Example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler IProblem InvalidTypeForCollectionTarget14

List of usage examples for org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler IProblem InvalidTypeForCollectionTarget14


In this page you can find the example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler IProblem InvalidTypeForCollectionTarget14.


int InvalidTypeForCollectionTarget14

To view the source code for org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler IProblem InvalidTypeForCollectionTarget14.

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From source file:org.eclipse.ajdt.core.parserbridge.AJCompilationUnitProblemFinder.java

License:Open Source License

public static boolean isARealProblem(CategorizedProblem categorizedProblem, CompilationUnit unit,
        AJProjectModelFacade model, boolean hasModel, boolean isJavaFileInAJEditor) {

    int numArgs = categorizedProblem.getArguments() == null ? 0 : categorizedProblem.getArguments().length;
    String firstArg = numArgs > 0 ? categorizedProblem.getArguments()[0] : null;
    String secondArg = numArgs > 1 ? categorizedProblem.getArguments()[1] : null;

    int id = categorizedProblem.getID();

    if (!hasModel && (id == IProblem.UndefinedType || id == IProblem.UndefinedName
            || id == IProblem.UnresolvedVariable || // AJDT 3.6
            id == IProblem.UndefinedField || id == IProblem.UndefinedMethod
            || id == IProblem.UndefinedConstructor || id == IProblem.IllegalCast
            || id == IProblem.AbstractMethodMustBeImplemented) // anonymous interface with ITDs implementing abstract method
    ) {/*from  w  w w  . ja  v  a2s. c  o m*/
        // if there is no model, don't take any chances.
        // everything that might be an ITD reference is ignored
        return false;

    if (categorizedProblem.getSourceStart() == 0) {
        // a place for all problems that don't have source locations
        // because they come from ITDs
        return false;

    if (numArgs > 0 && id == IProblem.UndefinedMethod && (extraAspectMethods.contains(firstArg))
            || extraAspectMethods.contains(secondArg)) {
        // probably hasAspect or aspectOf
        return false;

    if (numArgs > 1 && (id == IProblem.DuplicateField || id == IProblem.DuplicateMethod)
            && (aspectMemberNames.contains(firstArg) || aspectMemberNames.contains(secondArg))
            || declareAnnotationKinds.contains(firstArg) || declareAnnotationKinds.contains(secondArg)) {
        // declare statement if more than one exist in a file
        // or around advice if more than one of the same kind exists in the aspect
        return false;

    if (numArgs > 1 && id == IProblem.DuplicateMethod && isTranslatedAdviceName(firstArg, secondArg)) {
        // more than one before or after advice exists
        // in same file with same number and types of arguments
        // as per bug 318132, before and after names are translated
        // to 'b' and 'a' respectively
        return false;

    if (numArgs == 0 && id == IProblem.MissingReturnType) {
        // ITD constructors don't have return types
        // check the name to see if there is a $ in it
        String problemRegion = extractProblemRegion(categorizedProblem, unit);
        if (problemRegion.indexOf("$") != -1) {
            return false;
        String[] parts = problemRegion.split("\\(");
        String name = parts[0].trim();
        if (aspectMemberNames.contains(name)) {
            // advice---before or after
            return false;

    if (numArgs == 0 && id == IProblem.InvalidExplicitConstructorCall) {
        // ITD constructor making explicit this() call.
        // lots of potential for false negatives
        return false;

    if (numArgs == 0 && id == IProblem.MethodRequiresBody) {
        // Likely to be a pointcut definition
        return false;

    if (numArgs == 2 && id == IProblem.ParsingErrorInsertToComplete && firstArg.equals(";")
            && secondArg.equals("FieldDeclaration")) {
        // might be a declare statement
        String problemRegion = extractProblemRegion(categorizedProblem, unit);
        if (aspectMemberNames.contains(problemRegion)) {
            return false;

    // this one is not used any more since the '@' is being removed from the text
    //        if (numArgs == 1 && 
    //                id == IProblem.ParsingErrorDeleteToken &&
    //                firstArg.equals("@")) {
    //            // likely to be declare annotation declaration
    //            // declare @type, declare @constructor, declare @method, declare @field
    //            String problemRegion = extractNextJavaIdentifier(unit, categorizedProblem.getSourceEnd());
    //            if (declareAnnotationKinds.contains(problemRegion)) {
    //                return false;
    //            }
    //        }

    if (numArgs == 1 && id == IProblem.UndefinedType && declareAnnotationKinds.contains(firstArg)) {
        // alternate error of declare annotations
        return false;

    if (numArgs == 1 && id == IProblem.UndefinedType && firstArg.equals("declare")) {
        // from a declare declaration
        return false;

    if (numArgs == 1 && id == IProblem.UndefinedType && firstArg.equals("pointcut")) {
        // from a pointcut declaration
        return false;

    if (numArgs > 0 && (id == IProblem.UndefinedName || id == IProblem.UnresolvedVariable || // AJDT 3.6 
            id == IProblem.UndefinedField || id == IProblem.UndefinedMethod || id == IProblem.UndefinedType
            || id == IProblem.UndefinedConstructor)
            && isITDName(categorizedProblem, unit, model, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
        // a reference inside an aspect to an ITD that it declares
        return false;

    if (hasModel && id == IProblem.ShouldReturnValue && categorizedProblem.getSourceStart() == 0
            && categorizedProblem.getSourceEnd() == 0) {
        // from an inserted ITD that has already been removed
        // this problem comes because the bodies of the ITDs inserted by ITDInserter 
        // are always empty even when there should be a return value
        return false;

    if (hasModel && (id == IProblem.NotVisibleType || id == IProblem.MethodReducesVisibility)
            && categorizedProblem.getSourceStart() == 0) {
        // declare parents type that is not visible by current
        // type.  this is fine as long as it is visible
        // in the scope of the declare parents declaration.
        return false;

    if ((id == IProblem.NotVisibleConstructor || id == IProblem.NotVisibleField
            || id == IProblem.NotVisibleMethod || id == IProblem.NotVisibleType)
            && isPrivilegedAspect(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {

        // a privileged aspect should be able to see all private/protected members
        return false;

    try {

        if (numArgs > 1 && id == IProblem.DuplicateMethod && simpleNamesEquals(firstArg, secondArg)) {
            // bug 280385
            // no arg constructor ITD when the target type 
            // has an implicit no arg constructor

            IJavaElement elt = unit.getElementAt(categorizedProblem.getSourceStart());
            // here, check to see if the method name is the same as the 
            // type name. If so, then look for the default constructor,
            // if none exists, then we can ignore this problem
            if (elt.getElementType() == IJavaElement.TYPE) {
                IType type = (IType) elt;
                if (type.getElementName().equals(firstArg)) {
                    IMethod method = type.getMethod(type.getElementName(), new String[0]);
                    if (!method.exists()) {
                        return false;

        if (id == IProblem.ReturnTypeMismatch && numArgs == 2
                && typeAtPositionIsArg(categorizedProblem, unit, firstArg)) {
            if (findLastSegment(getITDTargetType(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor))
                    .equals(findLastSegment(secondArg))) {
                // bug 284358
                // this problem occurs when 'this' is returned from an ITD method
                // the resolver thinks there is a type mismath because it was 
                // expecting the aspect type (argument 1) instead of the ITD type
                // (argument 2)
                return false;

            if (insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)
                    && isThisExpression(categorizedProblem, unit)) {
                // Bug 361170
                // Likely a this expresion that is casted to a super type of the ITD
                return false;

        if (numArgs > 0 && (id == IProblem.UndefinedMethod || id == IProblem.UndefinedName
                || id == IProblem.UnresolvedVariable) && // AJDT 3.6 
                (adviceBodyNames.contains(firstArg) || adviceBodyNames.contains(secondArg))
                && insideAdvice(categorizedProblem, unit)) {
            // proceed/thisJoinPoint... statement
            return false;

        if (numArgs == 1 && (id == IProblem.ParsingErrorDeleteToken || id == IProblem.ParsingErrorDeleteTokens)
                && aspectMemberNames.contains(firstArg)
                && insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
            // the implements or extends clause of a declare statement
            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.ParameterMismatch && insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
            // Probably a reference to 'this' inside an ITD
            // compiler thinks 'this' refers to the containing aspect
            // not the target type
            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.AbstractMethodInAbstractClass
                && insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
            // an abstract method ITD inside a concrete aspect
            // ITDs are allowed to be abstract if the target
            // type is an abstract class, but problem finder does not know this
            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.IllegalAbstractModifierCombinationForMethod
                && insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
            // private abstract itd in aspect
            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.UnusedPrivateField && (insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)
                || getITDNames(unit, model).size() > 0)) {
            // private itd is said to be unused, even if it is really used elsewhere
            // also, if this type has some ITDs, then we really don't know if it is used in the
            // ITDs, so just be safe and ignore this problem
            return false;

        if (numArgs > 0 && (id == IProblem.UndefinedName || id == IProblem.UnresolvedVariable || // AJDT 3.6 
                id == IProblem.UndefinedField || id == IProblem.UndefinedMethod || id == IProblem.UndefinedType
                || id == IProblem.UndefinedConstructor)
                && insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
            // likely to be a reference inside an ITD to a name in the target type
            // also will erroneously filter out truly undefined names
            return false;

        if (numArgs > 0 && (id == IProblem.UndefinedType || id == IProblem.InternalTypeNameProvided)
                && firstArg.indexOf('$') != -1) {
            // based on previous test, we are not inside of an ITD, 
            // so we may be defining a field or variable with a 
            // type of an inner class using a '.'.
            // the AspectsConvertingParser converts this '.' into a '$'
            // ignore.

            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.NonStaticAccessToStaticField
                && isITDName(categorizedProblem, unit, model, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
            // this is a reference to an ITD field on an interface
            // compiler thinks that all fields in interfaces are static final
            return false;

        if ((id == IProblem.UnhandledException || id == IProblem.UnhandledExceptionInImplicitConstructorCall
                || id == IProblem.UnhandledExceptionInDefaultConstructor)
                && (!model.hasModel() || isSoftened(categorizedProblem, unit, model, isJavaFileInAJEditor))) {
            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.UninitializedBlankFinalField
                && unit.getElementAt(categorizedProblem.getSourceStart()) == null) {
            // likely to be inserted dummy fields for organize imports
            // this only happens when the last declaration is an interface
            // these dummy fields are implicitly converted to public static final
            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.AbstractMethodsInConcreteClass
                && isAspect(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
            /* AJDT 1.7 */
            // an aspect that has an abstract ITD will have this problem
            // in this case it is a spurious problem.  Filter it
            // unfortunately, this also means filtering real problems
            // where concrete aspects have abstract methods
            // new for 1.7
            return false;

        if (id == IProblem.JavadocMissingReturnTag && insidePointcut(categorizedProblem, unit)) {
            // pointcuts are parsed as methods with 'pointcut' 
            // as the return type
            // when JavaDoc checking is set, the parser thinks that
            // 'pointcut' should have its own javadoc tag
            return false;

        if (numArgs == 1 && id == IProblem.ShouldReturnValue && firstArg.equals("int")
                && insideAdvice(categorizedProblem, unit)) {
            // Bug 318132: after keyword is changed to 'int a' to avoid throwing exceptions while 
            // evaluating variables during debug
            return false;

        if ((id == IProblem.InvalidTypeForCollection || id == IProblem.InvalidTypeForCollectionTarget14
                || id == IProblem.IncompatibleTypesInConditionalOperator || id == IProblem.IllegalCast)
                && insideITD(categorizedProblem, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor) &&
                // I wish there were a more precise way of doing this.  Need to 
                // look for a 'this' expression.
                extractProblemRegion(categorizedProblem, unit).contains("this")) {

            // Bug 347021 
            // a 'this' expression in an ITD refers to the target type, not the aspect.
            // these problems here indicate that the aspect type is being used instead 
            // of the target type.
            return false;

    } catch (JavaModelException e) {

    if (id == IProblem.AbstractMethodMustBeImplemented
            && isITDName(categorizedProblem, unit, model, isJavaFileInAJEditor)) {
        // a type implements an interface with an ITD method on it
        return false;

    if (id == IProblem.AbstractMethodMustBeImplemented
            && (!hasModel || isAbstractITD(categorizedProblem, model, unit, isJavaFileInAJEditor))) {
        // this one is very tricky and rare.
        // there is a abstract method ITD defined on a supertype
        // since this type was altered using AspectConvertingParser, 
        // the implementation of this abstract method is not necessarily there
        return false;
    return true;