Example usage for org.jfree.chart ChartUtilities writeBufferedImageAsJPEG

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart ChartUtilities writeBufferedImageAsJPEG


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart ChartUtilities writeBufferedImageAsJPEG.


public static void writeBufferedImageAsJPEG(OutputStream out, float quality, BufferedImage image)
        throws IOException 

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Writes a BufferedImage to an output stream in JPEG format.


From source file:examples.MinimizingMakeChangeWithChart.java

 * Executes the genetic algorithm to determine the minimum number of
 * coins necessary to make up the given target amount of change. The
 * solution will then be written to System.out.
 * @param a_targetChangeAmount the target amount of change for which this
 * method is attempting to produce the minimum number of coins
 * @param a_chartDirectory directory to put the chart in
 * @throws Exception/*from w  ww.ja v a 2 s .c  o m*/
 * @author Neil Rotstan
 * @author Klaus Meffert
 * @since 1.0
public static void makeChangeForAmount(int a_targetChangeAmount, String a_chartDirectory) throws Exception {
    // Start with a DefaultConfiguration, which comes setup with the
    // most common settings.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    Configuration conf = new DefaultConfiguration();
    // Set the fitness function we want to use, which is our
    // MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction. We construct it with
    // the target amount of change passed in to this method.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    FitnessFunction myFunc = new MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction(a_targetChangeAmount);
    //    conf.setFitnessFunction(myFunc);
    conf.setBulkFitnessFunction(new BulkFitnessOffsetRemover(myFunc));
    // Optionally, this example is working with DeltaFitnessEvaluator.
    // See MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction for details!
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    //    conf.setFitnessEvaluator(new DeltaFitnessEvaluator());

    // Now we need to tell the Configuration object how we want our
    // Chromosomes to be setup. We do that by actually creating a
    // sample Chromosome and then setting it on the Configuration
    // object. As mentioned earlier, we want our Chromosomes to each
    // have four genes, one for each of the coin types. We want the
    // values (alleles) of those genes to be integers, which represent
    // how many coins of that type we have. We therefore use the
    // IntegerGene class to represent each of the genes. That class
    // also lets us specify a lower and upper bound, which we set
    // to sensible values for each coin type.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    Gene[] sampleGenes = new Gene[4];
    sampleGenes[0] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 3 * 10); // Quarters
    sampleGenes[1] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 2 * 10); // Dimes
    sampleGenes[2] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 1 * 10); // Nickels
    sampleGenes[3] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 4 * 10); // Pennies
    IChromosome sampleChromosome = new Chromosome(conf, sampleGenes);
    // Finally, we need to tell the Configuration object how many
    // Chromosomes we want in our population. The more Chromosomes,
    // the larger number of potential solutions (which is good for
    // finding the answer), but the longer it will take to evolve
    // the population (which could be seen as bad).
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // JFreeChart: setup
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    PlotOrientation or = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL;
    // Create random initial population of Chromosomes.
    // ------------------------------------------------
    Genotype population = Genotype.randomInitialGenotype(conf);
    // Evolve the population. Since we don't know what the best answer
    // is going to be, we just evolve the max number of times.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ALLOWED_EVOLUTIONS; i++) {
        // JFreeChart: add current best fitness to chart
        double fitness = population.getFittestChromosome().getFitnessValue();
        if (i % 3 == 0) {
            String s = String.valueOf(i);
            dataset.setValue(fitness, "Fitness", s);
    // Display the best solution we found.
    // -----------------------------------
    IChromosome bestSolutionSoFar = population.getFittestChromosome();
    System.out.println("The best solution has a fitness value of " + bestSolutionSoFar.getFitnessValue());
    System.out.println("It contained the following: ");
    System.out.println("\t" + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 0)
            + " quarters.");
    System.out.println("\t" + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 1)
            + " dimes.");
    System.out.println("\t" + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 2)
            + " nickels.");
    System.out.println("\t" + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 3)
            + " pennies.");
    System.out.println("For a total of " + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.amountOfChange(bestSolutionSoFar)
            + " cents in " + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.getTotalNumberOfCoins(bestSolutionSoFar)
            + " coins.");
    // JFreeChart: Create chart
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart("JGAP: Evolution progress", "Evolution cycle",
            "Fitness value", dataset, or, true /*legend*/, true
            , false /*urls*/);
    BufferedImage image = chart.createBufferedImage(640, 480);
    String imagefile = "chart.jpg";
    FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(a_chartDirectory + imagefile);
    ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsJPEG(fo, 0.7f, image);
    System.out.println("Chart written to image file " + a_chartDirectory + imagefile);

From source file:examples.audit.CoinsExample.java

 * Executes the genetic algorithm to determine the minimum number of
 * coins necessary to make up the given target amount of change. The
 * solution will then be written to System.out.
 * @param a_targetChangeAmount the target amount of change for which this
 * method is attempting to produce the minimum number of coins
 * @throws Exception/*from ww  w.  j  a va2  s .c om*/
 * @author Neil Rotstan
 * @author Klaus Meffert
 * @since 1.0
public static void makeChangeForAmount(int a_targetChangeAmount) throws Exception {
    // Start with a DefaultConfiguration, which comes setup with the
    // most common settings.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    Configuration conf = new DefaultConfiguration();
    // Set the fitness function we want to use, which is our
    // MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction. We construct it with
    // the target amount of change passed in to this method.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    FitnessFunction myFunc = new CoinsExampleFitnessFunction(a_targetChangeAmount);
    // Now we need to tell the Configuration object how we want our
    // Chromosomes to be setup. We do that by actually creating a
    // sample Chromosome and then setting it on the Configuration
    // object. As mentioned earlier, we want our Chromosomes to each
    // have four genes, one for each of the coin types. We want the
    // values (alleles) of those genes to be integers, which represent
    // how many coins of that type we have. We therefore use the
    // IntegerGene class to represent each of the genes. That class
    // also lets us specify a lower and upper bound, which we set
    // to sensible values for each coin type.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    Gene[] sampleGenes = new Gene[4];
    sampleGenes[0] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 3 * 10); // Quarters
    sampleGenes[1] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 2 * 10); // Dimes
    sampleGenes[2] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 1 * 10); // Nickels
    sampleGenes[3] = new IntegerGene(conf, 0, 4 * 10); // Pennies
    Chromosome sampleChromosome = new Chromosome(conf, sampleGenes);
    // Finally, we need to tell the Configuration object how many
    // Chromosomes we want in our population. The more Chromosomes,
    // the larger number of potential solutions (which is good for
    // finding the answer), but the longer it will take to evolve
    // the population (which could be seen as bad).
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Added here for demonstrating purposes is a permuting configuration.
    // It allows for evaluating which configuration could work best for
    // the given problem.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    PermutingConfiguration pconf = new PermutingConfiguration(conf);
    pconf.addGeneticOperatorSlot(new CrossoverOperator(conf));
    pconf.addGeneticOperatorSlot(new MutationOperator(conf));
    pconf.addNaturalSelectorSlot(new BestChromosomesSelector(conf));
    pconf.addNaturalSelectorSlot(new WeightedRouletteSelector(conf));
    pconf.addRandomGeneratorSlot(new StockRandomGenerator());
    RandomGeneratorForTesting rn = new RandomGeneratorForTesting();
    pconf.addRandomGeneratorSlot(new GaussianRandomGenerator());
    pconf.addFitnessFunctionSlot(new CoinsExampleFitnessFunction(a_targetChangeAmount));
    Evaluator eval = new Evaluator(pconf);
    /**@todo class Evaluator:
     * input:
     *   + PermutingConfiguration
     *   + Number of evaluation runs pers config (to turn off randomness
     *     as much as possible)
     *   + output facility (data container)
     *   + optional: event subscribers
     * output:
     *   + averaged curve of fitness value thru all generations
     *   + best fitness value accomplished
     *   + average number of performance improvements for all generations
    int permutation = 0;
    while (eval.hasNext()) {
        // Create random initial population of Chromosomes.
        // ------------------------------------------------
        Genotype population = Genotype.randomInitialGenotype(eval.next());
        for (int run = 0; run < 10; run++) {
            // Evolve the population. Since we don't know what the best answer
            // is going to be, we just evolve the max number of times.
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ALLOWED_EVOLUTIONS; i++) {
                // Add current best fitness to chart.
                // ----------------------------------
                double fitness = population.getFittestChromosome().getFitnessValue();
                if (i % 3 == 0) {
                    String s = String.valueOf(i);
                    //            Number n = eval.getValue("Fitness " + permutation, s);
                    //            double d;
                    //            if (n != null) {
                    //              // calculate historical average
                    //              d = n.doubleValue() + fitness/(run+1);
                    //            }
                    //            else {
                    //              d = fitness;
                    //            }
                    eval.setValue(permutation, run, fitness, "" + permutation, s);
                    eval.storeGenotype(permutation, run, population);
                    //            eval.setValue(permutation,run,fitness, new Integer(0), s);
        // Display the best solution we found.
        // -----------------------------------
        IChromosome bestSolutionSoFar = population.getFittestChromosome();
        System.out.println("The best solution has a fitness value of " + bestSolutionSoFar.getFitnessValue());
        System.out.println("It contained the following: ");
                "\t" + CoinsExampleFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 0) + " quarters.");
                "\t" + CoinsExampleFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 1) + " dimes.");
                "\t" + CoinsExampleFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 2) + " nickels.");
                "\t" + CoinsExampleFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 3) + " pennies.");
                "For a total of " + CoinsExampleFitnessFunction.amountOfChange(bestSolutionSoFar) + " cents in "
                        + CoinsExampleFitnessFunction.getTotalNumberOfCoins(bestSolutionSoFar) + " coins.");
    // Create chart: fitness values average over all permutations.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------

    // Construct JFreeChart Dataset.
    // -----------------------------
    KeyedValues2D myDataset = eval.calcAvgFitness(-1); //eval.getData();
    DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    for (int ii = 0; ii < myDataset.getColumnCount(); ii++) {
        for (int jj = 0; jj < myDataset.getRowCount(); jj++) {
            dataset.setValue(myDataset.getValue(myDataset.getRowKey(jj), myDataset.getColumnKey(ii)),
                    "Perm " + myDataset.getRowKey(jj), myDataset.getColumnKey(ii));
    PlotOrientation or = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL;
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart("JGAP: Evolution progress", "Evolution cycle",
            "Fitness value", dataset, or, true /*legend*/, true
            , false /*urls*/);
    BufferedImage image = chart.createBufferedImage(640, 480);
    FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream("c:\\JGAP_chart_fitness_values.jpg");
    ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsJPEG(fo, 0.7f, image);
    // Performance metrics for each single permutation.
    // ------------------------------------------------
    int maxPerm = permutation - 1;
    double avgBestFitness = 0.0d;
    int avgBestGen = 0;
    double avgAvgFitness = 0.0d;
    double avgAvgDiv = 0.0d;
    double avgAvgBestD = 0.0d;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxPerm; i++) {
        //      myDataset = eval.calcAvgFitness(i);
        Evaluator.GenotypeDataAvg dataAvg = eval.calcPerformance(i);
        System.err.println("Perm " + i);
        System.err.println("Best Fitness " + dataAvg.bestFitnessValue);
        System.err.println(" Generation  " + dataAvg.bestFitnessValueGeneration);
        System.err.println(" BestFit/Gen " + dataAvg.bestFitnessValue / dataAvg.bestFitnessValueGeneration);
        System.err.println("Avg. Fitness " + dataAvg.avgFitnessValue);
        System.err.println("Avg. Div.    " + dataAvg.avgDiversityFitnessValue);
        System.err.println("Avg. BestD   " + dataAvg.avgBestDeltaFitnessValue);
        avgBestFitness += dataAvg.bestFitnessValue;
        avgBestGen += dataAvg.bestFitnessValueGeneration;
        avgAvgFitness += dataAvg.avgFitnessValue;
        avgAvgDiv += dataAvg.avgDiversityFitnessValue;
        avgAvgBestD += dataAvg.avgBestDeltaFitnessValue;
    // Performance metrics for all permutations.
    // -----------------------------------------
    System.err.println("\nOverall Statistics for all permutations");
    System.err.println("Avg. Best Fitness     " + avgBestFitness / maxPerm);
    System.err.println("Avg. Best Generation  " + avgBestGen / maxPerm);
    System.err.println("Avg. Avg. Fitness     " + avgAvgFitness / maxPerm);
    System.err.println("Avg. Avg. Diversity   " + avgAvgDiv / maxPerm);
    System.err.println("Avg. Avg. BestD       " + avgAvgBestD / maxPerm);
    // Create chart: performance metrics for all permutations.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    for (int ii = 0; ii < myDataset.getColumnCount(); ii++) {
        for (int jj = 0; jj < myDataset.getRowCount(); jj++) {
            dataset.setValue(myDataset.getValue(myDataset.getRowKey(jj), myDataset.getColumnKey(ii)),
                    myDataset.getRowKey(jj), myDataset.getColumnKey(ii));
    chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart("JGAP: Evolution progress", "Evolution cycle", "Fitness value",
            dataset, or, true /*legend*/, true
            , false /*urls*/);
    image = chart.createBufferedImage(640, 480);
    fo = new FileOutputStream("c:\\JGAP_chart_fitness_values_1.jpg");
    ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsJPEG(fo, 0.7f, image);