Example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast MethodDeclaration isStatic

List of usage examples for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast MethodDeclaration isStatic


In this page you can find the example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast MethodDeclaration isStatic.


public boolean isStatic() 

Source Link


From source file:lombok.eclipse.handlers.HandleBuilder.java

License:Open Source License

public void handle(AnnotationValues<Builder> annotation, Annotation ast, EclipseNode annotationNode) {
    long p = (long) ast.sourceStart << 32 | ast.sourceEnd;

    Builder builderInstance = annotation.getInstance();

    // These exist just to support the 'old' lombok.experimental.Builder, which had these properties. lombok.Builder no longer has them.
    boolean fluent = toBoolean(annotation.getActualExpression("fluent"), true);
    boolean chain = toBoolean(annotation.getActualExpression("chain"), true);

    String builderMethodName = builderInstance.builderMethodName();
    String buildMethodName = builderInstance.buildMethodName();
    String builderClassName = builderInstance.builderClassName();
    String toBuilderMethodName = "toBuilder";
    boolean toBuilder = builderInstance.toBuilder();
    List<char[]> typeArgsForToBuilder = null;

    if (builderMethodName == null)
        builderMethodName = "builder";
    if (buildMethodName == null)
        builderMethodName = "build";
    if (builderClassName == null)
        builderClassName = "";

    if (!checkName("builderMethodName", builderMethodName, annotationNode))
        return;//from   w w  w.  j  av a 2 s  .  c  o  m
    if (!checkName("buildMethodName", buildMethodName, annotationNode))
    if (!builderClassName.isEmpty()) {
        if (!checkName("builderClassName", builderClassName, annotationNode))

    EclipseNode parent = annotationNode.up();

    List<BuilderFieldData> builderFields = new ArrayList<BuilderFieldData>();
    TypeReference returnType;
    TypeParameter[] typeParams;
    TypeReference[] thrownExceptions;
    char[] nameOfStaticBuilderMethod;
    EclipseNode tdParent;

    EclipseNode fillParametersFrom = parent.get() instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration ? parent : null;
    boolean addCleaning = false;

    if (parent.get() instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
        tdParent = parent;
        TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) tdParent.get();

        List<EclipseNode> allFields = new ArrayList<EclipseNode>();
        boolean valuePresent = (hasAnnotation(lombok.Value.class, parent)
                || hasAnnotation(lombok.experimental.Value.class, parent));
        for (EclipseNode fieldNode : HandleConstructor.findAllFields(tdParent)) {
            FieldDeclaration fd = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
            // final fields with an initializer cannot be written to, so they can't be 'builderized'. Unfortunately presence of @Value makes
            // non-final fields final, but @Value's handler hasn't done this yet, so we have to do this math ourselves.
            // Value will only skip making a field final if it has an explicit @NonFinal annotation, so we check for that.
            if (fd.initialization != null && valuePresent && !hasAnnotation(NonFinal.class, fieldNode))
            BuilderFieldData bfd = new BuilderFieldData();
            bfd.rawName = fieldNode.getName().toCharArray();
            bfd.name = removePrefixFromField(fieldNode);
            bfd.type = fd.type;
            bfd.singularData = getSingularData(fieldNode, ast);
            addObtainVia(bfd, fieldNode);

        new HandleConstructor().generateConstructor(tdParent, AccessLevel.PACKAGE, allFields, false, null,
                SkipIfConstructorExists.I_AM_BUILDER, null, Collections.<Annotation>emptyList(),

        returnType = namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(td.name, td.typeParameters, p);
        typeParams = td.typeParameters;
        thrownExceptions = null;
        nameOfStaticBuilderMethod = null;
        if (builderClassName.isEmpty())
            builderClassName = new String(td.name) + "Builder";
    } else if (parent.get() instanceof ConstructorDeclaration) {
        ConstructorDeclaration cd = (ConstructorDeclaration) parent.get();
        if (cd.typeParameters != null && cd.typeParameters.length > 0) {
                    .addError("@Builder is not supported on constructors with constructor type parameters.");

        tdParent = parent.up();
        TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) tdParent.get();
        returnType = namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(td.name, td.typeParameters, p);
        typeParams = td.typeParameters;
        thrownExceptions = cd.thrownExceptions;
        nameOfStaticBuilderMethod = null;
        if (builderClassName.isEmpty())
            builderClassName = new String(cd.selector) + "Builder";
    } else if (parent.get() instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
        MethodDeclaration md = (MethodDeclaration) parent.get();
        tdParent = parent.up();
        if (!md.isStatic()) {
            annotationNode.addError("@Builder is only supported on types, constructors, and static methods.");

        if (toBuilder) {
            final String TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED = "@Builder(toBuilder=true) is only supported if you return your own type.";
            char[] token;
            char[][] pkg = null;
            if (md.returnType.dimensions() > 0) {

            if (md.returnType instanceof SingleTypeReference) {
                token = ((SingleTypeReference) md.returnType).token;
            } else if (md.returnType instanceof QualifiedTypeReference) {
                pkg = ((QualifiedTypeReference) md.returnType).tokens;
                token = pkg[pkg.length];
                char[][] pkg_ = new char[pkg.length - 1][];
                System.arraycopy(pkg, 0, pkg_, 0, pkg_.length);
                pkg = pkg_;
            } else {

            if (pkg != null && !equals(parent.getPackageDeclaration(), pkg)) {

            if (tdParent == null || !equals(tdParent.getName(), token)) {

            TypeParameter[] tpOnType = ((TypeDeclaration) tdParent.get()).typeParameters;
            TypeParameter[] tpOnMethod = md.typeParameters;
            TypeReference[][] tpOnRet_ = null;
            if (md.returnType instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) {
                tpOnRet_ = new TypeReference[1][];
                tpOnRet_[0] = ((ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) md.returnType).typeArguments;
            } else if (md.returnType instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) {
                tpOnRet_ = ((ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) md.returnType).typeArguments;

            if (tpOnRet_ != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < tpOnRet_.length - 1; i++) {
                    if (tpOnRet_[i] != null && tpOnRet_[i].length > 0) {
                                "@Builder(toBuilder=true) is not supported if returning a type with generics applied to an intermediate.");
            TypeReference[] tpOnRet = tpOnRet_ == null ? null : tpOnRet_[tpOnRet_.length - 1];
            typeArgsForToBuilder = new ArrayList<char[]>();

            // Every typearg on this method needs to be found in the return type, but the reverse is not true.
            // We also need to 'map' them.

            if (tpOnMethod != null)
                for (TypeParameter onMethod : tpOnMethod) {
                    int pos = -1;
                    if (tpOnRet != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < tpOnRet.length; i++) {
                            if (tpOnRet[i].getClass() != SingleTypeReference.class)
                            if (!Arrays.equals(((SingleTypeReference) tpOnRet[i]).token, onMethod.name))
                            pos = i;
                    if (pos == -1 || tpOnType == null || tpOnType.length <= pos) {
                                "@Builder(toBuilder=true) requires that each type parameter on the static method is part of the typeargs of the return value. Type parameter "
                                        + new String(onMethod.name) + " is not part of the return type.");


        returnType = copyType(md.returnType, ast);
        typeParams = md.typeParameters;
        thrownExceptions = md.thrownExceptions;
        nameOfStaticBuilderMethod = md.selector;
        if (builderClassName.isEmpty()) {
            char[] token;
            if (md.returnType instanceof QualifiedTypeReference) {
                char[][] tokens = ((QualifiedTypeReference) md.returnType).tokens;
                token = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
            } else if (md.returnType instanceof SingleTypeReference) {
                token = ((SingleTypeReference) md.returnType).token;
                if (!(md.returnType instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) && typeParams != null) {
                    for (TypeParameter tp : typeParams) {
                        if (Arrays.equals(tp.name, token)) {
                                    "@Builder requires specifying 'builderClassName' if used on methods with a type parameter as return type.");
            } else {
                        "Unexpected kind of return type on annotated method. Specify 'builderClassName' to solve this problem.");

            if (Character.isLowerCase(token[0])) {
                char[] newToken = new char[token.length];
                System.arraycopy(token, 1, newToken, 1, token.length - 1);
                newToken[0] = Character.toTitleCase(token[0]);
                token = newToken;

            builderClassName = new String(token) + "Builder";
    } else {
        annotationNode.addError("@Builder is only supported on types, constructors, and static methods.");

    if (fillParametersFrom != null) {
        for (EclipseNode param : fillParametersFrom.down()) {
            if (param.getKind() != Kind.ARGUMENT)
            BuilderFieldData bfd = new BuilderFieldData();
            Argument arg = (Argument) param.get();
            bfd.rawName = arg.name;
            bfd.name = arg.name;
            bfd.type = arg.type;
            bfd.singularData = getSingularData(param, ast);
            addObtainVia(bfd, param);

    EclipseNode builderType = findInnerClass(tdParent, builderClassName);
    if (builderType == null) {
        builderType = makeBuilderClass(tdParent, builderClassName, typeParams, ast);
    } else {
        sanityCheckForMethodGeneratingAnnotationsOnBuilderClass(builderType, annotationNode);
        /* generate errors for @Singular BFDs that have one already defined node. */ {
            for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) {
                SingularData sd = bfd.singularData;
                if (sd == null)
                EclipseSingularizer singularizer = sd.getSingularizer();
                if (singularizer == null)
                if (singularizer.checkForAlreadyExistingNodesAndGenerateError(builderType, sd)) {
                    bfd.singularData = null;

    for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) {
        if (bfd.singularData != null && bfd.singularData.getSingularizer() != null) {
            if (bfd.singularData.getSingularizer().requiresCleaning()) {
                addCleaning = true;
        if (bfd.obtainVia != null) {
            if (bfd.obtainVia.field().isEmpty() == bfd.obtainVia.method().isEmpty()) {
                        "The syntax is either @ObtainVia(field = \"fieldName\") or @ObtainVia(method = \"methodName\").");
            if (bfd.obtainVia.method().isEmpty() && bfd.obtainVia.isStatic()) {
                        .addError("@ObtainVia(isStatic = true) is not valid unless 'method' has been set.");

    generateBuilderFields(builderType, builderFields, ast);
    if (addCleaning) {
        FieldDeclaration cleanDecl = new FieldDeclaration(CLEAN_FIELD_NAME, 0, -1);
        cleanDecl.declarationSourceEnd = -1;
        cleanDecl.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate;
        cleanDecl.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_boolean, 0);
        injectFieldAndMarkGenerated(builderType, cleanDecl);

    if (constructorExists(builderType) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) {
        ConstructorDeclaration cd = HandleConstructor.createConstructor(AccessLevel.PACKAGE, builderType,
                Collections.<EclipseNode>emptyList(), false, null, annotationNode,
        if (cd != null)
            injectMethod(builderType, cd);

    for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) {
        makeSetterMethodsForBuilder(builderType, bfd, annotationNode, fluent, chain);

    if (methodExists(buildMethodName, builderType, -1) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) {
        MethodDeclaration md = generateBuildMethod(buildMethodName, nameOfStaticBuilderMethod, returnType,
                builderFields, builderType, thrownExceptions, addCleaning, ast);
        if (md != null)
            injectMethod(builderType, md);

    if (methodExists("toString", builderType, 0) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) {
        List<EclipseNode> fieldNodes = new ArrayList<EclipseNode>();
        for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) {
        MethodDeclaration md = HandleToString.createToString(builderType, fieldNodes, true, false, ast,
        if (md != null)
            injectMethod(builderType, md);

    if (addCleaning) {
        MethodDeclaration cleanMethod = generateCleanMethod(builderFields, builderType, ast);
        if (cleanMethod != null)
            injectMethod(builderType, cleanMethod);

    if (methodExists(builderMethodName, tdParent, -1) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) {
        MethodDeclaration md = generateBuilderMethod(builderMethodName, builderClassName, tdParent, typeParams,
        if (md != null)
            injectMethod(tdParent, md);

    if (toBuilder)
        switch (methodExists(toBuilderMethodName, tdParent, 0)) {
        case EXISTS_BY_USER:
            annotationNode.addWarning("Not generating toBuilder() as it already exists.");
        case NOT_EXISTS:
            TypeParameter[] tps = typeParams;
            if (typeArgsForToBuilder != null) {
                tps = new TypeParameter[typeArgsForToBuilder.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < tps.length; i++) {
                    tps[i] = new TypeParameter();
                    tps[i].name = typeArgsForToBuilder.get(i);
            MethodDeclaration md = generateToBuilderMethod(toBuilderMethodName, builderClassName, tdParent, tps,
                    builderFields, fluent, ast);

            if (md != null)
                injectMethod(tdParent, md);

From source file:lombok.eclipse.handlers.HandleSynchronized.java

License:Open Source License

public void preHandle(AnnotationValues<Synchronized> annotation, Annotation source,
        EclipseNode annotationNode) {//from w  ww  .ja  v a2 s  .  c o m
    EclipseNode methodNode = annotationNode.up();
    if (methodNode == null || methodNode.getKind() != Kind.METHOD
            || !(methodNode.get() instanceof MethodDeclaration))
    MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) methodNode.get();
    if (method.isAbstract())

    createLockField(annotation, annotationNode, method.isStatic(), false);

From source file:lombok.eclipse.handlers.HandleSynchronized.java

License:Open Source License

public void handle(AnnotationValues<Synchronized> annotation, Annotation source, EclipseNode annotationNode) {
    handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.SYNCHRONIZED_FLAG_USAGE, "@Synchronized");

    int p1 = source.sourceStart - 1;
    int p2 = source.sourceStart - 2;
    long pos = (((long) p1) << 32) | p2;
    EclipseNode methodNode = annotationNode.up();
    if (methodNode == null || methodNode.getKind() != Kind.METHOD
            || !(methodNode.get() instanceof MethodDeclaration)) {
        annotationNode.addError("@Synchronized is legal only on methods.");
        return;//w ww  .  j a va 2  s.  com

    MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) methodNode.get();
    if (method.isAbstract()) {
        annotationNode.addError("@Synchronized is legal only on concrete methods.");

    char[] lockName = createLockField(annotation, annotationNode, method.isStatic(), true);
    if (lockName == null)
    if (method.statements == null)

    Block block = new Block(0);
    setGeneratedBy(block, source);
    block.statements = method.statements;

    // Positions for in-method generated nodes are special
    block.sourceEnd = method.bodyEnd;
    block.sourceStart = method.bodyStart;

    Expression lockVariable;
    if (method.isStatic())
        lockVariable = new QualifiedNameReference(
                new char[][] { methodNode.up().getName().toCharArray(), lockName }, new long[] { pos, pos }, p1,
    else {
        lockVariable = new FieldReference(lockName, pos);
        ThisReference thisReference = new ThisReference(p1, p2);
        setGeneratedBy(thisReference, source);
        ((FieldReference) lockVariable).receiver = thisReference;
    setGeneratedBy(lockVariable, source);

    method.statements = new Statement[] { new SynchronizedStatement(lockVariable, block, 0, 0) };

    // Positions for in-method generated nodes are special
    method.statements[0].sourceEnd = method.bodyEnd;
    method.statements[0].sourceStart = method.bodyStart;

    setGeneratedBy(method.statements[0], source);


From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.mappings.CalloutImplementor.java

License:Open Source License

private boolean transformCalloutMethodBodyResultMapping(ArrayList<Statement> statements, Expression resultExpr,
        CalloutMappingDeclaration calloutDecl, MethodDeclaration roleMethodDeclaration) {
    Expression resultMapper = null;
    ParameterMapping[] mappings = calloutDecl.mappings;
    boolean resultFound = false;
    int sStart = 0;
    int sEnd = 0;
    int resultStart = 0;
    int resultEnd = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
        if (!mappings[i].isUsedFor(calloutDecl.roleMethodSpec)) {
            if (CharOperation.equals(mappings[i].ident.token, IOTConstants.RESULT)) {
                if (resultFound) {
                            IOTConstants.RESULT, /*isCallout*/true);
                    return false;
                }/*from   w w  w.java2 s  .  c o m*/
                resultMapper = mappings[i].expression;
                sStart = mappings[i].sourceStart;
                sEnd = mappings[i].sourceEnd;
                resultStart = mappings[i].ident.sourceStart;
                resultEnd = mappings[i].ident.sourceEnd;
                resultFound = true;
    if (!resultFound) // CLOVER: never true in jacks suite
                calloutDecl.roleMethodSpec, /*isCallout*/true);
        return false;
    assert (resultMapper != null);
    assert (calloutDecl.baseMethodSpec.hasSignature);

    AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(resultStart, resultEnd);

    Statement callStatement = resultExpr;

    TypeBinding baseReturnType = calloutDecl.baseMethodSpec.returnType.resolvedType;
    if (baseReturnType != TypeBinding.VOID) {
        char[] localName = IOTConstants.RESULT;
        if (calloutDecl.baseMethodSpec instanceof FieldAccessSpec)
            localName = ((FieldAccessSpec) calloutDecl.baseMethodSpec).getFieldName();
        calloutDecl.resultVar = gen.localVariable(localName, calloutDecl.baseMethodSpec.returnType.resolvedType,
        callStatement = calloutDecl.resultVar;

    gen.sourceStart = sStart;
    gen.sourceEnd = sEnd;

    if (!roleMethodDeclaration.isStatic()) {
        // for "base" in parameter mappings append: BaseType base = _OT$base;
        // do this _after_ the actual forwarding so that 'base' will not shadow anything (see 3.3.21-otjld-callout-to-field-anchored-type-3)
        FieldBinding baseField = TypeAnalyzer.findField(this._role.getBinding(), IOTConstants._OT_BASE,
                /*static*/false, false);
        if (baseField != null) // CLOVER: never false in jacks suite
            statements.add(gen.localVariable(IOTConstants.BASE, gen.baseclassReference(baseField.type),
    statements.add(gen.returnStatement(gen.potentialLift(null, // use default receiver
            resultMapper, calloutDecl.roleMethodSpec.returnType.resolvedType, false))); // no reversing required
    return true;

From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.PredicateGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

/** Find the next outer predicate to be invoked from `pred'. */
private static Expression getOuterPredicateCheck(MethodDeclaration pred, AstGenerator gen) {
    char[] predName = pred.selector;
    boolean isBasePredicate = CharOperation.prefixEquals(BASE_PREDICATE_PREFIX, pred.selector);
    ReferenceBinding site = pred.binding.declaringClass;
    ReferenceBinding currentType = site;

    while (true) {
        char[] outerName = null;
        TypeBinding[] outerParams = null;
        Expression[] outerArgs = null;
        int dollarCount = CharOperation.occurencesOf('$', predName);
        ReferenceBinding declaringClass = currentType; // assume this until we know better
        if (dollarCount == 4) {
            // binding predicate -> method predicate
            int dollarPos = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', predName);
            dollarPos = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', predName, 0, dollarPos - 1);
            outerName = CharOperation.subarray(predName, 0, dollarPos);
            outerParams = getArgTypesFromBindingPredicate(pred);
            outerArgs = makeArgExpressions(pred, outerParams.length, null, gen);
        } else {/*from w w w  . j  a  v  a2 s . c  om*/
            // next outer is a type level predicate:
            if (dollarCount >= 2) {
                // {binding,method} predicate -> role level predicate
                int dollarPos = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', predName);
                outerName = CharOperation.subarray(predName, 0, dollarPos);
            } else {
                // type level guard can travel outwards without changing the name:
                outerName = predName;
                declaringClass = currentType.enclosingType();
                if (declaringClass == null || !declaringClass.isTeam())
                    return null; // travelling beyond outermost team
            if (isBasePredicate) {
                // base arg only, drop binding/method args.
                outerParams = new TypeBinding[] { pred.binding.parameters[0] };
                outerArgs = new Expression[] { gen.singleNameReference(BASE) };
            } else {
                // non-base type-level guard: need no arg
                outerParams = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS;
        if (outerName == null)
            return null;
        MethodBinding outerMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(pred.scope, declaringClass, outerName, outerParams);
        if (outerMethod.isValidBinding())
            return gen.messageSend(genOuterReceiver(outerMethod.declaringClass, site, pred.isStatic(), gen),
                    outerMethod.selector, outerArgs);
        currentType = declaringClass;
        predName = outerName;

From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.PredicateGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

private static Expression getSuperPredicateCheck(MethodDeclaration pred, AstGenerator gen) {
    MethodBinding superMethod = null;//from  w ww .j  a  va2s. c  om
    ReferenceBinding thisType = pred.binding.declaringClass;
    ReferenceBinding superType = thisType.superclass();
    while (superType != null) {
        superMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(pred.scope, superType, pred.selector, pred.binding.parameters);
        if (superMethod.isValidBinding()) {
            return gen.messageSend(
                    pred.isStatic() ? gen.qualifiedNameReference(superType) : gen.superReference(),
                    superMethod.selector, makeArgExpressions(pred, superMethod.parameters.length, null, gen));
        superType = superType.superclass();
    return null;

From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.TransformStatementsVisitor.java

License:Open Source License

/** May need to add arguments to a 'recursive' callin message send. */
@Override/*from ww w.j a  va  2s.  c o  m*/
public boolean visit(MessageSend messageSend, BlockScope scope) {
    // scope is not reliable at this point due to unset scopes of block statements like "for"
    if (this._methodDeclarationStack.isEmpty())
        return true;
    MethodDeclaration methodDecl = this._methodDeclarationStack.peek();
    boolean isBaseCall = messageSend.receiver instanceof BaseReference;
    if (methodDecl.isCallin() && isRecursiveCall(methodDecl, messageSend, isBaseCall)) {
        // argument enhancing within callin methods:
        Expression[] args = messageSend.arguments;
        if (isBaseCall) {
            switch (this.weavingScheme) {
            case OTDRE:
                AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(messageSend);
                if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
                    args = new Expression[] { gen.nullLiteral() };
                } else {
                    Expression[] boxedArgs = new Expression[args.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                        Argument argument = methodDecl.arguments[i
                                + MethodSignatureEnhancer.getEnhancingArgLen(this.weavingScheme)];
                        TypeBinding argTypeBinding = argument.binding.type;
                        if (argTypeBinding.isBaseType()) {
                            boxedArgs[i] = gen.createBoxing(args[i], (BaseTypeBinding) argTypeBinding);
                        } else if (argument.type.isDeclaredLifting()) {
                            LiftingTypeReference ltr = (LiftingTypeReference) argument.type;
                            if (ltr.roleReference.resolvedType != null) {
                                Expression teamThis = gen.qualifiedThisReference(
                                boxedArgs[i] = new Lowering().lowerExpression(scope, args[i],
                                        ltr.roleReference.resolvedType, ltr.resolvedType, teamThis, true, true);
                            // fall through
                        boxedArgs[i] = args[i];
                    args = new Expression[] { gen.arrayAllocation(
                            gen.qualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT), 1, boxedArgs) };
            case OTRE:
                if (args != null) {
                    int len = args.length;
                    if (methodDecl.isStatic()) // chop of premature isSuperAccess flag:
                        System.arraycopy(args, 1, args = new Expression[len - 1], 0, len - 1);
        messageSend.arguments = MethodSignatureEnhancer.enhanceArguments(args, messageSend.sourceEnd + 1,
        messageSend.bits |= ASTNode.HasBeenTransformed; // mark only when args have really been enhanced
    return true;