Java org.eclipse.jdt.core IType fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.eclipse.jdt.core IType fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.eclipse.jdt.core IType.

The text is from its open source code.


org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType has the following implementations.
Click this link to see all its implementation.


voidcodeComplete(char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, ICompletionRequestor requestor)
Do code completion inside a code snippet in the context of the current type.
voidcodeComplete(char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, CompletionRequestor requestor)
Do code completion inside a code snippet in the context of the current type.
voidcodeComplete(char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, ICompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
Do code completion inside a code snippet in the context of the current type.
voidcodeComplete(char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, CompletionRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Do code completion inside a code snippet in the context of the current type.
voidcodeComplete(char[] snippet, int insertion, int position, char[][] localVariableTypeNames, char[][] localVariableNames, int[] localVariableModifiers, boolean isStatic, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
Do code completion inside a code snippet in the context of the current type.
IFieldcreateField(String contents, IJavaElement sibling, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a field in this type with the given contents.
IMethodcreateMethod(String contents, IJavaElement sibling, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a method or constructor in this type with the given contents.
ITypecreateType(String contents, IJavaElement sibling, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a type in this type with the given contents.
Returns whether this Java element exists in the model.
IMethod[]findMethods(IMethod method)
Finds the methods in this type that correspond to the given method.
IJavaElementgetAncestor(int ancestorType)
Returns this Java element or the first ancestor of this element that has the given type.
IAnnotationgetAnnotation(String name)
Returns the annotation with the given name declared on this element.
Returns the annotations for this element.
StringgetAttachedJavadoc(IProgressMonitor monitor)

Returns the Javadoc as HTML source if this element has attached Javadoc, null otherwise.

This should be used only for binary elements.

Strengthen the contract of the inherited method to signal that the returned class file is always an IOrdinaryClassFile .
Returns the compilation unit in which this member is declared, or null if this member is not declared in a compilation unit (for example, a binary type).
Returns the resource that corresponds directly to this element, or null if there is no resource that corresponds to this element.
Returns the type in which this member is declared, or null if this member is not declared in a type (for example, a top-level type).
Returns the simple name of this type, unqualified by package or enclosing type.
Returns this element's kind encoded as an integer.
IFieldgetField(String name)
Returns the field with the specified name in this type (for example, "bar").
Returns the fields declared by this type in the order in which they appear in the source or class file.
Returns the modifier flags for this member.
StringgetFullyQualifiedName(char enclosingTypeSeparator)
Returns the fully qualified name of this type, including qualification for any containing types and packages.
Returns the fully qualified name of this type, including qualification for any containing types and packages.
Returns this type's fully qualified name using a '.'
Returns a string representation of this element handle.
IInitializergetInitializer(int occurrenceCount)
Returns the initializer with the specified position relative to the order they are defined in the source.
Returns the initializers declared by this type.
Returns the Javadoc range if this element is from source or if this element is a binary element with an attached source, null otherwise.
Returns the Java project this element is contained in, or null if this element is not contained in any Java project (for instance, the IJavaModel is not contained in any Java project).
Returns the binding key for this type only if the given type is #isResolved() resolved .
IMethodgetMethod(String name, String[] parameterTypeSignatures)
Returns the method with the specified name and parameter types in this type (for example, "foo", {"I", "QString;"}).
Returns the methods and constructors declared by this type.
Returns the position relative to the order this member is defined in the source.
Returns the first openable parent.
Returns the package fragment in which this element is defined.
Returns the element directly containing this element, or null if this element has no parent.
Returns the path to the innermost resource enclosing this element.
Returns the primary element (whose compilation unit is the primary compilation unit) this working copy element was created from, or this element if it is a descendant of a primary compilation unit or if it is not a descendant of a working copy (e.g.
Returns the innermost resource enclosing this element.
Returns the name of this type's superclass, or null for source types that do not specify a superclass.
Returns the type signature of this type's superclass, or null if none.
Returns the names of interfaces that this type implements or extends, in the order in which they are listed in the source.
Returns the type signatures of the interfaces that this type implements or extends, in the order in which they are listed in the source.
ITypegetType(String name, int occurrenceCount)
Returns the local or anonymous type declared in this source member with the given simple name and/or with the specified position relative to the order they are defined in the source.
ITypegetType(String name)
Returns the member type declared in this type with the given simple name.
ITypeParametergetTypeParameter(String name)
Returns the type parameter declared in this type with the given name.
Returns the formal type parameters for this type.
Returns the formal type parameter signatures for this type.
Returns the type-qualified name of this type, including qualification for any enclosing types, but not including package qualification.
StringgetTypeQualifiedName(char enclosingTypeSeparator)
Returns the type-qualified name of this type, including qualification for any enclosing types, but not including package qualification.
Returns the Java type root in which this member is declared.
Returns the immediate member types declared by this type.
Returns the smallest underlying resource that contains this element, or null if this element is not contained in a resource.
Returns whether this type represents an annotation type.
Returns whether this type represents an anonymous type.
Returns whether this member is from a class file.
Returns whether this type represents a class.
Returns whether this type represents an enumeration class.
Returns whether this type represents an interface.
Returns whether this type represents a lambda expression.
Returns whether this type represents a local type.
Returns whether this type represents a member type.
Returns whether this Java element is read-only.
Returns whether this type represents a resolved type.
Returns whether the structure of this element is known.
ITypeHierarchynewSupertypeHierarchy(IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type and all of its supertypes.
ITypeHierarchynewTypeHierarchy(IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the workspace.
ITypeHierarchynewTypeHierarchy(IJavaProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the context of the given project.
ITypeHierarchynewTypeHierarchy(ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the workspace, considering types in the given working copies.
ITypeHierarchynewTypeHierarchy(IWorkingCopy[] workingCopies, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the workspace, considering types in the given working copies.
ITypeHierarchynewTypeHierarchy(WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the workspace, considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
String[][]resolveType(String typeName)
Resolves the given type name within the context of this type (depending on the type hierarchy and its imports).