Java SearchEngine fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java SearchEngine fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for SearchEngine.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Creates a new search engine.
SearchEngine(ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies)
Creates a new search engine with a list of working copies that will take precedence over their original compilation units in the subsequent search operations.
SearchEngine(IWorkingCopy[] workingCopies)
Creates a new search engine with a list of working copies that will take precedence over their original compilation units in the subsequent search operations.
SearchEngine(WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner)
Creates a new search engine with the given working copy owner.


IJavaSearchScopecreateHierarchyScope(IType type)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type.
IJavaSearchScopecreateJavaSearchScope(IResource[] resources)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the given resources.
IJavaSearchScopecreateJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[] elements)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements.
IJavaSearchScopecreateJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[] elements, boolean includeReferencedProjects)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements.
IJavaSearchScopecreateJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[] elements, int includeMask)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements.
ISearchPatterncreateOrSearchPattern(ISearchPattern leftPattern, ISearchPattern rightPattern)
Returns a search pattern that combines the given two patterns into a "or" pattern.
ISearchPatterncreateSearchPattern(String stringPattern, int searchFor, int limitTo, boolean isCaseSensitive)
Returns a search pattern based on a given string pattern.
IJavaSearchScopecreateStrictHierarchyScope(IJavaProject project, IType type, boolean onlySubtypes, boolean includeFocusType, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type and to a given project.
TypeNameMatchcreateTypeNameMatch(IType type, int modifiers)
Create a type name match on a given type with specific modifiers.
Returns a Java search scope with the workspace as the only limit.
Returns a new default Java search participant.
voidsearch(IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement element, int limitTo, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Searches for the given Java element.
voidsearch(SearchPattern pattern, SearchParticipant[] participants, IJavaSearchScope scope, SearchRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Searches for matches of a given search pattern.
voidsearch(IWorkspace workspace, ISearchPattern searchPattern, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Searches for matches of a given search pattern.
voidsearchAllTypeNames(final char[] packageName, final int packageMatchRule, final char[] typeName, final int typeMatchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, final TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
voidsearchAllTypeNames(final char[] packageName, final int packageMatchRule, final char[] typeName, final int typeMatchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, final TypeNameMatchRequestor nameMatchRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
voidsearchAllTypeNames(final char[][] qualifications, final char[][] typeNames, IJavaSearchScope scope, final TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope matching any of the given qualifications and type names in a case sensitive way.
voidsearchAllTypeNames(final char[][] qualifications, final char[][] typeNames, IJavaSearchScope scope, final TypeNameMatchRequestor nameMatchRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope matching any of the given qualifications and type names in a case sensitive way.
voidsearchAllTypeNames(final char[] packageExactName, final char[] typeName, final int matchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, final TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
voidsearchAllTypeNames(final char[] packageName, final char[] typeName, final int matchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, final ITypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
voidsearchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IJavaElement enclosingElement, SearchRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
Searches for all declarations of the types referenced in the given element.
voidsearchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement enclosingElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Searches for all declarations of the types referenced in the given element.