Example usage for org.jfree.chart.imagemap ImageMapUtilities writeImageMap

List of usage examples for org.jfree.chart.imagemap ImageMapUtilities writeImageMap


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jfree.chart.imagemap ImageMapUtilities writeImageMap.


public static void writeImageMap(PrintWriter writer, String name, ChartRenderingInfo info) throws IOException 

Source Link


Writes an image map to an output stream.


From source file:edu.jhuapl.graphs.jfreechart.JFreeChartRenderedGraph.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//ww  w.java 2 s.  c o m
public void writeImageMap(PrintWriter writer, String name) throws IOException {
    ImageMapUtilities.writeImageMap(writer, name, info);

From source file:com.naryx.tagfusion.cfm.tag.awt.cfCHART.java

public cfTagReturnType render(cfSession _Session) throws cfmRunTimeException {
    if ((storage == DB) && (!storageDBInit))
        initDBStorage(_Session);//  w w w . j av a 2 s. c o m

    try {
        JFreeChart chart = null;

        cfTag defaultChartTag = setDefaultParameters(_Session);

        // --[ Get the FORMAT property out
        byte format;
        String formatStr = getDynamic(_Session, "FORMAT").toString().toLowerCase();
        if (formatStr.equals("jpg")) {
            format = FORMAT_JPG;
        } else if (formatStr.equals("png")) {
            format = FORMAT_PNG;
        } else {
            throw newBadFileException("Invalid FORMAT Attribute",
                    "Only the jpg and png formats are supported.");

        if (getConstant("STYLE") != null)
            throw newBadFileException("Attribute not supported",
                    "The STYLE attribute is not supported.  Use the DEFAULT attribute instead");

        int height = getDynamic(_Session, "CHARTHEIGHT").getInt();
        int width = getDynamic(_Session, "CHARTWIDTH").getInt();

        String xAxisType = getDynamic(_Session, "XAXISTYPE").toString().toLowerCase();

        cfCHARTInternalData data = new cfCHARTInternalData(xAxisType, defaultChartTag);
        _Session.setDataBin(DATA_BIN_KEY, data);

        // Render the CFCHARTSERIES tags

        // Get the chart series
        List<cfCHARTSERIESData> series = data.getSeries();
        if (series.size() == 0)
            throw newRunTimeException("You must specify at least one series");

        String tipStyle = getDynamic(_Session, "TIPSTYLE").toString().toLowerCase();
        String drillDownUrl = null;
        if (containsAttribute("URL"))
            drillDownUrl = getDynamic(_Session, "URL").toString();
        String name = null;
        if (containsAttribute("NAME"))
            name = getDynamic(_Session, "NAME").toString();

        // Check if this is a Pie or Ring chart
        boolean isPieOrRingChart = false;
        if (series.size() == 1) {
            cfCHARTSERIESData seriesData = series.get(0);
            if (seriesData.getType().equals("pie") || seriesData.getType().equals("ring")) {
                // Render the pie or ring chart
                chart = renderPieChart(_Session, data, series, tipStyle, drillDownUrl);
                isPieOrRingChart = true;

        if (!isPieOrRingChart) {
            // This must be a category chart so make sure none of the series are set
            // to Pie or Ring type
            // Also, if show3D is true then make sure there are only bar, line and
            // horizontalbar types
            boolean bShow3D = getDynamic(_Session, "SHOW3D").getBoolean();

            String seriesPlacement = getDynamic(_Session, "SERIESPLACEMENT").toString().toLowerCase();
            if (!seriesPlacement.equals("default") && !seriesPlacement.equals("cluster")
                    && !seriesPlacement.equals("stacked") && !seriesPlacement.equals("percent"))
                throw newRunTimeException(
                        "The seriesPlacement value '" + seriesPlacement + "' is not supported");
            if (bShow3D && seriesPlacement.equals("percent"))
                throw newRunTimeException(
                        "The seriesPlacement value '" + seriesPlacement + "' is not supported in 3D charts");

            boolean bCluster = true;
            if (seriesPlacement.equals("stacked") || seriesPlacement.equals("percent"))
                bCluster = false;

            if (series.size() > 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) {
                    cfCHARTSERIESData seriesData = series.get(i);
                    if (seriesData.getType().equals("pie") || seriesData.getType().equals("ring"))
                        throw newRunTimeException(
                                "A chart can only have 1 series when a pie or ring series is specified");
                    if (bShow3D && !seriesData.getType().equals("bar") && !seriesData.getType().equals("line")
                            && !seriesData.getType().equals("horizontalbar"))
                        throw newRunTimeException(
                                "Only bar, line, horizontal bar and pie charts can be displayed in 3D");
                    if (!bCluster && !seriesData.getType().equals("bar")
                            && !seriesData.getType().equals("horizontalbar"))
                        throw newRunTimeException("The seriesPlacement value '" + seriesPlacement
                                + "' is only supported in bar and horizontal bar charts");

            int seriesDataType = series.get(0).getSeriesDataType();

            // Render the scale(xy) or category chart
            // This is overriding the type from the cfchart variable as it is
            // determined
            // by the series data.
            if (seriesDataType == cfCHARTSERIESData.CATEGORY_SERIES) {
                chart = renderCategoryChart(_Session, data, tipStyle, drillDownUrl, seriesPlacement, height);
            } else {
                chart = renderXYChart(_Session, data, tipStyle, drillDownUrl, seriesPlacement, height);

        // Output the chart
        try {
            ChartRenderingInfo info = null;
            if ((drillDownUrl != null) || (!tipStyle.equals("none")))
                info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());

            if (name != null) {
                // Generate the chart and save the contents in the name variable
                byte[] chartBytes = generateChart(chart, format, width, height, info);
                _Session.setData(name, new cfBinaryData(chartBytes));
            } else {

                // Return the chart to the browser
                String path = null;
                if (containsAttribute("PATH"))
                    path = getDynamic(_Session, "PATH").toString();

                String filename = saveChart(_Session, chart, format, width, height, info);
                String chartUrl = generateChartUrl(_Session, filename, path);
                if (info == null) {
                    _Session.write("<img src=\"" + chartUrl + "\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height
                            + "\" />");
                } else {
                    ImageMapUtilities.writeImageMap(_Session.RES.getWriter(), filename, info);
                    _Session.write("<img src=\"" + chartUrl + "\" width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height
                            + "\" usemap=\"#" + filename + "\" border=\"0\"/>");

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw newRunTimeException("Failed to generate chart - " + ioe.toString());
    } finally {

    return cfTagReturnType.NORMAL;