Java org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk TreeWalk fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk TreeWalk fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk TreeWalk.

The text is from its open source code.


org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


TreeWalk(Repository repo)
Create a new tree walker for a given repository.
TreeWalk(ObjectReader or)
Create a new tree walker for a given repository.
TreeWalk(@Nullable Repository repo, ObjectReader or)
Create a new tree walker for a given repository.


intaddTree(AnyObjectId id)
Add an already existing tree object for walking.
intaddTree(AbstractTreeIterator p)
Add an already created tree iterator for walking.

Release any resources used by this walker's reader.

Enter into the current subtree.
TreeWalkforPath(final ObjectReader reader, final String path, final AnyObjectId... trees)
Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
TreeWalkforPath(final Repository db, final String path, final AnyObjectId... trees)
Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
TreeWalkforPath(final Repository db, final String path, final RevTree tree)
Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
TreeWalkforPath(final @Nullable Repository repo, final ObjectReader reader, final String path, final AnyObjectId... trees)
Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
Get the current subtree depth of this walker.
FileModegetFileMode(int nth)
Obtain the org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode for the current entry.
Get the currently configured filter.
Get the current entry's name within its parent tree.
ObjectIdgetObjectId(int nth)
Obtain the ObjectId for the current entry.
voidgetObjectId(MutableObjectId out, int nth)
Obtain the ObjectId for the current entry.
Get the reader this walker is using to load objects.
Get the path length of the current entry.
Get the current entry's complete path.
intgetRawMode(int nth)
Obtain the raw org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode bits for the current entry.
Get the current entry's complete path as a UTF-8 byte array.
TgetTree(final int nth, final Class clazz)
Obtain the tree iterator for the current entry.
Get the number of trees known to this walker.
booleanidEqual(int nthA, int nthB)
Compare two tree's current ObjectId values for equality.
intisPathPrefix(byte[] p, int pLen)
Test if the supplied path matches the current entry's path.
Is the current entry a subtree returned after its children?
Is this walker automatically entering into subtrees?
Is the current entry a subtree?
Advance this walker to the next relevant entry.
Reset this walker so new tree iterators can be added to it.
voidreset(AnyObjectId id)
Reset this walker to run over a single existing tree.
voidreset(AnyObjectId... ids)
Reset this walker to run over a set of existing trees.
voidsetFilter(TreeFilter newFilter)
Set the tree entry filter for this walker.
voidsetPostOrderTraversal(boolean b)
Set the walker to return trees after their children.
voidsetRecursive(boolean b)
Set the walker to enter (or not enter) subtrees automatically.