Java org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util Util fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util Util fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util Util.

The text is from its open source code.


String[]arrayConcat(String[] first, String second)
Returns a new array adding the second array at the end of first array.
intcombineHashCodes(int hashCode1, int hashCode2)
Combines two hash codes to make a new one.
char[]concatCompoundNameToCharArray(String[] compoundName)
Concatenate a String[] compound name to a continuous char[].
StringconcatenateName(String name1, String name2, char separator)
StringconcatWith(String[] array, char separator)
Returns the concatenation of the given array parts using the given separator between each part.
StringconcatWith(String[] array, String name, char separator)
Returns the concatenation of the given array parts using the given separator between each part and appending the given name at the end.
StringeditedString(String original, TextEdit edit)
Apply the given edit on the given string and return the updated string.
booleanequalArraysOrNull(int[] a, int[] b)
Compares two arrays using equals() on the elements.
booleanequalArraysOrNull(Object[] a, Object[] b)
Compares two arrays using equals() on the elements.
booleanequalsIgnoreJavaLikeExtension(String fileName, String string)
StringfindLineSeparator(char[] text)
Finds the first line separator used by the given text.
voidfixTaskTags(Map defaultOptionsMap)
char[][][]getAllTypeArguments(char[][] typeSignatures)
Get all type arguments from an array of signatures.
StringgetDeclaringTypeSignature(String key)
Returns the registered Java like extensions.
StringgetLineSeparator(String text, IJavaProject project)
Returns the line separator found in the given text.
StringgetLineSeparator(char[] text, char[] buffer)
Returns the line separator used by the given buffer.
StringgetNameWithoutJavaLikeExtension(String fileName)
Returns the substring of the given file name, ending at the start of a Java like extension.
IPackageFragmentgetPackageFragment(char[] fileName, int pkgEnd, int jarSeparator)
StringgetProblemArgumentsForMarker(String[] arguments)
Put all the arguments in one String.
byte[]getResourceContentsAsByteArray(IFile file)
Returns the given file's contents as a byte array.
char[]getResourceContentsAsCharArray(IFile file)
Returns the given file's contents as a character array.
char[]getResourceContentsAsCharArray(IFile file, String encoding)
StringgetSignature(Type type)
String[]getTrimmedSimpleNames(String name)
Returns a trimmed version the simples names returned by Signature.
JavaElementgetUnresolvedJavaElement(FieldBinding binding, WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner, BindingsToNodesMap bindingsToNodes)
Return the java element corresponding to the given compiler binding.
JavaElementgetUnresolvedJavaElement(int localSourceStart, int localSourceEnd, JavaElement type)
Returns the IInitializer that contains the given local variable in the given type
JavaElementgetUnresolvedJavaElement(MethodBinding methodBinding, WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner, BindingsToNodesMap bindingsToNodes)
Return the java element corresponding to the given compiler binding.
JavaElementgetUnresolvedJavaElement(TypeBinding typeBinding, WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner, BindingsToNodesMap bindingsToNodes)
Return the java element corresponding to the given compiler binding.
intindexOfJavaLikeExtension(String fileName)
booleanisExcluded(IPath resourcePath, char[][] inclusionPatterns, char[][] exclusionPatterns, boolean isFolderPath)
booleanisExcluded(IResource resource, char[][] inclusionPatterns, char[][] exclusionPatterns)
booleanisExcluded(IJavaElement element)
booleanisJavaLikeFileName(String name)
Returns true if the given name ends with one of the known java like extension.
booleanisJavaLikeFileName(char[] fileName)
Returns true if the given name ends with one of the known java like extension.
booleanisReadOnly(IResource resource)
Returns whether the given resource is read-only or not.
booleanisValidClassFileName(String name, String sourceLevel, String complianceLevel)
Validate the given .class file name.
booleanisValidCompilationUnitName(String name, String sourceLevel, String complianceLevel)
Validate the given compilation unit name.
booleanisValidFolderNameForPackage(String folderName, String sourceLevel, String complianceLevel)
Returns true if the given folder name is valid for a package, false if it is not.
StringlocalTypeName(String binaryTypeName, int lastDollar, int end)
voidlog(Throwable e, String message)
voidlog(int statusErrorID, String message)
voidlog(IStatus status)
voidlog(Throwable e)
ClassFileReadernewClassFileReader(IResource resource)
StringpackageName(IPath pkgPath, String sourceLevel, String complianceLevel)
Converts the given relative path into a package name.
StringrelativePath(IPath fullPath, int skipSegmentCount)
Returns the toString() of the given full path minus the first given number of segments.
intscanTypeSignature(char[] string, int start)
Scans the given string for a type signature starting at the given index and returns the index of the last character.
voidsetReadOnly(IResource resource, boolean readOnly)
Sets or unsets the given resource as read-only in the file system.
voidsort(char[][] list)
voidsort(Comparable[] objects)
Sorts an array of Comparable objects in place.
voidsort(int[] list)
voidsort(String[] strings)
Sorts an array of strings in place using quicksort.
voidsort(Object[] objects, Comparer comparer)
Sorts an array of objects in place.
String[]splitOn(char divider, String string, int start, int end)
Return a new array which is the split of the given string using the given divider.
char[][]splitTypeLevelsSignature(String typeSignature)
Split signatures of all levels from a type unique key.
booleanstartsWithIgnoreCase(String[] compoundName, String[] prefix, boolean partialMatch)
StringtoAnchor(int startingIndex, char[] methodSignature, String methodName, boolean isVarArgs)
char[]toAnchor(int startingIndex, char[] methodSignature, char[] methodName, boolean isVargArgs)
char[][]toCharArrays(String[] a)
Converts a String[] to char[][].
FiletoLocalFile(URI uri, IProgressMonitor monitor)
String[]typeParameterSignatures(AbstractMethodDeclaration method)
StringtypeSignature(TypeReference type)
voidverbose(String log)
voidverbose(String log, PrintStream printStream)