Java org.hibernate.boot.registry StandardServiceRegistryBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.hibernate.boot.registry StandardServiceRegistryBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.hibernate.boot.registry StandardServiceRegistryBuilder.

The text is from its open source code.


The default resource name for a hibernate configuration xml file.


Create a default builder.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder(BootstrapServiceRegistry bootstrapServiceRegistry)
Create a builder with the specified bootstrap services.


StandardServiceRegistryBuilderaddInitiator(StandardServiceInitiator initiator)
Adds a service initiator.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderaddService(final Class serviceRole, final Service service)
Adds a user-provided service.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderapplySetting(String settingName, Object value)
Apply a setting value.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderapplySettings(Map settings)
Apply a groups of setting values.
Build the StandardServiceRegistry.
Read setting information from an XML file using the standard resource location.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderconfigure(String resourceName)
Read setting information from an XML file using the named resource location.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderconfigure(File configurationFile)
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderconfigure(URL url)
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderconfigure(LoadedConfig loadedConfig)
voiddestroy(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
Destroy a service registry.
Temporarily exposed since Configuration is still around and much code still uses Configuration.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderloadProperties(String resourceName)
Read settings from a java.util.Properties file by resource name.
StandardServiceRegistryBuilderloadProperties(File file)
Read settings from a java.util.Properties file by File reference

Differs from #configure() and #configure(String) in that here we expect to read a java.util.Properties file while for #configure we read the XML variant.