Java org.eclipse.jgit.lib ObjectId fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.eclipse.jgit.lib ObjectId fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.eclipse.jgit.lib ObjectId.

The text is from its open source code.


AbbreviatedObjectIdabbreviate(int len)
Return an abbreviation (prefix) of this object SHA-1.
intcompareTo(AnyObjectId other)

Compare this ObjectId to another and obtain a sort ordering.

Obtain an immutable copy of this current object name value.
voidcopyRawTo(byte[] b, int o)
Copy this ObjectId to a byte array.
voidcopyTo(OutputStream w)
Copy this ObjectId to an output writer in hex format.
booleanequals(AnyObjectId other)
Determine if this ObjectId has exactly the same value as another.
booleanequals(final AnyObjectId firstObjectId, final AnyObjectId secondObjectId)
Compare two object identifier byte sequences for equality.
ObjectIdfromRaw(byte[] bs)
Convert an ObjectId from raw binary representation.
ObjectIdfromRaw(int[] is)
Convert an ObjectId from raw binary representation.
ObjectIdfromString(String str)
Convert an ObjectId from hex characters.
Get string form of the SHA-1, in lower case hexadecimal.
booleanisId(@Nullable String id)
Test a string of characters to verify it is a hex format.


booleanstartsWith(AbbreviatedObjectId abbr)
Tests if this ObjectId starts with the given abbreviation.
StringtoString(ObjectId i)
Convert an ObjectId into a hex string representation.