, type,
                Provisioning.GalMode.zimbra, null);
        for (GalContact ct : result.getMatches()) {
            String email = (String) ct.getAttrs().get(ContactConstants.A_email);
            if (email != null) {
                Account acct = prov.get(Key.AccountBy.name, email);
                if (acct != null)
                    ret.add(UrlNamespace.getPrincipal(ctxt, acct));
            }//from  w ww .  j  av  a  2s  .com
    } else if (prop.equals(DavElements.E_CALENDAR_HOME_SET)) {
        int index = match.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (index > 0)
            match = match.substring(index + 1);
        Account acct = prov.get(Key.AccountBy.name, match);
        if (acct != null)
            ret.add(UrlNamespace.getPrincipal(ctxt, acct));
    return ret;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.processor.generator.RequestGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

public ProcessorOutput createOutput(String name) {
    final ProcessorOutput output = new DigestTransformerOutputImpl(RequestGenerator.this, name) {
        public void readImpl(final PipelineContext pipelineContext, XMLReceiver xmlReceiver) {
            final State state = (State) getFilledOutState(pipelineContext);
            // Transform the resulting document into SAX

            TransformerUtils.sourceToSAX(new DocumentSource(state.requestDocument),
                    new ForwardingXMLReceiver(xmlReceiver) {
                        public void startElement(String uri, String localname, String qName,
                                Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
                            try {
                                if (REQUEST_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(uri)) {
                                    // Special treatment for this element
                                    if (FILE_ITEM_ELEMENT.equals(qName)) {
                                        // Marker for file item

                                        final String parameterName = attributes
                                        final int parameterPosition = Integer
                                        final FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) ((Object[]) getRequest(

                                        final AttributesImpl newAttributes = new AttributesImpl();
                                        super.startPrefixMapping(XMLConstants.XSI_PREFIX, XMLConstants.XSI_URI);
                                        super.startPrefixMapping(XMLConstants.XSD_PREFIX, XMLConstants.XSD_URI);
                                        newAttributes.addAttribute(XMLConstants.XSI_URI, "type", "xsi:type",
                                                useBase64(pipelineContext, fileItem)
                                                        ? XMLConstants.XS_BASE64BINARY_QNAME.getQualifiedName()
                                                        : XMLConstants.XS_ANYURI_QNAME.getQualifiedName());
                                        super.startElement("", "value", "value", newAttributes);
                                        writeFileItem(pipelineContext, fileItem, state.isSessionScope,
                                                useBase64(pipelineContext, fileItem), getXMLReceiver());
                                        super.endElement("", "value", "value");
                                    }//from   www  . ja  v a 2  s  . c  o  m
                                } else if (localname.equals("body") && uri.equals("")) {
                                    // Marker for request body

                                    // Read InputStream into FileItem object, if not already present

                                    // We do this so we can read the body multiple times, if needed.
                                    // For large files, there will be a performance hit. If we knew
                                    // we didn't need to read it multiple times, we could avoid
                                    // saving the stream, but practically, it can happen, and it is
                                    // convenient.
                                    final Context context = getContext(pipelineContext);
                                    if (context.bodyFileItem != null
                                            || getRequest(pipelineContext).getInputStream() != null) {

                                        final ExternalContext.Request request = getRequest(pipelineContext);

                                        if (context.bodyFileItem == null) {
                                            final FileItem fileItem = new DiskFileItemFactory(
                                                            "dummy", false, null);
                                                    new PipelineContext.ContextListenerAdapter() {
                                                        public void contextDestroyed(boolean success) {
                                            final OutputStream outputStream = fileItem.getOutputStream();
                                            NetUtils.copyStream(request.getInputStream(), outputStream);
                                            context.bodyFileItem = fileItem;
                                        // Serialize the stream into the body element
                                        final AttributesImpl newAttributes = new AttributesImpl();
                                        super.startPrefixMapping(XMLConstants.XSI_PREFIX, XMLConstants.XSI_URI);
                                        super.startPrefixMapping(XMLConstants.XSD_PREFIX, XMLConstants.XSD_URI);
                                        newAttributes.addAttribute(XMLConstants.XSI_URI, "type", "xsi:type",
                                                useBase64(pipelineContext, context.bodyFileItem)
                                                        ? XMLConstants.XS_BASE64BINARY_QNAME.getQualifiedName()
                                                        : XMLConstants.XS_ANYURI_QNAME.getQualifiedName());
                                        super.startElement(uri, localname, qName, newAttributes);
                                        final String uriOrNull = writeFileItem(pipelineContext,
                                                context.bodyFileItem, state.isSessionScope,
                                                useBase64(pipelineContext, context.bodyFileItem),
                                        super.endElement(uri, localname, qName);

                                        // If the body is available as a URL, store it into the pipeline context.
                                        // This is done so that native code can access the body even if it has been read
                                        // already. Possibly, this could be handled more transparently by ExternalContext,
                                        // so that Request.getInputStream() works even upon multiple reads.
                                        // NOTE 2013-05-30: We used to store this into the request, but request attributes
                                        // are forwarded by LocalRequest. This means that a forwarded-to request might get
                                        // the wrong body! Instead, we now use PipelineContext, which is scoped to be per
                                        // request. Again, if ExternalContext was handling this, we could just leave it to
                                        // ExternalContext.
                                        if (uriOrNull != null)
                                            pipelineContext.setAttribute(BODY_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, uriOrNull);
                                } else {
                                    super.startElement(uri, localname, qName, attributes);
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                throw new OXFException(e);

                        public void endElement(String uri, String localname, String qName) throws SAXException {
                            if (REQUEST_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(uri)
                                    || localname.equals("body") && uri.equals("")) {
                                // Ignore end element
                            } else {
                                super.endElement(uri, localname, qName);

        protected boolean fillOutState(PipelineContext pipelineContext, DigestState digestState) {
            final State state = (State) digestState;
            if (state.requestDocument == null) {
                // Read config document
                final Document config = readCacheInputAsDOM4J(pipelineContext, INPUT_CONFIG);

                // Try to find stream-type attribute
                final QName streamTypeQName = Dom4jUtils.extractAttributeValueQName(config.getRootElement(),
                if (streamTypeQName != null && !(streamTypeQName.equals(XMLConstants.XS_BASE64BINARY_QNAME)
                        || streamTypeQName.equals(XMLConstants.XS_ANYURI_QNAME)))
                    throw new OXFException(
                            "Invalid value for stream-type attribute: " + streamTypeQName.getQualifiedName());
                state.requestedStreamType = streamTypeQName;
                state.isSessionScope = "session".equals(config.getRootElement().attributeValue("stream-scope"));

                // Read and store request
                state.requestDocument = readRequestAsDOM4J(pipelineContext, config);

                // Check if the body was requested
                state.bodyRequested = XPathUtils.selectSingleNode(state.requestDocument, "/*/body") != null;
            final Context context = getContext(pipelineContext);
            return !context.hasUpload && !state.bodyRequested;

        protected byte[] computeDigest(PipelineContext pipelineContext, DigestState digestState) {
            final State state = (State) digestState;
            return XMLUtils.getDigest(new DocumentSource(state.requestDocument));
    addOutput(name, output);
    return output;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.processor.serializer.BinaryTextXMLReceiver.java

License:Open Source License

public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) {
    if (elementLevel++ == 0) {
        // This is the root element

        // Get xsi:type attribute and determine whether the input is binary or text
        String xsiType = attributes.getValue(XMLConstants.XSI_TYPE_QNAME.getNamespaceURI(),

        if (xsiType == null)
            throw new OXFException("Root element must contain an xsi:type attribute");

        int colonIndex = xsiType.indexOf(':');
        if (colonIndex == -1)
            throw new OXFException("Type xs:string or xs:base64Binary must be specified");

        String typePrefix = xsiType.substring(0, colonIndex);
        String typeLocalName = xsiType.substring(colonIndex + 1);

        if (prefixMappings == null)
            throw new OXFException("Undeclared prefix in xsi:type: " + typePrefix);

        String typeNamespaceURI = prefixMappings.get(typePrefix);
        if (typeNamespaceURI == null)
            throw new OXFException("Undeclared prefix in xsi:type: " + typePrefix);

        QName typeQName = new QName(typeLocalName, new Namespace(typePrefix, typeNamespaceURI));
        boolean isBinaryInput;
        if (typeQName.equals(XMLConstants.XS_BASE64BINARY_QNAME)) {
            isBinaryInput = true;//from  w  w  w.j  a v  a2s.c  o m
        } else if (typeQName.equals(XMLConstants.XS_STRING_QNAME)) {
            isBinaryInput = false;
        } else
            throw new OXFException("Type xs:string or xs:base64Binary must be specified");

        // Set last-modified if available
        final String validityAttribute = attributes.getValue("last-modified");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(validityAttribute)) {
            // Override caching settings which may have taken place before
            if (response != null)

        // Set filename if available
        final String fileName = attributes.getValue("filename");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileName)) {
            if (response != null)
                response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName);

        // Set status code if available
        final String statusCode = attributes.getValue("status-code");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statusCode)) {
            if (response != null)

        // Set ContentHandler and headers depending on input type
        final String contentTypeAttribute = attributes.getValue("content-type");
        if (isBinaryInput) {
            // Get content-type
            final String contentType = getContentType(contentTypeAttribute, DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE);

            if (response != null)

            outputContentHandler = new Base64XMLReceiver(outputStream);
        } else {
            // Get content-type and encoding
            final String contentType = getContentType(contentTypeAttribute, DEFAULT_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE);
            final String encoding = getEncoding(contentTypeAttribute, CachedSerializer.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

            // Always set the content type with a charset attribute
            if (response != null)
                response.setContentType(contentType + "; charset=" + encoding);

            try {
                writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, encoding);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new OXFException(e);
            outputContentHandler = new TextXMLReceiver(writer);

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.properties.PropertySet.java

License:Open Source License

 * Get a property.// w  w w .  j av a 2s  .  c o  m
 * @param name      property name
 * @param type      property type to check against, or null
 * @return          property object if found
private Property getProperty(String name, final QName type) {

    // Try first from exact properties
    Property property = exactProperties.get(name);
    if (property == null) {
        // If not found try traversing tree which contains properties with wildcards

        // Parse name and put into array
        final String[] tokensArray;
            final List<String> tokensList = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (StringTokenizer nameTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(name, "."); nameTokenizer.hasMoreTokens();)
            tokensArray = tokensList.toArray(new String[tokensList.size()]);
        // Call recursive worker
        property = getPropertyWorker(wildcardProperties, tokensArray, 0);
        if (property == null)
            return null;

    // Found a value, check type
    if (type != null && !type.equals(property.type))
        throw new OXFException("Invalid attribute type requested for property '" + name + "': expected "
                + type.getQualifiedName() + ", found " + property.type.getQualifiedName());

    // Return value
    return property;

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.processor.handlers.xhtml.XFormsSelect1Handler.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addItemAttributes(Item item, AttributesImpl spanAttributes) {
    final Map<QName, String> itemAttributes = item.jAttributes();
    if (itemAttributes != null && itemAttributes.size() > 0) {
        for (final Map.Entry<QName, String> entry : itemAttributes.entrySet()) {
            final QName attributeQName = entry.getKey();
            if (!attributeQName.equals(XFormsConstants.CLASS_QNAME)) { // class is handled separately
                final String attributeName = Itemset.getAttributeName(attributeQName);
                spanAttributes.addAttribute("", attributeName, attributeName, XMLReceiverHelper.CDATA,
            }// ww w  . ja v a2s.  c om

From source file:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.XFormsModelBinds.java

License:Open Source License

public Item evaluateBindByType(RuntimeBind bind, int position, QName mipType) throws XPathException {

    if (mipType.equals(XFormsConstants.RELEVANT_QNAME)) {
        // Relevant
        final Boolean relevant = evaluateRelevantMIP(bind, position);
        return (relevant != null) ? BooleanValue.get(relevant) : null;
    } else if (mipType.equals(XFormsConstants.READONLY_QNAME)) {
        // Readonly
        final Boolean readonly = evaluateReadonlyMIP(bind, position);
        return (readonly != null) ? BooleanValue.get(readonly) : null;
    } else if (mipType.equals(XFormsConstants.REQUIRED_QNAME)) {
        // Required
        final Boolean required = evaluateRequiredMIP(bind, position);
        return (required != null) ? BooleanValue.get(required) : null;
    } else if (mipType.equals(XFormsConstants.TYPE_QNAME)) {
        // Type// w  w w  .j av  a  2s  . com
        final NamespaceMapping namespaceMapping = bind.staticBind.namespaceMapping();
        final QName type = bind.evaluateTypeQName(namespaceMapping.mapping);
        return (type != null)
                ? new QNameValue(type.getNamespacePrefix(), type.getNamespaceURI(), type.getName(), null)
                : null;
    } else if (mipType.equals(XFormsConstants.CONSTRAINT_QNAME)) {
        // Constraint
        // TODO: Add support for other constraint levels.
        if (bind.staticBind.constraintsByLevel().nonEmpty())
            return BooleanValue.get(failedConstraintMIPs(StaticBind.jErrorLevel(), bind, position).isEmpty());
            return null;
    } else if (mipType.equals(XFormsConstants.CALCULATE_QNAME)) {
        // Calculate
        final String result = evaluateCalculateBind(bind, position);
        return (result != null) ? new StringValue(result) : null;
    } else if (mipType.equals(XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_DEFAULT_QNAME)) {
        // xxf:default
        final String result = evaluateXXFormsDefaultBind(bind, position);
        return (result != null) ? new StringValue(result) : null;
    } else {
        // Try custom MIPs
        final String result = evaluateCustomMIP(bind, Model.buildCustomMIPName(mipType.getQualifiedName()),
        return (result != null) ? new StringValue(result) : null;