Java org.jdom2.contrib.input ResultSetBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.jdom2.contrib.input ResultSetBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.jdom2.contrib.input ResultSetBuilder.

The text is from its open source code.


ResultSetBuilder(ResultSet rs)

This sets up a java.sql.ResultSet to be built as a Document.



This builds a Document from the java.sql.ResultSet.

voidsetAsAttribute(String columnName, String attribName)

Set a column as an Attribute of a row using the column name.

voidsetAsAttribute(int columnNum, String attribName)

Set a column as an Attribute of a row using the column number.

voidsetAsAttribute(String columnName)

Set a column as an Attribute of a row using the original column name.

voidsetAsAttribute(int columnNum)

Set a column as an Attribute of a row using the column number.

voidsetAsElement(String columnName, String elemName)

Set a column as an Element of a row using the column name.

voidsetAsElement(int columnNum, String elemName)

Set a column as an Element of a row using the column number.

voidsetMaxRows(int maxRows)

Set the maximum number of rows to add to your Document.

voidsetNamespace(Namespace ns)

Set the Namespace to use for each Element in the Document.

voidsetRootName(String rootName)
Set the name to use as the root element in the Document.
voidsetRowName(String rowName)
Set the name to use as the row element in the Document.