Java org.eclipse.jface.resource FontRegistry fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.eclipse.jface.resource FontRegistry fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.eclipse.jface.resource FontRegistry.

The text is from its open source code.


org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontRegistry has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


FontRegistry(String location)
Load the FontRegistry using the ClassLoader from the PlatformUI plug-in

This method should only be called from the UI thread.

FontRegistry(Display display)
Creates an empty font registry.
Creates an empty font registry.
FontRegistry(String location, ClassLoader loader)
Creates a font registry and initializes its content from a property file.
FontRegistry(Display display, boolean cleanOnDisplayDisposal)
Creates an empty font registry.


FontData[]bestDataArray(FontData[] fonts, Display display)
Find the first valid fontData in the provided list.
Returns the default font data.
Returns the font descriptor for the JFace default font.
FontData[]filterData(FontData[] fonts, Display display)
Removes from the list all fonts that do not exist in this system.
Fontget(String symbolicName)
Returns the font associated with the given symbolic font name.
FontgetBold(String symbolicName)
Returns the bold font associated with the given symbolic font name.
FontDescriptorgetDescriptor(String symbolicName)
Returns the font descriptor for the font with the given symbolic font name.
FontData[]getFontData(String symbolicName)
Returns the font data associated with the given symbolic font name.
FontgetItalic(String symbolicName)
Returns the italic font associated with the given symbolic font name.
booleanhasValueFor(String fontKey)
voidput(String symbolicName, FontData[] fontData)
Adds (or replaces) a font to this font registry under the given symbolic name.