Example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity EntityCollection getEntities

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.entity EntityCollection getEntities


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity EntityCollection getEntities.


public Collection getEntities();

Source Link


Returns the entities in an unmodifiable collection.


From source file:gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.ui.graphing.util.ImageMapUtil.java

 * Same interface as ChartUtilities.writeImageMap. This version will find the 
 * bounding rectangles for the entities in the ChartRenderingInfo object and will write those
 * to the image map.//w  w w.  ja v a2s.  c om
 * @param writer
 * @param name
 * @param info
 * @param useOverlibToolTip
public static void writeBoundingRectImageMap(PrintWriter writer, String name, ChartRenderingInfo info,
        boolean useOverlibToolTip) {
    EntityCollection collection = info.getEntityCollection();
    Collection entities = collection.getEntities();

    Collection<ChartEntity> boundingEntities = getBoundingEntities(entities);
    writeBoundingRectImageMap(writer, name, boundingEntities, useOverlibToolTip);


From source file:gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.ui.graphing.util.ImageMapUtil.java

public static String getBoundingRectImageMapTag(String name, boolean useOverlibToolTip,
        ChartRenderingInfo info) {//from www . ja  va  2  s. c om
    EntityCollection collection = info.getEntityCollection();
    Collection entities = collection.getEntities();

    Collection<ChartEntity> myBoundingEntities = getBoundingEntities(entities);

    System.out.println("Num entities=" + myBoundingEntities.size());
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    ChartEntity chartEntity;
    String areaTag;

    ToolTipTagFragmentGenerator ttg = null;

    if (useOverlibToolTip) {
        ttg = new CAIOverlibToolTipTagFragmentGenerator();
    } else {
        ttg = new CAIStandardToolTipTagFragmentGenerator();

    StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator urlg = new StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator();
    sb.append("\n\n<MAP name=\"" + name + "\">");
    for (Iterator i = myBoundingEntities.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        chartEntity = (ChartEntity) i.next();
        areaTag = chartEntity.getImageMapAreaTag(ttg, urlg).trim();
        if (areaTag.length() > 0) {
            if (sb.indexOf(chartEntity.getImageMapAreaTag(ttg, urlg)) == -1) {
                sb.append(chartEntity.getImageMapAreaTag(ttg, urlg));
    return sb.toString();

From source file:org.mwc.cmap.grideditor.chart.JFreeChartComposite.java

public void mouseDoubleClick(final MouseEvent event) {
    final Rectangle scaledDataArea = getScreenDataArea(event.x, event.y);
    if (scaledDataArea == null)
        return;//from   w  w  w. java 2s .c om
    int x = (int) ((event.x - getClientArea().x) / getScaleX());
    int y = (int) ((event.y - getClientArea().y) / getScaleY());
    x = (int) ((event.x - getClientArea().x));
    y = (int) ((event.y - getClientArea().y));

    if (this.getChartRenderingInfo() != null) {
        final EntityCollection entities = this.getChartRenderingInfo().getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            for (final Object next : entities.getEntities()) {
                final ChartEntity nextEntity = (ChartEntity) next;
                if (false == nextEntity instanceof XYItemEntity) {

                if (nextEntity.getArea().contains(x, y)) {
                    // sort out it's details
                    final XYItemEntity xyEntity = (XYItemEntity) nextEntity;
                    int theIndex = 0;
                    if (xyEntity.getDataset() instanceof XYSeriesCollection) {
                        theIndex = xyEntity.getItem();

                        //                     BackedChartItem backedChartItem;
                        //                     XYSeries series = ((XYSeriesCollection) xyEntity.getDataset())
                        //                           .getSeries(seriesKey);
                        //                     XYDataItem dataItem = series.getDataItem(xyEntity.getItem());
                        //                     if (dataItem instanceof BackedChartItem)
                        //                     {
                        //                        backedChartItem = (BackedChartItem) dataItem;
                        //                     }
                    } else if (xyEntity.getDataset() instanceof TimeSeriesCollection) {
                        final TimeSeriesCollection theDataset = (TimeSeriesCollection) xyEntity.getDataset();
                        final TimeSeries theSeries = theDataset.getSeries(xyEntity.getSeriesIndex());
                        theIndex = xyEntity.getItem();
                        final int itemCount = theSeries.getItemCount();
                        // the items are in reverse order. reverse the index
                        theIndex = itemCount - (theIndex + 1);

                        // TimeSeries series = ((TimeSeriesCollection)
                        // xyEntity.getDataset())
                        // .getSeries(seriesKey);
                        // TimeSeriesDataItem dataItem = series
                        // .getDataItem(xyEntity.getItem());
                        // if (dataItem instanceof BackedChartItem)
                        // {
                        // backedChartItem = (BackedChartItem) dataItem;
                        // }

                    // clear the selection, as long as ctrl isn't selected
                    if ((event.stateMask & SWT.CTRL) != 0) {
                        // control is selected, so we don't want to clear the selection
                    } else if ((event.stateMask & SWT.SHIFT) != 0) {
                        // shift is selected, so we want to extend the selection
                    } else {
                        // we're not extending the selection, clear it,

                    // try to select it

                    // and make sure it's visible

                    // and tell the action buttons what's happened


From source file:dbseer.gui.panel.DBSeerExplainChartPanel.java

public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3) {
        displayPopupMenu(e.getX(), e.getY());
        return;/*from   www .ja v a  2 s.  co m*/
    int smallX = Math.min(startX, endX);
    int smallY = Math.min(startY, endY);
    int bigX = Math.max(startX, endX);
    int bigY = Math.max(startY, endY);

    XYPlot plot = this.getChart().getXYPlot();
    Rectangle2D plotArea = this.getScreenDataArea();
    double chartSmallX = plot.getDomainAxis().java2DToValue(smallX, plotArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge());
    double chartBigX = plot.getDomainAxis().java2DToValue(bigX, plotArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge());
    double chartSmallY = plot.getRangeAxis().java2DToValue(smallY, plotArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
    double chartBigY = plot.getRangeAxis().java2DToValue(bigY, plotArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());

    double minXValue = Math.min(chartSmallX, chartBigX);
    double maxXValue = Math.max(chartSmallX, chartBigX);
    double minYValue = Math.min(chartSmallY, chartBigY);
    double maxYValue = Math.max(chartSmallY, chartBigY);

    //testLog.append("Scanning: (" + smallX + ", " + smallY + "), (" + bigX + ", " + bigY + ")\n");
    //testLog.append("Scanning: X = [" + Math.min(chartSmallX, chartBigX) + ", " + Math.max(chartSmallX, chartBigX) + "]\n");
    //testLog.append("Scanning: Y = [" + Math.min(chartSmallY, chartBigY) + ", " + Math.max(chartSmallY, chartBigY) + "]\n");

    Set<XYItemEntity> foundItem = new HashSet<XYItemEntity>();

    XYDataset dataset = this.getChart().getXYPlot().getDataset();
    EntityCollection collection = this.getChartRenderingInfo().getEntityCollection();

    for (Object obj : collection.getEntities()) {
        if (obj instanceof XYItemEntity) {
            XYItemEntity entity = (XYItemEntity) obj;
            int series = entity.getSeriesIndex();
            int idx = entity.getItem();
            if (dataset.getX(series, idx).doubleValue() >= minXValue
                    && dataset.getX(series, idx).doubleValue() <= maxXValue
                    && dataset.getY(series, idx).doubleValue() >= minYValue
                    && dataset.getY(series, idx).doubleValue() <= maxYValue) {

    //      for (int x = smallX; x <= bigX; ++x)
    //      {
    //         for (int y = smallY; y <= bigY; ++y)
    //         {
    //            ChartEntity entity = this.getEntityForPoint(x, y);
    //            if (entity instanceof XYItemEntity)
    //            {
    //               foundItem.add((XYItemEntity)entity);
    //            }
    //         }
    //      }

    selectedItems = foundItem;

    //      outlierRegion.clear();
    //      for (XYItemEntity entity : foundItem)
    //      {
    //         //testLog.append(entity.toString() + "\n");
    //         //testLog.append("Series = " + entity.getSeriesIndex() + ", ");
    //         //testLog.append("X = " + entity.getDataset().getX(entity.getSeriesIndex(), entity.getItem()) + ", ");
    //         //testLog.append("Y = " + entity.getDataset().getY(entity.getSeriesIndex(), entity.getItem()) + "\n");
    //         outlierRegion.add(entity.getDataset().getX(entity.getSeriesIndex(), entity.getItem()).doubleValue());
    //      }
    //      Collections.sort(outlierRegion);
    //      if (!outlierRegion.isEmpty())
    //      {
    //         testLog.setText("");
    //         testLog.append("Outlier time selected = [");
    //         for (int i = 0; i < outlierRegion.size(); ++i)
    //         {
    //            testLog.append(outlierRegion.get(i).toString());
    //            if (i < outlierRegion.size() - 1)
    //            {
    //               testLog.append(" ");
    //            }
    //         }
    //         testLog.append("]\n");
    //      }

From source file:gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.ui.graphing.chart.plot.PrincipalComponentAnalysisPlot.java

 * Same interface as ChartUtilities.writeImageMap. This version will find the 
 * bounding rectangles for the entities in the ChartRenderingInfo object and will write those
 * to the image map./*from www .  j av a  2  s.c o m*/
 * @param writer
 * @param name
 * @param info
 * @param useOverlibToolTip
public void writeBoundingRectImageMap(PrintWriter writer, String name, ChartRenderingInfo info,
        boolean useOverlibToolTip) {
    EntityCollection collection = info.getEntityCollection();
    Collection entities = collection.getEntities();

    Collection<ChartEntity> boundingEntities = getBoundingEntities(entities);
    writeBoundingRectImageMap(writer, name, boundingEntities, useOverlibToolTip);
