Example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity EntityCollection getEntity

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.entity EntityCollection getEntity


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart.entity EntityCollection getEntity.


public ChartEntity getEntity(double x, double y);

Source Link


Returns an entity whose area contains the specified point.


From source file:org.gumtree.vis.plot1d.Plot1DPanel.java

public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
    Insets insets = getInsets();//  w w  w  .  j  a v  a  2s.  c  o m
    int x = (int) ((e.getX() - insets.left) / getScaleX());
    int y = (int) ((e.getY() - insets.top) / getScaleY());

    ChartEntity entity = null;
    EntityCollection entities = null;
    if (getChartRenderingInfo() != null) {
        entities = getChartRenderingInfo().getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            entity = entities.getEntity(x, y);
            //                boolean isDirty = false;
            int seriesIndex = -1;
            if (selectedSeriesIndex >= 0) {
                //                   double xInChart = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateScreenX(x, 
                //                         getScreenDataArea(), getChart());
                //                   XYDataset dataset = getChart().getXYPlot().getDataset();
                //                   PatternDataset patternDataset = (PatternDataset) dataset;
                //                   int itemIndex = patternDataset.getItemFromX(selectedSeriesIndex, xInChart);
                //                   if (itemIndex < patternDataset.getItemCount(selectedSeriesIndex)) {
                //                      chartX = patternDataset.getXValue(selectedSeriesIndex, itemIndex);
                //                      chartY = patternDataset.getYValue(selectedSeriesIndex, itemIndex);
                //                      Point2D axisTrace = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateChartPoint(
                //                            new Point2D.Double(chartX, chartY), getScreenDataArea(), getChart());
                //                      horizontalTraceLocation = (int) axisTrace.getX();
                //                      verticalTraceLocation = (int) axisTrace.getY();
                //                      seriesIndex = selectedSeriesIndex;
                //                      isDirty = true;
                //                   }
                seriesIndex = followDomainTrace(selectedSeriesIndex, x);
            } else if (getChart().getXYPlot().getSeriesCount() == 1) {
                //                   int seriesIndex0 = 0;
                //                   double xInChart = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateScreenX(x, 
                //                         getScreenDataArea(), getChart());
                //                   XYDataset dataset = getChart().getXYPlot().getDataset();
                //                   PatternDataset patternDataset = (PatternDataset) dataset;
                //                   int itemIndex = patternDataset.getItemFromX(seriesIndex0, xInChart);
                //                   if (itemIndex < patternDataset.getItemCount(seriesIndex0)) {
                //                      chartX = patternDataset.getXValue(seriesIndex0, itemIndex);
                //                      chartY = patternDataset.getYValue(seriesIndex0, itemIndex);
                //                      Point2D axisTrace = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateChartPoint(
                //                            new Point2D.Double(chartX, chartY), getScreenDataArea(), getChart());
                //                      horizontalTraceLocation = (int) axisTrace.getX();
                //                      verticalTraceLocation = (int) axisTrace.getY();
                //                      seriesIndex = seriesIndex0;
                //                      isDirty = true;
                //                   }
                seriesIndex = followDomainTrace(0, x);
            } else if (entity instanceof XYItemEntity) {
                XYItemEntity xyEntity = (XYItemEntity) entity;
                XYDataset dataset = xyEntity.getDataset();
                int item = ((XYItemEntity) entity).getItem();
                seriesIndex = xyEntity.getSeriesIndex();
                double chartX = dataset.getXValue(seriesIndex, item);
                double chartY = dataset.getYValue(seriesIndex, item);
                Point2D screenPoint = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateChartPoint(
                        new Point2D.Double(chartX, chartY), getScreenDataArea(), getChart());
                if (dataset instanceof IXYErrorDataset) {
                    setChartError(((IXYErrorDataset) dataset).getYError(seriesIndex, item));

                if (getHorizontalAxisTrace()) {
                    setHorizontalTraceLocation((int) screenPoint.getX());
                if (getVerticalAxisTrace()) {
                    setVerticalTraceLocation((int) screenPoint.getY());
                //                   isDirty = true;
            if (seriesIndex >= 0) {
                Object[] listeners = getListeners(ChartMouseListener.class);
                if (getChart() != null) {
                    XYChartMouseEvent event = new XYChartMouseEvent(getChart(), e, entity);
                    event.setXY(getChartX(), getChartY());
                    for (int i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
                        ((ChartMouseListener) listeners[i]).chartMouseMoved(event);


    //        if (isMaskingEnabled() && (e.getModifiers() & maskingKeyMask) != 0) {
    if (isInternalLegendEnabled && isInternalLegendSelected) {
        int cursorType = findCursorOnSelectedItem(e.getX(), e.getY());
    } else if (isMaskingEnabled() && (e.getModifiers() & maskingKeyMask) == 0) {
        int cursorType = findCursorOnSelectedItem(e.getX(), e.getY());
    } else if (getCursor() != defaultCursor) {

    if (isInternalLegendEnabled && isInternalLegendSelected
            && findCursorOnSelectedItem(e.getX(), e.getY()) != Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR
            && (e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) {
    } else if (getMaskDragIndicator() != Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR && this.getSelectedMask() != null
            && (e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) {
    } else if (isMaskingEnabled() && (e.getModifiers() & maskingKeyMask) != 0) {
        // Do masking service
        // if no initial masking point was set, ignore dragging...
    } else {

From source file:org.mwc.cmap.grideditor.chart.FixedChartComposite.java

 * Returns a string for the tooltip./*from  ww w.  j ava2  s.co  m*/
 * @param e
 *          the mouse event.
 * @return A tool tip or <code>null</code> if no tooltip is available.
public String getToolTipText(final org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseEvent e) {
    String result = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        final EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            final Rectangle insets = getClientArea();
            final ChartEntity entity = entities.getEntity((int) ((e.x - insets.x) / this.scaleX),
                    (int) ((e.y - insets.y) / this.scaleY));
            if (entity != null) {
                result = entity.getToolTipText();
    return result;


From source file:org.gumtree.vis.awt.JChartPanel.java

protected Point2D translateScreenToChart(Point2D point) {
    EntityCollection entities = getChartRenderingInfo().getEntityCollection();
    ChartEntity entity = entities.getEntity(point.getX(), point.getY());
    if (entity instanceof XYItemEntity) {
        XYDataset dataset = ((XYItemEntity) entity).getDataset();
        int item = ((XYItemEntity) entity).getItem();
        double chartX = dataset.getXValue(0, item);
        double chartY = dataset.getYValue(0, item);
        //           double chartZ = ((XYZDataset) dataset).getZValue(0, item);
        return new Point2D.Double(chartX, chartY);
    }/*w  w  w. j a v a  2s  .com*/
    return null;

From source file:org.mwc.cmap.grideditor.chart.FixedChartComposite.java

 * Handles a mouse move event.//  w w  w.  j  ava 2s  . c  om
 * @param event
 *          the mouse event.
public void mouseMove(final MouseEvent event) {

    // handle axis trace
    if (this.horizontalAxisTrace || this.verticalAxisTrace) {
        this.horizontalTraceLineY = event.y;
        this.verticalTraceLineX = event.x;

    // handle tool tips in a simple way
    if (this.displayToolTips) {
        final String s = getToolTipText(event);
        if (s == null && this.canvas.getToolTipText() != null
                || s != null && !s.equals(this.canvas.getToolTipText()))

    // handle zoom box
    boolean hZoom, vZoom;
    if (this.zoomPoint != null) {
        final Rectangle scaledDataArea = getScreenDataArea(this.zoomPoint.x, this.zoomPoint.y);
        final org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point movingPoint = getPointInRectangle(event.x, event.y,
        if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
            hZoom = this.rangeZoomable;
            vZoom = this.domainZoomable;
        } else {
            hZoom = this.domainZoomable;
            vZoom = this.rangeZoomable;
        if (hZoom && vZoom) {
            // selected rectangle shouldn't extend outside the data area...
            this.zoomRectangle = new Rectangle(this.zoomPoint.x, this.zoomPoint.y,
                    movingPoint.x - this.zoomPoint.x, movingPoint.y - this.zoomPoint.y);
        } else if (hZoom) {
            this.zoomRectangle = new Rectangle(this.zoomPoint.x, scaledDataArea.y,
                    movingPoint.x - this.zoomPoint.x, scaledDataArea.height);
        } else if (vZoom) {
            final int ymax = Math.max(movingPoint.y, scaledDataArea.y);
            this.zoomRectangle = new Rectangle(scaledDataArea.x, this.zoomPoint.y, scaledDataArea.width,
                    ymax - this.zoomPoint.y);

    // new entity code
    ChartEntity entity = null;
    // [MG] the code below is not used now, see [MG] comment below
    // int x = (int) ((event.x - getClientArea().x) / this.scaleX);
    // int y = (int) ((event.y - getClientArea().y) / this.scaleY);

    if (this.info != null) {
        final EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            // [MG] -- the code below from original
            // org.jfree.experimental.chart.swt.ChartComposite
            // doewn't work -- because entities already placed with respect to the
            // scale factor.
            // entity = entities.getEntity(x, y);
            entity = entities.getEntity(event.x - getClientArea().x, event.y - getClientArea().y);

    final Object[] listeners = this.chartMouseListeners.getListeners(ChartMouseListener.class);
    if (listeners.length == 0) {

    // pass mouse move event if some ChartMouseListener are listening
    final java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent = SWTUtils.toAwtMouseEvent(event);
    final ChartMouseEvent chartEvent = new ChartMouseEvent(getChart(), mouseEvent, entity);
    for (int i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
        ((ChartMouseListener) listeners[i]).chartMouseMoved(chartEvent);

From source file:edu.pitt.dbmi.odie.ui.jfreechart.EnhancedChartComposite.java

 * Returns a string for the tooltip.//ww w  .ja  v a  2 s. c  o  m
 * @param e
 *            the mouse event.
 * @return A tool tip or <code>null</code> if no tooltip is available.
public String getToolTipText(org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseEvent e) {
    String result = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            Rectangle insets = getClientArea();
            ChartEntity entity = entities.getEntity((int) ((e.x - insets.x) / this.scaleX),
                    (int) ((e.y - insets.y) / this.scaleY));
            if (entity != null) {

                // TODO Figure out a better way to do this. so that you can
                // remove the dependency from ODIE.
                if (entity instanceof CategoryItemEntity) {
                    Datapoint dp = (Datapoint) ((CategoryItemEntity) entity).getColumnKey();
                    result = (dp.getConceptId() == null ? dp.getType() : dp.getConceptId());
                // else{
                // logger.debug("Got " + entity.getClass().getName() +
                // " instead of CategoryItemEntity");
                // }

                // result = entity.getToolTipText();

    return result;


From source file:com.isti.traceview.common.TraceViewChartPanel.java

 * Returns the chart entity at a given point.
 * <P>/* ww  w  .  j  av  a2 s .  c  om*/
 * This method will return null if there is (a) no entity at the given point, or (b) no entity
 * collection has been generated.
 * @param viewX
 *            the x-coordinate.
 * @param viewY
 *            the y-coordinate.
 * @return The chart entity (possibly <code>null</code>).
public ChartEntity getEntityForPoint(int viewX, int viewY) {
    ChartEntity result = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        Insets insets = getInsets();
        double x = (viewX - insets.left) / this.scaleX;
        double y = (viewY - insets.top) / this.scaleY;
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        result = entities != null ? entities.getEntity(x, y) : null;
    return result;

From source file:org.mwc.cmap.grideditor.chart.FixedChartComposite.java

 * Handles a mouse down event.// w  w w.  j  a va2 s .  c  o m
 * @param event
 *          the event.
public void mouseDown(final MouseEvent event) {

    final Rectangle scaledDataArea = getScreenDataArea(event.x, event.y);
    if (scaledDataArea == null)
    this.zoomPoint = getPointInRectangle(event.x, event.y, scaledDataArea);
    final int x = (int) ((event.x - getClientArea().x) / this.scaleX);
    final int y = (int) ((event.y - getClientArea().y) / this.scaleY);

    this.anchor = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
    this.chart.setNotify(true); // force a redraw

    // new entity code
    ChartEntity entity = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        final EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            // [MG] -- the code below from original
            // org.jfree.experimental.chart.swt.ChartComposite
            // doesn't work -- because entities already placed with respect to the
            // scale factor.
            // [IM] -- reinstated the code below, since other version wasn't
            // working. This one (
            // the one that doesn't shift them) now works. Feb 10.
            entity = entities.getEntity(x, y);
            // entity = entities.getEntity(event.x - getClientArea().x, event.y -
            // getClientArea().y);

    final Object[] listeners = this.chartMouseListeners.getListeners(ChartMouseListener.class);
    if (listeners.length == 0) {

    // pass mouse down event if some ChartMouseListener are listening
    final java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent = SWTUtils.toAwtMouseEvent(event);
    final ChartMouseEvent chartEvent = new ChartMouseEvent(getChart(), mouseEvent, entity);
    for (int i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
        ((ChartMouseListener) listeners[i]).chartMouseClicked(chartEvent);

From source file:com.isti.traceview.common.TraceViewChartPanel.java

 * Receives notification of mouse clicks on the panel. These are translated and passed on to any
 * registered chart mouse click listeners.
 * // w  w  w .j av a2  s.co m
 * @param event
 *            Information about the mouse event.
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {
    Insets insets = getInsets();
    int x = (int) ((event.getX() - insets.left) / this.scaleX);
    int y = (int) ((event.getY() - insets.top) / this.scaleY);

    this.anchor = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
    if (this.chart == null) {
    this.chart.setNotify(true); // force a redraw
    // new entity code...
    Object[] listeners = this.chartMouseListeners.getListeners(ChartMouseListener.class);
    if (listeners.length == 0) {

    ChartEntity entity = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            entity = entities.getEntity(x, y);
    ChartMouseEvent chartEvent = new ChartMouseEvent(getChart(), event, entity);
    for (int i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
        ((ChartMouseListener) listeners[i]).chartMouseClicked(chartEvent);

From source file:com.isti.traceview.common.TraceViewChartPanel.java

 * Implementation of the MouseMotionListener's method.
 * //ww w.  j a  v  a  2 s  . c o m
 * @param e
 *            the event.
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics();
    if (this.horizontalAxisTrace) {
        drawHorizontalAxisTrace(g2, e.getX());
    if (this.verticalAxisTrace) {
        drawVerticalAxisTrace(g2, e.getY());

    Object[] listeners = this.chartMouseListeners.getListeners(ChartMouseListener.class);
    if (listeners.length == 0) {
    Insets insets = getInsets();
    int x = (int) ((e.getX() - insets.left) / this.scaleX);
    int y = (int) ((e.getY() - insets.top) / this.scaleY);

    ChartEntity entity = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            entity = entities.getEntity(x, y);

    // we can only generate events if the panel's chart is not null
    // (see bug report 1556951)
    if (this.chart != null) {
        ChartMouseEvent event = new ChartMouseEvent(getChart(), e, entity);
        for (int i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
            ((ChartMouseListener) listeners[i]).chartMouseMoved(event);


From source file:com.isti.traceview.common.TraceViewChartPanel.java

 * Returns a string for the tooltip.//from w w w  .j a  va2 s.c o m
 * @param e
 *            the mouse event.
 * @return A tool tip or <code>null</code> if no tooltip is available.
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e) {
    String result = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            ChartEntity entity = entities.getEntity((int) ((e.getX() - insets.left) / this.scaleX),
                    (int) ((e.getY() - insets.top) / this.scaleY));
            if (entity != null) {
                result = entity.getToolTipText();
    return result;