Example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup TagBits ClearPrivateModifier

List of usage examples for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup TagBits ClearPrivateModifier


In this page you can find the example usage for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup TagBits ClearPrivateModifier.


long ClearPrivateModifier

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From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.FieldModel.java

License:Open Source License

public void setBinding(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {
    if (this._binding != null)
        assert this._binding == fieldBinding;
    this._binding = fieldBinding;
    fieldBinding.model = this;

    if (this._clearPrivateModifier)
        fieldBinding.tagBits |= TagBits.ClearPrivateModifier;


From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.MethodModel.java

License:Open Source License

public void storeModifiers(int modifiers) {
    addAttribute(WordValueAttribute//ww  w .ja va  2s .c o m
            .roleClassMethodModifiersAttribute(modifiers & MethodModel.AccIfcMethodModiferMASK));
    this._clearPrivateModifier = true;
    if (this._binding != null)
        this._binding.tagBits |= TagBits.ClearPrivateModifier;

From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.RoleSplitter.java

License:Open Source License

 * After bindings have been created the synthetic interface is setup
 * to mirror the extends of the role class.
 * This method only treats the case of regular superclasses:
 *   + copy signatures for all methods that are directly or inderictly
 *     inherited (not including java.lang.Object).
 * (role superclasses are treated in linkSuperAndBaseInIfc()).
 * @param teamDecl//w  w w .  j a  v a 2 s . com
 * @param roleClass
 * @param roleIfcDecl
public static void setupInterfaceForExtends(TypeDeclaration teamDecl, TypeDeclaration roleClass,
        TypeDeclaration roleIfcDecl) {
    ReferenceBinding superClass = roleClass.binding.superclass();
    if (superClass == null)
        return; // current must be Confined
    if (superClass.isDirectRole()
            && !CharOperation.equals(superClass.internalName(), IOTConstants.OTCONFINED)) {
        return; // already processed in linkSuperAndBaseInIfc()
    ReferenceBinding[] tsupers = roleClass.getRoleModel().getTSuperRoleBindings();
    for (ReferenceBinding tsuperRole : tsupers)
        if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(tsuperRole.superclass(), superClass))
            return; // already included via tsuper.

    // workaround for mixed binary/source roles (cause for this situation unknown):
    if (roleIfcDecl == null)

    ReferenceBinding ifcBinding = roleIfcDecl.binding;
    ReferenceBinding javaLangObject = teamDecl.scope.getJavaLangObject();

    AstGenerator gen;
    if (roleClass.superclass != null)
        gen = new AstGenerator(roleClass.superclass.sourceStart, roleClass.superclass.sourceEnd);
        gen = new AstGenerator(roleClass.sourceStart, roleClass.sourceEnd);

    while (superClass != null && TypeBinding.notEquals(superClass, javaLangObject)) {
        MethodBinding[] methods = superClass.methods();
        methodLoop: for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
            MethodBinding m = methods[i];
            if (m.isConstructor())
                continue; // not inherited
            if (m.isPrivate())
                continue; // not inherited
            if (m.isStatic())
                continue; // not applicable in roles
            if (!m.isPublic()) { // not visible via interface
                MethodBinding existingMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(roleIfcDecl.scope, ifcBinding,
                        m.selector, m.parameters);
                if (existingMethod != null && existingMethod.isValidBinding())
                ProblemMethodBinding problemMethod = new ProblemMethodBinding(m, m.selector, m.parameters,
                problemMethod.modifiers = m.modifiers;
                problemMethod.modifiers |= AccAbstract | AccSemicolonBody; // don't confuse the MethodVerifier with class method in ifc
                problemMethod.thrownExceptions = m.thrownExceptions;
                problemMethod.returnType = m.returnType;
                MethodModel.getModel(problemMethod).problemDetail = ProblemDetail.RoleInheritsNonPublic;
                ifcBinding.addMethod(problemMethod); // adding binding only as to support error reporting without generating new code

            for (int j = 0; j < IOTConstants.OT_KEYWORDS.length; j++) {
                if (CharOperation.equals(m.selector, IOTConstants.OT_KEYWORDS[j])) {
                    roleClass.scope.problemReporter().inheritedNameIsOTKeyword(m, gen.sourceStart,
                    continue methodLoop;
            MethodBinding declaredMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findCompatibleMethod(ifcBinding, m);

            if (declaredMethod == null) {
                MethodDeclaration newmethod = AstConverter.genIfcMethodFromBinding(teamDecl, m, gen);

                // the following also creates bindings, which helps to avoid
                // entering the same signature twice
                // (next time findCompatibleMethod() above will also find the new method).
                boolean wasSynthetic = false;
                if ((newmethod.modifiers & AccSynthetic) != 0) {
                    wasSynthetic = true;
                    newmethod.modifiers &= ~AccSynthetic;
                AstEdit.addMethod(roleIfcDecl, newmethod, wasSynthetic, false, null/*copyInheritanceSrc*/);
                if (newmethod.binding != null) {
                    newmethod.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.ClearPrivateModifier;
                    newmethod.binding.copyInheritanceSrc = m;
            } else {
                if (!Protections.isAsVisible(declaredMethod.modifiers, m.modifiers))
                    roleClass.scope.problemReporter().visibilityConflict(declaredMethod, m);
        superClass = superClass.superclass();


From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.StandardElementGenerator.java

License:Open Source License

 * Retreive (or create) a team level method used for casting an expression to a role.
 * After casting also check the containingInstance against the current team.
 * @param teamModel//from w ww  . j ava2 s . c  o  m
 * @param roleType
 * @param scope (used only for lookup of j.l.Object)
 * @param searchSuper  should super classes of teamClass be search, too?
 * @param sourceStart
 * @param sourceEnd
 * @return the method
public static MethodBinding getCastMethod(TeamModel teamModel, ReferenceBinding roleType, Scope scope,
        int dimensions, boolean searchSuper, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) {
     * protected <role> _OT$castTo$<role> (Object _OT$arg1) {
     *    if (_OT$arg1 == null) return null;
     *      __OT__<role> role = (__OT__<role>) _OT$arg1;
     *    if (role._OT$getTeam() != this)
     *         throw new RuntimeException();
     *    return role;
     * }
     * protected <role>[].. _OT$castTo$<role>$<dims> (Object[].. _OT$arg1) {
     *    if (_OT$arg1 == null) return null;
     *      <role>[].. role = (<role>[]..) _OT$arg1;
     *    if (role.length > 0 && ((__OT__<role>)role[0])._OT$getTeam() != this) // TODO(SH): extract through several dims
     *         throw new RuntimeException();
     *    return role;
     * }
     * NOTE(SH): it suffices to check team equivalence for one element, since at this point it
     *           must already be a role-array, which cannot mix roles from different teams ;-)
    boolean shouldWeaken = (teamModel.getState() >= ITranslationStates.STATE_TYPES_ADJUSTED); // weakening for other methods already done?
    MethodBinding superMethod = null;

    roleType = roleType.getRealType();
    char[] methodName = CharOperation.concat(CAST_PREFIX, roleType.sourceName());
    if (dimensions > 0)
        methodName = CharOperation.concat(methodName, String.valueOf(dimensions).toCharArray(), '$');
    ReferenceBinding teamBinding = teamModel.getBinding();
    while (teamBinding != null) {
        MethodBinding[] methods = teamBinding.getMethods(methodName);
        if (methods != null && methods.length == 1) {
            if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(methods[0].declaringClass, teamModel.getBinding()) || searchSuper)
                return methods[0];
            // go ahead and generate a new method, but use superMethod for weakening after generating:
            superMethod = methods[0];
        if (!searchSuper && !shouldWeaken)
        teamBinding = teamBinding.superclass();

    TypeDeclaration teamClass = teamModel.getAst();
    if (teamClass == null) {
        if (true) {// FIXME(SH): team has error?
            MethodBinding castMethod = new MethodBinding(AccPublic, methodName, roleType,
                    new TypeBinding[] { scope.getJavaLangObject() }, null, teamModel.getBinding());
            return castMethod;
        throw new InternalCompilerError("Required cast method not found."); //$NON-NLS-1$

    AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(sourceStart, sourceEnd);

    // --- method header ---
    int modifiers = 0;
    boolean clearPrivateModifier = false;
    if (roleType.isPublic()) {
        modifiers = AccPublic;
    } else {
        // this weird combination allows to return a non-public role and will
        // grant access across packages in the byte code.
        modifiers = AccProtected;
        clearPrivateModifier = true;
        // See also BinaryTypeBinding.resolveTypesFor(MethodBinding) where the Protected flag is restored.
    // args
    char[] argName = OT_DOLLAR_ARG.toCharArray();

    // find the appropriate top-level-super-type:
    ReferenceBinding exprType = teamClass.scope.getJavaLangObject();
    //      if (!roleType.isStrictlyCompatibleWith(exprType)) {
    //         exprType = (ReferenceBinding)teamClass.scope.getType(ORG_OBJECTTEAMS_ICONFINED, 3);
    //         if (!roleType.isCompatibleWith(exprType))
    //            exprType = (ReferenceBinding)teamClass.scope.getType(
    //                  ORG_OBJECTTEAMS_TEAM_DOT_CONFINED,
    //                  4);
    //      }
    TypeReference exprTypeRef = gen.typeReference(exprType);

    MethodDeclaration castMethod = gen.method(teamClass.compilationResult(), modifiers,
            gen.createArrayTypeReference(roleType, dimensions), methodName,
            new Argument[] { gen.argument(argName, exprTypeRef) });
    // see org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.tests.otjld.regression.ReportedBugs.testB11_sh15():
    // pre-set return type to prevent problems with resolving lateron
    TypeBinding returnType = dimensions == 0 ? roleType
            : scope.environment().createArrayType(roleType, dimensions);
    castMethod.returnType.resolvedType = RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(returnType, teamBinding);

    // <role> role = (<role>)_OT$arg;
    TypeReference arrayCastType = gen.createArrayTypeReference(roleType, dimensions);
    LocalDeclaration castedLocalVar = gen.localVariable(ROLE, arrayCastType,
            gen.castExpression(gen.singleNameReference(argName), arrayCastType, CastExpression.RAW));

    // if (_OT$arg1 == null) return null;
    //   if (role._OT$getTeam() != this)
    //      throw new RuntimeException();
    //  OR
    //   if (role.length > 0 && ((<roleClass>)role[0])._OT$getTeam() != this)
    //      throw new RuntimeException();

    Statement nullCheck = gen.ifStatement(gen.nullCheck(gen.singleNameReference(argName)),

    Expression teamCheckCondition;
    teamCheckCondition = genTeamCheck(gen, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL, gen.singleNameReference(ROLE),
            gen.thisReference(), dimensions);

    if (dimensions > 0)
        teamCheckCondition = gen
                .setPos(new AND_AND_Expression(
                        gen.equalExpression(gen.qualifiedNameReference(new char[][] { ROLE, LENGTH }),
                                gen.intLiteral(0), OperatorIds.GREATER),
                        teamCheckCondition, OperatorIds.AND_AND));

    // here we go:
    castMethod.setStatements(new Statement[] { nullCheck, castedLocalVar, gen.ifStatement(teamCheckCondition,
                    gen.allocation(gen.qualifiedTypeReference(ROLE_CAST_EXCEPTION), new Expression[0]))),
            // return role;
            gen.returnStatement(gen.singleNameReference(ROLE)) });
    castMethod.isGenerated = true;
    AstEdit.addGeneratedMethod(teamClass, castMethod);
    if (clearPrivateModifier)
        castMethod.binding.tagBits = TagBits.ClearPrivateModifier;

    if (superMethod != null)
        CopyInheritance.weakenSignature(castMethod, superMethod);
    return castMethod.binding;

From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstEdit.java

License:Open Source License

 * add a field to TypeDeclaration//from  w  w  w  .  j ava 2s.c om
 * @param decl
 * @param field
 * @param createBinding should FieldBinding be created?
 * @param hasTypeProblem
 * @param addToFront  should the field be inserted at the front of the array?
public static void addField(TypeDeclaration decl, FieldDeclaration field, boolean createBinding,
        boolean hasTypeProblem, boolean addToFront) {
    if (field.declarationSourceStart <= 0 || field.declarationSourceEnd <= 0 || field.declarationEnd <= 0
            || field.sourceStart <= 0 || field.sourceEnd <= 0) {
        //throw new InternalCompilerError("Generated field is missing some source range information.");
        //System.err.println("Generated field is missing some source range information: " + String.valueOf(field.name));

    int length;
    FieldDeclaration[] fields;
    if ((fields = decl.fields) == null) {
        length = 0;
        fields = new FieldDeclaration[1];
    } else {
        length = fields.length;
        System.arraycopy(fields, 0, (fields = new FieldDeclaration[length + 1]), addToFront ? 1 : 0, length);

    if (addToFront)
        fields[0] = field;
        fields[length] = field;

    decl.fields = fields;
    boolean modifiersAdjusted = FieldModel.checkCreateModifiersAttribute(decl, field);
    if (decl.binding != null && createBinding) {
        FieldBinding binding = decl.scope.addGeneratedField(field, hasTypeProblem);
        if (modifiersAdjusted)
            binding.tagBits |= TagBits.ClearPrivateModifier;

From source file:org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstEdit.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds a new Method to TypeDeclaration and resolve its types.
    * @param classTypeDeclaration/*from  w  w  w  .j a  va  2  s . c o  m*/
 * @param methodDeclaration
 * @param wasSynthetic was the method copied from a synthetic method?
 * @param addToFront should the method be added to the front of 'methods'?
 * @param copyInheritanceSrc tsuper method from which this method is copied
public static void addMethod(TypeDeclaration classTypeDeclaration, AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration,
        boolean wasSynthetic, boolean addToFront, MethodBinding copyInheritanceSrc) {
    boolean modifiersAdjusted = addMethodDeclOnly(classTypeDeclaration, methodDeclaration, addToFront);
    if (classTypeDeclaration.binding != null) {
        classTypeDeclaration.binding.resolveGeneratedMethod(methodDeclaration, wasSynthetic,
        if (modifiersAdjusted)
            methodDeclaration.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.ClearPrivateModifier;