Java org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk RevWalk fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk RevWalk fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk RevWalk.

The text is from its open source code.


org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


RevWalk(Repository repo)
Create a new revision walker for a given repository.
RevWalk(ObjectReader or)
Create a new revision walker for a given repository.


voidcarry(RevFlag flag)
Automatically carry a flag from a child commit to its parents.
voidcarry(Collection set)
Automatically carry flags from a child commit to its parents.

Release any resources used by this walker's reader.

Dispose all internal state and invalidate all RevObject instances.
voiddisposeFlag(RevFlag flag)
Allow a flag to be recycled for a different use.
Get the reader this walker is using to load objects.
Get the currently configured commit filter.
booleanisMergedInto(RevCommit base, RevCommit tip)
Determine if a commit is reachable from another commit.

Returns an Iterator over the commits of this walker.

RevObjectlookupAny(AnyObjectId id, int type)
Locate a reference to any object without loading it.
RevBloblookupBlob(AnyObjectId id)
Locate a reference to a blob without loading it.
RevCommitlookupCommit(AnyObjectId id)
Locate a reference to a commit without loading it.
RevTreelookupTree(AnyObjectId id)
Locate a reference to a tree without loading it.
voidmarkStart(RevCommit c)
Mark a commit to start graph traversal from.
voidmarkStart(Collection list)
Mark commits to start graph traversal from.
voidmarkUninteresting(RevCommit c)
Mark a commit to not produce in the output.
RevFlagnewFlag(String name)
Create a new flag for application use during walking.
Pop the next most recent commit.
RevObjectparseAny(AnyObjectId id)
Locate a reference to any object and immediately parse its headers.
voidparseBody(RevObject obj)
Ensure the object's full body content is available.
RevCommitparseCommit(AnyObjectId id)
Locate a reference to a commit and immediately parse its content.
voidparseHeaders(RevObject obj)
Ensure the object's critical headers have been parsed.
RevTagparseTag(AnyObjectId id)
Locate a reference to an annotated tag and immediately parse its content.
RevTreeparseTree(AnyObjectId id)
Locate a reference to a tree.
RevObjectpeel(RevObject obj)
Peel back annotated tags until a non-tag object is found.
Resets internal state and allows this instance to be used again.
voidresetRetain(RevFlagSet retainFlags)
Resets internal state and allows this instance to be used again.
voidresetRetain(RevFlag... retainFlags)
Resets internal state and allows this instance to be used again.
voidsetRetainBody(boolean retain)
Set whether or not the body of a commit or tag is retained.
voidsetRevFilter(RevFilter newFilter)
Set the commit filter for this walker.
voidsetRewriteParents(boolean rewrite)
Set whether to rewrite parent pointers when filtering by modified paths.
voidsetTreeFilter(TreeFilter newFilter)
Set the tree filter used to simplify commits by modified paths.
voidsort(RevSort s)
Select a single sorting strategy for the returned commits.
voidsort(RevSort s, boolean use)
Add or remove a sorting strategy for the returned commits.